Bernard Quaritch Ltd - Rare Books And Manuscripts Since 1847

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
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About Bernard Quaritch Ltd - Rare Books And Manuscripts Since 1847

Bernard Quaritch Ltd - Rare Books and Manuscripts

Bernard Quaritch Ltd - Rare Books And Manuscripts Since 1847 Description

One of the oldest dealers of old and rare books and manuscripts in the world, we now also have an excellent selection of photographs.



Bibles, novels, poetry, satire, Augustine, Defoe, Shakespeare, spies, scoundrels & eccentrics, the book trade, London…
Step this way for our latest English books and manuscripts list: Here are just four of its highlights:
Item 51 is a very rare collected edition of the monthly parts (equally rare) of Mrs Sherwood’s The Sunday School Magazine, from March 1823 to December 1824. The contents include poems, hymns, essays on animals, planets, world history... and moral tales.
Next is a fascinating archive of the sculptor, engraver and photographer Richard Cockle Lucas (1800-1883). Included are two suites of etched illustrations (to Gray’s Elegy and Goldsmith’s Deserted Village) and drawings for four similar projects apparently never fully realised. See item 32 for more information.
An unrecorded extended advertisement for a goldsmith’s side-business in retailing shares in lottery-tickets can be found under item 44. Matthew West lays out the scheme for a lottery held in Holland on 22 June 1719. It offered 200,000 tickets and 204,000 prizes.
We end here with a possibly suppressed account of a tour of the Netherlands and Belgium from 1784. The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography describes its author, Philip Thicknesse, as ‘the most irascible individual within the arena of late eighteenth-century print culture’. Read more under item 56.
Please contact Donovan Rees ( if you have any questions about what you find.
Images: (51) SHERWOOD, Mrs [Mary Martha], editor. Child’s Magazine for the Year 1823 [-1824] … Vol. I. [-II]. London: Knight and Lacey, Publishers. Westley and Tyrrell, Dublin. [1823-4]. (32) LUCAS, Richard Cockle, sculptor, engraver and photographer (1800-1883). Archive of etchings, drawings and manuscripts, including two suites of etched illustrations (to Gray’s Elegy and Goldsmith’s Deserted Village, both 1841), and the drawings for four similar projects apparently never fully realised: Shakespeare’s The Tempest (1838), Samuel Wesley’s The Cobbler (1866), and two original texts by Lucas (1866-71). London and Hampshire, 1830s-70s. (44) SCHEME of the Holland Lottery, for 75,360,000 Guilders. Agreed on the 22d of June 1719. N. S. Being all Prizes … [London, Matthew West, 1719]. (56) THICKNESSE, Philip. A Year’s Journey through the Paix Bâs and Austrian Netherlands … Vol. I [all published]. London: Printed in the Year 1784.
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China in Print 2018.
Asia’s leading international fair and exhibition for rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs and ephemera opens Friday. Our list of what we'll be unpacking in Hong Kong can now be viewed online at
Our cover is taken from an early colour film panorama of the Hong Kong skyline. Other highlights include a charming leaving gift presented by the people of Batticaloa, a decorative letter requesting an arrest warrant for a French miss...ionary, a collection of Chinese watercolour miniatures and a gelatin silver print of Shanghai's Qingpu.
The fair is at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum until Sunday and admission is free. Andrea, Joanna and Sally will be on hand throughout but please get in touch ahead if you have any specific questions about what you find in the list.
Please go to for visitor information.
Image 1: (12) [CROFT, Gladys]. ‘Address presented to Miss G. Croft, M.B.E., Principal of Vincent Girls’ High School, Batticaloa (1922-1948) by the public of Batticaloa, Ceylon on the eve of her departure to England. [Batticaloa, c. 1948]. Image 2: (68) [RAMEAUX, François-Alexis]. Edictum pro regis Hou-kuanensis adversus Europaeum Mou (idest adversus RR.DD. Rameaux). [China, 1841]. Image 3: (17) [CHINESE LIFE]. A collection of 46 Chinese watercolour miniatures on rice paper. [Canton?, c.1870]. Image 4: (67) [QINGPU - SHANGHAI]. Unidentified photographer. ‘XVII. Tsingpu near Shanghai. The City Walls and Pagoda … No. 68’. 1936.
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Continental books & manuscripts.
These bindings come from our new Continental catalogue, which can now be viewed online via:
The first book entirely devoted to the poetry of a single woman can be found under item 14. Printed in 1538, it is a rare first edition of the collected poems of the most celebrated female lyrical voice of the Italian Renaissance, Vittoria Colonna.
... Item 12 is a first edition, from 1616, of Sebastiano Fantoni’s comprehensive work on the Carmelite liturgy. Ours is a very good copy, and is preserved in a charmingly decorated contemporary Roman binding.
We end, here at least, with the editio princeps of the Greek text of Epiphanius’s great compendium of heresies. Printed in 1544, our copy (item 16) is in a particularly well-preserved contemporary pigskin binding.
If you have any questions about what you find, or would like to request a printed copy of the catalogue, please contact Barbara Scalvini (
Image 1: (14) COLONNA, Vittoria. Rime de la divina Vittoria Colonna Marchesa di Pescara. Parma, [Antonio Viotti, 1538 (date from colophon)].
Image 2: (12) [CARMELITES]. FANTONI, Sebastiano, editor. Ceremoniale divini officii, secundum ordinem Fratrum B. Virginis Mariae de Monte Carmeli. Ad normam novi Missalis, et Breviarii compilatum. Rome, Guglielmo Facciotti, 1616.
Image 3: (16) EPIPHANIUS. Του αγιου Επιφανιου επισκοπου Κωνσταντειας της Κυπρου, κατα αιρεσεων ογδοηκοντα επικληθεν Παναριον … D. Epiphanii Episcopi Constantiae Cypri contra octoginta haereses opus eximium, Panarium sive capsula medica appellatum, et in libros quidem tres, tomos vero septem divisum … Omnia graece conscripta, nuncq[ue] primum in lucem edita. Basel, [Johann Herwagen, 1544].
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Boston bound.
Donovan and Jonathan are packing their bags for this week's Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair. To see what they’ll be unveiling on Friday evening at booth 104, please follow this link:
We have selected nearly 100 books and manuscripts on themes ranging from architecture, astronomy and economics to music, politics and travel. Highlights include an unrecorded Book of Hours for the use of Amiens, a first edition of War and Peace and... an exceptional set of Robert Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften.
The Fair runs 16-18 November and is held at the Hynes Convention Center. Entry is free on Saturday and Sunday. Further visitor information can be found here:
If you have any questions about anything you find in the list, please contact Donovan (
Image 1: (43) [HORAE, Use of Amiens]. Heures Nostre Dame à l’usage d’Amiens toutes au lo[n]g sans riens requerir. Paris, for Guillaume Merlin, [1562–1569]. Image 2: (94) TOLSTOI, Lev Nikolaevich. Voina i Mir … Tom pervyi [–shestoi] [War and Peace … Volume I [-VI]]. Moscow, T. Ris, 1868 [–1869]. Image 3: (62) MUSIL, Robert. Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften. Roman. Berlin, Ernst Rowohlt Verlag, 1930[–3]; [vol III: Lausanne, Imprimerie centrale, 1943.]
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Chelsea Rare Book Fair, here we come!
Clerical caricatures, a gift from one great bibliophile to another, a Rosicrucian emblem book and an 1808 angler’s manual. These are just four of the items we’ll be showing at this week’s fair. Our highlights list can be viewed online here:
We hope to see you at Chelsea Old Town Hall at stand 23. The fair opens tomorrow at 2pm. Saturday hours are 11am-5pm. There is still time to register for complimentary tickets via...
Free guided tours are running over both days. The first will be given by our very own Andrea Mazzocchi. 5.30pm tomorrow he is offering an introduction to rare book collecting. More information can be found here:
If you can't visit the stand, but would like to know about anything on the list, please don't hesitate to contact Alexander Laar (
Image 1: (33) THORLEY, Robert, Rev. A collection of letters and caricatures. Portsmouth, 1927-1931. Image 2: (8) CHRESTIEN, Florent (translator), and Nicolas RIGAULT (editor). Epigrammata ex libris græcæ anthologiæ a Q. Septimio Florente Christiano selecta & latinè versa, sive florilegium latinum ex græco florilegio. Paris, Robert Estienne, 1608. Image 3: (13) [ECKER UND ECKHOFFEN, Hans Heinrich von]. Freymäurerische Versammlungsreden der Gold- und Rosenkreutzer des alten Systems. Mit zwölf eingedruckten Vignetten. Amsterdam, 1779. Image 4: (20) HOWITT, Samuel. The angler’s manual. Liverpool, G.F. Harris for Samuel Bagster, 1808.
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Twenty-one new acquisitions for October.
Step this way to browse what we've catalogued this month: Here are just four highlights:
* Sketches from the 1870s and 1880s by a governess in the Alps and the lakes. ... * The first edition of Don Quixote in Spanish published in England. * Archive of typescripts and manuscripts on T.E. Lawrence’s musical interests. * Rare 1770 provincial schoolbook of arithmetic and geometry.
If you have any questions about these items, or anything else in the list, please contact Alexander Laar (
Images: (21) WICKSTEED, Mary Frances. A collection of watercolours from tours in the Alps, the Italian and Swiss lakes, and elsewhere. Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, 1875-1887. (3) CERVANTES, Miguel de. Vida y hechos del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, compuesta por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. En quatro tomos. London, Jacob and Richard Tonson, 1738. (11) [LAWRENCE, Thomas Edward.] JAMES, William Warwick. Drafts of an article and correspondence relating to T.E. Lawrence and music. Various places, 1935-1936. (7) DYER, G[ilbert]. The most general school-assistant. Exeter: Printed by R. Trewman, for Robinson and Roberts in London, 1770.
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Counting down to the York Book Fair.
The largest rare and antiquarian book fair in Europe opens tomorrow, and we’ll be there. Step this way for some of our stand highlights:
The list includes:... * Diaries of a Yorkshire banker on a round-the-world voyage. * Immaculate platinum prints mostly taken at Whitby and Durham. * Estienne’s important and beautiful 1577 edition of Dionysius. * A book of twenty-four prayers in twenty-four languages.
Alexander and Joanna look forward to seeing you at stand 16 from noon tomorrow. If you are unable to make it to York Racecourse and have any questions about the list, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Visitor information can be found here: Free tickets can be booked via:
Image 1: (3) [BECKETT, Ernest, M.P., later 2nd Baron Grimthorpe]. Manuscript diaries descriptive of Yorkshire politics and numerous voyages, including one around the world. 1882, 1892, 1894-96, 1898-99, 1902. Image 2: (19) HANCOCK, W. E. Yorkshire, 1904–1906. Image 3: (10) DIONYSIUS Periegetes, Pomponius MELA, Gaius Julius SOLINUS, et al. Dionysii Alex. et Pomp. Melae Situs orbis descriptio. Aethici Cosmographia. C. I. Solini Polyistor. [Geneva], Henri Estienne II, 1577. Image 4: (28) [NERSES IV.] Preces sancti Nersetis Clajensis Armeniorum patriarchae, viginti quatuor linguis editae. Venice, ‘in Insula S. Lazari’, 1837.
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Bindings & Illustrated Books.
Canape, Champs, Legrand… We are delighted to unveil our latest list, containing 22 beautiful books:
If you have any questions about what you find, please contact Andrea Mazzocchi (
... Image 1: (12) GAUTIER, Théophile. Celle-ci et celle-la, ou la jeune France passionée. Avant-propos de Maurice Tourneux. Illustrations de François Courboin. Paris, A. Roquette, 1900. Image 2: (5) DAUDET, Alphonse. Contes choisis … avec sept eaux-fortes par E. Burnand. Paris, Librairie des Bibliophiles, 1883. Image 3: (19) RAMIRO, E. Louis Legrand, peintre-graveur. Paris, H. Floury, 1896. Image 4: (9) FLAUBERT, Gustave. Salammbô. Compositions de Georges Rochegrosse, gravées a l’eau forte par Champollion. Préface par Léon Hennique. Paris: A. Ferroud, 1900.
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Victorian work and leisure.
The latest list from our photography department can be downloaded here:
Highlights include hand-tinted cartes de visite of children, a shop front on Camberwell Green, London and an ambrotype commemorating a family holiday in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire. Happy holidays, and/or employment!
... If you have any questions about what you find, please contact Joanna Skeels (
Image 1: (17) [WILLIAMS, Sophus.] E. LINDE & CO, photographic studio. Cartes de visite of child’s play, 1870s. Image 2: (4) [DAIRY] Camberwell Green Dairy, 1860s. Image 3: (14) Unidentified photographer [English]. The Johnson family on holiday at Cleethorpes, 1862.
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27 new acquisitions for August.
We invite you to browse our bumper new list, available to view online at
The list opens with the first complete verse translation of Dante’s Divine Comedy into Polish. Our copy of this rare book from 1860 is complete with all sixteen engravings.
... You may then wish to step back in time to late nineteenth-century Istanbul. The second image comes from a continuous panorama than runs to more than 300cm in length.
Our third choice here is a rare collection of poems, epitaphs and epigraphs from 1842 all dedicated to one Maria Caterina Curci. We have been unable to locate any copies on OCLC.
If you have any questions about what you find, please contact Alexander Laar (
Images: (1) ALIGHIERI, Dante. Boska komedja … tłómaczenie Juliana Korsaka. Warsaw, S. Orgelbranda, 1860. (26) SÉBAH, Pascal and JOAILLIER, Polycarpe. Panorama de Constantinople Pris de la Tour de Galata Par Sébah & Joaillier [so titled on the upper board]. [Constantinople, Sébah & Joaillier], n. d. [late 1880s–1890s]. (3) [ANON]. In morte di Maria Caterina Curci versi. Potenza, Vincenzo Santanello Tipografo dell’Intendenza, 1842. [bound with:] [ANON]. Il camposanto e la sera. Potenza, per Vincenzo Santanello, 1842. [and with:] [ANON]. In morte di Maria Caterina Curci versi. Potenza, per Vincenzo Santanello, [n.d.].
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Bones for beginners, balm for baldness…
We hope you will enjoy our latest list, featuring books, manuscripts and photographs on medicine and quackery. It can be downloaded at
Here are just four of our favourites from the list:... * A very rare handbook of practical surgery from 1679-1680, by the author of the first treatise of legal medicine written in Italian. * The most celebrated and accurate edition of the collected works in Latin of William Harvey, from the library of an RCP licentiate born in 1748/9 in South Carolina. * An apparently unpublished manuscript on human anatomy compiled by a medical student in Naples in the mid-18th century. * A sammelband of scarce works on military medicine printed between 1855 and 1875, including an item on Florence Nightingale, and treatises on gunshot wounds and the Red Cross.
If you have any questions about what you find, please don’t hesitate to contact Andrea Mazzocchi (
Image 1: (12) CIUCCI, Antonio Filippo. Promptuarium Chirurgicum in quo agitur de Morbis... Macerata, Joseph Piccinus, 1679-1680. Image 2: (27) HARVEY, William. Opera Omnia: a Collegio Medicorum Londinensi edita. [colophon: London, William Bowyer], 1766. Image 3: (36) MACCHIA, Joseph. ‘Liber primus de humani corporis anatome’. Naples, 1754-1755 (colophon: ‘Anatomiae finis Neapoli die XXIV Aprilis Anno domi 1755’). Image 4: (41) [MILITARY MEDICINE.] Volume of 19 items concerning the treatment and care of war wounded. Amsterdam, Berlin, Brussels, Milan, Paris, 1855-1875.
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Great Expectations: a tale of editions.
Here is the first edition, second impression, of one of the great Victorian novels. Ours is a very good copy once owned by ‘Mr A.E.P. Elton Private B. Troop 5th Royal Irish Lancers Newbridge Ireland’. The set is included in our new acquisitions list for July, under item 3, here:
Great Expectations had already attracted a large readership in All the Year Round, and Chapman and Hall were cautious in their initial or...der for the novel as a three-decker, a format that had not been tried for Dickens before. Their accounts show five successive payments to the printer for 1000, 750, 750, 500, and 750 copies.
The four later impressions are all part of the first edition, with some perpetuated errors and only the trifling textual variants that can affect stereotype plates or standing type. They are, however, usually bound up with title-pages describing them as ‘Second’, ‘Third’, ‘Fourth’, or ‘Fifth’ editions. The true second edition is the ‘new edition in one volume’ of 1862.
We hope you enjoy reading more about the Dickens, and the other 18 other items in the list. If you have any questions about what you find, please contact Alexander Laar (
Image 1: (3) DICKENS, Charles. Great expectations ... In three volumes. Vol. I [-III]. Second edition. London, (C. Whiting for) Chapman and Hall, 1861. Image 2: (1) CABRA, Gerónimo Josef de. Pruebas del espíritu del S.r Melon y de las proposiciones de economía civil y comercio del S.r Normante: examen escriturístico theológico-dogmático de ambas obras. Madrid, Hernandez Pacheco, 1787. Image 3: (2) CAVADA, José de la. El Contador ó tablas de reducción de las pesas y medidas legales de Castilla y demás que están en uso en las Islas Filipinas a las del nuevo sistema métrico decimal y recíprocamente, como también del sistema monetario. Manila, Amigos del País, 1865.
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A pineapple pioneer, Teodoro Viero prints, Algerian travels, a gift from Lady Newdigate ... Welcome to our June new acquisitions.
Please download the new list here: If you have any questions about what you find, contact Alexander Laar (
... 1. (13) SPEECHLY, William. A treatise on the culture of the pine apple and the management of the hot-house. York, A. Ward for the author, 1779. 2. (18) VIERO, Teodoro, engraver, after Giambattista PIAZZETTA. Portrait of an old man. Venice, [n.p.], 18th Century. 3. (14) TAYLOR, H. E. Irving. ‘A trip in Algeria’. [Algeria], December 1901 – April 1902. 4. (7) [ELIOTIANA.] The Guardian. London: Printed for J. and R. Tonson, and S. Draper. 1751.
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Rare Book Fair London: this week.
Our list for Battersea is now available to download at Highlights include an important album of Georgian architectural and furniture designs, an attractive copy of the ‘thumb bible’, the most important work published by Leibniz in his lifetime and an essential reference book of the art of the early 1960s.
Europe's largest gathering of international experts selling rare books, maps, prints, photographs, ephemera and ori...ginal artwork opens Thursday at noon and runs through to Saturday. The Fair also offers guided tours, demonstrations, talks and displays. Visitor information can be found here:
We hope to see you at stand J06. If you can’t make it to Battersea, but would like to know more about what you find in the list, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Images: (20) [CHIMNEYPIECES]. Album of architectural designs, mostly of chimneypieces. [c. 1750s–1790s]. (88) [THUMB BIBLE]. [TAYLOR, John]. Verbum Sempiternum [and Salvator Mundi]. London, Printed by F[reeman]. Collins for T[homas]. Ilive … 1693. (47) LEIBNIZ, Gottfried Wilhelm von. Lehr-Satze uber die Monadologie. Frankfurt and Leipzig, Meyer Witwe in Jena, 1720. (70) [POP ART - ARTISTS' BOOK - AMERICAN POETRY]. TING, Walasse. One Cent Life. Bern, E.W. Kornfeld, 1964.
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Photo London 2018: cathedrals & temples, waterways & waterfronts, monuments & facades, demolition & redevelopment.
We are delighted to unveil our new photography list, available to download here: It coincides with this week’s Photo London. Held in the magnificent surroundings of Somerset House, the fair brings together the world’s leading galleries- and presents a great events programme alongside them.
Photo London opens today and closes on Sunday. Fo...r more information, please take a look at Do say hello if you are visiting Somerset House over the next few days. Lindsey, Joanna and Donovan will be at booth C6.
Image 1: (22) George Washington Wilson (1823–93). The Thames, below London Bridge, circa 1880s. Image 2: (9) J. Dudley Johnston (1868–1955). A Venetian Waterway, 1908. Image 3: (18) Roger Mayne (1929–2014). Slum Clearance, Leeds, 1959.
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Calling all travellers and explorers!
Step this way for our Travel and Exploration list of 80 books, manuscripts, maps and photographs:
Our first image comes from spectacular Turgot map of Paris, showing the French capital as it appeared in the 1730s. The 20 sections depict streets, buildings, gardens, squares, bridges, islands and even windmills.
... Pietro della Valle’s important account of the Persian court under Shah ‘Abbās I was first published in 1628. It was placed on the Roman Index on account of its sympathetic portrayal of the Safavid ruler. This is our second photo.
We end with a near complete copy of a very rare photographic record of Sumatra. It came from the Royal Dutch Geographical Society’s scientific expedition to the island between 1877 and 1879.
Any questions? Please contact Jonathan Harrison (
Images: (54) [PARIS.] Plan de Paris commencé l’année 1734. Dessiné et gravé, sous les ordres de Messire Michel Etienne Turgot. [Paris, 1739]. (71) VALLE, Pietro della. Delle conditioni di Abbàs Rè di Persia. All’Illustriss. e Reuerendiss. Sig. Francesco Cardinal Barberino. Venice, [Francesco Baba], 1628. (73) VETH, Daniel David and Pieter Johannes. Midden-Sumatra. Reizen en onderzoekingen der Sumatra-Expeditie, uitgerust door het Aardrijkskundig Genootschap 1877-79. Photographie-Album. Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1879.
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20 New Acquisitions.
We invite you to open up our latest list here: Included are: * Costume designs from 1913 for the Royal Opera House by the celebrated Percy Anderson. * Memoranda concerning French ambitions in the Italian peninsula from c.1537 to c.1630.... * First edition of Jean Haudicquer de Blancourt's comprehensive treatise on glass manufacture from 1697. * The principal work by the abbot of Fürstenfeld Johann Pistor, published in Augsburg in 1544.
If you have any questions, please contact Alexander Laar (
Image 1: (2) ANDERSON, Percy. A collection of 35 original costume designs for the 1913 Royal Opera House production of the opera Joan of Arc, composed by Raymond Rôze. Image 2: (9) [FRANCE and ITALY.] A collection of manuscript and printed material pertaining to French territorial ambitions in Italy. [c. 1537–c. 1630]. Image 3: (11) HAUDICQUER DE BLANCOURT, Jean. De l’art de la verrerie. Paris, Jombert, 1697. Image 4: (14) [PISTOR, Johannes and Hieronimus ZIEGLER, editor]. Dialogus de fato et fortuna, cui nomen paraclitus, vere pius, & doctus. Augsburg, H. Steiner, 1544.
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Rudyard Kipling: A Collection of Poetry and Prose.
We invite you to browse our latest list here: As a prolific writer, Rudyard Kipling was a high-profile victim of the ambiguities of US copyright legislation.
In an attempt to combat pirate editions, Kipling’s agent and American publisher issued very small print-runs of each of his stories and poems in order to establish copyright prior to their publication elsewhere. Uniformly bound in Doubleday’s yel...low wrappers, only a few copies of each of the little booklets survive. This list opens with many of these American copyright editions; the second part comprises other broadside or pamphlet printings.
If you have any questions about what you find, please contact Katherine Thorn (
Image 1: (68) Recessional. London, Methuen & Co. Ltd., [1914]. Image 2: (8) The Outlaws. [N.p., n.p., 1914]. Image 3: (7) The Covenant. [N.p., n.p., 1914].
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March Miscellany.
We are pleased to unveil the latest list from our photography department. To download a copy, please click here:
To start you on your way, here are four items, all dating from the nineteenth century:... * Ambrotype capturing London’s Cumberland Market and a preacher addressing a crowd. (item 10) * Handbill advertising a travelling portrait studio, with an ink sketch of the carriage. (item 7) * Panorama of Mount Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples, formed of eight albumen-prints. (item 40) * Framed collection of ambrotypes, after the enterprising female printmaker Louisa Corbaux. (item 2)
We'd love to hear from you if you have any questions about what you find. Please email Lindsey Stewart (
Image 1: [WEAVER, Richard, preacher?] Unidentified photographer. A speech at Cumberland Market. Circa 1860. Image 2: [TRAVELLING STUDIO.] Alhambra Studio. Sunshine not required. [Cambridgeshire, Burwell, 1865 (manuscript note on verso)]. Image 3: [NAPLES.] UNKNOWN. Mount Vesuvius and the Bay of Naples. 1870s-80s. Image 4: Unidentified photographer, after Louisa CORBAUX, possibly Fanny CORBAUX. Illustrations and portraits of women. c. 1850s.
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More about Bernard Quaritch Ltd - Rare Books And Manuscripts Since 1847

Bernard Quaritch Ltd - Rare Books And Manuscripts Since 1847 is located at 36 Bedford Row, WC1R 4JH London, United Kingdom
+44 (0)20 7297 4888
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -