Bowen Clinic

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Bowen Clinic

The Bowen Technique is a gentle approach to soft tissue work on the body promoting self healing via the central nervous system and fascia .



It’s worth a try.


This should be used instead of the any flu shot.


Boiled egg each day , first thing in the morning after lemon water will help you stay trim and fit for the day.


Thanks Jay Cowley . Being a pro BMX rider you have many types of injury and treatment from others , for you to say this is huge for me.


Today I treated Liz Taylor for the last time. Liz had extremely painful knee inflammation from arthritis and a sluggish thyroid. She has been pain free for 3 months and has lost 1/2 a stone a month with a total of 2 stone off.


Interesting read.


Carly is a lady from Barnstaple who has been in debilitating pain . NHS pain specialists said its fibromyalgia. Pumped with steroids on a regular basis. Time off work and basically bed / house bound . 4 weeks of my treatment and she is pain free.


Many sceptics say my method of treatment is a placebo effect. Treating horses and obtaining results like this keeps them wondering 😊


This is Freeda from Barnstple. The surgeon wanted to grind her carpel bones in her wrist because she had carpel tunnel. This has saved another person from the knife . For treatment in Barnstaple please contact Golds 01271 378578.


Great result for Isabel.


Lots of miraculous changes in people’s lives over the past month. This man Martin no longer walks with a stick. His balance is back and is feeling good.


Thanks for your kind comments Neville .


This little baby had many sleepless nights . 1 treatment corrected his tilted neck and is no longer in pain.


Everyday we see miracles happen at Bowen Clinic here in Uffculme, Devon. Today was another satisfying day . This man has suffered for years with very limited movement in his neck and shoulders. Look at what 1 session has done!


Jonh Locke had extremely painful neck and shoulder from heavy weight lifting. 4 treatments and he is pain free.


This lady suffered with chronic trigeminal neuralgia which is a sever pain in the jaw and one side of the face. There is no cure in general medicine. She has been on heavy pain killers for 3 years . 6 sessions of treatment with me and she is cured and off all drugs . Her life is fantastic again.


What another amazing week full of success for people in serious pain , eczema sufferers, TIA with a man who’s tongue was locked and twisted to mention only a few. Bowen treatment is incredible


Jay Cowley is one of the best BMX stunt riders in the UK. He chose Bowen treatment with me at FB Bowen Clinic. He is back in action and has a new video out . Amazing results.


Heidi had back pain for years . She had used most forms of treatment which failed. A pain free fitness instructor.


Working in the pharmaceutical industry for 25yrs and now the NHS I was a little sceptical of the technique. However I went to see Patrick with an open mind. At my first session my shoulders were locked and my muscles were rigid and painful. My hamstrings were extremely tight making it impossible to relax my legs on the bed. At only my second session the difference was amazing. I had increased movement in both my shoulders, my muscles had lost their rigidity and were softer to massage and I could relax my hamstrings completely. I cannot recommend this therapy enough.


Went and see patrick this year as i was suffering bad with pain around my hips and bum cheeks and knees for a few years . Being a roofer and laying slates and working on a roof twisted my body. First session i seen patrick he said i would need 3-4 treatments. After the first 3 i was still feeling in pain. Aftrr the 4th witch was atleast 8 weeks back now. I am feeling great and now not getting the pains. Its so nice now not waking up in the mornings in pain. And noing tjat im not going to be like it for ever. Patrick is very passionate about wat he does. Recommend 100%


We took our Uncle to see Patrick as he is from Cyprus and has had endless scans and tests and nothing could be done for his twisted tongue, unable to speak clearly, difficulty swallowing and excessive saliva. To say he was thoroughly distressed with no hope when he arrived in England, thinking it was his last chance to visit, as Doctors had started treating him for MND, even though there was no medical evidence to suggest that he had this.

Just one visit to Patrick and what miracles, he is a different man today, he can eat food and swallow without choking, his speaks now with clarity and the saliva issue has significantly improved.

We can not thank Patrick enough yet again for improving someone’s quality of life so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are an amazing person!


Was recommended Patrick and the Bowen technique from a friend after my migraines had taken over my life, a bit cynical I thought what have I got to lose....after consultation was recommended would need 6-7 treatments but after first one felt 90% better and only suffered once since had a further two treatments and I can not explain how well I feel and how amazing it’s not to suffer!!!! Do not hesitate just ring Patrick and speak to him he is really approachable, seriously can not thank him enough!!!


Visited Patrick today already feeling much better, after having a frozen shoulder for 5 years and 2 operations , I cancelled the 3rd after treatment with Patrick, I now have complete mobility and am pain free, I go for a top up occasionally, I am amazed he has never said you must have this done , he has left it to me to decide, after 3 treatments i had complete mobility. AMAZING thankyou Patrick


This man is a genius!

After years of trips to a GP , steroids , creams , light therapy which always failed ,

I underwent treatment with Patrick for 6 months for psoriasis, my whole body was covered, I am now 85% clear thanks to Patrick. He also sorted a few other issues & I feel like a new woman!

I have recently taken my 2 young boys for Bowen, the eldest for asthma he’s now able to breathe wheeze free & can manage a cold without a trip to hospital.

The youngest has rarely slept a full night due to stomach issues, teething & being unsettled - 3 sessions with Patrick & he’s sleeping 12 hours straight.

I cannot recommend Patrick’s Bowen enough , the world needs to know what he does so we don’t suffer unnecessarily .

I owe a lot to Patrick - Thankyou �


Oh my goodness... I really can't thank Patrick enough for the near instant relief of pain that I'd been suffering due to a trapped nerve in my neck. I couldn't believe how gentle the Bowen Technique was ,(and I was really a little hesitant as to whether it would work or not.)..however after my first session with Patrick it was like a miracle... I can't believe something so gentle can have such amazing results. Haven taken strong painkillers around the clock, to help a little with the pain, I could stop taking them the same evening after my first treatment and for the first time in two weeks I had nearly a whole nights sleep!

My husband, Gordon, has also been previously treated by Patrick,(for a bad back) with the same fantastic results and it was Gordon who kept telling me I should make the appointment.

I really can't praise this form of therapy enough, it truly is amazing and I now highly recommend Patrick to all my friends and family.


My husband sadly suffered a serious injury 2 years ago called cauda equina, which left him with double incontinence, and paralysis from the waste down. Nhs treatment was great in terms of surgery, but subsequent treatment and follow up care was limited and long term outcome was not promising. We were told about Patrick and held out very little hope. However, his treatment and results were a miracle, over several sessions, the pain my husband endure daily had passed, he was able to have the catheter removed and control his bowel movements. The paralysis was lifted and a normal life returned. There are not enough words to thank Patrick for what he has done for my husband, he was too young to be left with such devastating injury's, and life is now great. My husband returns several times a year now to keep his back healthy and should he over exhort himself. We really can not recommend him enough, it's not invasive treatment, I would just say try him out and see the results to make your own conclusion, but there is not need to suffer with any condition when you have someone life Patrick you can change your quality of life in such a short time. Thank you again Patrick.


I was recommended by a friend to see Patrick, who he had recently treated successfully. I am still at the early stages I suppose (have only had five treatments), but unfortunately still having many bad days �. Mine is an unusual and complicated case, as I have developed sudden cronic tinnitus with head pressure, hearing loss and occasional dizziness, degrees of it vary daily. Patrick was, and still is confident that I will start having more “good days”, and I really believe him. He has though helped me change my attitude towards my condition and seeing how he’s helped so many people, I do have confidence that even if it doesn’t go completely, it will get better. Thank you Patrick for giving me hope!! �


I was recomended by a friend to go to the bowen clinic.I was a little sceptical at first but I thought what have I got to lose.I had gone to the doctors twice with severe leg pain they told me to take pain killers four times a day.After four months even the painkillers weren't touching the pain.It was affecting my lifestyle I could hardly walk It was agony and walked with a limp.I felt really miserable. So I went to see patrick you feel really at ease and it's only gentle manipulation.Its made such a difference no pain and drug free.I can walk with no pain and feel so much better. Thank you so much patrick I would thougherly recomended you to anyone.


I was in terrible pain in my neck and arm for months on a cocktail of strong painkillers and mind changing drugs . I saw numerous osteopaths then was referred to a consultant who did an mri and told me my only option was surgery and I was going to have a cage put in my neck to ease the pressure on a disc. It was a risky op gnat could leave me in a wheelchair( a risk I was not prepared to take ) A friend in north Devon told me about Patrick ... I booked immediately . Patrick was kind and reassuring and after 1 hour I walked out of his clinic with NO Pain . A miracle ??? Yes . I then saw Patrick a few times while he worked on other ailments . Amazing... Don't waste any time if you have a problem . Get on the phone and book .


I have struggled with a knee problem for the last 4 years, which has made me stop being able to play football. Countless visits to private physio’s, chiropractors, nhs physio’s, acupuncture etc, you name it I’ve tried it, and it ended up with surgery which still didn’t resolve the issue. A friend recommended Patrick to me, and although I was sceptical, I thought why not give it a try. After 3 sessions there was no change, but after the 4th it started improving. I have now had 5 sessions and the pain is almost completely gone, getting better day by day and I am finally able to run again!! I don’t know how it works but it really does and I would recommend Patrick to anyone, can’t thank him enough as I thought it would never be fixed!


I had chronic lower back pain for a number of years due to hip misalignment, have had treatments from both osteopath and physio which would relieve it for a while. After 5 treatments with Patrick I have no dull ache and can move freely without twinges or pinching. I am also freed from migraine inspite of having had a few drinks over the festive season.


I arrived for my first appointment on crutches and in pain every day. I was on some of the strongest painkillers there are. I was at a point I would try anything . Patrick suggested 3 visits and that would make a major difference .

I’ve just had my third appointment . I am now walking without crutches and the pain has reduced so much that I am no longer taking the painkillers. I have had a couple of “bad days” but nothing like the pain was prior to treatment .

I am looking forward to strengthening my back more but I am so much better I find it hard to believe. I thought I was not going to be able to walk properly ever again. Who knows I may even go to the gym now �

I am so pleased with what Patrick has done for me that I am happy to chat to anyone about my experience . This works . Try it !!!!


I am a 55 year old female recreational runner who suffered from recurrent hip pain after running the London marathon 8 years ago. I had given up all hope of ever being able to run anything more than a mile or two before my hip broke down again. As a registered nurse I had explored all the conventional options available to me via the NHS as well as several private and alternative treatments.

I was recommended to Patrick by a family member and went along for my first treatment full of hope, but sceptical that anything could really help this longstanding chronic problem.

" Go out and run" Patrick said after my first treatment. So I did, and 6 months down the line, I can run 10 miles without a problem! I have run 4 10k races and have entered my first half marathon for 9 years in March. There are other bits like knees which are protesting a bit at the strain but I have every faith that a short course of Bowen treatments will sort them out. Patrick truly is a gifted practitioner who has inspired me to take up Bowen training myself.

I can't recommend him highly enough!


How Patrick has managed to work on and remove my physical pain is nothing short of a miracle. After almost six years of suffering from whiplash, 20 years of abdominal pains and numerous other problems including carpal tunnel syndrome and emotional stress, I am now pretty much pain free. I'd forgotten what it was like to wake up in the morning without some part of me hurting and limping with the first few steps after getting out of bed. I now feel much more positive, uplifted and have found an emotional and spiritual equilibrium. My 10 year old has seen Patrick twice and now sleeps and eats better and schoolwork seems much easier. The Bowen technique well and truly does work. Thank you Patrick are three small words but they mean the world �


Having suffered almost weekly migraines for several years, I had 4/5 Bowen sessions about a year and a half ago. Ive not had a single migraine since. I’d definitely recommend Patrick and Bowen.

Patrick also treated my newborn baby for colic a couple of months ago. 3 very relaxing treatments for her and she is completely better. No more screaming in pain from wind, and she now winds almost instantly after feeding.


Having a baby that cry's in pain from colic is very testing�put Patrick is amazing & after 2 treatments so far I have a smiling 6wk old little girlie�happy baby means a happy mummy��


Best thing I ever did was to go and see Patrick! I felt like the Tin man and was in so much pain in my lower back I didn't want anyone to touch it... I struggled to sit or get a pair of socks on... depressing at 45! A year of physio left me feeling I was doing something wrong but after 6 sessions of Patrick doing what he does ( still don't know quite what) I'm back riding the horses, I've travelled through New South Wales in a camper van for a month and most importantly I can just live day to day without chronic pain... it's very gentle and I'd recommend Patrick to anyone.. in fact I do, quite often. I'm just a bit gutted I didn't hear of him sooner.

More about Bowen Clinic

Bowen Clinic is located at Culliford Farm Uffculme, Ex153bg Barnstaple, Devon
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -