Boer War Trenches (Remains)

About Boer War Trenches (Remains)

Name: Boer War Trenches (Remains)
Note: Remains Of Boer Trench System Recreated By The Royal Engineers During The Boer War To Allow The Royal Artillery To Devise The Most Efficient Method Of Smashing Them By Shellfire. They Did A Thorough Job. . . !
Is In: Devon, England, United Kingdom
Place: LocalityA named place that has no population.
Website: https://webarchive. nationalarchives. gov. uk /20121026065214 /http://www. mod. uk /NR /rdonlyres /EBF59C8C-8B0E-4349-B40B-B6566B658959 /0 /Okehampton Artillery Range Observation Posts. pdf
Historic: Heritage
Military: TrenchA military trench: an excavation in the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide, dug into the ground as a barrier for military purposes (e. g. trench warfare)

Boer War Trenches (Remains) Description

Name: Boer War Trenches (Remains)
Note: Remains Of Boer Trench System Recreated By The Royal Engineers During The Boer War To Allow The Royal Artillery To Devise The Most Efficient Method Of Smashing Them By Shellfire. They Did A Thorough Job. . . !
Is In: Devon, England, United Kingdom
Place: LocalityA named place that has no population.
Website: https://webarchive. nationalarchives. gov. uk /20121026065214 /http://www. mod. uk /NR /rdonlyres /EBF59C8C-8B0E-4349-B40B-B6566B658959 /0 /Okehampton Artillery Range Observation Posts. pdf
Historic: Heritage
Military: TrenchA military trench: an excavation in the ground that is generally deeper than it is wide, dug into the ground as a barrier for military purposes (e. g. trench warfare)

More about Boer War Trenches (Remains)

Boer War Trenches (Remains) is located at West Devon