Bootcamp Fm

About Bootcamp Fm

Bootcamp FM has 5 different venues, itis a great way to lose weight /tone up and lose inches whilst having fun and making friends with like minded people.

Bootcamp Fm Description

Bootcamp FM is set up by Alvin Messam who has an Army background, he is a full time personal trainer and transformation coach. Alvin and his team will help you meet your individual goals in a safe and motivating environment.

There are four locations
Nuneaton Club 4 Young People, The Boys Club, Avenue Road, Nuneaton, CV11 4NA
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6. 00am-6. 45am
*****Hartshill Hayes*****
Hartshill Hayes Country Park
Oldbury Road, Hartshill, Nuneaton.
CV10 0TE
Monday, Wednesday and Friday 6. 30pm-7. 30pm
*****Balsall Common*****
Lavender Hall Park
Lavender Hall Lane, Balsall Common.
Tuesday & Thursday 6. 30pm-7. 30pm
Saturday 10. 15am-11. 15am
*****Bulkington Recreational Fields*****
Bulkington Recreational Fields
School Road, Bulkington.
CV12 9JB
Monday, Wednesday & Friday 7. 00pm-8. 00pm
Saturday 7. 00am - Beginners Running Club

Contact us today with any questions, where confidential advice can be seeked. We know you can do it all you need is a helping hand along the way : )
We help people just like you! Our fat-loss system is designed to educate our members, not how to exercise or diet, but how to change their mind-set and lifestyle, resulting in fantastic fat loss results that are long-term.







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****The POWER of Habit****
John Dryden famously said, “We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.”
Confucius said, “Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that separate them.”
...Continue Reading


Well, what can I say. If anyone out there is thinking about joining bootcamp fm, my advice is do it! This is so much more than any other bootcamp or gym membership I've known. Right from the start you feel so welcome and like you're part of the bootcamp family. Not only the are the sessions great but the food recipes are too! There are even opportunities to go open water swimming, climbing mt snowdon, wolf runs etc with bootcamp making it more of a social aspect which you just don't get anywhere else. I was struggling with my breathing when open water swimming and Alvin spent the time with me at bosworth water park to improve that. By the end of the night I couldn't believe what a difference he made. I now feel so much more confident in the water and will definitely be going again. Would recommend this to anyone. Not only are Alvin and James great, friendly and approachable the people that go are too! �


Two years ago today my life changed completely when I went to Bootcamp for the very first time �� .....from getting dirty at Wolf runs �, climbing 3 peaks � , dressing up as Santa �,to running a half marathon ��- all things I never thought I’d achieve - but best of all are the most amazing group of friends I could ever hope to meet & the memories I will never forget ��


Started the 12 week body transformation programme on 2/01/17 and it really has transformed my life. I lost a stone in weight and a massive 27.5 inches from 8 different parts of my body. Alvin and James are really motivating and you work at your own pace, to suit your own fitness levels. I have attended all of the sessions and find each group friendly. Met some really lovely people. I mainly attend the evening group at Hartshill and try to get to the 6am Nuneaton session when I can. It is a great atmosphere. It has taught me how to eat properly and processed food is a thing of the past. It really has been a life changer. Give it a go 👍👍 x


Just finished this 12 week programme and would recommend it to anyone. It for men and women of all ages and all abilities.

I have lost just over 3 stone and 6 inches off waist and 6 inches of hips!!!

Group are really friendly and I can honestly say I have enjoyed it x


Its intense, its hard but we do have a laugh. I joined as wanted to feel fit again not the frumpy mum who felt older then her age & all i can say the transformation has been 100%. Ive been going 6mths & look forward to each dedicated & give it a go, you wont regret it.....


It's hard to put into words what Bootcamp Fm have help me achieve in just 7 weeks ! I have more self belief,more confidence,more determination,more willpower,more strength I could go on and on. On top of all that I am

1st 10lbs lighter and have lost 12 inches all over and I still have 5 weeks left on my transformation programme however I will not stop there it has become part of my life and I love it never would I have thought I could ever have loved clean eating and excerise.

I have made lots of new friends who support you and help you through its nothing like I have ever done before it beats all the slimming classes gyms etc it really does work . Thank you Bootcamp Fm for helping me achieve something that i never thought I could xx


If you are intending on losing weight in the new year or just want to get fitter then I can highly recommend Alvin and his bootcamp. I joined just over two weeks ago and am feeling the benifits already. Alvin's approach is very motivating and encouraging and his knowledge and advice is second to none. I could never just go to a gym and just exercise on my own but Alvin gives you the confidence and the drive to achieve you goals. The sessions he does will also fit around most peoples working commitments. I can not wait till the next session.


I started boot camp about 2 months ago and it’s honestly the best thing I ever did. I go three times a week. The weight is coming off every week and my body shaped has changed dramatically. I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt in a long long time. Everyone at the group are really friendly and supportive.


I started Bootcamp. on 2nd November 2015, in 3 weeks I lost one stone, 4 and half inches off my waist, hips and chest, 3 and half inches of my thighs and half an inch off my arms. I feel amazing and have never found anything I love so much as Bootcamp FM. if you are thinking of making a change, stop thinking and start doing it at Bootcamp FM......


I met Alvin exactly 2 years ago - I turned 50 and my wife's birthday present was a session with Alvin being put through my paces around Balsall Common, I wasn't that fast! That was just the start. I began a course of 121 training sessions with Alvin and I've not looked back since. Now a regular attendee at the Bootcamp sessions my fitness have been transformed, I've lost about 2 stone in weight, several inches off my waist and I can now also run 5km - I haven't been able to do that since school age! Alvin is an inspirational instructor. His sessions are tough, but that's the whole point if you want to change bad habits. Next Year the bootcamp team are looking to do the National 3 Peaks Challenge in 24 hours - I couldn't have even considered that 2 years ago. Thanks Alvin.


I joined bootcamp end of June 2017. At the time my confidence was pretty low, since giving birth to my second son in July 2016, the weight had piled on and I felt horrible, fat and frumpy. From the start Alvin has been very supportive and encouraging. The group at Balsall Common have been amazingly supportive as well, pushing me on and I have surprised myself at how much fitter I am compared to when I started. James Morgan (the other fitness instructor) is also really good and really pushes you to do more than you think you can (apologies for the moaning James).

The plan is excellent and it does get results, my clothes feel so much better and I have lost so many inches (especially of my waist). I have lost around a stone and a half but its the inches loss that has really stood out.

Not going to lie, it has been tough, making the changes has been tough but the support is always there.

I fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago and booked myself in for a mindset session with Alvin. I was initially very nervous not knowing what to expect but it was an excellent session. At no point did I feel judged and I felt comfortable to open up about my eating habits. The hypnosis session was excellent, for me my big problem is chocolate. Not sure what Alvin said but since the session I can't even bear to look at chocolate and the thought of eating it makes me feel queasy. Long may that reign.

If you are thinking of trying out bootcamp FM. Go for it, it will be tough and at times you will feel like you can't do it but just as I have surprised myself, you will too. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.


I joined Bootcamp FM in May 2014 aged 43 (male) after seeing a particularly unflattering beach photo of myself. I thought I was reasonably fit and just needed to lose a bit of weight and tone up and some friends I my village told me about it. To be honest, it has changed my life. I eat better now, I enjoy both the fun and the fitness and feel so much better about myself. After declaring I could not and did not like running when I started, I ran the Coventry 1/2 Marathon in 2015 with a fellow Bootcamp Buddy. In June 2017 after coaching and encouragement (I am not a great swimmer) I completed the Blenheim Triathlon with Alvin, I never thought I could ever do anything like this. Bootcamp FM changed my lifestyle, I try and attend at least twice a week and meet up for an early run on a Saturday morning. I really value my great new friends, the support, the outdoor exercise, the ability to enjoy food and fitness and I find it helps me to manage my life stresses. I recommend it, it is friendly, fun, supportive and transformational.


I have just finished the 28 day challenge. When i started my confidence was rock bottom and I was so down about how i looked but was in a cycle of comfort eating then being depressed if i gained more weight! Lol. But the last 28 have completely changed all that- Ive lost 1 stone, my body fat % has gone down and I feel amazing. I love the bootcamp sessions, everyone there makes you feel so welcome and No one judges if there's something you struggle with they just boost you to have a try! And at 35 years old I can now do sit ups � the diet side of it was hard at times but taught me if you plan and try new things there is so much you can eat and still loose weight. Alvin has been amazing- he's got the right amount of serious and supportive lol he's been on the end of the phone throughout and has made me see things differently, that I am worth taking 1 hour out of the day for! I have really enjoyed this rollercoaster of 28 days so much I'm going to keep going and I would recommend it to anyone! Thank you Alvin & bootcamp fm xx


I have just completed the 28 day challenge and lost 12lb and dropped a dress size. I am really happy with the results ���


I can't honestly recommend Alvin & Bootcamp FM enough! I've tried two different bootcamp groups elsewhere previously & enjoyed them but didn't feel I got much from them & just stopped going! Bootcamp FM is so much more. From the health report at the start you feel so cared for & inspired that you can get fit & achieve your goals! The support is unbelievable, the sessions are hard yet so rewarding & just so enjoyable due to the group you are with! Everyone is so welcoming & that's what makes a massive difference! I've been going for around 5 weeks now, 3 times a week & I genuinely look forward to the next session! Thankyou for everything so far Alvin/Bootcamp FM - Best decision I've ever made!


For anyone looking to get into fitness then this is where you need to go. Friendly people and really fun and tough exercise sessions. Me and my son love going to the one in Bulkington.


Bootcamp was the first time I ever did outdoor exercise. It was great, the group are very supportive and friendly. Alvin the trainer is just fab, he's very understanding and caring. If you have never tried Bootcamp please try the Bulkington Bootcamp FM! I was also on the 28 day beach body challenge which was tough but the support from the group helped me through it. I got good results thanks to doing both. xx


Bootcamp fm is amazing, for me i needed a work out after 6pm and this was perfect.. I met some great people and made new friendships, Alvin puts his life into this and it clearly shows! I struggled to stick to the diet as I am fussy with food but I did loose weight because I was working out. Defiantly recommend this to anyone.


After losing my get up and go I decided to give bootcamp fm a try. I must admit I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone and it would be to hard. But Alvin is amazing! He pushes me to keep going and will give me alternative exercises that will work me just as hard but will not damage a existent ankle injury. The session are so much fun and after Alvin is happy to answer the million and one question about food and nutrition I have for him! I'm two weeks in I'm down 5lbs, sleeping better and really fell more energetic. Never thought I'd look forward to working out! Thank you here's to meeting my goals and getting fitter 💪🏋️


Well, what can I say. If anyone out there is thinking about joining bootcamp fm, my advice is do it! This is so much more than any other bootcamp or gym membership I've known. Right from the start you feel so welcome and like you're part of the bootcamp family. Not only the are the sessions great but the food recipes are too! There are even opportunities to go open water swimming, climbing mt snowdon, wolf runs etc with bootcamp making it more of a social aspect which you just don't get anywhere else. I was struggling with my breathing when open water swimming and Alvin spent the time with me at bosworth water park to improve that. By the end of the night I couldn't believe what a difference he made. I now feel so much more confident in the water and will definitely be going again. Would recommend this to anyone. Not only are Alvin and James great, friendly and approachable the people that go are too! �


Two years ago today my life changed completely when I went to Bootcamp for the very first time �� .....from getting dirty at Wolf runs �, climbing 3 peaks � , dressing up as Santa �,to running a half marathon ��- all things I never thought I’d achieve - but best of all are the most amazing group of friends I could ever hope to meet & the memories I will never forget ��


Started the 12 week body transformation programme on 2/01/17 and it really has transformed my life. I lost a stone in weight and a massive 27.5 inches from 8 different parts of my body. Alvin and James are really motivating and you work at your own pace, to suit your own fitness levels. I have attended all of the sessions and find each group friendly. Met some really lovely people. I mainly attend the evening group at Hartshill and try to get to the 6am Nuneaton session when I can. It is a great atmosphere. It has taught me how to eat properly and processed food is a thing of the past. It really has been a life changer. Give it a go 👍👍 x


Just finished this 12 week programme and would recommend it to anyone. It for men and women of all ages and all abilities.

I have lost just over 3 stone and 6 inches off waist and 6 inches of hips!!!

Group are really friendly and I can honestly say I have enjoyed it x


Its intense, its hard but we do have a laugh. I joined as wanted to feel fit again not the frumpy mum who felt older then her age & all i can say the transformation has been 100%. Ive been going 6mths & look forward to each dedicated & give it a go, you wont regret it.....


It's hard to put into words what Bootcamp Fm have help me achieve in just 7 weeks ! I have more self belief,more confidence,more determination,more willpower,more strength I could go on and on. On top of all that I am

1st 10lbs lighter and have lost 12 inches all over and I still have 5 weeks left on my transformation programme however I will not stop there it has become part of my life and I love it never would I have thought I could ever have loved clean eating and excerise.

I have made lots of new friends who support you and help you through its nothing like I have ever done before it beats all the slimming classes gyms etc it really does work . Thank you Bootcamp Fm for helping me achieve something that i never thought I could xx


If you are intending on losing weight in the new year or just want to get fitter then I can highly recommend Alvin and his bootcamp. I joined just over two weeks ago and am feeling the benifits already. Alvin's approach is very motivating and encouraging and his knowledge and advice is second to none. I could never just go to a gym and just exercise on my own but Alvin gives you the confidence and the drive to achieve you goals. The sessions he does will also fit around most peoples working commitments. I can not wait till the next session.


I started boot camp about 2 months ago and it’s honestly the best thing I ever did. I go three times a week. The weight is coming off every week and my body shaped has changed dramatically. I’m feeling the best I’ve ever felt in a long long time. Everyone at the group are really friendly and supportive.


I started Bootcamp. on 2nd November 2015, in 3 weeks I lost one stone, 4 and half inches off my waist, hips and chest, 3 and half inches of my thighs and half an inch off my arms. I feel amazing and have never found anything I love so much as Bootcamp FM. if you are thinking of making a change, stop thinking and start doing it at Bootcamp FM......


I met Alvin exactly 2 years ago - I turned 50 and my wife's birthday present was a session with Alvin being put through my paces around Balsall Common, I wasn't that fast! That was just the start. I began a course of 121 training sessions with Alvin and I've not looked back since. Now a regular attendee at the Bootcamp sessions my fitness have been transformed, I've lost about 2 stone in weight, several inches off my waist and I can now also run 5km - I haven't been able to do that since school age! Alvin is an inspirational instructor. His sessions are tough, but that's the whole point if you want to change bad habits. Next Year the bootcamp team are looking to do the National 3 Peaks Challenge in 24 hours - I couldn't have even considered that 2 years ago. Thanks Alvin.


I joined bootcamp end of June 2017. At the time my confidence was pretty low, since giving birth to my second son in July 2016, the weight had piled on and I felt horrible, fat and frumpy. From the start Alvin has been very supportive and encouraging. The group at Balsall Common have been amazingly supportive as well, pushing me on and I have surprised myself at how much fitter I am compared to when I started. James Morgan (the other fitness instructor) is also really good and really pushes you to do more than you think you can (apologies for the moaning James).

The plan is excellent and it does get results, my clothes feel so much better and I have lost so many inches (especially of my waist). I have lost around a stone and a half but its the inches loss that has really stood out.

Not going to lie, it has been tough, making the changes has been tough but the support is always there.

I fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago and booked myself in for a mindset session with Alvin. I was initially very nervous not knowing what to expect but it was an excellent session. At no point did I feel judged and I felt comfortable to open up about my eating habits. The hypnosis session was excellent, for me my big problem is chocolate. Not sure what Alvin said but since the session I can't even bear to look at chocolate and the thought of eating it makes me feel queasy. Long may that reign.

If you are thinking of trying out bootcamp FM. Go for it, it will be tough and at times you will feel like you can't do it but just as I have surprised myself, you will too. It is one of the best decisions I have ever made.


I joined Bootcamp FM in May 2014 aged 43 (male) after seeing a particularly unflattering beach photo of myself. I thought I was reasonably fit and just needed to lose a bit of weight and tone up and some friends I my village told me about it. To be honest, it has changed my life. I eat better now, I enjoy both the fun and the fitness and feel so much better about myself. After declaring I could not and did not like running when I started, I ran the Coventry 1/2 Marathon in 2015 with a fellow Bootcamp Buddy. In June 2017 after coaching and encouragement (I am not a great swimmer) I completed the Blenheim Triathlon with Alvin, I never thought I could ever do anything like this. Bootcamp FM changed my lifestyle, I try and attend at least twice a week and meet up for an early run on a Saturday morning. I really value my great new friends, the support, the outdoor exercise, the ability to enjoy food and fitness and I find it helps me to manage my life stresses. I recommend it, it is friendly, fun, supportive and transformational.


I have just finished the 28 day challenge. When i started my confidence was rock bottom and I was so down about how i looked but was in a cycle of comfort eating then being depressed if i gained more weight! Lol. But the last 28 have completely changed all that- Ive lost 1 stone, my body fat % has gone down and I feel amazing. I love the bootcamp sessions, everyone there makes you feel so welcome and No one judges if there's something you struggle with they just boost you to have a try! And at 35 years old I can now do sit ups � the diet side of it was hard at times but taught me if you plan and try new things there is so much you can eat and still loose weight. Alvin has been amazing- he's got the right amount of serious and supportive lol he's been on the end of the phone throughout and has made me see things differently, that I am worth taking 1 hour out of the day for! I have really enjoyed this rollercoaster of 28 days so much I'm going to keep going and I would recommend it to anyone! Thank you Alvin & bootcamp fm xx


I have just completed the 28 day challenge and lost 12lb and dropped a dress size. I am really happy with the results ���


I can't honestly recommend Alvin & Bootcamp FM enough! I've tried two different bootcamp groups elsewhere previously & enjoyed them but didn't feel I got much from them & just stopped going! Bootcamp FM is so much more. From the health report at the start you feel so cared for & inspired that you can get fit & achieve your goals! The support is unbelievable, the sessions are hard yet so rewarding & just so enjoyable due to the group you are with! Everyone is so welcoming & that's what makes a massive difference! I've been going for around 5 weeks now, 3 times a week & I genuinely look forward to the next session! Thankyou for everything so far Alvin/Bootcamp FM - Best decision I've ever made!


For anyone looking to get into fitness then this is where you need to go. Friendly people and really fun and tough exercise sessions. Me and my son love going to the one in Bulkington.


Bootcamp was the first time I ever did outdoor exercise. It was great, the group are very supportive and friendly. Alvin the trainer is just fab, he's very understanding and caring. If you have never tried Bootcamp please try the Bulkington Bootcamp FM! I was also on the 28 day beach body challenge which was tough but the support from the group helped me through it. I got good results thanks to doing both. xx


Bootcamp fm is amazing, for me i needed a work out after 6pm and this was perfect.. I met some great people and made new friendships, Alvin puts his life into this and it clearly shows! I struggled to stick to the diet as I am fussy with food but I did loose weight because I was working out. Defiantly recommend this to anyone.


After losing my get up and go I decided to give bootcamp fm a try. I must admit I was worried I wouldn't be able to keep up with everyone and it would be to hard. But Alvin is amazing! He pushes me to keep going and will give me alternative exercises that will work me just as hard but will not damage a existent ankle injury. The session are so much fun and after Alvin is happy to answer the million and one question about food and nutrition I have for him! I'm two weeks in I'm down 5lbs, sleeping better and really fell more energetic. Never thought I'd look forward to working out! Thank you here's to meeting my goals and getting fitter 💪🏋️

More about Bootcamp Fm

Bootcamp Fm is located at The Boys Club, Avenue Rd, CV12 9 Bulkington