Brand New U Lincoln Uk

About Brand New U Lincoln Uk

Professional community fitness classes, including Pilates, taught by Qualified Instructors Jacquie Bradley, Emma Daly, Carol Gallagher, Pat Dennison, Katy Everett, Sammy Hewitt, Nikki Scigala, Nicky Whitaker, Abbie Evans, Jade Chapperon in Lincoln uk

Brand New U Lincoln Uk Description

All our classes are
Adaptable for everyone no matter what your ability age or sex
We believe your class should be a pleasurable experience and we will never shout at you, make you feel sick or single you out,

Our classes attract ALL members of the community and we there for plan our classes as a 'one size fits all' We wont put in any exercises we believe could be controversial to the majority of the class members.
Alternatives will be given throughout all our classes to take into account injuries and the mixed ability of the whole class. . . meaning no matter if you are male, female, 16 or 116, an athlete or a New comer, in good health or recovering from or have a restrictive illness / condition, everyone leaves the class feeling thoroughly worked out!
Please make sure you have spoken to your DR and told home the type of class you are attending and ask if there is anything you should not do. ~ALSO ALWAYS KEEP YOUR INSTRUCTOR UPDATED N YOUR HEALTH even if you think not releant

More about Brand New U Lincoln Uk
