Brewood Codsall & Stretton

About Brewood Codsall & Stretton

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Make your own face shield via @of_making @UCLengineering
Download free instructions hereŌĆ”/ 2ŌĆ”/04/diy-face-shield
... #Covid19 #InstituteOfMaking #DIY
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Fabulous! Who's done this during lockdown? Do share your pics with us.....


What to do with left over wool, thread, cotton and yarn??? Ten top tips for a successful #YarnBomb go here
Give away and find crafty stuff for free! #ChooseToReuse via Freegle
... #Easter #crafts
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For everyone who has to still go to work - thank you, thank you, thank you ­¤ÖÅ­¤Å╗­¤żŹ­¤Æø­¤¦ĪŌØż’ĖÅ­¤Æ£­¤ÆÖ­¤ÆÜ­¤Ö Å­¤Å╗
For everyone else here's our handy travel guide for the Easter weekend. #StaySafe #StayHome #SupportNHS


Odd socks. Old white socks. What to do with them?!
HereŌĆÖs fun instructions for a #SockBunny via @SweetPaul ...
or give them away via Freegle so they donŌĆÖt end up in the bin!
#upcycle #ChooseToReuse #WasteNot #EASTER #crafts
Thanks Sweet Paul Magazine - we love this bunny!
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Grow your own LOOFAHS! Staff at one of the countryŌĆÖs best @nationaltrust kitchen gardens are doing their bit to reduce plastic waste ŌĆō by growing their own washing up spongesŌĆ”/nati onal-trust-staff-harŌĆ”
The team at the National TrustŌĆÖs Knightshayes estate in Devon recently harvested their first crop of loofahs, which staff and volunteers are now using to wash their mugs and other dishes.
... Kitchen garden supervisor Bev Todd says: ŌĆ£Many people think loofahs are sea sponges but theyŌĆÖre actually the fruit of Luffa cylindrica, a vine in the cucumber family. Once theyŌĆÖve matured, a few simple steps turns them into sponges that are great for cleaning dishes.
The team grew 30 fruit which, once cut into segments, produced around 50 washing up sponges. Sponges not needed by the team will be sold in the onsite shop.
Bev and her team plan to grow more loofahs this year and are hoping for a sunny, warm growing season which will help produce the very fibrous sponges suitable for bathroom use.
Bev says loofahs are easy to grow at home. ŌĆ£You need to grow them up some kind of supporting structure, but thereŌĆÖs nothing more complicated than that involved. You simply grow them as you would grow courgettes.ŌĆØ
How to grow your own loofahs:
Sow seeds in April or May in a warm, sunny spot. A sunny windowsill or frost-free greenhouse is perfect. Transfer to a large pot under cover (in a greenhouse or similar) for growing on. Fruit wonŌĆÖt achieve ripeness outdoors. Ensure plants have a support they can scramble up. Once the fruit has matured and withered, squeeze to loosen the skin and then peel skin off completely to reveal the fibrous inner ŌĆśskeletonŌĆÖ. Wash the peeled fruit well to remove the seeds and flesh from the ŌĆśskeletonŌĆÖ and hang to dry.
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Adorable bread alert! Bunny loaf recipe via @seriouseats
If you need cooking equipment in the future (post-lockdown), join up to Freegle here to see what is being given away nearby to you!
... #Easter #Bake #ChooseToReuse #FreeStuff
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#TheGreatIndoors via @UKScouting Lots of fab, fun things to do while you #StayHome (and #StaySane!) with the kids rs
#easter... #HomeSchooling #HalfTerm
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We know some of you will have a lot of empty loo rolls in the coming weeks ;-)
Here's an endless supply of #craft ideas to #upcycle them via @RedTedArt t-paper-roll-crafts
... #StayAtHome #ReuseWhatYouHave #StaySane
Head on over to Red Ted Art on FB for lots more crafty ideas and instructions!
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Eggcellent fun! How to dye eggs with old silk ties via @instructables #easter #crafts Freegle is shutdown right now but you may have everything you need already at home!
... Find free materials in the future (post #lockdown) via your local #Freegle community
#make #upcycle #ChooseToReuse
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How's everyone doing?
Our ChitChat feature is staying open.
Join us here to swap hints, tips and tell others how youŌĆÖre filling your day.
... Share your knowledge and questions on #upcycling #reuse #crafts #gardening #cooking #hobbies #GrowingFood #Local

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You may have time to start doing some online learning! gage via @DittoSustAIn @LWARB Ditto Sustainability are leaders in behaviour change they've created over 30 hours of #sustainability online learning. 75% of it #free to access! #SDGs #CircularEconomy #StayAtHome
... Ditto Sustainability want to empower present and future generations with the knowledge to change their environments.
These are unprecedented times; for our planet, for the way we work, and for how we engage.
We want to engage and inspire as many people as we can. SO WE HAVE MADE 75% OF OUR RIO LEARN PLATFORM COMPLETELY FREE. There are a few modules missing, but we have given you access to all the good stuff.
This is perfect for some homeschooling, upskilling yourself while working from home, nailing down some elusive CPD points or just learning generally about the SDGs, the Circular Economy and all things sustainability.
Some of the modules in this subscription include:
WaterAware UN SDGs - Intro and Actions Resourceful: The Cost of Waste The Journey of Food What is..? Climate Emergency
The stay-at-home sustainability competition starts Friday 27/03/2020 and then every Tuesday and Friday thereafter, we will be issuing a ten question quiz within Rio Engage on subjects across a wide range of sustainability-related themes - just search for Stay at Home Quiz.
Whilst some of the questions could be answered from the content within our learning modules, we've also included questions that will hopefully challenge you!
After the tenth quiz has been issued and completed, we will be combining all your answers together; and the top three scorers (or randomly selected if there are more) will be invited to participate in an online final quiz, where the winner will receive ┬Ż500 and ┬Ż500 for their chosen charity; this is likely to be around the first week in June.
Participation in the "final" is not mandatory, but you will forfeit the opportunity to win if you decline.
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Some of us find ourselves at home with some unintended time on our hands... Did you know @iFixIt has a whole bunch of #repair guides so you can learn to fix your broken stuff!
#GoodToKnow #StayAtHome #StaySane #SaveNHS #SaveLives


Listen up for some #IsolationInspiration! 10 #free Foodie podcastsŌĆ”/isolation-in spiration-10-foodie-ŌĆ”
... #StayAtHome #HelpNHS #SaveLives
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Socialise online not in person: Our ChitChat feature is staying open. Join us here to swap hints, tips and tell others how youŌĆÖre filling your day. Share your knowledge and questions on #upcycling #reuse #crafts #gardening #cooking #hobbies #GrowFood #Local


All those stuck at home with their kids may be able to relate to ŌĆśThe WorldŌĆÖs Worst ChildrenŌĆÖ! David Walliams be releasing an audio story every day for 30 days absolutely #free. #AudioElevenses First up The Terrible Triplets!


Got a bunch of random ingredients and don't know what to cook ŌĆō check out the brilliant budget recipe guru Jack Monroe @BootstrapCook for fabulous recipes
#JackMonroesLockdownLarder 5pm daily for #free inspiration and As to your Qs

More about Brewood Codsall & Stretton