Bio Balanced Nutrition

About Bio Balanced Nutrition

Bio Balanced Nutrition aims to put the balance back into your life through diet & lifestyles management techniques.

Bio Balanced Nutrition Description

Health is not just the absence of disease, but rather it is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, it is a balance between body, mind& spirit.

Balance is quite often disrupted by our busy lifestyles. Choices about diet, exercise, profession, and relationships all have the potential to create physical, emotional, or spiritual imbalances, this causes a lack of harmony, and makes us more susceptible to disease. We are responsible for our choices and actions, we can attain health by making choices that support our individual biochemistry, by balancing our biochemistry we are supporting mood, energy levels, weight, digestion and immunity.

BioBalanced Nutrition can help you to achieve and maintain health & wellness by providing you with a specifically tailored nutrition and lifestyle programme that is suited to your individual requirements, likes, dislikes, and also practical considerations. Supplementation and functional testing may also be recommended where appropriate.



Food has power - the power to harm and the power to heal. In this first part of a two-part interview with Michael Wilson at Paleo Minds I talk about my journey to wellness using a paleo diet, and why ditching a vegetarian diet was necessary in order to heal my gut. There is no such things as a one size fits all approach to health but when it comes to gastrointestinal distress, food sensitivities and autoimmunity, going back to basics with an ancestral type of diet is key to facilitating the healing process.
#GutHealth #Immunity #AutoImmunity #AutoImmuneProtocol #FoodSensitivites #Inflammation #Microbiome #Paleo -bio-balanced-nutŌĆ”/


"It is puzzling why Diabetes UK recommends as part of a ŌĆ£healthy balanced dietŌĆØ the consumption of plenty of starchy carbohydrates and modest amounts of sugary food and drinks including cakes and biscuits. It is therefore not surprising that the public have such misguided perceptions. Even many doctorsŌĆÖ understanding of nutrition comes from TV and magazines. Biased funding of research, biased reporting in the media and commercial conflicts of interest have resulted in an epidemic of misinformed doctors and misinformed patients where an exaggeration of the benefits of medical interventions has simultaneously detracted from more impactful lifestyle changes." - Dr Aseem Malhotra
#DiabetesEpidemic #Misinformation #ConflictsOfInterest #Bias #NHS #Bankruptcy #ActionOnSugar


Vegetable oils such as corn oil and sunflower oil generate very high levels of aldehydes when heated. They can produce up to 20 times the recommended safe intake level according to the World Health Organisation. Aldehydes are known as promoters of #cancer, #HeartDisease and #Dementia .ŌĆ”/It-s-healt hier-cook-LARD-sunflŌĆ”


Antibiotic resistant superbugs are currently implicated in 700,000 deaths per year. Maybe it's time to start working with nature instead of working against it.... #Probiotics
"Evolution always wins. Bacteria birth a new generation every 20 minutes, it takes pharmaceutical chemistry 10 years to derive a new drug." - Maryn McKenna
#AntibioticResistance #Superbugs #Immunity #FeedYourGut #Microbiome #TreatTheCause
...ŌĆ”/maryn_mckenna_what _do_we_do_when_antibŌĆ”
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A report from the British Medical Association says the extra revenue should be used to make fruit and vegetables cheaper so that we "create an environment where dietary choices default to healthy options". The BMA demands tough regulatory action on a whole range of issues, from taxation to a clampdown on the marketing of unhealthy food and drinks to children.
#ActionOnSugar #Obesity #Diabetes #InsulinResistanceŌĆ”/doctors-ta x-sugar-drinks-uk-obŌĆ”


You are not only eating for one, you are eating for the trillions of bacteria in your gut. The types of food you eat determine the composition of your gut bacteria. Processed foods cause over growth of the types of bacteria that are associated with many inflammatory disease processes including obesity, type-2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases and cancer. Whereas fibrous vegetables feed the types of bacteria that make nutrients and anti-inflammatory compounds which nourish the body and help prevent disease.
#FeedYourGut #HealthyBacteria #AllDiseaseBeginsInTheGut #Microbiome /


According to the World Health Organisation, if we keep using antibiotics for livestock, superbugs could surpass cancer as a leading cause of death by 2050. A few farms have already made the switch from using antibiotics to probiotics with great success. It's a step in the right direction!
"It's thought that probiotics might be able to do the two most common jobs of livestock antibiotics: helping animals grow bigger, and helping them avoid disease." - Matthew Koci
#Microbiome... #Bacteria #Superbugs #Antibiotics #Probiotics #ImmuneHealth #FactoryFarming #GrassFedŌĆ”/livesto ck-antibiotics-superŌĆ”
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For most people obesity is not a choice. Some people have a hard time losing weight no matter what they do. This article explains a few possible reasons for this. How you were born, the diet and lifestyle you had growing up, and even the diet & lifestyle your parents had before your conception determines your genetic and epigenetic make up. You can't change your genes, but the good news is that by making the right food and lifestyle choices you can change how your genes are expressed.
#Genetics #Epigenetics #Obesity #Weightloss #Nutrition


Good news! The McDonalds Corporation is down sizing, they are looking to close 700 restaurants worldwide due to drop in sales. Meanwhile health food sales are on the increase! we're slowly heading in the right direction. #ChangeIsComing #FoodRevolution #HealthFood #Organic #Health #NutritionŌĆ”/mcdonald s-to-close-more-storŌĆ”


Most people don't think about environmental mold as being a major cause of symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, depression or even weight gain. When all other causes of symptoms have been ruled out, toxic mold exposure is one factor that very few people think to consider. Here's is a great new documentary explaining how mold in your home or place of work may be making you sick, and what you can do to eliminate it. It's free to watch until Saturday 13th June.


Mental stress is major contributing factor that impacts our health, and yet so much of what people stress over is completely unnecessary. This is a great reminder that the most effective way to get to where you want to go is to be present, and focus on the here and now. Or another way of putting it....focus on what you have to do now to get to where you are going.
#TrueStory #RealTalk #Stress #DeStress #Health #Presence


Scientists are just starting to discover how everything is connected.....No surprise there! This new discovery will have a huge impact on how future studies of neurological diseases are conducted. Text books are to be re-written and neurologists and immunologists are to collaborate.... #TheFutureOfMedicine 294965.php


"There's no evidence that unprocessed saturated fat causes heart attacks, obesity or diabetes. If anything, consuming healthy fats (like those found in grass-fed meat, nuts, coconut oil, butter, olive oil, salmon and avocados) protect against these diseases. The food industry has profited from the low-fat mantra for decades because foods that are marketed as low-fat are often loaded with sugar,". "We are now learning that added sugar in food is driving the obesity epidemic and the rise in diabetes and cardiovascular disease.ŌĆØ - Dr Aseem MalhotraŌĆ”/saturated-fat -gets-vindicated-by-ŌĆ”


This short video explains what happens to your body when you sit for too long.
Your metabolism slows and you become insulin resistant. The enzymes that break down fats, and move fats from your arteries to your muscles to be burned off, slow down. The muscles in your lower body are turned off and start to break down. Brain function slows down due to poor circulation and lack of oxygen being pumped up to the brain.
If your job requires you to sit for long periods it's a good i...dea to set an alarm on your phone to remind yourself to get up and move at least once every hour. Have a stretch and walk around the office for 5 minutes, and if possible try to do parts of your job standing.
#Diabetes #HeartDisease #MetabolicDisease #Obesity #Depression #Osteoporosis #Cancer 58
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"While the determinants of mental health are complex, the emerging and compelling evidence for nutrition as a key factor in the high prevalence and incidence of mental disorders suggests that nutrition is as important to psychiatry as it is to cardiology, endocrinology and gastroenterology," - Dr Sarris
#MentalHealth #EssentialFats #Nutrition #BloodSugarControl /ŌĆ”/150129104217.htm


"Two roads diverged in a wood and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost
#Truth #Health #Freedom #WordsOfWisdom #TheRoadLessTraveled


Become a label reader, better yet eat food that doesn't require a label.... #JustEatRealFood
#NeuroToxins #ExcitoToxins #MonoSodiumGlutamate #MSG #ArtificialFood #ArtificialSweeteners #ArtificialColoring #SodiumBenzoate #FoodLabels #FoodAdditives #Hyperactivity #ADHDŌĆ”/Ō Ć”/2007/sep/07_99.shtml


Slow down, chew your food, and taste every mouthful, digestion begins in the mouth.....
As you chew digestive enzymes are released in saliva, this starts the digestive process by making it easier for the acids and enzymes in your stomach and intestines to get to work on making those nutrients available for your body to absorb. Eating slowly & chewing properly will help to prevent overeating, as it can take 15- 20 minutes for satiety signals to tell your brain that your stomach is full.
#MindfulEating #ChewYourFood #SlowDown #Bloating #DigestiveHealth #NutrientAbsorption #WeightControl #BioBalancedNutrition

More about Bio Balanced Nutrition

Bio Balanced Nutrition is located at 1a Ryknild House, Burnett Road, Streetly, B74 3EL Sutton Coldfield
+44 7824 646 721