Body Solutions

About Body Solutions

Leading the best possible life you can

Body Solutions Description

Health challenges arise for a variety of reasons. A BodyTalk practitioner is trained to look at the whole-person, - including emotional, physical and environmental influences - so the true underlying causes of dis-ease can then be revealed. Every choice and every experience has contributed to your current state of health. Each scar, laugh line and injury has a unique story and a history.

BodyTalk is 'WholeHealthcare' and takes into consideration your whole-story. Your life-style, genetics and history are all drawn upon to establish a personalised approach that brings about lasting changes.

It’s about understanding the psychology of the body and the influence it has on your health. Instead of focusing on the symptom, BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by considering the physical, emotional and environmental factors. It addresses ‘you the whole-person’ and your whole-story, and it uses the entire context of your life to improve your health.



Work on your 'ripples' people 😊


So true


The amount of people I have told about drinking more water that tell me 'but I don't feel thirsty'! Well, that's because your thirst sensors have got so switched off they stop giving you warnings. By the time anyone does feel thirsty, they are already dehydrated! Sip water all day - little and often, it's so vital for health. So many of the aches, pains and problems people suffer with as they get older are all down to not drinking enough water through their life to help their bodies work the way nature intended and are so easily avoided ☺️










Love this - we are so quick to give everyone including ourselves 'labels'