B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited

About B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited

On February, 2011 we opened the office in London, UK and representative office in Odessa, Ukraine.

During company’s start-up we acquired reliable and authoritative partners in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Presently, we are making registration of B& G Syntez Petroleum Limited in Saudi Aramco as the official trader of petroleum products and petrochemistry, with further assignment of registration number, that allow us to make a responsible statement of our readiness and ability to perform the supply of petroleum products and petrochemistry on the world market.

Working with us:
We would like to offer you efficiency, openness and professionalism of our team. Our purpose – dynamic development of our company based on considered and accepted strategy, we will continue to invest the development, collect essential experience, develop and expand our team and amount of strategic partners. We keep up with the tomes, implement innovations and make our purpose to be one step forward from our business rivals. The strategy and structure of B& G Syntez Petroleum Limited allows flexibility and efficiency in use of our human resources and capital, that gives our clients and partners to receive quality product of our business.

Our perspective in business development:
Capturing world sales markets in international trading of petroleum products and petrochemistry produced by Saudi Aramco and another major world refineries. And also, establishing and development of own manufacturing of alternative fuels from renewable sources of energy, produced from micro algae, with implementation of innovative technologies. Manufacturing of brand new types of fuel.

Leonid Gryshyn

General director
B& G Syntez Petroleum Limited

The mailing address:
29 Harley Street London W1G 9QR
United Kingdom
Tel. + 44 (0) 207 612 47 89
Fax: + 44 (0) 207 182 71 44
Skype: bngspltd
E-mail: bngspltd@gmail.com

Representative office in Odessa, Ukraine:
Tel. : + 38 048 787 54 20
Tel. /fax: + 38 048 785 48 25
E-mail: bionefteprom@ukr.net

B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited Description

On February, 2011 we opened the office in London, UK and representative office in Odessa, Ukraine.

During company’s start-up we acquired reliable and authoritative partners in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Presently, we are making registration of B& G Syntez Petroleum Limited in Saudi Aramco as the official trader of petroleum products and petrochemistry, with further assignment of registration number, that allow us to make a responsible statement of our readiness and ability to perform the supply of petroleum products and petrochemistry on the world market.

Working with us:
We would like to offer you efficiency, openness and professionalism of our team. Our purpose – dynamic development of our company based on considered and accepted strategy, we will continue to invest the development, collect essential experience, develop and expand our team and amount of strategic partners. We keep up with the tomes, implement innovations and make our purpose to be one step forward from our business rivals. The strategy and structure of B& G Syntez Petroleum Limited allows flexibility and efficiency in use of our human resources and capital, that gives our clients and partners to receive quality product of our business.

Our perspective in business development:
Capturing world sales markets in international trading of petroleum products and petrochemistry produced by Saudi Aramco and another major world refineries. And also, establishing and development of own manufacturing of alternative fuels from renewable sources of energy, produced from micro algae, with implementation of innovative technologies. Manufacturing of brand new types of fuel.

Leonid Gryshyn

General director
B& G Syntez Petroleum Limited

The mailing address:
29 Harley Street London W1G 9QR
United Kingdom
Tel. + 44 (0) 207 612 47 89
Fax: + 44 (0) 207 182 71 44
Skype: bngspltd
E-mail: bngspltd@gmail.com

Representative office in Odessa, Ukraine:
Tel. : + 38 048 787 54 20
Tel. /fax: + 38 048 785 48 25
E-mail: bionefteprom@ukr.net



SUPPLIES OF VEGETABLE OILS FROM THE BEST WORLD MANUFACTURERS. Sunflower, soybean and rapeseed oil, crude and refined in any pre-packing and packaging. As well as used cooking oils (UCO) for the production of biofuels. Quality guarantee and on-time delivery to anywhere in the world. Please Contact Us by email: bngspltd@gmail.com We waiting for your LOI or ICPO.


ПОСТАВКИ РАСТИТЕЛЬНЫХ МАСЕЛ ОТ ЛУЧШИХ МИРОВЫХ ПРОИЗВОДИТЕЛЕЙ. Масло подсолнечное, соевое и рапсовое, сырое и рафинированное в любой расфасовке и упаковке. А также технические масла (UCO) для производства биотоплива. Гарантия качества и своевременная поставка в любую точку мира. Свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте: bngspltd@gmail.com Ждём ваше LOI или ICPO.


Please pay attention what at the company B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited, registered at: 3rd Floor, 120 Baker Street, London, W1U 6TU, United Kingdom, registration number changed. Currently, company registration number is 12105201, status: Active. To confirm this information, follow the link below to the website of the State Register of the Companies House: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/compan y/12105201


Пожалуйста, обратите внимание, что у компании B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited, зарегистрированной по адресу 3-й этаж, 120 Бейкер Стрит, Лондон, W1U 6TU, Великобритания, изменился регистрационный номер. В настоящий момент регистрационный номер компании: 12105201, статус: активна. Для подтверждения данной информации пройдите по ссылке ниже на сайт Госреестра Дома Компаний: https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/compan y/12105201


State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan (SCRMET). Государственная Товарно-Сырьевая Биржа Туркменистана (ГТСБТ).


Company Profile B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited

More about B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited

B&G Syntez Petroleum Limited is located at The mailing address: 29 Harley Street, W1G 9QR London, United Kingdom