Breathing Space

About Breathing Space

Breathing Space is here to assist with all things to do with physical, mental and spiritual well-being, drawing on modern science and ancient wisdom.

Breathing Space Description

Blending modern science with ancient wisdom, Breathing Space offers a range of treatments and consultations to enhance & maintain physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
Sessions include NLP, hypnosis, psychotherapy, Alkaline Nutrition, L. I. L. T and massage.



Thank you to my friend Teresa Fox for sharing this.....


Thank you to my friend Bruce Tracy for sharing this....


Thank you to my friend Debra A Cardoza for sharing this... which everyone would do well to hear!
I have come across the exaggerated perception of how awful life is in so many people.... It depends what we focus on!

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Thank you to my friend Janette McSkimming for sharing this truly amazing and beautiful lady's words.


Thank you to my friend Sue Longo for sharing this from Wild Woman Sisterhood...


Thank you to my friend Emily Suppes for sharing this important wisdom.
It works both ways. If you rely on someone else for your happiness, they become a necessity rather than a bonus in your life. And they will notice that!
Conversely, by all means be a CATALYST in helping someone find their happiness. But always stop short of being the REASON for someone else's happiness. If you are taken away from the person, they lose their "reason" for being happy and it means they actua...lly weren't happy within at all.
Friends and therapists alike would do well to bear this point in mind...
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Thank you to my friend Catherine Giddings for sharing this....
11 patients is not a conclusive trial of course but this research definitely warrants the funding of much bigger trials. More and more, the positive effects of cannabis are being made known. It is way beyond time that this should be made legal everywhere.... Give control of it to proper regulators who can advise the public how to use it safely, rather than take chances with illegal dealings...


Thank you to my friend Ruth Huddlestone for sharing this superb example of NLP in action from Wild Woman Sisterhood.
Your thoughts, how you construct your sentences and the phrases and vocabulary you use all affect how you perceive yourself.
If you listen to yourself a while and find you tend to construct in negative grammatical terms, (e.g. : I don't want to be sad, instead of I want to be happy) stay mindful of your speech... and catch yourself every time you're about to ...use a negative form. Deliver the same message you want but find an affirmative way to say it. You will find, almost immediately that the 2 ways of saying something feel very different inside. The affirmative statements evoke a feeling of strength inside your mind. With some determination and practice, conscious effort, it gets more and more habitual to use the affirmatives and you feel different inside as a result.
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Thanks again to my friend Elizabeth Bailey for sharing this thought....


Thank you to my friend Elizabeth Bailey for sharing this.... an important point which many cynics need to read. Following a spiritual path doesn't mean you feel only "good" things. It means you feel more of ALL things - but that you stop holding onto, being attached to & identifying with them and learn to deal & respond differently as a result..


Thank you to my friend Radvile Jadenkute for sharing this.
NLP sessions look at how you form your thoughts and how they are affecting or even creating the mental / spiritual state you find yourself in and how you view situations that you are experiencing.
You may not be able to change a situation, but you absolutely CAN change how you feel about it by changing the language you use to describe and interpret that situation by adapting the thoughts you have about it.


Thank you to my friend Lani Ralph for sharing this important statistic...


Thank you to my friend Debra A Cardoza for sharing this very interesting research that definitely warrants further investigation...
It is also further possible evidence showing the insanity of keeping this stuff illegal while alcohol continues to legally wreck so many families and lives :/


Thank you Jon for yesterday. You have opened up a whole new thinking for me


Jon is a very good guy. The type of fb friend i like having.

More about Breathing Space

Breathing Space is located at G84 8NW Harrogate, North Yorkshire
0798 62 62 611