Body Transformation Health Coach

About Body Transformation Health Coach

I help women lose weight for good using my unique approach, teaching them to love healthy living so they achieve lasting change



#elevate2018 what an incredible experience. It was such an honour to coach alongside such awesome coaching masterminds in mind, body and soul @carolyne_bennett_coaching_ @ericajoymitchell @mj3coaching ŌØż’ĖÅ I feel personally elevated in all areas, I feel energised and focused towards the things I want in my life... and I have a feeling from the feedback that IŌĆÖm not the only one ­¤ż® #grateful #honored #publicspeaking #mind #body #soul #elevate #bethechange


If youŌĆÖre a personal development junkie like me, have I got something for you!!­¤ż®
ŌśĆ’ĖÅThis summer! Elevate 2018!ŌśĆ’ĖÅ
A day of coaching to inspire your elevation in all areas of your life... mind, body and soul ŌØż’ĖÅ
... I am honoured and excited to be apart of this incredible event in July!
­¤ī¤Early bird tickets still available!­¤ī¤
For more info or to purchase tickets ­¤æć­¤Å╗
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Stillness .... who can relate to the power of stillness?
I had my first bath in eons last night (IŌĆÖm more of a rain shower kinda girl). Not in this bath thankfully ­¤śģ This is my bath at my new house waiting to be lovingly replaced!
So IŌĆÖm lying in my bath being mindful and present, lying really still and relaxing all my muscles... and I notice on the ceiling these beautiful rippling reflections. Such a beautiful pattern where the light was reflecting off the water. I start swi...shing around (as you do) to watch the patterns, but they disappeared into a big old splog! So I went still again and they reappeared ....
It got me thinking ­¤żö When weŌĆÖre rushing all over the place with a million things to do, a million places to be, a million thoughts rushing through our minds, which is conducive to the society we now live in.... we miss the beauty in the moments. DonŌĆÖt you think?
And when we slow down for a second, when weŌĆÖre simply still... suddenly we are surrounded by beauty. Be it the warmth of the sun on our skin, the sound of the birds, the beautiful reflections from the water in our bath.
What experiences do you have of this? If you stopped just a second now to be still... what beauty do you see, feel, hear, taste, smell? IŌĆÖd love to know ­¤ÆÜ
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Stop 'starting over' and kick your cravings for good! ­¤Öī
You know that dream us busy women have where we bounce out of bed in the morning, refreshed and energised ­¤ż®. Spend the weekends doing cartwheels on the beach with our kids or shamelessly dance in the street in the rain ­¤Æā. Where we feel confident, in control and no longer sneak into the kitchen for secret midnight feasts ­¤Ź¬­¤ŹŁ­¤Ź©­¤Ź”­¤Ź®. We smile all day long because life is so awesome. Where we walk into a room and turn heads beca...use we reek of self-worth. Where we enjoy incredible, tasty food without judgement, guilt, shame, anxiety or throwing ourselves headfirst into the dessert platter!
When our daily mantra goes from "I'll start tomorrow"­¤Öä to "I started and I get better every day". We look in the mirror, and instead of hearing the inner critic, we wink and whisper to ourselves "here's looking at you, kid"­¤śē. And finally, the dream where we jump off that craving rollercoaster and leave it where it belongs - in the fun park.
Yes... That dream ­¤śŹ That mystical version of you. Is now within reach. So eyes wide open baby ­¤æĆ! Have I got something for you!
Kick Your Cravings: The 90 Day Intensive ­¤ÆÜ
Click below to learn how to make that dream your reality ­¤śü
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Ever wonder why you get sugar cravings in the first place? Then why you start and just canŌĆÖt stop? Well now is your chance to find out! I am going live in my page Body Transformation Health Coach to dive deep into sugar cravings! Join me to discover a way to kick your cravings for good!


Little pots of heaven ­¤śŗ


I love to journal... I have about 15 ­¤Öł­¤śé Always taking note of all I have to be be grateful for, all I wish for and my big ideas to change the world for the better ŌØż’ĖÅ And I LOVE my little interruptions ­¤śåŌØż’ĖÅ #alwaystimeforakiss #journal #gratitude #healthymind #loveyourself #lovelife #love #sharethelove


I am missing holidays today ­¤śŁ­¤śŁ­¤śŁ The sunshine, the easy breezey pace of things, but most of all the eating out every day ­¤ś£­¤śŗ­¤śé This starter was from an organic restaurant @lusitaniaalvor in Portugal. We stumbled upon this awesome place ­¤śåThe host was so passionate about their food, where they sourced it and it's quality ­¤ÆÜ Nutritious, beautiful, scrummy food that's good for you.... not so hard to find?! Just upgrade 1 level at a time... if you're at McDonalds ­¤ś¢ upgrade to your garden centre ­¤żö or something like that ­¤śé. If you're there, upgrade to a local pub that serves fresh food. Once you're there you can explore awesome little health cafes and restaurants serving GOOD FOOD ­¤śŗ 1 step at a time, feeding your body better and better! You'll feel awesome for it ­¤ÆÜ #goodfood #nutritious #yummy #healthybody #healthylifestyle #bodytransformation #weightloss
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Here's me casually drinking my protein shake ­¤śé This is me for real, with my little tummy rolls... loving life! Not so long ago I would never have shared a photo on social media with my rolls ... but I love them now, they are the ice cream on the beach I had with my kids, and the toasted marshmallows on the BBQ at sunset. They are a small reflection of happy moments ŌØż’ĖÅ I am healthy & strong and it's ok to enjoy life's sweetness Ōś║’ĖÅ Learn to love yourself and your body, then you will WANT to take care of you! You will want to nourish your body right, and move it to make it strong. Lose the inner critique and get curious about how GOOD you can feel ­¤ÆÜ Inside & out Ōś║’ĖÅ
#happy #healthy #strong #selflove #bodytransformation #weightloss #diet #healthymum #healthymom


I love Mondays! ŌØż’ĖÅ It's the perfect day to set myself some goals for the week ahead, teeny tiny steps toward BIG RESULTS!! And we all love those ­¤śé­¤æī­¤Å╗ What is the one thing you could do this week that would have the biggest impact on your body and health goals? ­¤ÆÜ #goals #progress #loveyourbody #healthylifestyle #motivationmonday


Having a treat at this cute little vegan cafe with my love @nicklaneuk ŌØż’ĖÅ With a long list of things that need to be done, it can be hard taking time out for fun and self care. But this 1hr of peace, love and soul nourishment I will be set up for a super productive afternoon in a much happier mind space ŌØż’ĖÅ #selfcare #selflove #rest #metime #healthylifestyle #balance #nourish #goodfood


As a busy mum of 3, I know how hard it can be to find the time & motivation for a healthy lifestyle! Believe me... there are times when nothing feels more enticing at the end of a crazy day than a tub of my fave Ben&Jerrys (One Sweet World btw ­¤śŗ­¤śé). But I've learned to understand the ROOT CAUSE of my sugar cravings and how to fulfil my needs in a more healthy way! Not to say I don't enjoy my Ben & Jerrys every once in a while ­¤æī­¤Å╗­¤śå I am human! That's why I will be launching a... FREE web talk 'Kick the Sugar Habit' very soon!! Keep your ­¤æĆ peeled for the link to book your spot! I'm so bloomin excited about this!! #kickthesugarhabit #loveyourbody #weightloss #fitmom #fitmum #bodytransformation #healthylifestyle
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When your footprints ­¤æŻ are the first on the sand ­¤æī­¤Å╗­¤śŹ #nofilter Did I feel like getting up at 5am? Funnily enough, yes!! The pleasure I have learned to associate around the habits that give me the Health, body & energy I want turn that 'no I'd rather hit snooze 10 times' to 'yes, get up & go!' And boy was that a spectacular start to my day ­¤śüŌ£ī­¤Å╗ Want to learn the same technique? Drop me a message ­¤æć­¤Å╗ bodytransformationhealthcoach@gmail. com
... #bodytransformation #healthcoach #selflove #loveyourbody #weightloss #fitmom #fitmum #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits #getupandgo ­¤ÆÜ
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Im curious... are you currently on a diet? Any kind of diet.... like the pic below if that's you. Remember this is a safe space, no judgement here Ōś║’ĖÅ Just curiosity! I wanted to chat quick about the diet mentality .... did you know 98% of people who lose weight on a diet gain it all back (or more) in 6months? I'm curious why you might think that is? For me a diet means deprivation, and that does not sound fun ­¤żö If it's not fun, is it sustainable long term? So when the succes...s rate is SOOOOO low... why do we keep going back to dieting? I used to deprive myself, starve myself restricting calories in an attempt to remain thin (or even at times with the desire to be skinny ­¤ś│). I did this for YEARS! Did I ŌØż’ĖÅ my body? NO. Was I ever content with where I was? NO. Was I grumpy & hungry quite a bit? YES ­¤śé Thankfully I have learned to eat intuitively... a completely different approach to a healthy body. I am happier, healthier and more alive than EVER ­¤ÆÜ From my experience I have created a simple 3 step system to LASTING body & health transformation ­¤żŚ­¤żŚ Book your free Look Great Naked Strategy Session with me now to discover: - what's holding you back from having the results you want RIGHT NOW - small changes you can make to get AMAZING transformations, so you can feel better in your body, in your health and across all areas of your life! I ŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅŌØż’ĖÅ this process and I think you will too! ­¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗­ ¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗­¤æć­¤Å╗ bodytransformationhealthcoach@gmail. com
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I used to Ō£©wish for a leaner body, Ō£©wish for more energy, Ō£©wish to feel more confident in my own skin.... but change nothing. And nothing changed. Now I feel SOOOO bloomin good about my body and health, because I changed my habits for good! Want to change but not sure how? Comment below.... what are you 'wishing' for? ­¤æć­¤Å╗
... #bodytransformation #weightloss #energy #loveyourbody #selflove #changestartswithyou ­¤ÆÜ
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