Brexit Decoded

About Brexit Decoded

Our unique ‘3D’ approach to decoding and seeing the (Brexit) light means we work it all out for you, think about how best to present it - and then give you the facts plain and simple in a consistent and constructive manner.


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So the #EU will not sign up to essential #ClimateChange Targets for 2050. The UK has. Will that sway the younger remainers or will EU membership be more important to them than the climate. Catch 22 for some. #brexit #LeaveMeansLeave #Remainers #ClimateEmergency


Surely no one can fear a Boris no deal Brexit now. Far more to worry about with the alternative - a man who doesn’t know his own wife’s nationality and who single handedly attempted to destroy the NHS. #brexit #LeaveMeansLeave #boris


Our prediction. The EU wants us out now as we are clearly a thorn in their gluttonous backside. The EU is afraid of a No Deal. Boris will be the PM and survive the non confidence vote. The UK will renegotiate the withdrawal and leave NI only as a backstop and the remaining UK outside of the Customs Union. The EU can then manage the Irish border if they wish. We will leave on halloween. General election in March 2020 which the Torys' will win having secured Brexit. Then all the fish will be ours again and we can get on with making the UK one of the strongest economies and begin looking after our elderly, the armed forces and the unemployed. You heard it here first.


Tory Bingo. Eyes down for a week of fun. Two down six to go. Who are you backing for Brexit?


A private vote where you are ordered to take a photograph of your ballot paper. How lucky we are to have such forthright representatives. Difficult to trust those that cannot be trusted. #brext #BrexitShambles #BorisJohnson #LeaveMeansLeave #ToryLeaderCandidates


Join the forum and tell us who youre backing


And they're off, so come on and pick your winner. Be kind as they all have someone who loves them. #brexit #LeaveMeansLeave #Remain #BorisJohnson #BrexitParty


Our Theresa who art in #brussels give us this day our daily dread. #leave us not in the #EU but deliver us from evil. For thine is the United Kingdom, the #nigel is our #tory. For ever and ever f.u. #macron


EU workers’ qualifications will be recognised after EU Exit #Brexit #BrexitDecoded #BrexitMadeSimple #BrexitForum #LeaveEU #Remain #EU #UK #BrexitDeal #NoDealBrexit #Corbyn #Barnier #TheresaMay qualifications-wi…/


Extension agreed to 22 May if deal passes. Brexit last day now 22 May 2019. But only if she wins the meaningful vote next week. Forget 29 March now No Deal or Mays Deal are left.


#BrexitDecoded is launching the new #Brexit deep pan pizza. No one knows what the toppings are yet and your delivery could take a few years but Relax it will be here before we leave the #EU. #LeaveEU #PeoplesVote #NoDeal #Article50 #UK


In shock move May appoints new Brexit Minister. Paul the Octopus to outline new voting amendments and advise the cabinet. #brexit #brexitdecoded #brexitforum #TheresaMay #leave #remain #PeoplesVote #eu #uk #Corbyn #Barnier #Jacob_Rees_Mogg #NoDeal


#EU press reporting that the UK is to blame for #Brexit fiasco. Reports Italy will veto an extension to Article 50 with at least two other states to follow. #NoDeal looking more likely. #brexitdecoded #brexitforum #leave #remain #uk #eu #PeoplesVote #Article50 #TheresaMay


‪Another center article in the Greek press for our political commentator George. #brexit truly decoded. #NoDeal and the votes explained. #brexitdecoded #brexitforum #brexitmadesimple #uk #eu #leave #remain #TheresaMay #Article50 #PeoplesVote ‬
‪ inexizetai/‬


If #remain had won would they have supported a #PeoplesVote now or perhaps described #leavers as idiots?. The only loser is #democracy. By their rationale all sporting finals should now be replayed if there is a close result and the losing side believe that it would have been better if their side had won the cup. Nonsense… that’s what’s happening. #Brexit #may #Barnier #EU #leavenow #corbyn #leave

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