Benedictine Nuns, Holy Trinity Monastery

About Benedictine Nuns, Holy Trinity Monastery

Cloistered Benedictine nuns happy to share our vocation with the world, with a special interest in using the internet for spiritual outreach. We offer a dedicated 24 /7 email prayerline, blogs, podcasts, videos, online retreats, and monastic hospitality.

Benedictine Nuns, Holy Trinity Monastery Description

Cloistered Benedictine nuns happy to share our vocation with the world . . .



Not blogging today, but this post from 2015 on the #BVM as mulier fortis may bear re-reading:…/…/08/o ur-ladys-birthday-2015/


Today, on the feast of Our Lady's Birthday, we pray for all who are under her patronage; those being clothed or making religious profession; those who keep this day as a special anniversary; we pray also for refugee families and those struggling with debt/illness; for the Church in Nigeria and all who face persecution; for the new cabinet in Zimbabwe, that it may act with integrity and in the whole country's interest; for those still missing after the Japan earthquake; for peace and justice in the Middle East; for the people of Sweden as they prepare for tomorrow's elections; for the safety of travellers and all who have asked our prayers. May Our Lady intercede for us all.


Today we pray for those attending the Eucharistic Congress In Liverpool 7 to 9 September (Adoremus) and ask the Lord to bless us with an ever greater appreciation of the gift he has given us; for the people of Idlib and all at the mercy of life-death decisions made by others; for the safety of those campaigning for political office; for the people of Mexico and for all who have been the victims of gang warfare or political 'disappearances' and their families; for those awaiting surgery; those who are convalescing; those struggling with chronic conditions; and we give thanks for all the possibilities this day holds; for the love of friends, family and community; and for the little things we often ignore but which make life beautiful for us.


Today, on the fourteenth anniversary of our canonical foundation as an autonomous monastery of diocesan right— our Foundation Day — we give thanks for all the many blessings we have received and pray for our oblates and associates, our online community and friends, and those who have generously supported us in so many ways over the years; for the people of Japan facing another natural disaster; for the firefighters who died yesterday tackling a blaze in South Africa, and their families; for integrity in public life; for those negotiating treaties and agreements that will affect 'ordinary' people's lives for years to come; for the villagers of Khan al-Ahmar in the occupied West Bank as they face the razing of their homes; for those whose debts have spiralled out of control; for the sick, the dying, and all who have asked our prayers.


Today we pray for the people of Japan, especially those affected by Typhoon Jebi; for the ceasefire in Libya to hold; for those killed/injured by the bridge collapse in Kolkata (Calcutta); for an end to torture, especially in South Sudan; for peace and justice in the Middle East; for the oppressed; for those who work to increase our understanding of autism; for those whose health is poor; those who are confused or alienated by peer values; those who are being drawn to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ; those discerning a vocation. May the Lord bless and strengthen us all.


Today, on the memoria of St Cuthbert, we pray for the safety of civilians in Idlip; for the people of Brazil following the huge cultural loss of their National Museum; for those who work in animal conservation; those beginning a new school year, especially those starting secondary school; for those who have asked our prayers.


Today we pray for those supported by Unrwa, especially those in refugee camps in Jordan; for the children in the Nauru refugee centre, Australia, who have lost hope; for the sick, the lonely, the depressed; for those who give their time to volunteering this week-end; those who encourage others; those who are good neighbours to ourselves and others — may we follow their example.


Today, on the memoria of St Aidan, we pray for the Church in the North; for all in need; for those who have asked our prayers; and we invite you to name your own petitions, sure in the knowledge that the community here prays with and for you.


Today, on the feast of St Margaret Clitheroe, we pray for members of the CWL and all the women on whose love and devotion the Church relies; for the people of Argentina in their present crisis, and for all the ppls of South America; for fathers denied access to their children; for those in prison; those falsely accused or unjustly detained; for children and young people having a hard time at home/giving their parents grief; for the sick, especially cancer patients experiencing money worries and homelessness on top of their illness; for those who give advice/counsel to others, that they may be wise and careful in what they say; for those who have asked our prayers. (Digitalnun is very grateful for your prayers — definitely marked 'fragile' at present, but she'll bounce back. Bro Dyfrig Basset-Fauve)


Today, on the feast of the Beheading of St John the Baptist, we pray for all who suffer in the cause of right; for those challenging our bishops and clergy to face up to the evil of abuse in the Church, and those working to redress the wrongs that have been done; for those unjustly accused, and those who have been attacked/vilified for the sins of others; for the people of Puerto Rico; for Brazil and Venezuela; for the Rohingya, the Yazidis and all who have been victims of genocide; for an end to caste violence in India; for young people who self-harm and their families; for those tempted to take their own lives; for those who feel unloved or friendless. May we be given grace to reach out to those in need with the love of Christ and a selfless compassion.


Today, on the feast of St Augustine of Hippo, we pray for the Christians of North Africa, for the persecuted and those forced into exile; for those living in Moria camp, Lesbos; for the city of Chemnitz; for those being tortured or bullied, and their oppressors; for the safety of commuters returning to work today; for those who face a lonely day; for the cleansing of the Church and the renewal of all the graces of which we stand in need, both personally and as an institution; for the sick, the dying and those who have asked our prayers.


Today, on the feast of St Monica, we pray for the widowed; for single-parent families; for the whole Church as she faces further testing; for the people of Colombia after the failure to reach the necessary quorum in the anti-corruption referendum; for those with a drink problem, especially those in denial; for the victims of gun, knife and acid attacks; for the victims of domestic violence, especially in countries where there are few or no refuges; for those on holiday; those who are weary. We give thanks for the opportunities this day offers and ask the grace of building up rather than tearing down.


Email Subscriptions to iBenedictines: We have added a 'subscribe by email' option for iBenedictines' new posts (in addition to the RSS feed). It's still rather ugly to look at but may be useful to those who don't check into FB/Twitter very often.


Today we pray for the purification of the Church, for a renewal of the holiness and zeal of her members, and for an outpouring of the graces of which we, individually and collectively, stand in need; for those who mourn; those whose children/other family members have 'disappeared'; those who have fled poverty, injustice or hunger and find themselves unwelcome in the places to which they have fled; for those who are depressed or just 'down in the dumps'; those working this Bank Holiday week-end to keep all essential services going for the rest of us; those discerning a possible vocation and the communities trying to help them; for all who have asked our prayers.


Wonderful prayers! The sisters always include prayer for people and situations not on my list for the day.


What the world needs now is more action than compassion the people of the world need to go back and listen in silence God' s only message : "Infinite Love to all mankind ! "

God Bless you Sisters ...



This is the way I start my day,by reading your prayers and intentions and joining mine to them.Thank you for praying for the world .We often discuss your articles and thoughts as a family .we are so glad to welcome you into our lives.We hope that this new year will be blessed and peaceful, but trust that God has a plan and look to him for strength and wisdom.


They have been a wonderful support to me, only they know how much! Thank you, dear Sisters and beloved Bro Duncan, where would we all be without you?


These beautiful nuns understand the human condition and our spiritual remedy more deeply than most, and they proffer it with wit, compassion and dignity. I feel blessed every day by their sacred presence in this world.�


There are still people in the world who see contemplatives as somehow cut off from the real world. These sisters never leave anyone out of their prayers, and remind us of things that most of us either don't know about, or have forgotten. They provide the gentle nudge that we all need from time to time.


The daily prayers are wonderful, as they cover so many important issues that I tend to overlook in my own prayers. Great way to start the day! Thank you.


The daily prayer intentions, Digitalnun's blog -- they are never-failing nourishment. A light-source. The first thing I turn to on Facebook -- in fact the principal reason why I maintain my Facebook membership at all.


Like many people who follow this site,I start the day by reading your prayers. Always topical a way of keeping up with what really matters in the world,without all the media hype.


It is a powerful time to come to union in prayer concerns of others


I was pleased to discover this page, I like it so much! the prayer intentions are also mine, as I read them, I pray with you. I hope the page will survive the difficulties.


I think this page is made what it is by its readers and contributors — not the nuns, who are merely its custodians. Although we originally intended the page to be no more than somewhere we would post a series of daily prayer intentions and links to our main web sites/blog, etc, we have been moved by the way in which people engage and share their deepest concerns, offer support to one another and generally show that an online community can be created despite geographical and other distances. May God bless all who light on this page.


I really appreciate the prayers each day and use them in my personal devotions. Thank you sisters.


I like how extensive Sister's thoughts and prayers are. Often I learn what has happened in the world by reading who has been prayed for.


I enjoy the sister's web site and their devotion to all things great and small.I'm sorry about Brother Duncan.My little MultiPoo Sydney Dooner McPoodle paddles like that.. I hope Digital Nun is feeling better and quiet nun is not so quiet,ha,ha.


Great prayer partners ��� I especially appreciate how timely the Sisters' posts are about current events.


Five stars is not enough, but that is all that there were to give.


Challenging,full of insight and erudition,sprinkled with humour, love and compassion along with the essential grounding from the inimitable Bro Duncan.


A salutary reminder that Facebook is not just about cute cats, silly spats or desperate disasters. Here be wisdom, compassion and hope. God bless the nuns in all they do and who they are, as they bless us by their presence here.

More about Benedictine Nuns, Holy Trinity Monastery

Benedictine Nuns, Holy Trinity Monastery is located at Howton Grove Priory, 1-2 Howton Grove Barns, HR2 9DY Hereford, Herefordshire