Bp Sociology

About Bp Sociology

Hey! If you do Sociology at college and are ever stuck on an essay, a concept, or have a question, this is where to come. Run by a Sociology uni graduate.

Bp Sociology Description

This is a facebook page that endevours to help people with any questions, essays and queries they have without totally writing the answers for you. There are past essays on here and useful sugestions too.
It's monitored by Cheyenne Mascall - ex BP student and a Sociology Undergrad at Uni, Carys Jardine - a BP Sociology teacher and many others with much useful information to offer.
All official posts fall under 'BP Sociology'.
If you have an idea, or a 100% essay, send it to us, and you may well see it up here. The more the merrier!



A very interesting programme which, amongst other things, challenges the idea that children of 7, when 'picking their own toys' do it without gendered societal influence; or that t-shirt slogans 'here comes trouble' and 'forever beautiful' don't have an influence on how children see and perform gendered norms around self esteem and pro-social behaviour a school in the UK.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/…/progi…/2017/33 /no-more-boys-and-girls


The more you think about it, the more this shows how relevant Sociology and a critical mind are.


Interesting article about mealtimes in the UK compared to other European countries. And something I find to be true in my day to day life. What do you think?
http://discoversociety.org/2016/09/06/why -do-we-eat-alone/…


Hi all, Slowly recovering from the previously mentioned reason for being MIA; so I'll occasionally be on hand to assist. Thanks for your patience.


Hi all, due to personal circumstances I am going to be laid up and MIA for a few weeks/month. Feel free to post, but I cannot guarantee assistance at the moment. Thanks


Hiya all, Cheyenne here, as usual. I was wondering if anybody saw "Things we won't say about race which are true" on Channel 4 the other day? It brought up quite a few sociological and personal questions for me...what did you guys think?


Hi everyone! Cheyenne here! So it's exam time once again for many of you! Good luck... Any queries or debates you want to see on this page this year?


Hello everyone! Cheyenne here :) If you have a general question - such as a definition query or discussion point, please post to the page. If you have an essay query, feel free to message as you have been doing, however please include your level of study, the question AND what conclusions or arguments you have so far -this page is an aid but you need to do the legwork :) Thanks!


A book I reccommend (highly in fact) : Watching the English, revised edition.
It's a comfortable cross between unashamed sociological research, self depreciating humourous observations about us brits and also (my favourite) an acknowledgement of how difficult writing about your bias as a researcher and how it was worthwhile anyway. Check it out and let me know what you think!


So, in some recent research into the grad job market I came across a very interesting UK study : Measuring the Quality of Prison Life by NOMs (National Offenders Management). It's been running for a number of years and is really interesting. Go check it out! (Google it).


So innovation is the name of the game....is there anything you guys would like to see on this page, anything you'd like me to post about more? Opinions welcome!


A very interesting way of expressing all the options of social and personal construction around identity in an intimate, physical and sexual sphere. *Credit to the (currently unknown) author*


Hello everyone!
If you've been following popular news recently you will have seen headlines surrounding an Open University study on long term relationship success. Well guess what? I attended the Enduring Love results conference earlier this month as my first Post-Uni Sociology conference (Reknown sociologists Lynn Jamieson and David Morgan were amongst the attendees! *Fangirl moment*)
Needless to say I learnt alot of the headlines did not adequately explain the findings (an...d I learnt cups of tea are invaluable!) So I suggest you check out the research! There are even iTunes podcasts.
A mixed methods study that examines what makes longterm relationships survive is definitely a nice change! ^-^
See More


Chryenne Here! So, in good news, I'm way into my new job now - nearing 2 months, the bad news is I'm therefore out the house at leeeeast 7-7 everyday, so understandably the posting of all my notes will be a lot slower, as will replies - but you know the drill - when summer is over, keep the questions coming ^_^ Happy chilling everyone.


I've been watching Eye Spy on 4od, a programme considering if we do "the right thing" without being prompted and what ww consider as more or less acceptable. It's a comparison of London and Manchester for the most part. A very interesting show with controversial questions. Watch it and have a think. :-)

More about Bp Sociology

Bp Sociology is located at Barton Peveril, SO50 5ZA Eastleigh