Bkm Nutrition

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Bkm Nutrition

My dream is to help over 100, 000 people understand nutrition better so they can transform their lives easily while eating foods they love

Bkm Nutrition Description

With over 15 years of competitive bodybuilding experience and 10 years working with clients BKM nutrition consultancy and personal training business benefits from a wealth of knowledge and practical experience

Clients from all walks of life are catered for, we provide nutrition and training advice for any person looking to lose or gain weight, increase muscle, or just to generally be healthier.

We also provide competitive sports prep for bodybuilding, MMA and other performance sports.

We do not sell cookie cutter or cut and paste plans copied from others. Every plan is bespoke to the client. We take on only a limited amount of clients to ensure that we can pay each client close attention.



So I’m writing a book
Hopefully it won’t turn out like John Doe’s library in Se7en
No promises though
... #bookwriting #dentglobal #rethinkpress #author #entrepreneurmindset #nutritionbook #nutritionist #bkmnutrition #bristolnutritionist
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A relaxing trip in the big wheel at Weston beach
Nic loves high places
#bigwheel #westonbeach


If you want the slides from my Bodypower presentations you can now get them from the link in my bio
Videos to follow on the same link
Feel free to share
... #bodypower #bodypowerexpo #publicspeaking #insulin #musclebuilding #educator
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First time presenting at @bodypowerexpo today and delivered 2 back to back talks
▫️ Insulin use in bodybuilding ▫️ Practical muscle gain tactics
... Great to meet new people and I was really nervous about messing up but thankfully no mishaps occurred
Filmed both of the talks so once @severnwave_james has edited and trimmed it I’ll have the full videos for download
Thank you to everyone who attended. To see over 100 people listen to what I’ve got to say on the Nutrition stage was pleasantly overwhelming
#bodypowerexpo #publicspeaking #muscleproteinsynthesis #broscience #evidencebasednutrition #musclegain #educator #meetingnewpeople #necbirmingham #tomblackmannutrition #bkmnutrition #weightlosscoach #tailoredshirt #videographer
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Sunday at Bodypower on the Lab stage
Is insulin needed to be successful at building muscle or is it something that is confused routinely by people using it for the wrong reasons?
I’ll be covering 7 major areas
... ▫️Pre Workout Carb loading
▫️GH receptor signalling
▫️Improving absorption of supplements
▫️Restoring Glycogen post workout
▫️Muscle Protein Synthesis
▫️Using to give the Pancreas a rest from large food intake
▫️Speeding Up absorption of meals
12.00pm on the Lab stage @bodypowerexpo #insulin #bodypowerexpo #publicspeaking #tomblackmannutrition #performancenutritionist #nutrition #anabolic #muscleproteinsynthesis #broscience
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This Sunday I’ll be speaking on the Nutrition 101 stage at @bodypowerexpo
The topic?
“Practical applications for muscle gain from an old dog whose learned new tricks”
... Detailing how muscle building techniques have evolved (or not) and what I’ve found to be the best techniques when working with clients
So this will be stuff that you can apply simply to your own system to yield immediate results
1.15pm if you’re interested in coming
Also 12.00 I’ll be on the Lab stage talking about insulin and the science (or not) behind its use in bodybuilding
#bodypower #bkmnutrition #insulin #musclegain #publicspeaking
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Know your enemy
We all have different foods that affect us in different ways
Although I encourage flexible eating I also am realistic with my clients and there will always be foods that will result in bingeing
... Using the impulse control and food reward matrix you can potentially identify problems before they come up and plan for them
This matrix was adapted from Stephan Guyenets book. Definitely worth a read
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Getting my talks ready for Bodypower next week 1️⃣ insulin 2️⃣ practical methods for muscle growth
Looking forward to meeting new people and hopefully dispelling some myths and creating knew knowledge in people so they get the most out of their training and nutrition
... 12pm and 1.15pm if you want to come
#bodypower #bodypowerexpo #insulin #insulinpump #musclebuilding #educator #publicspeaking #bkmnutrition #tomblackmannutrition #bristolnutritionist
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Weight loss isn’t easy
Unless of course you’re actually not overweight. Then it’s very easy
Easy to lecture others I mean
... “Just create a calorie deficit and eat less”
“Stop eating like an asshole”
“Fat people are lazy”
Etc etc
Funny, I see a lot of slim ‘diet coaches’ eating like proper assholes on their social media with epic ‘refeeds’ of 12 packs of donuts 🤔 I also see a good amount of people ‘creating a deficit’ by doing 2 hours cardio a day on the days they aren’t eating like an asshole 🤔🤔 Plus there’s definitely a LOT of lazy diet coaches who send out their plans on WhatsApp forgetting to change the name at the top of the message 🤔🤔🤔 But that’s ok because they aren’t overweight
Behaviour and habits are a major part of an effective weight loss strategy and it’s an area that I’ve been learning a great deal about recently
See I used to be a guy that said and did these things myself years ago before I started actually working with clients
I never copied and pasted plans though. That’s a dick move
The underlying root causes that prevent weight loss are 1️⃣Confusion 2️⃣The Prison 3️⃣Frustration
Understanding these pivotal factors is key to eliminating them from the clients life
Once they are gone then weight loss CAN be easy
Overeating is not the CAUSE of someone being overweight. It’s the REASON
The CAUSE are the factors that affect the overeating
Eliminate the cause. Eliminate the overeating
That’s where I work
#overeating #tomblackmannutrition #bkmnutrition #weightlossupport #hungrybrain #atomichabits #targetlean #bristolnutritionist #caloriedeficit #eatinglikeanasshole #weightlosscoach #fatlosstips #weightlosstips #weightlossplans
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Thankfully I watch GOT as soon as it comes out so I’m not affected by melts posting spoilers
Shame the same can’t be said for the numerous ‘this fad diet’ Gurus who continually create misery and confusion in their clients with their silly pseudo science
Many of my clients have at some point been affected by these brainless leeches that prey on the desperate dreams of people looking to create a leaner body
... ❌ They don’t educate their clients because they have no real education themselves
❌ They don’t give the clients choice because they don’t understand it themselves
❌ They don’t provide ongoing support or momentum as the client can’t sustain the silly rules of the diet for long
Yet people still sign up to these plans because they are looking for a quick fix solution
It’s a vicious circle of frustration which can only be broken by proper education
Help me to put these unscrupulous people out of business and give this post a share on your story
If you want some free help with your nutrition then download my Lean Body Blueprint from my bio link
It contains everything you need to create your own weight loss plan
For free
#tomblackmannutrition #bkmnutrition #leanbodyblueprint #fatlosstips #detox #lists #targetlean #bristolnutritionist #weightlossideas
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Upset about a little diet wobble on the weekend?
I’ll let you in on a secret
No one ever sticks to their diet 100%
... There’s just some things in life you can’t plan for and then the stress gets the better of you temporarily
So you eat something you know you really shouldn’t
Here’s a few tips
1. Aim for 80% on Target that way you’ll be on the right course the majority of the time and continue to make progress
2. AMP - ACCEPT that sometimes you’ll make mistakes. MOVE on from it and PLAN for the next time so you can have a coping strategy or habit in place
3. Have planned fall back munchables so that if you encounter a situation that threatens the status quo you already have the emergency snacks ready. This will reduce the immediate impact and deal with the problem quickly before it escalates
Remember that long term weight loss will be a 6 month effort not 6 weeks and your focus should never be only on that time period
Yes you can lose weight rapidly on a diet but this will most likely be from unusual activities for you and so there’s a high risk of relapse
Aiming long term allows a better settling in period and adjustments to new habits that can build up and reinforce themselves over this time
#bkmnutrition #atomichabits #tomblackmannutrition #weightlosstips #fatlosstips #bristolnutritionist
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Enjoying a mental recharge with a woodland walk. Took Jacob to Soft Play for 2 hours so he’s taking time out
Something I’ve learnt recently is to make time to recharge
Seems very simple and logical but anyone who works for themselves will relate to this
... You’re always on it as a business owner
Always thinking of a new idea or how to tackle new problems or opportunities and there’s never enough hours in the day
Not taking time out to recharge makes you worse not better and you get less done and the problem escalates
My woodland walks have helped me to recharge mentally and I always have great ideas when my mind is wandering
Some make it to my business. Some don’t. But I would have them without the time out
Have a great Sunday whatever you’re doing
#tomblackmannutrition #bkmnutrition #timeout #weekendwalks #rechargethebatteries #entrepreneurmindset
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Some nice Sunday reading
Liver issues linked with Herbslife. Oops
While it’s not likely that the odd shake from them will cause liver issues. The way they promote means they definitely don’t want you just buying the odd shake
... They form a centre around their supplements for your weight loss. Creating a dependency
Weight loss really doesn’t need supplements
Because weight loss is about calorie restriction
Keeping to a calorie restriction requires a control of appetite and mentally stimulating meals that you enjoy and keep you full for as long as possible
Supplements won’t help with any of these
They are good for convenience but never confuse that with necessity
You don’t NEED supplements to lose weight
#herbalife #weightlosssupplements #bkmnutrition #tomblackmannutrition
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Staff Meating
#mofgym #steakdinner


This week I had a check in with a really focussed client and we talked about the Easter Weekend
Like many people he had gone to a family gathering so was near impossible to stick to any rigid plan
So the plan was to make sensible choices and accept that he may be over his calories for the weekend
... At our weekly check in this week he said that he’d had some chocolate and other things and that his bodyweight had gone up a few kg as a result
This is quite a common occurrence for many people losing weight and their first instinct is to think they’ve totally messed up their weeks of hard work
However we noticed from his daily weight log that although the weight had gone up it had returned to his pre weekend weight in a few days
What this means is that he had maintained weight with a slight fluctuation from the volume of food that caused a temporary weight gain
He went back onto his plan Monday and this meant he returned back to his pre weekend weight quickly
To gain a kilo of bodyfat you have to eat nearly 8000 kcal over your normal intake. That’s a LOT of Easter Eggs
Quick weight gain is highly likely NOT to be fat so don’t ever get downhearted from a bit of weight gain after a big weekend
Making sure you are in a deficit on average means that the odd heavy weekend will only have a temporary effect on your weight
Returning to a consistent diet as soon as possible will mean you can still make progress
This and other techniques are all included in my free book The Lean Body Blueprint which you can get from the link in my bio
#weekendeating #weightlosstips #fatlosstips #bkmnutrition #nutritionist #nutritioncoach #weekenddiet #eatwellbewell
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New podcast out today
We talk with @ace_dan_osman about his recent charity event with CALM to raise awareness of male depression and suicide
Also various nutrition topics and the normal dad jokes x 3
... #podcast #prepradio #CALM #calmcharity #bkmnutrition @pscarb
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This looks easy
But isn’t
300 reps on legs but each set increasing the weight and a 15 rep max on reps. Means you hit your max weight quite quickly and stay there
... When you think most people do 30-40 reps max per exercise and then break to something else. It gives the muscles a slight rest
The advantage to this type of training
1. It’s simple. 3 exercises 100 reps per exercise. So you have to think less about Workout variables
2. It’s quicker as you stick on one station and only move twice in the workout so ideal for busy gyms or when you’ve got limited time
3. It’s challenging both physically and mentally. Because who wants to train like a pussy
For this and more workout ideas join the Target Gain program
No workout will ever be the same
#targetgain #legdaytraining #everydayislegday #quads #quadsworkout #legday #bkmnutrition #bodybuildingcoach
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I am always learning
Today I’m learning about coping with poo accidents while at soft play
And some stuff on psychology of eating
... I find the behavioural element to nutrition so interesting and the more I learn the better I get at creating substantive change in those I work with
This book’s an absolute gem and worth a read even if you aren’t a nutritionist. Looking forward to seeing Stephan Guyenet in person when he comes to the UK for @martinnutrition conference in June
Nutrition is much more than just ‘eat this’ and ‘calorie deficit’. If that’s all you’re hearing from people you follow or pay for advice then you may want to broaden your scope
#eathealthyloseweight #hungrybrain #eatinghabits #multitasking #dadlife #nutritionist #bristolnutritionist #bkmnutrition #everydayisaschoolday
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More about Bkm Nutrition

Bkm Nutrition is located at 15 Douglas Road, BS15 8NH Bristol, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -