Blissful Bébé

About Blissful Bébé

Baby Massage, Baby Yoga and Story Massage courses for parents in Sussex and Kent

Blissful Bébé Description

Blissful Bébé offers Baby Massage, Baby Yoga and Story Massage courses.

The International Association of Infant Massage course is for parents to learn the art of nurturing touch and communication through the eyes, smiles, and contact between them and their baby.
The Birthlight Baby Yoga course is for parents to learn gentle movements with songs for baby and enjoy some exercise together focusing on each other, before relaxation time.
The Story Massage course is for parents to learn a series of strokes alongside rhymes, songs and stories with their babies, toddlers and children of all ages.



For the mamas in the house feeling a little Monday exhaustion today... you are not alone ūüíĖ


Welcome to Blissful Bébé. A calm space to connect, to relax, to nourish yourself and to bond with your baby.
This baby massage course runs over 5 sessions, 10:15-11:35am (Thursday 8 Nov to Thur 6 Dec), based in a beautiful countryside setting in Blackham. A fantastic way to bond deeply with your baby and learn the art of baby massage, as well as to meet other families. We gradually build on techniques and repeat learned strokes every week so that you feel confident by the en...d of the course to do the full body routine at home. You will also learn a colic routine, gentle yoga inspired movements and adaptations for growing children. It is a relaxed course where parents are free to feed / change / cuddle baby any time they like (baby sleep never interrupted!) All babies welcome from birth to one.
Benefits of attending an IAIM baby massage course can include...
for the baby: -Bonding with parent -Reduced crying and emotional distress -Prolonged relaxation and longer sleep -Development of body awareness and coordination -Relief from colic, wind, constipation, teething pain -Stimulation of systems (circulatory, respiratory, digestive etc)
for the parent: -Feeling connected with your baby -Wonderful one-to-one time to focus on your baby -Increased understanding of baby's cues and body language -Feeling relaxed from skin-to-skin -Confidence in using positive touch communication -Empowered with a tool to help your baby at home -Lifelong parenting skill
This is a nurturing environment for parents to share their joys and challenges of the early days together in a supportive space.
Small, cosy setting with places limited - advance booking essential. £60 per family (twins welcome).
I look forward to meeting you, Katie x Certified Infant Massage Instructor with International Association of Infant Massage course accredited by Royal College of Midwives
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Welcome to Blissful Bébé. A calm cosy space to connect, to relax, to nourish yourself and to bond with your baby.
This baby massage course runs over 5 sessions, 10:30-11:50am (Mon 19 Nov to Mon 17 Dec), based in a beautiful countryside setting in Blackham. A fantastic way to bond deeply with your baby and learn the art of baby massage, as well as to meet other families. We gradually build on techniques and repeat learned strokes every week so that you feel confident by the e...nd of the course to do the full body routine at home. You will also learn a colic routine, gentle yoga inspired movements and adaptations for growing children. It is a relaxed course where parents are free to feed / change / cuddle baby any time they like (baby sleep never interrupted!) All babies welcome from birth to one.
Benefits of attending an IAIM baby massage course can include...
for the baby: -Bonding with parent -Reduced crying and emotional distress -Prolonged relaxation and longer sleep -Development of body awareness and coordination -Relief from colic, wind, constipation, teething pain -Stimulation of systems (circulatory, respiratory, digestive etc)
for the parent: -Feeling connected with your baby -Wonderful one-to-one time to focus on your baby -Increased understanding of baby's cues and body language -Feeling relaxed from skin-to-skin -Confidence in using positive touch communication -Empowered with a tool to help your baby at home -Lifelong parenting skill
This is a nurturing environment for parents to share their joys and challenges of the early days together in a supportive space.
Small, cosy setting with places limited - advance booking essential. £60 per family (twins welcome).
I look forward to meeting you, Katie x Certified Infant Massage Instructor with International Association of Infant Massage course accredited by Royal College of Midwives
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Respect from the very beginning so that it is an integral part of the way the brain is wired ūüôč‚Äć‚ôāÔłŹūüôč #consent #respect #teachingboundaries #parenting #play #positivetouch #listentotheirvoice #alwaystheirchoice #blissfulbebe #communication #connection #learningtosayno




So overwhelmed by an inbox full of love and kindness from previous course graduates. THANK YOU ALL for your feedback xxxSo overwhelmed by an inbox full of love and kindness from previous course graduates. THANK YOU ALL for your feedback xxx


When you cry happy tears reading a message from one of your families who joined a baby massage course 18 months ago, then did toddler Story Massage course and are back with baby #2, now experiencing a whole new level of family bonding time with 2 under 2s... Personally, I am so grateful for this feedback and wonderful suggestion for new workshop ideas for massage between siblings and new babies. The best ideas for workshops that might be useful always come from parents using... massage, and those babies are our best teachers. Completely overwhelmed at the kindness of this big-hearted mama, who has taken time out of her day with two little ones to send me such a powerful testimony of what massage means to her family <3
"Our toddler is really starting to get the hang of being gentle with his sister, I think this could be a good baby massage workshop idea for nurturing sibling relationships! I've found it really helpful as H feels like he's helping me to look after baby and getting involved but he's learning too. It's a really nice activity for the three of us to do together. We tend to just give her a leg and foot massage, he loves counting her toes ūüėć everyone should do baby massage it's been so helpful especially as he's not even 2 yet! I am convinced it's really helping them to bond because he completely adores her! Thank you so much Katie. You are doing such a wonderful thing which has made a big difference to our little family and lots of others who may not have been so vocal about it. ūüėė xx"
#love #family #bonding #iaimuk #blissfulbebe #babymassage #storymassage #lovewhatyoudo #tinybusiness #allaboutconnection #peoplemattermost #parentingtogether #familybonding #buildingthetribe
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Do you ever feel like this? What do you need to feel like YOU? Find that thing and make the space for it, even if it's just a hot shower whilst someone else cuddles the baby... The juggling of motherhood is such a delicate balance and it's so easy for mums to feel overwhelmed at the daily tasks of meeting everyone else's needs that they forget to include their own needs. We're all about parenting together at the IAIM, so expect us to ask how YOU are in class, not just how is! Self-care doesn't really mean fancy things like going for a spa break, it's more like finding daily moments where you check in with yourself and exhale, let go, drop any guilt and tell yourself what an awesome job you are doing at a hundred things every day. Remember, you won't miss the days you did all the housework, but you might miss the days when the most important part of your role meant cuddling a baby who needed you completely. It's tough some days, so call support in from your tribe whenever you can. If you need to find your tribe, why not join us? Free workshops on positive touch running as well as baby massage courses and story massage workshops. So if noone else tells you in awe today... hear this now... You ROCK mamas!! ūüíĖūüíĖūüíĖūüíĖūüíĖ
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Welcome to Blissful Bébé. A calm space to connect, to relax, to nourish yourself and to bond with your baby.
This baby massage course runs over 5 sessions, 10:30-11:45am (Mon 15 Oct to Mon 12 Nov), based in a beautiful countryside setting in Blackham. A fantastic way to bond deeply with your baby and learn the art of baby massage, as well as to meet other families. We gradually build on techniques and repeat learned strokes every week so that you feel confident by the end of... the course to do the full body routine at home. You will also learn a colic routine, gentle yoga inspired movements and adaptations for growing children. It is a relaxed course where parents are free to feed / change / cuddle baby any time they like (baby sleep never interrupted!) All babies welcome from birth to one.
Benefits of attending an IAIM baby massage course can include...
for the baby: -Bonding with parent -Reduced crying and emotional distress -Prolonged relaxation and longer sleep -Development of body awareness and coordination -Relief from colic, wind, constipation, teething pain -Stimulation of systems (circulatory, respiratory, digestive etc)
for the parent: -Feeling connected with your baby -Wonderful one-to-one time to focus on your baby -Increased understanding of baby's cues and body language -Feeling relaxed from skin-to-skin -Confidence in using positive touch communication -Empowered with a tool to help your baby at home -Lifelong parenting skill
This is a nurturing environment for parents to share their joys and challenges of the early days together in a supportive space.
Small, cosy setting with places limited - advance booking essential. £60 per family (twins welcome).
I look forward to meeting you, Katie x Certified Infant Massage Instructor with International Association of Infant Massage course accredited by Royal College of Midwives
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Proud to be celebrating Infant Massage Awareness Week 2018 #IMAW18


Thank you so much to the 14 wonderful families that came along for the free workshop this morning about positive touch for positive parenting that I held at Langton Pavilion Cafe. It's always so interesting to share experiences and hear how you are connecting with your little ones, so much wisdom in a group of mothers ūüíú I hope you enjoyed learning about the benefits of positive touch, how baby massage helps build bonds and how you can connect creatively through the fun of St...ory Massage. I hope you also took away some new ideas to try at home and don't forget to just keep cuddling, there is nothing more important ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ©‚Äćūü϶ūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎßūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ©‚ ÄćūüĎßūüĎ®‚Äćūü϶ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎß‚Äćūü ϶ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎß #researchnotrods #parentingmadesimple #keepthemclose #lovethem #holdthem #buildbonds #secureattachment #baseforlife #buildindependencebymeetingneedsininfancy #itwontlastforever #cherishthemnow #optimalbraindevelopment #positivetouch #positiveparenting #blissfulbebe #iaimuk #babymassage #storymassage #itsnevertoolatetostart #family
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PARENTS, make this Tuesday one for YOU! Join me at the FREE WORKSHOP I'm hosting, 10-11am.
Meet other parents, order a hot drink or slice of something delicious (made by someone else) and cuddle your baby whilst you learn about just how IMPORTANT those cuddles are. I know you will feel better for it, come and enjoy a whole dedicated to YOU! ūüíú ~ Katie x #parentsneedtimetodrinktea #parentsneedtoeatcake #supportingeachother #parentingtogether #bethechange #buildthevillage #spreadthelove #positiveparenting #positivetouch #babymassage #storymassage #blissfulbebe


FREE WORKSHOP! So you can treat yourself to cake! This Tuesday, 10-11am. Join us to learn about the importance of touch, how to use positive touch for positive parenting and learn about the fun of baby massage and story massage. The workshop is taking place at the wonderful Langton Pavilion Cafe, baby-friendly and serving delicious treats. What's not to love? Join us and bring family and friends ūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūü ôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüô č‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚ Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüôč‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ... #freeworkshop #soyoucantreatyourself #cake #blissfulbebe #iaim #babymassage #storymassage #parentingtogether #mumsneedfeedingtoo #timefortea #massageforeveryone #dadswelcome #bringbigsiblingstoo #funforwholefamily
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If you need a bedtime laugh... #wonkydonkey ūüėā This one sounds like a perfect Story Massage contender!


ūüíú Hugs and unconditional love right from the start ūüíú


Looking forward to meeting all the new parents and babies in the course starting tomorrow. Spreading the importance of positive touch communication ūüíú #iaim #babymassage #touchmatters #firstsensetodevelop #lastsensetoleaveus #positivetouch #holdthemclose #babesinarms #newborn #parenting #secureattachment #blissfulbebe #buildingthetribe


FREE WORKSHOP! Open to all parents and babies (older siblings and expectant parents also very welcome) Learn about - benefits of skin-to-skin - the importance of touch in development... - Baby Massage and Story Massage - techniques for soothing babies from Katie, founder of local Blissful Bébé Invite your friends and join us at the lovely Langton Pavilion Cafe, which is super baby-friendly, with cosy sofas to feed your babies, free easy parking outside, great buggy access and baby change as well as plenty of delicious snacks, drinks and lunch options. The cafe is open from 9am until 4pm so you can stay as long as you want! There is a great play area for toddlers and children if you have other kids in tow they will be safe to play where you can still see them. Please let us know if you're attending by clicking the buttons! Thank you, we look forward to seeing you on Tues 18 Sept at 10am! Katie x Certified Infant Massage Instructor and Story Massage Instructor
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Grown ups stay wild ūüćÄūüźõūüĆ≥ūüĆ≤ūüĆŅūüĆĪūüćĀūüźöūüćĄūüĆį< br>


What a creative way to use massage by one of our Graduates, so wonderful to see where this course takes people! Thank you for sharing ūüíúI love it!


We’ve just finished a lovely 5 week massage course! Brilliant atmosphere and great to have the space to talk to other mums and dads whilst massaging! Learning how to massage my little one was a great experience! Thank you Katie!!! Xx


We just finished the 5 week course and really enjoyed it. The atmosphere was lovely, my little one always got excited with all the other mums and babies but could also relax. It's great to know how to do a baby massage properly now.


We have just finished the five week course and have learnt so much. The class really provided a safe and supportive space for me to connect with my little one in a very nurturing way. We loved it and would highly recommend it! Xxx


We did Katie’s blissful Bébé 5 week massage course and it was the best course to do with a new born baby. The massage was excellent, my baby loved it, it gave me time with my baby and Katie made us feel really welcome and relaxed throughout the whole course. Katie teaches the techniques really well and there is no feeling of pressure. The course sessions were a great time just to have time one on one with your baby that perhaps you wouldn’t get with all the things you have to do in every day life. I learnt a lot, not only in massage but to with many other topics to do with babies, weaning was one of the subjects discussed and that was really helpful. Katie empowers mothers to know best and that they know their babies best which gave me such confidence. Katie also gives you tea and coffee and biscuits,which is heaven! Thank you Katie. Carry and Alfie. X


The course was fantastic. Katie ran a 5 week block for our NCT group in one of our homes and we learnt a full body massage routine. The technique was gradually built up and we revisited what we'd learnt previously so confidence gradually grew. Katie has a really relaxed and approachable style and the sessions were very baby-led so I didn't worry about Will crying or feeding. All the babies just work at their own pace.


Thank you so much for this fantastic course Katie. Oscar and I loved coming along on a Wednesday to learn new massage techniques. Each class was thoughtfully planned out and it was lovely to catch up with the other mummies and talk through our experiences. The class is held in such a relaxed, beautiful setting. The cycle legs in particular have made such a difference for us. I would definitely recommend this course to other mums. Thanks once again!


Thank you so much Katie. We enjoyed your class so much. You taught the massage sequence so clearly - it's easy to remember and practical to use. You have given us a new way to relate to each other and get to know each other. How special! Thanks again! ‚̧ԳŹ


Really lovely and intimate and in such a beautiful setting. Katie makes you feel at home and welcome and teaches in a way that you actually remember what you've learnt! This was invaluable one-to-one time for me and my second child and realised how important touch is as a vital human need. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Highly recommend this massage course. Would recommend new mums to go as soon as they can, such a lovely way to bond and connect with your baby. x


My little man and I have just finished our baby massage course with Katie and absolutely loved it! Despite my baby being just a month old when we started every week has been a chance to learn new techniques and try them at home. Even when we could only manage one arm before the onset of hunger set in the setting is so calm and relaxed that you can sit and feed and still stay calm and watch other babies enjoying their massages. I would totally recommend this class for new mamas, like me, who might just need a push to get out of the house and meet other mums or who want to learn some lovely strokes to use on baby to take forward into toddlerhood and beyond. A wonderful person and place and lots of good vibes shared.


Me and my little boy had a fabulous time on the five week course ÔŅĹ. Katie is so welcoming and has a natural teaching style that made me and Ruben feel completely at ease. The lessons are well paced and really help you to learn more about your baby. It‚Äôs been a wonderful experience for both of us, and we‚Äôve met new friends - as a new mum this was so amazing ÔŅĹ


Katie's 5 week course was lovely- really relaxing, inspiring and we learned so much about baby massage. My baby had a great time socialising too :)


Katie came to my home to run our series of baby massage as we couldn’t make it to her. She was so lovely, patient and knowledgeable. The classes quickly became a highlight of the week and it was so lovely to have that bonding time with my baby, plus learn the skills to repeat it whenever and include my older children as well. Plus the snacks and tea were also delicious!


It was great to complete the massage course with Katie. Such a special thing to share with my little one that I hope to continue! Katie was a great teacher - made me feel very at ease and went over things enough to ensure I remembered them after the class. The oil was lovely and resources provided were brilliant. Would highly recommend this class to new parents.


I'm so glad that I took this baby massage course, taught by Katie. From our very first session Katie made me feel relaxed and inspired.

The beautiful surroundings and supportive atmosphere meant that I found this weekly hour and a half a fantastic 'break' with my baby. It was complete time out to focus 100% on Raffi, bond with him and learn to further respond to his cues. It was also a lovely opportunity to meet other parents.

Raffi can have bad wind and it can, at times, cause him a bit of pain. I've really found the stomach massage techniques a valuable tool in helping him.

I can't see how anyone would regret taking this massage class - It has been such a positive experience with a talented, caring teacher.


I really enjoyed our 5 week course with Katie, she made me and my baby feel at ease. With babies you never know how they are going to be on the day so it was great that we could feed when they needed to etc. Techniques were explained fully and I really enjoyed the sharing of other worries, tips etc as a first time mum with other mums that were on the course. I'm still using the massage as part of my routine with my son. I recommend this course with Katie.


I have just completed Katie’s course and enjoyed every week! Katie creates a calm and relaxing atmosphere to learn the massage techniques. By the end of the course I felt confident in using what I had learnt and now massage my son most days at home.


I couldn't recommend this course highly enough. Katie made us feel at home from the first session with her calm, relaxed approach to classes and each week she built on skills learnt in previous sessions. It's given us a lovely new focused activity to do together which we both really enjoy. For me personally it was also really helpful to spend time chatting to other likeminded mums over a cup of tea and organic treats at the end of the class! Thank you Katie!


I completed a one to one course with Blissful Bebe. It was a fantastic insight into alternative ways to communicate and bond with my daughter and I'm so pleased to have done it. I can't recommend it enough! Thank you.


I absolutely loved this course. My little girl loved it too. It was so lovely to spend that time with my daughter one to one. Our teacher Kate was so welcoming and the biscuits and refreshments were the perfect end to the class, along with helpful questions and answers afterwards. All in all a great class with beautiful surrounds ÔŅĹ


We’ve just finished a lovely 5 week massage course! Brilliant atmosphere and great to have the space to talk to other mums and dads whilst massaging! Learning how to massage my little one was a great experience! Thank you Katie!!! Xx


We just finished the 5 week course and really enjoyed it. The atmosphere was lovely, my little one always got excited with all the other mums and babies but could also relax. It's great to know how to do a baby massage properly now.


We have just finished the five week course and have learnt so much. The class really provided a safe and supportive space for me to connect with my little one in a very nurturing way. We loved it and would highly recommend it! Xxx


We did Katie’s blissful Bébé 5 week massage course and it was the best course to do with a new born baby. The massage was excellent, my baby loved it, it gave me time with my baby and Katie made us feel really welcome and relaxed throughout the whole course. Katie teaches the techniques really well and there is no feeling of pressure. The course sessions were a great time just to have time one on one with your baby that perhaps you wouldn’t get with all the things you have to do in every day life. I learnt a lot, not only in massage but to with many other topics to do with babies, weaning was one of the subjects discussed and that was really helpful. Katie empowers mothers to know best and that they know their babies best which gave me such confidence. Katie also gives you tea and coffee and biscuits,which is heaven! Thank you Katie. Carry and Alfie. X


The course was fantastic. Katie ran a 5 week block for our NCT group in one of our homes and we learnt a full body massage routine. The technique was gradually built up and we revisited what we'd learnt previously so confidence gradually grew. Katie has a really relaxed and approachable style and the sessions were very baby-led so I didn't worry about Will crying or feeding. All the babies just work at their own pace.


Thank you so much for this fantastic course Katie. Oscar and I loved coming along on a Wednesday to learn new massage techniques. Each class was thoughtfully planned out and it was lovely to catch up with the other mummies and talk through our experiences. The class is held in such a relaxed, beautiful setting. The cycle legs in particular have made such a difference for us. I would definitely recommend this course to other mums. Thanks once again!


Thank you so much Katie. We enjoyed your class so much. You taught the massage sequence so clearly - it's easy to remember and practical to use. You have given us a new way to relate to each other and get to know each other. How special! Thanks again! ‚̧ԳŹ


Really lovely and intimate and in such a beautiful setting. Katie makes you feel at home and welcome and teaches in a way that you actually remember what you've learnt! This was invaluable one-to-one time for me and my second child and realised how important touch is as a vital human need. Thank you so much for this opportunity. Highly recommend this massage course. Would recommend new mums to go as soon as they can, such a lovely way to bond and connect with your baby. x


My little man and I have just finished our baby massage course with Katie and absolutely loved it! Despite my baby being just a month old when we started every week has been a chance to learn new techniques and try them at home. Even when we could only manage one arm before the onset of hunger set in the setting is so calm and relaxed that you can sit and feed and still stay calm and watch other babies enjoying their massages. I would totally recommend this class for new mamas, like me, who might just need a push to get out of the house and meet other mums or who want to learn some lovely strokes to use on baby to take forward into toddlerhood and beyond. A wonderful person and place and lots of good vibes shared.


Me and my little boy had a fabulous time on the five week course ÔŅĹ. Katie is so welcoming and has a natural teaching style that made me and Ruben feel completely at ease. The lessons are well paced and really help you to learn more about your baby. It‚Äôs been a wonderful experience for both of us, and we‚Äôve met new friends - as a new mum this was so amazing ÔŅĹ


Katie's 5 week course was lovely- really relaxing, inspiring and we learned so much about baby massage. My baby had a great time socialising too :)


Katie came to my home to run our series of baby massage as we couldn’t make it to her. She was so lovely, patient and knowledgeable. The classes quickly became a highlight of the week and it was so lovely to have that bonding time with my baby, plus learn the skills to repeat it whenever and include my older children as well. Plus the snacks and tea were also delicious!


It was great to complete the massage course with Katie. Such a special thing to share with my little one that I hope to continue! Katie was a great teacher - made me feel very at ease and went over things enough to ensure I remembered them after the class. The oil was lovely and resources provided were brilliant. Would highly recommend this class to new parents.


I'm so glad that I took this baby massage course, taught by Katie. From our very first session Katie made me feel relaxed and inspired.

The beautiful surroundings and supportive atmosphere meant that I found this weekly hour and a half a fantastic 'break' with my baby. It was complete time out to focus 100% on Raffi, bond with him and learn to further respond to his cues. It was also a lovely opportunity to meet other parents.

Raffi can have bad wind and it can, at times, cause him a bit of pain. I've really found the stomach massage techniques a valuable tool in helping him.

I can't see how anyone would regret taking this massage class - It has been such a positive experience with a talented, caring teacher.


I really enjoyed our 5 week course with Katie, she made me and my baby feel at ease. With babies you never know how they are going to be on the day so it was great that we could feed when they needed to etc. Techniques were explained fully and I really enjoyed the sharing of other worries, tips etc as a first time mum with other mums that were on the course. I'm still using the massage as part of my routine with my son. I recommend this course with Katie.


I have just completed Katie’s course and enjoyed every week! Katie creates a calm and relaxing atmosphere to learn the massage techniques. By the end of the course I felt confident in using what I had learnt and now massage my son most days at home.


I couldn't recommend this course highly enough. Katie made us feel at home from the first session with her calm, relaxed approach to classes and each week she built on skills learnt in previous sessions. It's given us a lovely new focused activity to do together which we both really enjoy. For me personally it was also really helpful to spend time chatting to other likeminded mums over a cup of tea and organic treats at the end of the class! Thank you Katie!


I completed a one to one course with Blissful Bebe. It was a fantastic insight into alternative ways to communicate and bond with my daughter and I'm so pleased to have done it. I can't recommend it enough! Thank you.


I absolutely loved this course. My little girl loved it too. It was so lovely to spend that time with my daughter one to one. Our teacher Kate was so welcoming and the biscuits and refreshments were the perfect end to the class, along with helpful questions and answers afterwards. All in all a great class with beautiful surrounds ÔŅĹ

More about Blissful Bébé

Blissful Bébé is located at Blackham, TN3 9 Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent