Bodyfit Academy

About Bodyfit Academy

Bodyfit Academy is a body transformation studio where we run men & women only programmes to help people get results through sensible nutrition and effective exercise!

Bodyfit Academy Description

Bodyfit Academy is a 28 day journey to help you drop a clothes size in 28 days through sensible nutrition and effective exercise!



[lying to your partner]
You might have done this before.. you might not have done..
... But I think most people have at some point had a battle with what to wear when the weather is great, like Easter weekend.
‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚ÄãWhen its warm you kinda have 2 choices..
> dress with stuff that will keep you cool
> 'cover' up and sweat to death
Most people probably feel uncomfortable with dressing in stuff that keeps them cool. Because they don't feel happy with their body.
So they either cover up and don't enjoy the weather at all and HATE it when its warm.
Or they just dress to keep themselves cool and HATE the whole thing and feel anxious about it.
I suppose there's the 3rd option too.. of staying indoors and not going out into heat at all.
Which some people do.
I've had clients tell me before they've full on LIED to their partner when they've spoke about the next family holiday. And told them they can't get the time off work when really they didn't want to go away because they felt so bad about themselves and didn't want to deal with this stuff and the clothes thing.
The good news is that you can change it.
Your body can change in a VERY short space of time by implementing some simple changes with nutrition and doing the right exercise alongside it.
And your confidence levels will dramatically increase with it too.‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚ Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Ä ã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã
So if you want help changing it, and EMBRACING nice weather instead of dreading it?
PM us for info about our programs
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Today I'm gonna fire a few general tips out there for you...
Some tips that will apply to MOST people who are looking to get in shape.
... Some VERY simple tips that most people overlook and just don't implement.
Here we go:
1 - cut out of the obvious shit.
yup - you probably know what i'm talking about.. the obvious bits of crap you eat/drink that are slowing/stopping your results. Booze/chocolate/crisps/takeaways etc. Whatever is keeping the brakes on for you, you'll likely know exactly what it is.
2 - eat more protein. Most of us just simply don't eat enough. Use a protein supplement if you need to. Something like this will do:
3 - eat more veg. Again, most of us simply don't eat enough (me included). Use a greens supplement if you need to. Something like this will do:
4 - drink more water. 2 litres a day. Minimum. Your pee shouldn't be brown/dark yellow. If it is? You're not drinking enough.
5 - use pictures and clothes fittings to track progress. Not just scales.
6 - exercise. Anything will do to start with. Just MOVE. Daily ideally. But a few good workouts a week will be fine.‚Äã‚Äã
So, there's a few tips.
Don't overcomplicate stuff.
There's no need.
Want some help with it?
Join one of our programs - PM us for info.
We have men only programs and women only programs
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One for the GUYS...
Todays post is no doubt gonna trigger a few people.
... And maybe cause a few guys to unfollow..
Which is okay.
Its not the intention though.
The intention is to really touch on trigger points to help MOTIVATE a bunch of dudes into action.
To implement changes in their lives (for the better).. whether thats with one of my programs or not.
Most guys are F**KED.
To put it simply and bluntly..
> More dudes than ever before are getting no action in the bedroom and are having 'german tanks' (this has a direct correlation with their confidence levels and self-care)
> Too many dads are telling their kids to get off their iPads and go play outside yet they do ZERO exercise themselves
> Everybody is getting OLDER, and its soul-destroying when you start really feeling those physical effects and let them defeat you and instead of tackling them head on and getting in the best shape they can most guys do nothing and let themselves become a slave to their body instead of turning their body into something that serves THEM
> A lot of guys 'sedate' and turn to booze, drugs, gambling or porn to deal with the stress
> Most dudes are getting weaker, un-fitter (if thats a word?), having energy and feeling worse as every week goes by
Thing is.. we CAN do something about it.
Seriously, a few workouts each week and a few nutrition changes can have a dramatic impact on your life.
It can help you with..
Getting a leaner body, more energy, better role-model to the kids, stronger relationship with the Mrs (including more s3x), dramatically improved confidence, more mental focus and a body to be proud of.
When you're ready?
You know what to do.
The Man Project awaits you.. Details below.
Speak soon
Ben Hanbridge
PS- Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you take back control of your body and get fitter, leaner and more confident..
1 - Watch my free 90s video on Facebook I share with you a very simple morning 'hack' made up of 3 things that will take just 2 MINUTES (or less) each morning to help kickstart your day.. Click here: 0842970391290/
2 - Join us on "The Man Project" - our incredible 8 week guys only coaching program in LEIGH
Find out more here:
3 - Watch my free 4 minute video training where i share with you the best way to burn stomach fat (or fat from any area of the body).. Click here: 17863831581085/
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WANTED ‚öÝÔ∏è...
We’re looking for 8 Guys who want to get in shape, boost their fitness, energy & confidence... 💪🏻
Who struggle to get the results they want going at it alone and need help with motivation and accountability by working with a fantastic group of other supportive guys who are on a similar mission to get results.
... Who want to improve their health, fitness, mindset, energy and confidence.. so they can be a great role-model to their kids and improve their relationship with their partner too.
But that still want to enjoy their favourite foods and the occasional beer.
Apply for the program here-->:
Multiple time slots available.. 7.15am, 4.45pm, 7pm - 29th April start date!
Working at your OWN ability level you'll train with a group with up to 7 other guys at our PRIVATE studio in Leigh (Welch Mill)..
As well as following our proven nutrition plan that gets RESULTS, and working with our coaches!
......Imagine feeling like your old self, happy confident and more energetic next year.
üî• Here's what's included: üî•
✅ 16 group PT sessions to transform your strength, energy and fitness over 8 weeks🏋🏼
✅ Effective nutrition plan - straightforward and realistic…….this means you can get results even with a full time job and a family 🍴🍽
✅ INVALUABLE support from your coaches and the other guys on board to ensure you reach your goals in a super friendly & supportive environment……. you’ll NEVER feel alone. 👭
‚úÖ Exclusive access to our Private Members site that delivers even more on eating, lifestyle, mind-set and exercise to help you make changes that quite honestly last a lifetime. üö™
‚úÖ SAVAGE accountability to make sure you do what you said you would.
‚úÖ FREE access to a minimum of 8 of our our 9.30am Saturday morning circuits
How do you get started?
Apply for the program here-->:
Places will Go Fast As They Are LIMITED!
29th April start date!
Places are limited and do fill up so apply TODAY.
Multiple time slots available.. 7.15am, 4.45pm, 7pm
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28 day challenge starts 29th April.
Are you in? 🤷‍♂️🔥 💪 👟


Welcome to Bodyfit Academy
For the last 8 years or so we've helped 1000's of women transform their health, fitness and figure.
Check out the video below to find out more about what we do..
... Join Bodyfit Academy with our famous 28 day body transformation challenge in Leigh (women only) or in Swinton (mixed group)
Swinton 28 day challenge:
Leigh 28 day challenge:
Any questions just drop a comment below
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Any guys who want to achieve great results? We have programs for guys too - Stephens results from our last 8 week program...


Our famous 28 day challenge is BACK.
We used to run it years ago and its the best thing that has ever worked for us for results..
You can see some of the results for yourself in this post.
... And now its back, even better than before.
If you want to:
‚úì Drop a Clothes Size In Just 28 Days?
‚úì Boost Your Fitness, Confidence & Energy Levels?
‚úì Feel Comfortable Wearing The Clothes You Want?
Then I highly recommend you check it out.
We'll hit up some highly effective workouts, help you get your nutrition sorted out, and give you support and accountability so you're not going at it alone.
Want to find out more?
Swinton 28 day challenge:
Leigh 28 day challenge:
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When you're ready to stop fucking around and step up and actually get results? You know what to do... Fire over a PM


Struggling for motivation? 🤷‍♂️😩😩💪


I'll 'fit it in'.. üôàüôàüôà


Want to join us for FREE in February? 779488/?ti=icl


My head is banging...


I’ll take all the ‘risk’


Your new years resolutions?


This Saturday, and in fact every Saturday run a mixed circuit class for men and women
We run it in Leigh indoors at our studio and also outdoors in Swinton at the park
... @ 9.30am
If you're a client on one of our programs right now? You can attend at no extra cost.Just turn up.
If not? Its £5 per person
If you fancy giving it a go and you're not a member.. then hit reply with the subject 'Saturday' and i'll reply back with the details
They are a GREAT way to kickstart your weekend.
> To change your state‚Äã‚Äã so you're way more patient and calm
> To burn a ton of extra calories
> To help you get stronger, fitter and leaner‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã‚Äã
> To help give you motivation to eat better at weekend
Plus much more benefit.
If you can make it?
I HIGHLY recommend it.
If you're a member - just turn up. I might see you there at Leigh as I try to participate too when I can.
‚Äã‚ÄãIf you fancy giving it a go and you're not a member.. then hit reply with the subject 'Saturday' and i'll reply back with the details‚Äã‚Äã you need
Speak soon
Ben Hanbridge
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Fancy attending our Saturday circuit?
We run a mixed circuit class for men and women at 9.30am in Leigh at our private studio at Welch mill
£5 per person - If you fancy giving it a go PM us for the details


Fancy attending our Saturday session?
We run a mixed circuit class for men and women in Leigh indoors at our studio or outdoors in Swinton every week at 9.30am
£5 per person
... If you fancy giving it a go PM us for the details
See More


Thought I'd do 3 week trial to get me back into exercise ... already extended to 6 weeks , if I'm not motivated -Ben has enough motivation to spare .


This was recommended to me by a friend and its the best thing I've ever done. Great trainers, very welcoming and the same with fellow BFA members. Everyone is welcoming and its a great way to make new friends. The recipes are great and training is too. You really feel fantastic afterwards. Definitely recommend it! Thanks to all the fab BFA Team xx


This is a great way to get fit! Love the training that's varied each training session. Great instructors! Great bunch of women to train with. Well worth the money. I have just booked on for the next month. Very motivational. Think I will be here for a long time!!!!! Love it.


Started 4 weeks ago. It's hard work but if it wasn't it wouldn't challenge you enough to get the changes you really want. The nutrition side has lost me 12lbs in 4 weeks. It looks daunting to start but read the success manual you realise how much you CAN eat for a small sacrifice.

Would recommend to all whatever fitness level.


Signed up for another month! Ben is lovely and very encouraging, all the ladies are super friendly! Starting to feel good and friends have started to see a difference wahoo go me for sticking to it! ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


Really nice bunch of girls.. every shape and size.. and every level of fitness.. I never feel old, fat or out of shape... it's tough, but the exercises are explained well and the routines are easy to follow, you don't have to be Davina to follow it and for me, it's paced at the right level..


Really enjoyed the 6 week program the training is hard work but you feel great after it. Started noticing the changes in body after a few weeks. My clothes are no longer tight on me will need a new wardrobe by the time I have finished. I have a greater understanding of eating clean. All the trainers are helpful. I enjoyed it so much I'm signing back up. Would highly recommend.


I’m only half way through but I’m loving it!!! For someone who has avoided exercise for years that’s nothing short of a miracle!!! I have yet to get the nutrition nailed but for me it’s a work in progress!!! �


I’m just coming to the end of the 3 week trial and I am really enjoying the sessions. They are hard work, but great and I’m already feeling the difference.

Mike is great and motivates you to push yourself during the sessions.

I’ve now signed up for 12 months and looking forward to the sessions and results!!!!

Who definitely recommend Bodyfit Academy !!


I’d just like to say that I would highly recommend BodyFit for any age or fitness level. I did the 21 day programme and missed a couple of sessions but kept up with doing them at home. After only two weeks I’ve noticed a difference in my clothes.

I now intend to commit to the 12 month programme.

Don’t hesitate, just go for it, I’m glad I did �


It’s the best thing I’ve ever done .. friendly people , great work out to your own level and beyond , good tips on nutrition as well. I joined at the beginning of June and lost a stone but more importantly lost inches and feel loads better in myself. I would highly recommend it ��


I'm into my 2nd week and really enjoying the classes, they are hard work but get I great sense if achievement from them. Everyone is really friendly and the support from the group and Ben is excellent


I started BFA 10 weeks ago and I can honestly say it's changed my life. Before BFA I'd tried every crash diet going, running on and off but nothing got rid of the post baby fat, I hated shopping, choosing clothes to wear was like a daily torture, nothing fit, it made me sad, I never thought i would get 'me' back until my sons first birthday and I endured spanx for the first and last time and that was the tipping point and BFA came into my life! I saw it pop up on my news feed, a 3 week trial that described exactly how I felt about myself (fed up and at a cross roads wanting to escape my legging and baggy clothes but not knowing how). So that's where it began, my first class and a food plan for the week! I wont lie, that first class was hard, but Ben tells you the next one will help you recover your muscles and I was thinking, no way and surprisingly I hit the next class and I felt great and never looked back (it's strangely addictive!). No class is the same and thats what I like most about them, you do different short burst of exercises from 15 to 50 seconds followed by a rest in rounds so it goes so fast! The music is great too and Ben and the team keep you motivated and don't put pressure on you to try and rush through the exercises, it's all about doing the best version for you at your pace! The nutrition plan is great too, I don't think I'd ever look back at my junk days - it's all about clean eating (and no, not eating rabbit food and starving) but eating delicious food and being full (making my friends and family the blueberry pancakes is my signature breakfast dish!). It took about a week for me to get into the food and recipes and I've even converted the husband! It can be done! So after 10 weeks what has changed, well I'm fitter for sure, sleeping so well, actually love drinking water which i never thought I would, I've dropped a dress size and im feeling amazing inside and out! Couldnt recommend and thank BFA enough! #newme #postivemindset #ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I joined body fit in November.. after going to many different classes over the years this far better than any other fitness I've done.. I've lost 18 lb and I feel really good.. I've got more energy and I sleep a lot better!! Than I've done in year's I've signed up for the 12 month's and hopefully I will carry on!! Everyone is made to feel welcome and it's a great atmosphere!! Ben and Mike are very sorportive and inspiring... So thank you body fit academy for you're sorport xx


I joined a couple of weeks ago and can honestly say that I am feeling so much better in myself since. All the staff are great, friendly and professional. The classes are great, really intense but really well planned and constructed. I plan to stay here once my trial has run out because it’s the first place I’ve been to that I feel comfortable and actually look forward to going to!


I joined Bodyfit on the 3 week trial, best thing I ever did! Ben is great and really supportive, 24/7! The classes are really intense but manageable and fit well around working hours. Only regret is not signing up sooner. Defiantly worth sticking at and everyone is really friendly and helpful ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I have recently joined the 3 week trial at Leigh. I have just finished my first week and although I have found it hard, I wont lie, it has also been incredibly helpful in my mind-set for exercise and eating healthy. I've been in gyms in the past and walked straight back out as I didn't have the determination to do it, this is completely different all the women there are so friendly and make you one of the team straight away, they encourage each other to keep going which I found a comfort to carry on going. The instructors are very friendly, helpful and the support all week not just the days of training have been exceptional. So to all the ladies out there like me who couldn't be bothered to change and kept saying they was going to I highly recommend this not only are you getting healthy but to have the support from others doing it as well. Lisa Mitchell.


I have just completed a 3 week trial and can already feel a difference in my energy levels and in my clothes after such a short period of time. Sessions are challenging but doable. I attended on my own and was made to feel welcome by Ben and the group. Suitable for all ages and ability.


I have finally found something which really motivates me. It doesn’t matter what level of fitness you are. There is also lots of help for nutrition. I would highly recommend BFA!


I have been doing the fitness academy for 2 weeks now and I love it. I would highly recommend as I have lost 8lbs in 2 weeks this is with healthy eating as well as the academy. Really enjoying it definitely want to carry on after my 3 weeks trail ÔøΩ


I am only on my second week but I am loving it!! Really helps us keeping on track with our daily meals and I love the workouts. I will come back here when I can see the results, and I have no doubts that I will see them ;) Really recommend!!


I absolutely love coming to exercise sessions with Ben and his team, it's the only thing I turn up to. Having had gym memberships in the past I find I don't have the motivation to go especially if a friend is unable to go with me to that exercise class or gym session. I definitely recommend !!! Thanks to Ben, Callum & Alec ÔøΩ


I Would highly recommend BFA. I joined in December after the 21 day trail and I am really enjoying the group workout sessions in Leigh. I attend the group on my own but the other members and Michael has made me feel very welcome. I have already noticed that my fitness has improved and that I'm toning up and loosing inches.


Highly recommend Bodyfit, Ben and Mike are very supportive and encouraging. Onto week two of bootcamp and feel great already. They support you with all aspects of fitness - physical and nutrition. I get bored easily at the gym etc so bootcamp is perfect, they keep it new each day, changing levels and working your whole body. Can't thank them enough x


Half way through my 3rd week and I’m absolutely loving it!! Lost 8lb and 5 inches. Everyone is so friendly and helpful, all abilities are catered for. Can’t wait to see my results when I sign up for 12 months. Wished I’d tried it months ago!!


Great set of girls, all shapes, sizes and ages. The 3 guys who take the sessions Ben, Callum & Alec are all helpful, enthusiastic and encouraging. They continually work with you to do & be the best that you can be. You are not forced into doing things that you feel you physically can not do but the guys encourage you to try. Not once that I have been made to feel inadequate or embarrassed - unlike in a gym! Never in the all the time I have been coming has a trainer never turned up to sessions - in fact it has been known that only 1 person has turned up to train & been lucky enough to have a 1 to 1 personal training session. Can't thank the guys enough. I would recommend BFA to anyone thinking of getting fitter & healthier. Cracking bunch of people!


Great classes, great nutrition info, great trainers. Everyone is really friendly and these classes can suit everyone’s level of fitness as they give variations on exercises. I did the 3 week challenge then joined up, I love it. I’m in much better shape, much fitter and sleep better, I would definitely recommend. The 3 week challenge gives you the chance to try and decide if it’s for you before you sign up fully. You will not be disappointed!!!�


Fantastic on third week of trial but already feel fitter and have lost inches. The guys are so supportive and the ladies only group are great, learnt lots of ways to eat healthy and have never felt better!!!


Definitely recommend. I'm 48 and hadn't done this type of thing ever and was a bit nervous about it, if this is you don't worry just join. It's relaxed, friendly and honest. exercises are difficult at first but amazing support from Ben and all the group after just one week I felt stronger and fitter and was enjoying the whole experience. I've lost 7lb in 5 weeks but have changed my lifestyle for ever! Thanks for everything.


Definitely recommend. I usually HATE exercise in any form but I am loving these classes. They go so quickly and I feel so energised by the end. They are easy to follow and everyone is in the same boat which never happens when you join a class that already established. Love it!


Defiantly recommend. Ben keeps your really motivated and the session are always different. Everyone is friendly and it has a great atmosphere. They let you work at a level that your happy with, give you encouragement & support you all the way through. I feel so much better within myself and I have so much more energy. The food receipes are great and a really good guide in helping you change your eating habits and keep you not feeling hungry. Just on my 3rd week of my trail now and I can see the difference and have lost weight too. Will be continuing to go once the trial is over.


Bodyfit academy. What can I say

Well I was a bit doubtful at first about the results I would achieve and what Ben said I would achieve after the six week programme . How wrong was I its give me the kick up the arse I needed to get myself back into shape . It's been hard work but enjoyable and I've improved my fitness and lost weight at the same time . It's that good I've just signed up for more


Best thing I did was joining body fit academy... I’m just at the start of my weight loss & getting fit journey but am 100% confident I’m doing it at the right place! Don’t feel conscience being a bigger lady , everyone’s so friendly, love the early morning classes!! And already dropped a dress size in the first 4 weeks!!! Highly recommended 😊


Ben's idea is genius and I'm suprised he's the only on sucessfully doing this in my area - (well not even near where i live but in Manchester/Salford as a whole)

Rachel the admin lady who calls you after you sumbit an enquiry spoke to me for a good hour going through everything she was lovely!

Week one I attended two classes @ 7pm and the content was faily straight forward but the idea of women coming together to work out was nice even if we were soaked through from the rain we spurred each other on.

The ladies who attend are just like you, all there for the same reason and each aiming for there own goal in fitness/weight loss.

Working out in the rain is far more enjoyable than I imagined!


Ben is amazing at what he does. It’s more than a quick fix it’s educated me on what I should be eating and how I should be exercising to get the results I want. As someone who has been members of various slimming clubs since I put weight on through medication I became obsessed with the number of the scales, I’ve now learnt that number doesn’t matter. I’ve lost inches a dress size and more importantly I feel better in myself and that’s only after 21 days.


BFA not only helped me lose a stone in 6 weeks but changed my whole perspective on life and nutrition. I was told by my Dr I had to change diet and exercise more due to kidney issues. Ben has helped me massively alleviate some of my issues due to the simple and effective advise, tough but beneficial training and constant support throughout my membership at BFA. I highly recommend giving this a go. I did and have reaped the rewards.


BFA is a great way to get yourself back into shape and feeling healthy again. Loved my 6 weeks on the course and it has given me the motivation to set even higher goals and am currently trying to get funding for a PT course.


BFA has given me the kick start I needed to start my new lifestyle and ultimately get fit. Met some top lads along the way and have enjoyed being amongst like minded people who are looking to achieve similar goals.


A real 'safe place' to change the way you view not only your body but your nutrition. The sessions are fun and well planned and have made a huge difference to my physical and mental health. Couldn't recommend enough.


Thought I'd do 3 week trial to get me back into exercise ... already extended to 6 weeks , if I'm not motivated -Ben has enough motivation to spare .


This was recommended to me by a friend and its the best thing I've ever done. Great trainers, very welcoming and the same with fellow BFA members. Everyone is welcoming and its a great way to make new friends. The recipes are great and training is too. You really feel fantastic afterwards. Definitely recommend it! Thanks to all the fab BFA Team xx


This is a great way to get fit! Love the training that's varied each training session. Great instructors! Great bunch of women to train with. Well worth the money. I have just booked on for the next month. Very motivational. Think I will be here for a long time!!!!! Love it.


Started 4 weeks ago. It's hard work but if it wasn't it wouldn't challenge you enough to get the changes you really want. The nutrition side has lost me 12lbs in 4 weeks. It looks daunting to start but read the success manual you realise how much you CAN eat for a small sacrifice.

Would recommend to all whatever fitness level.


Signed up for another month! Ben is lovely and very encouraging, all the ladies are super friendly! Starting to feel good and friends have started to see a difference wahoo go me for sticking to it! ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


Really nice bunch of girls.. every shape and size.. and every level of fitness.. I never feel old, fat or out of shape... it's tough, but the exercises are explained well and the routines are easy to follow, you don't have to be Davina to follow it and for me, it's paced at the right level..


Really enjoyed the 6 week program the training is hard work but you feel great after it. Started noticing the changes in body after a few weeks. My clothes are no longer tight on me will need a new wardrobe by the time I have finished. I have a greater understanding of eating clean. All the trainers are helpful. I enjoyed it so much I'm signing back up. Would highly recommend.


I’m only half way through but I’m loving it!!! For someone who has avoided exercise for years that’s nothing short of a miracle!!! I have yet to get the nutrition nailed but for me it’s a work in progress!!! �


I’m just coming to the end of the 3 week trial and I am really enjoying the sessions. They are hard work, but great and I’m already feeling the difference.

Mike is great and motivates you to push yourself during the sessions.

I’ve now signed up for 12 months and looking forward to the sessions and results!!!!

Who definitely recommend Bodyfit Academy !!


I’d just like to say that I would highly recommend BodyFit for any age or fitness level. I did the 21 day programme and missed a couple of sessions but kept up with doing them at home. After only two weeks I’ve noticed a difference in my clothes.

I now intend to commit to the 12 month programme.

Don’t hesitate, just go for it, I’m glad I did �


It’s the best thing I’ve ever done .. friendly people , great work out to your own level and beyond , good tips on nutrition as well. I joined at the beginning of June and lost a stone but more importantly lost inches and feel loads better in myself. I would highly recommend it ��


I'm into my 2nd week and really enjoying the classes, they are hard work but get I great sense if achievement from them. Everyone is really friendly and the support from the group and Ben is excellent


I started BFA 10 weeks ago and I can honestly say it's changed my life. Before BFA I'd tried every crash diet going, running on and off but nothing got rid of the post baby fat, I hated shopping, choosing clothes to wear was like a daily torture, nothing fit, it made me sad, I never thought i would get 'me' back until my sons first birthday and I endured spanx for the first and last time and that was the tipping point and BFA came into my life! I saw it pop up on my news feed, a 3 week trial that described exactly how I felt about myself (fed up and at a cross roads wanting to escape my legging and baggy clothes but not knowing how). So that's where it began, my first class and a food plan for the week! I wont lie, that first class was hard, but Ben tells you the next one will help you recover your muscles and I was thinking, no way and surprisingly I hit the next class and I felt great and never looked back (it's strangely addictive!). No class is the same and thats what I like most about them, you do different short burst of exercises from 15 to 50 seconds followed by a rest in rounds so it goes so fast! The music is great too and Ben and the team keep you motivated and don't put pressure on you to try and rush through the exercises, it's all about doing the best version for you at your pace! The nutrition plan is great too, I don't think I'd ever look back at my junk days - it's all about clean eating (and no, not eating rabbit food and starving) but eating delicious food and being full (making my friends and family the blueberry pancakes is my signature breakfast dish!). It took about a week for me to get into the food and recipes and I've even converted the husband! It can be done! So after 10 weeks what has changed, well I'm fitter for sure, sleeping so well, actually love drinking water which i never thought I would, I've dropped a dress size and im feeling amazing inside and out! Couldnt recommend and thank BFA enough! #newme #postivemindset #ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I joined body fit in November.. after going to many different classes over the years this far better than any other fitness I've done.. I've lost 18 lb and I feel really good.. I've got more energy and I sleep a lot better!! Than I've done in year's I've signed up for the 12 month's and hopefully I will carry on!! Everyone is made to feel welcome and it's a great atmosphere!! Ben and Mike are very sorportive and inspiring... So thank you body fit academy for you're sorport xx


I joined a couple of weeks ago and can honestly say that I am feeling so much better in myself since. All the staff are great, friendly and professional. The classes are great, really intense but really well planned and constructed. I plan to stay here once my trial has run out because it’s the first place I’ve been to that I feel comfortable and actually look forward to going to!


I joined Bodyfit on the 3 week trial, best thing I ever did! Ben is great and really supportive, 24/7! The classes are really intense but manageable and fit well around working hours. Only regret is not signing up sooner. Defiantly worth sticking at and everyone is really friendly and helpful ÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩÔøΩ


I have recently joined the 3 week trial at Leigh. I have just finished my first week and although I have found it hard, I wont lie, it has also been incredibly helpful in my mind-set for exercise and eating healthy. I've been in gyms in the past and walked straight back out as I didn't have the determination to do it, this is completely different all the women there are so friendly and make you one of the team straight away, they encourage each other to keep going which I found a comfort to carry on going. The instructors are very friendly, helpful and the support all week not just the days of training have been exceptional. So to all the ladies out there like me who couldn't be bothered to change and kept saying they was going to I highly recommend this not only are you getting healthy but to have the support from others doing it as well. Lisa Mitchell.


I have just completed a 3 week trial and can already feel a difference in my energy levels and in my clothes after such a short period of time. Sessions are challenging but doable. I attended on my own and was made to feel welcome by Ben and the group. Suitable for all ages and ability.


I have finally found something which really motivates me. It doesn’t matter what level of fitness you are. There is also lots of help for nutrition. I would highly recommend BFA!


I have been doing the fitness academy for 2 weeks now and I love it. I would highly recommend as I have lost 8lbs in 2 weeks this is with healthy eating as well as the academy. Really enjoying it definitely want to carry on after my 3 weeks trail ÔøΩ


I am only on my second week but I am loving it!! Really helps us keeping on track with our daily meals and I love the workouts. I will come back here when I can see the results, and I have no doubts that I will see them ;) Really recommend!!


I absolutely love coming to exercise sessions with Ben and his team, it's the only thing I turn up to. Having had gym memberships in the past I find I don't have the motivation to go especially if a friend is unable to go with me to that exercise class or gym session. I definitely recommend !!! Thanks to Ben, Callum & Alec ÔøΩ


I Would highly recommend BFA. I joined in December after the 21 day trail and I am really enjoying the group workout sessions in Leigh. I attend the group on my own but the other members and Michael has made me feel very welcome. I have already noticed that my fitness has improved and that I'm toning up and loosing inches.


Highly recommend Bodyfit, Ben and Mike are very supportive and encouraging. Onto week two of bootcamp and feel great already. They support you with all aspects of fitness - physical and nutrition. I get bored easily at the gym etc so bootcamp is perfect, they keep it new each day, changing levels and working your whole body. Can't thank them enough x


Half way through my 3rd week and I’m absolutely loving it!! Lost 8lb and 5 inches. Everyone is so friendly and helpful, all abilities are catered for. Can’t wait to see my results when I sign up for 12 months. Wished I’d tried it months ago!!


Great set of girls, all shapes, sizes and ages. The 3 guys who take the sessions Ben, Callum & Alec are all helpful, enthusiastic and encouraging. They continually work with you to do & be the best that you can be. You are not forced into doing things that you feel you physically can not do but the guys encourage you to try. Not once that I have been made to feel inadequate or embarrassed - unlike in a gym! Never in the all the time I have been coming has a trainer never turned up to sessions - in fact it has been known that only 1 person has turned up to train & been lucky enough to have a 1 to 1 personal training session. Can't thank the guys enough. I would recommend BFA to anyone thinking of getting fitter & healthier. Cracking bunch of people!


Great classes, great nutrition info, great trainers. Everyone is really friendly and these classes can suit everyone’s level of fitness as they give variations on exercises. I did the 3 week challenge then joined up, I love it. I’m in much better shape, much fitter and sleep better, I would definitely recommend. The 3 week challenge gives you the chance to try and decide if it’s for you before you sign up fully. You will not be disappointed!!!�


Fantastic on third week of trial but already feel fitter and have lost inches. The guys are so supportive and the ladies only group are great, learnt lots of ways to eat healthy and have never felt better!!!


Definitely recommend. I'm 48 and hadn't done this type of thing ever and was a bit nervous about it, if this is you don't worry just join. It's relaxed, friendly and honest. exercises are difficult at first but amazing support from Ben and all the group after just one week I felt stronger and fitter and was enjoying the whole experience. I've lost 7lb in 5 weeks but have changed my lifestyle for ever! Thanks for everything.


Definitely recommend. I usually HATE exercise in any form but I am loving these classes. They go so quickly and I feel so energised by the end. They are easy to follow and everyone is in the same boat which never happens when you join a class that already established. Love it!


Defiantly recommend. Ben keeps your really motivated and the session are always different. Everyone is friendly and it has a great atmosphere. They let you work at a level that your happy with, give you encouragement & support you all the way through. I feel so much better within myself and I have so much more energy. The food receipes are great and a really good guide in helping you change your eating habits and keep you not feeling hungry. Just on my 3rd week of my trail now and I can see the difference and have lost weight too. Will be continuing to go once the trial is over.


Bodyfit academy. What can I say

Well I was a bit doubtful at first about the results I would achieve and what Ben said I would achieve after the six week programme . How wrong was I its give me the kick up the arse I needed to get myself back into shape . It's been hard work but enjoyable and I've improved my fitness and lost weight at the same time . It's that good I've just signed up for more


Best thing I did was joining body fit academy... I’m just at the start of my weight loss & getting fit journey but am 100% confident I’m doing it at the right place! Don’t feel conscience being a bigger lady , everyone’s so friendly, love the early morning classes!! And already dropped a dress size in the first 4 weeks!!! Highly recommended 😊


Ben's idea is genius and I'm suprised he's the only on sucessfully doing this in my area - (well not even near where i live but in Manchester/Salford as a whole)

Rachel the admin lady who calls you after you sumbit an enquiry spoke to me for a good hour going through everything she was lovely!

Week one I attended two classes @ 7pm and the content was faily straight forward but the idea of women coming together to work out was nice even if we were soaked through from the rain we spurred each other on.

The ladies who attend are just like you, all there for the same reason and each aiming for there own goal in fitness/weight loss.

Working out in the rain is far more enjoyable than I imagined!


Ben is amazing at what he does. It’s more than a quick fix it’s educated me on what I should be eating and how I should be exercising to get the results I want. As someone who has been members of various slimming clubs since I put weight on through medication I became obsessed with the number of the scales, I’ve now learnt that number doesn’t matter. I’ve lost inches a dress size and more importantly I feel better in myself and that’s only after 21 days.


BFA not only helped me lose a stone in 6 weeks but changed my whole perspective on life and nutrition. I was told by my Dr I had to change diet and exercise more due to kidney issues. Ben has helped me massively alleviate some of my issues due to the simple and effective advise, tough but beneficial training and constant support throughout my membership at BFA. I highly recommend giving this a go. I did and have reaped the rewards.


BFA is a great way to get yourself back into shape and feeling healthy again. Loved my 6 weeks on the course and it has given me the motivation to set even higher goals and am currently trying to get funding for a PT course.


BFA has given me the kick start I needed to start my new lifestyle and ultimately get fit. Met some top lads along the way and have enjoyed being amongst like minded people who are looking to achieve similar goals.


A real 'safe place' to change the way you view not only your body but your nutrition. The sessions are fun and well planned and have made a huge difference to my physical and mental health. Couldn't recommend enough.

More about Bodyfit Academy

Bodyfit Academy is located at Bodyfit Academy, Unit 17 Welch Mill, Welch Mill street, WN7 4DU Manchester, United Kingdom