Ben Breen Chiropractic

About Ben Breen Chiropractic

Chiropractor and movement optimist working out of Royal Docks Crossfit & Vitae Spine and Wellness Centre.

A defier of silly nonsense, an advocator of applying simple interventions for effective solutions.



Pain can be a absolutely piece of 💩 . . BUT, you have the ability to adapt and desensitise to pain and build self efficacy. It all starts with a better understanding of what is sensitising your pain, once highlighted you can make changes which will positively influence desensitisation. .... . #pain #chiropractic #physio #health #sensitive #fitness #rehab #dpt #education #adaptability #selfefficacy #osteo #rehabilitaton #painisnotequaltodamage @ London, United Kingdom
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An old mindset around LBP is filled with common beliefs. Often individuals become trapped in a cycle of pain, guarding and distress. Not addressing these beliefs & behaviours can only exacerbate a individuals symptoms and perceived state of disability.
Addressing these common beliefs and shifting patients into a new positive mindset can influence behaviours and beliefs, mitigate symptoms and improve the individuals perceived threat & disability.
Most importantly this a strong and trusted patient-practitioner relationship. Ensuring we covered all aspects of an individuals presentation can we effectively treat individuals. More on that in another post!
#lowbackpain #mindset #chiro #physio #education #backpain #changingyourmindset @ London, United Kingdom
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5 long ass years studying for my masters in chiropractic.
Now i can fficially say I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic.
On time the next chapter.
... @dapperchiro @joethechiro @vitaechiro
#chiropractic #nextchapter #team #chiro #doctorofchiropractic
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Victim. Of. Medical. Imaging. Technology.
Where an individual becomes captive and affected by what they have been shown on imaging which they cannot disconnect.
Osteophytes, 'degeneration', disc bulges, reduced disc height are common among the population with many experiencing no symptoms at all. We could say such findings are the normal process of aging, just as hair turns grey and skin wrinkles.
... However individuals can become trapped and change their behavioral habits based on what they think it means, rather than what it ACTUALLY means.
Medical imaging is nothing more than that, a snapshot image in time. It tells you nothing about the individual in question, no feelings, no beliefs, no behavioral habits.
Note to everyone - you are not your medical image!
#spine #exercise #rehab #rehabilitation #backpain #injury #chiro #chiropractic #spinehealth #physio #backhealth #frc #cars #jointtraining #strengthtraining #hips #eccentrics #medical #imaging
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Sometimes its the subtle changes which increase the intentions of what were trying to do.
In the video I'm eccentrically loading the hip flexors to help increase flexibility and strength through greater ranges of motion.
Cues 💡.... 1️⃣ posteriorly tilt pelvis 2️⃣ isometrically load trail hip flexor by driving knee foward 3️⃣ eccentrically load whilst maintaining points above.
A good number to start with is 5 reps with a 5 count eccentric and repeat for 3 sets. Let me know how the hip flexors feeling after 🦵
#exercise #rehab #rehabilitation #backpain #chiro #chiropractic #physio #frc #cars #jointtraining #strengthtraining #hips #eccentrics #mobility
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Here's a fun little squat prep/challenge for your hips.
2 reps of each. 1️⃣ - external rotation 2️⃣ - external rotation slider ... 3️⃣ - external rotation hovers
🔺️ keep the front knee pressed into the ground 🔺️ the goal is to maintain a consistent smooth pace 🔺️ minimise pelvic motion
Tag your squat buddy 🍑😉
#movement #squat #mobilitytraining #hips #mobilitywod #bemorehuman
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HOW TO SIT CORRECTLY 🤔🤨 . . The fact is that all sitting posture is correct, not one position can be directly related to a person's pain. There is no optimal posture and avoiding ‘bad' positions will not prevent pain. You are a human, a living, adaptable, robust organism. Sit how you like… it's normal… #posturepolice .... . 1️⃣ There is NO single, not 2 or 5 correct sitting postures 2️⃣ It is SAFE to adopt more comfortable postures 3️⃣ Sitting for long periods is NOT dangerous. Adopting various positions may be helpful but INACTIVITY is more of a burden than sitting . . #moveunchallenged #chiro #backpain #sitting #goodposture #badposture #posture #lowbackpain #manualtherapy #pain #physiostudent #chirostudent #sportsphysio #painfree #correctiveexercise #fitnessvideo #osteopath #physicaltherapy #gym #functionaltraining #studentchiropractor
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Yesterdays lifts, singles #OTM x 20 increase load every 5 mins. . . Pointers I was thinking 💡 keep the bar close in the third pull 💡 speed under the bar. .... . #weightlifting #mobilitywod #squat #snatch #movement #bwl #bemorehuman #crossfit #ukcrossfit @catalystathletics
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Playing around with some scapula end range rotations. Working different angles - neutral, wide and narrow (not shown). . . How to? 1️⃣ scapula elevation (up)... 2️⃣ protraction (forward) 3️⃣ depression (down) 4️⃣ retraction (back) 📒 keep elbows straight, keep range of motion small, think about expanding each full rotation but staying 'honest' to your range. . . #moveyourself #chiropractic #humanmovement #gym #fitness #chiropracticstudent #frc #health #movement #workout #exercise #mobility #controlyourself #joint #controlledarticularrotations #CARS #bemorehuman #functionalchiropractic #crossfit #ukcf #stretch #mobilitywod #scapula
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The adductors, primarily the adductor Magnus is often overlooked when squatting. Along with the hamstrings and gluts it assists the quadriceps to produce force when squatting. If you have ‘tightness’ in the adductors it can impede optimal form. . . 📝 1️⃣ Hold stretch for at least 90 seconds ... 2️⃣ Create solid body tension when performing PAILs/RAILs (:20/:20) 3️⃣ Aim for 1-2 rounds of PAILs/RAILs contractions . . #squat #frc #mobilitytraining #jointstrength #rehab #mobility #health #stretch #adductor #moveunchallenged #strengthtraining #fitness #eccentric #movement #chiropractic
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Shoulder External Rotation Eccentrics 💫 . . If your performing any exercise which sees the shoulder go through forceful external rotation & abduction (snatch, kipping pull ups etc), then try implementing these post-session. An eccentric contraction involves the active lengthening of muscle under an external load, in this case the KB. Train the joint to be able to withstand the external loads being placed on it… AKA injury mitigation! .... . Why eccentrics? ✅ Increase strength & control ✅ Increase flexibility ✅ Injury mitigation . . 1️⃣ Lay on your side, scapula blocked on top of each other 2️⃣ Elbow perpendicular to the bench, 3️⃣Slowly with control take the shoulder through full external rotation, repeat . . #shoulder #frc #mobilitytraining #jointstrength #rehab #mobility #health #stretch #moveunchallenged #strengthtraining #fitness #eccentric #movement #chiropractic
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Following up from my recent poll on my story.... . . YES THESE ARE SAFE 😉 .... . #gym #fitness #weightlifting #crossfituk #training #crossfit #mobilitytraining #squat #clean #mobility #chiropractic #backtotraining #jeffycurls #lowback #backpain #flexionperfection
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Confirmation 1️⃣ - I’m actually training again. . . Confirmation 2️⃣ - @obi_vincent is how badass at 🦋 pull ups! .... . #gym #fitness #weightlifting #crossfituk #training #crossfit #mobilitytraining #squat #clean #mobility #chiropractic #backtotraining
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To change the biology of your stuff requires applications of force, progressing over time. Just like if you want bigger biceps 💪🏻 you progressively increase the force into the biceps over time through whatever exercise you choose. . . Mobility is no different, performing small bouts of passive stretching, foam rolling, smashing, flossing will not change the biology your stuff. Performing long bouts of passive stretching will increase flexibility. Is this enough for some peop...le? Yes. But having the active ability to control ROM will always trump passive ROM & to get active useable ranges of motion requires progressive force application over time. I try and tell everyone I work with that mobility training should be a staple in your training, not just something you do when you have an injury. . . Here are some examples of force application into the shoulder stuff. PAILs/RAILs, lift offs & hovers. 🥅 - to create a proper shoulder after failing to years of passive interventions. . . #shoulder #frc #mobilitytraining #jointstrength #rehab #mobility #health #stretch #moveunchallenged #strengthtraining #fitness #active>passive #movement
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I’m not a fan of the wrong way ❌🙅🏻‍♂️vs ✅🙋🏻‍♂️ the right way when it comes to how to do exercise. Everyone is different and everyone has different intentions. However, for most of the human population, we shouldn’t really be stretching with a straight knee and a collapsed spine. It doesn’t target the hamstring and the majority aren’t flexible enough to be thinking about stretching nerves. . . Instead, try this; ✅ Lead leg slightly bent... ✅ Anterior pelvic tilt ✅ Tall spine That’s the belly of your hamstring you are now feeling 👍🏻🙋🏻‍♂️ . . #mobilitytraining #frcms #✅ #handstand #mobility #hamstrings #moveunchallenged #shoulder #trainyourjoints #controlyourself #movement #rehab #gym #fitness
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More about Ben Breen Chiropractic

Ben Breen Chiropractic is located at Royal Docks CrossFit, e London, United Kingdom