Bespoke Nutritional Therapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Bespoke Nutritional Therapy

I inform, inspire and encourage -busy, hard working people to reset their bodies through nutrition and health coaching, so they can live life to the full.



✨Pain✨ is the main reason someone visits a Nutritional Therapist. They'll often consider our services when 'all else fails' when things have 'got so bad' and symptoms are 'systemic' and there have been 'no answers' - so they have 'no where else to turn'. We are often the 'last resort'. . It's important to know that Nutritional Therapists try to work along-side conventional medicine to support an individual. We work hard to find the root cause of a clients issue. This time and lots of research, as we'll often see an amalgamation or series of symptoms or illness that has often lasted for many years, and symptoms may appear unrelated which is very confusing. . However, we know that the body is interlinked like a big web, so one system is likely to affect another. This is why we believe the body can heal itself given the right nutrients and lifestyle choices to balance itself. . Nutritional Therapy is often not an easy route to take as it relies on #commitment and perseverance, but for some it may be life changing. . Ideally, we'd like to help people before things get too bad but investigating deep rooted issues further is something we're trained to do. ct
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If you're ever in doubt about how Nutritional Therapy may be able to help. Here's a fab review from a lovely client.


✨The Immune System✨
🤧 Do you suffer from frequent infections, autoimmunity, digestive complaints and fatigue? These are all symptoms of a struggling immune system - but what can be done to restore immune balance?
As a Nutritional Therapist it is my belief that the body can heal itself with good nutritious food and lifestyle medicine. I will always try to uncover the root cause of immune issues, looking out for some key #imbalances like nutrient #deficiencies, inflammator...y triggers, malabsorption or poor digestion, dysbiosis (gut flora imbalance), food sensitivities and even consider ageing.
Imagine being able to explain your entire health history in a safe, calm & relaxed consultation. You will have the opportunity to unburden yourself telling me about any ill health you may have suffered over the years and any changes that may have influenced ill health. Consultations last a whole hour so I aim to uncover your full health profile and explain where I feel you may need the most support. You are likely to leave clinic with a deep understanding of how your body functions, and why it may be out of balance. Most importantly you will be given a simple plan that aims to reset and rebalance your body systems, so you have the opportunity to feel well again.
There are many nutrients to consider to help balance the immune system like zinc, Vitamin C, E, D, B12 and folic acid, selenium and essential fatty acids, and some adaptogenic herbs may also prove beneficial.
Lifestyle factors seen to improve immunity include lowering stress, being physically active, sleeping well, lowering toxic load by reducing alcohol consumption, smoking, medications and environmental toxins.
If you'd like a FREE, no obligation discovery call with me to see if I can help, don't hesitate to get in touch - /contact
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We’re in our last week of my ‘January Feel Great In Five Weeks’ programme and we’re talking all about the immune system and how it can be supported.
It’s a very complex system that resides mainly in the gut and as ever balance is key. We need to first support our protective barriers -mucous membranes, skin, stomach acid and gut lining, and then assist our cellular immunity with antioxidants, vitamin and mineral cofactors - by eating a rainbow, quality protein an...d healthy fats. We can even look at eating antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral foods as well as foods to support the liver and the elimination of pathogens (nasties).
This article is not convinced supplements have any affect but agrees Vitamin D, increased fibre (fruit & veg), exercise outside, good sleep, washing hands and keeping warm are all important.…/coronaviru ses-colds-and-flu-ho…
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✨Getting Outside✨ What are you waiting for?
We’re in the liver cleanse week of my ‘Feel Great in Five Weeks’ plan and it’s often the week clients have a big hallelujah moment. .... This is the week we build up to, the week we begin to understand how our bodies can function without a huge load of food, the week toxins are freed from the body, the week fruit and vegetables become center stage and the world can be seen in full focus.
It’s not the easiest of weeks especially if the pressures of life are great so the programme can be adjusted to suit anyone.
I join in with my programme so I can fully understand how my clients are getting on and I generally feel amazing this week. . During my week I’ll walk everyday and do a HIIT and yoga class. But today HIIT was cancelled and I was in such a bright, light and positive mood I felt good enough to step out into the fresh February morning air and start running. It’s the first time I’ve run since July and as you can imagine it’s been daunting starting up again. Needless to say I don’t know why I’ve been putting it off. I didn’t run fast and I walked a couple of sections, but I completed 6k and it was wonderful to be outside and remembering how amazing my body is. . I’m definitely going to get out again soon - the endorphins have made me feel extra happy. . Are you finding it hard to start something but know you’ll feel better if you just did it? Are you procrastinating and finding other things to do instead?
Well if my morning’s anything to go by... please don’t hesitate... take a deep breath, grab the day with both hands and just have a go. #feelg8in5weeks #bespokent #bright #light #positive #health #programme #course #livercleanse #detox #february #running #outside #haveago #endorphins #happy #haveago #donthestitate
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✨On fire✨ Yesterday’s outing with 90 children was amazing but exhausting and meant I was on the back foot today.
Feeling rather smug now though as I woke very early to get back on track.
... May need an early night tonight! 😴
#balance #makingtime #harrypotter #harrypotterbehindthescenes #fire #film #sleep #tired #doingeverything #toomuch
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Food for thought: How your belly controls your brain! @Ruairi Robertson is a such a great speaker.
I spend so much of my time talking about this GUT-BRAIN connection but he has such brilliant stories to really captivate his audience. Well worth a listen.
... c8
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💪💪💪💪 For all those struggling to fit exercise into your busy hectic lives- my lovely friend Phil from jSecondhalfactive has some great solutions!
Keep moving! 💕


✨What real people say about what I do✨
I did a Stress Resilience talk at the end of last year to a law firm in the big smoke, that I absolutely loved. Yes I was nervous, but the welcome was warm, attendees super engaged and the building completely rocked - (the architecture and art work were stunning).
To get feedback like this is just icing on the cake!
... “Kate Black is an extremely engaging and knowledgeable external speaker who has clearly demonstrated her expertise in the field of nutrition. Her session on Nutrition for Stress Resilience was very well-received at the firm, and one of the best wellbeing talks we have held in recent months. Kate manages to break down key findings and information on nutrition into easily digestible chunks to give our employees the tools they need to improve their diet, whilst explaining the greater impact nutrition has on mental resilience and wellbeing more generally.”
I’m looking forward to delivering more nutrition talks this year. The programme is looking really exciting. ct
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✨Breakfast of Champions✨ It’s my birthday and the start of my ‘Feel Great in 5 Weeks’ programme - and look what I come down to for breakfast! Gary’s a star ⭐️ . Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon, on my fav multi seeded granary toast with a big side salad... there’s even a slice of lemon. .... I’d like to say this fair is rare in our house, but it’s become a bit of a thing. It happens for bdays but also sporadically through the month. Having the ingredients in and making a little more time helps!
#birthday #breakfast #healthy #feelg8in5weeks #bespokent #nutrition #easywins #time #eggs #salmon #yummy
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✨5 days✨ Feel Great in Five Week Starts 13th January 2020.
🍎fancy finding out if the food you eat and the way you eat it influences your health? Well here’s your chance.
... ✨Let me help you reboot your health so you have the opportunity to feel lighter, brighter and full of energy in 2020.
🌸You can do this course wherever you live, and no matter what stage in life.
💕 According to those that have already completed the programme, ⚡️personal goals have been met ❄️ sleep has improved 🌈 there’s been more energy ⭐️ and weightloss, 🔥 oh and most are surprised they never felt hungry. ☀️Overall, they’ve raved about how much they’ve learnt.
✨Feel better the natural way with Bespoke Nutritional Therapy!✨
If you join you’ll receive weekly health objectives and learn how to:
1️⃣ Maximise your energy levels 2️⃣ Restore your digestivehealth 3️⃣ Balance your hormones 4️⃣ Remove toxins 5️⃣ Boost your immune system . You will receive 🥒 my nutrition knowledge 🌶 my full support daily 🍋 initial & final mini consultations 🍑 daily motivation 🍓 shopping list 🥝 menu planning tips 🥕 Over 50 family recipes 🍎 group support 🥦 tips and tricks to stay on track . ✨Be the change you deserve this New Year! . Only £107 (Hurry as spaces are limited) Contact me to book your place #feelg8in5weeks #health #goals #newyear #lighter #brighter #energy #sleep #course
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✨Happy 2020 one and all✨
I hope you’ve all had a wonderful festive time and managed to get some rest.
We’ve had a brilliant family holiday that was magical at every turn - that said the run up was insane and totally out of control, and there were the usual arguments thrown in for good measure. I’ve been determined to practice what I preach and have a good break, hence my lack of presence here. It’s been really good to step away from social media for a little bit.
... Aunty Kerri nicknamed this - the marshmallow run. It could have been from Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory! Talking of chocolate - it seemed virtually impossible to avoid chocolate over Christmas. Anyone else struggle?
I’m following my amazing 73year old parents down this run - and they went down every black that their crazy grandchildren did. I’m in awe of them and seriously hope I’ve inherited their genetics, but to be honest - I think my Mums’ love of veg, their active lifestyle and positive attitude has everything to do with it. #goals #nevertoolate #inspiration #family #skiing #health #happiness #marshmallow #youth #parents #grateful
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✨The gut’s link to mental health✨... . Can our guts really be driving our mental health? The attached article highlights how this may be possible, and how it then affects our other body systems -like our immunity. . A poor diet, gut dysbiosis (imbalanced microflora), blood sugar dysregulation, inflammatory triggers like gluten and vitamin and mineral deficiencies are all modifiable nutritional factors that can influence our mental health. ... . As an NT, I know that understanding the whole person and their health history is key to equilibrium. Nutrition is part of the puzzle, lifestyle factors like sleep regulation, lowering stress and exercising are also modifiable, and important when considering healing. ntal-health-whats…/ ct
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✨LAZYBIRD OFFER✨ - closes 15th December January's Feel Great in Five Weeks Nutrition & Lifestyle programme
When you ask, I shall deliver.
... So many of you have come to me determined to reset and rebalance your mind and body, to get back to feeling like YOU again... the person you were, the one who could jump out of bed and tackle the world head on, the young vibrant you who glowed and felt positive, and the one with confidence and vitality- who enjoyed a painless life. . You have made it clear, that for you to achieve this you would need a kick start with extra support and accountability from me... . I listened to all your requests and developed a seriously comprehensive online course, that so many of you have already enjoyed and had positive results from. Check out the reviews here - monials . 🌈So I am running it again with some more exciting additions. I'm inviting a group of like minded people to a private online group 13th January 2020 - where I aim to support and rebalance 5 key body systems so you have the opportunity to feel great. You will learn how to... . 👉cook healthily and develop great habits 👉boost your energy and vigour 👉develop deep nourishing and healing sleep 👉alleviate digestive issues (like cramps, bloating, acid reflux) 👉feel positive, confident and self assured 👉get the glow with radiant skin, hair and nails 👉feel strong enough to prevent and fight sickness like colds and flu . 🥗 And yes, you get lots of easy recipes, top nutrition and lifestyle tips and tricks, cooking tips, life hacks, encouragement and daily support from me for 5 whole weeks. . I’m so excited to be running it again so you can make your health your top priority. Don’t miss out on the LAZYBIRD OFFER of £87 until 15th December when it will go up to £107. They’re flying out the door so DM me for your place
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✨Media Influence✨ Plant based, vegan, vegetarian, ominvore, carnivore? What's right for you? . I've been slightly alarmed by the influence of the 'Game Changers' documentary and the number of people who have become vegan because of it. .... While it's a really compelling and persuasive documentary and is promoting a plant based diet – it is also full of inaccuracies, unseen bias and non-evidence based information. . I'm all for promoting a mainly plant based diet (cruelty in mass meat manufacture is horrendous and can not be overlooked), and know first hand the benefits of limiting or even eliminating meat (for a short while) to relieve the load on the liver and the digestive tract, BUT to claim extra strength, reduced injury and fitness for athletes, and optimal health for all - is unfounded. There just isn’t the peer reviewed evidence for it. . I'm not saying veganism can't work and anecdotally in the film it was convincing - but in my opinion it only works for some, and only if you add in extra processed protein powders, supplements and are incredibly good at eating large amounts of veggie protein. But it's not easy and you have to work really hard at it. . Nothing is without the alternative view – Chris Kressner does this very well, and does not deny his own bias. Key points include 1. Not all meat is created equal - Quality is key 2. Meat has a far superior amino acid profile 3. Mono-cropping damages plant and animal farming 4. Plants and Animal products have different nutrients necessary for health 5. Gas emissions 'like for like' would be = 5% animals v 14% transport 6. Conflict of interests & personal bias are everywhere 7. Arnold Schwarzenegger gained his size and muscle profile by eating meat . We are all different but generally a whole food plant diet with small amounts of good quality animal product is good. . If you’re interested in the whole counter argument - Chris Kressners debate is here…
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✨Early Birds fly away today✨ 🐣. 🌈Don’t miss out on your chance to Feel Great in Five Weeks for the Earlybird price!.. 😊 . 🏃🏼‍♀️ If you or anyone you know would like to feel lighter, brighter and full of energy in 2020 - with the full support of a qualified and registered Nutritionist (that’s me!) - don’t hesitate to grab your Earlybird offer today. .... 🌼 Each week you’ll learn how to reset a different body system so you have the opportunity to gain more energy, feel calm, sleep well, relieve digestive issues, alleviate skin problems, lose weight, build immunity and generally feel great. . 🌸 You’ll get five weeks of support with detailed explanations of why you’re making changes. Find out more here...
Price £107 BUT Only £77 today Message me to book today as spaces are limited. in-five-weeks-janua/2427544260791474/?ti =icl .
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✨Cooking up a Storm✨ This broccoli, fennel and pear soup by Christine Bailey is a keeper. Great for cleansing & hormone health and tasty too.
Comment below for the recipe.
#autumn #warming #nutrition #tasty #quick #filling #bespokent #healthyfood #realfood #healingfood #inspiration #recipe #hormonebalance #cleansingfood #detox

More about Bespoke Nutritional Therapy

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -