Bria Organics

About Bria Organics

100% Natural & Organic Award Winning Skincare made in the UK
Suitable all ages, dry, eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis prone skin
Certified cruelty free



Protect your skin this winter especially exposed areas like face and hands.
The eye area can be the most sensitive as this is where the skin is really thin.
Therefore important to avoid fragrances and synthetic ingredients


So first up is Lee our Founder and Director to talk about Bria Organics, allergies and a lot of gratitude.
It’s safe to say our family know a lot about sensitive skin and allergies. Although, if you read on, nothing is ever 'known' when it comes to allergies.
As I’m writing this my son Archie, (the whole reason Bria began due to his severe baby eczema) now aged 11 is about to get his first epipen.
...Continue Reading


As we are coming up to ten years of Bria Organics we are immersed in reflection and thoughts for the future.
Bria Organics truly was a labour of love, it still is and with a move toward selling to trade and retail we don’t want to become a faceless brand.
So we are bringing you a few introductions over the next few weeks along with a lot of gratitude for making our work so pleasurable.
... There are currently four people at Bria HQ, Lee the founder, Lucy the Production Manager, Emily the Office Manager and Paige the Cosmetic Science Student.
We are all parents, except Paige and somehow manage to juggle a life and work. Thankfully we are passionate perfectionist and are immensely proud to be making natural and effective skincare that receives so much love!
We really do love our work too, no more than when we hear from our customers. Stories have included babies sleeping through the night for the first time as their skin has been soothed, adults re-gaining confidence and other 'life changing' effects from having more comfortable and clearer skin.
It's a pleasure to have helped and we are looking forward to launching some new products soon!
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We infuse Organic Chickweed herb in Organic Sunflower Oil for a month to bring relief from itchy skin.
It has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties to soothe dry skin, skin prone to eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis, burns, rashes, allergic skin and cold weather skin issues.
It brings the ‘Relief’ to our Relief Repair Replenish Balm, Skin Cream, Bath & Body Oil


As we approach our 10 year anniversary here is how we began back in 2008


All cosmetic/skincare products have to be tested to EU regulations which assess a product for safety and also to identify allergens found in natural ingredients.
Essential oils such as Lavender contain the allergen Linalool. It’s commonly found in products developed for sensitive skin and babies which is so unnecessary as well as nonsensical!
These allergens must be declared on product labels, so it's good to know which ones to look out for:
... Benzyl alcohol Benzyl benzoate Benzyl salicylate Citral Citronella Coumarin Eugenol Geraniol Hydroxycitronellal Limonene
We are happy to report that none of our products in the Relief Repair Replenish range contain any ingredients containing allergens found under EU regulations.
Read through more tips like this one from Lee, our founder, over on our Bria Blog. Please get in touch if you have any questions!
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Hi Bria Organics
I emailed last month saying how amazing your products are but I wanted to share some photos of before and after so you can see for yourselves :)
Please note, the first few pictures were not at Harry’s worst and these were not flare ups - this was how it started and were a standard day (unfortunately I forgot to take pictures when his skin was at its worse).
... The third, fourth and fifth pictures were taken around 2 weeks after using your products.
The final two pictures were taken today (approx a month from starting with your products).
As you can see he looks like a different baby! His skin is glowing, he hasn’t had any bad flare ups nor has he needed hydrocortisone since using your skin care range.
I am very dedicated to his skin care routine (every 3-4 hours I apply the balm all over and oil in between if his skin is really dry) and have done for the last month. His skin was like sandpaper in addition to the inflammation.
He is now at a stage that I am not needing to apply so often and 3 times a day seems to still keep on top of it (long may it continue).
My GP couldn’t believe the difference when he had his review and family / friends are also amazed!
Thank you again, I am so grateful to have these beautiful products - you have helped me to sort a situation that I didn’t think I had control over. As a mother, this is all you want when your child is in need.
Best wishes
— Products shown: Relief, Repair, Replenish Balm 60ml and Relief, Repair, Replenish Body Oil.
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Do you live in a hard water area?
It may be worth checking and adding something to your bath to help counter the effects of hard water.
Our Bath Oil is only one of a few that has a five star review on Amazon, was featured in The Telegraph and can be used in the shower too. Here is what one customer said:
... "This product certainly makes very hard water seem much softer. Bathtime is therefore improving! "
Regardless of water quality it will leave skin hydrated, soothed and itch free and is suitable for babies, children & adults
— Products shown: Relief, Repair, Replenish Bath Oil.
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We have five Relief Repair Replenish Balms to giveaway this week
Our award-winning Balm is 100% natural, soothing, healing & moisturising. It's proven effective on eczema/psoriasis and dermatitis prone skin, cradle cap, dry skin, sun burn, nappy rash etc
... Like and share this post and we will be selecting five people on Monday 6th August to receive one jar of Balm as a gift. Good luck everyone!
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We've had four 5 * reviews this month on our Facebook Page and currently at 9,999 likes on here ! Who will be the 10,000th liker??
Lesley Hamilton reviewed Bria Organics — 5 star July 16 at 11:21 AM · I’ve been using Bria Organics for a while now and they have shown amazing results on both my 2 year olds eczema and my dry skin. As a nurse I have used so many different creams and potions but these really have made a difference and I wouldn’t be without them! X
... Laura Simpson reviewed Bria Organics — 5 star July 16 at 11:12 AM · Amazing product!! I have told anyone who will listen how fab it is!... I used for general dry skin used one night and next day results were amazing! Definitely one to keep in the bathroom cabinet!! Real luxurious feel and being organic is a bonus. Great product!!! x
Danielle Lloyd reviewed Bria Organics — 5 star July 11 at 8:35 AM · WOW ! Not only a miracle cure for my children’s eczema, I’ve recently discovered that it also works on my premature babies cradle cap. Thank you for making a Mum of 3s life easier !
Hal Branson reviewed Bria Organics — 5 star July 10 at 2:07 PM · Beautiful products! Completely cleared up our daughter's eczema in a week or so with a nightly application. All natural ingredients and smell lovely! Highly recommended
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Another amazing 5* review and have you noticed we are only about 20likes away from reaching 10,000 !


Thank-you Emily for the review and the before/after pics. They look very similar to our founder's son at the same age (Also slightly broody due to pic of a content baby sleeping)
" My little boy developed bad eczema at 6 weeks old. I have treated him with multiple prescribed products which have failed to make any difference. I wanted to try something which was more natural and not chemical based. This is the first product that has actually made a difference to his skin.
... Within 3 days I noticed a huge difference. The product seems to be able to moisturise, calm the skin and act as barrier to environmental challenges.
It is also pleasant to use, doesn't ruin his clothes and smells nice.
I am so grateful to have found something to help him. Thank you! I would strongly recommend this product to others. "
— Products shown: Relief, Repair, Replenish Balm 60ml.
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More great feedback on #eczema #allergies
I've recently started using this after suffering a face flare up (eczema) and I have to say it is the best, my face no longer feels like it is on fire or about to fall off! Now a convert .....I'm using the balm. Thank you Bria.
Maria Cawdron


Heartwarming feedback recently received:
As an avid user of your amazing Bria Cream/Balm, I just want to say I am now using your lovely product on my husband's face/neck. He was diagnosed with skin cancer before Christmas and has now finished the chemo cream. I am applying tons of both the cream and balm on all the affected areas and his whole face and neck and the cancer areas are healing nicely, and as he has very dry skin, I started to apply the creams around November bef...ore diagnosis due to the dryness of his skin and will continue using it on his face and neck always. I only wish I used it on his skin when I first started ordering it from you. Better late than never.
I cannot imagine not having our Bria creams. I am prone to eczema caused by allergic reactions and I am so happy I have Bria in my life. I sincerely mean it.
Kind regards Mirri McCarthy
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We averaged 4.9 * out of 5 * on Amazon over the past 12 months however we have decided to stop selling on Amazon for a while. Any customers who use Amazon can order direct at or call us on 0191 4472121


Great to hear from our wonderful customers and so glad to help
We love to hear from you and it's great to share your results. Some customers find instant relief and overnight improvements while for some it takes longer. 😀


WOW ! Not only a miracle cure for my children’s eczema, I’ve recently discovered that it also works on my premature babies cradle cap. Thank you for making a Mum of 3s life easier !


This product has been a life saver. My 6 year old son has been suffering from head-to-toe, angry eczema for the better part of a year. The only areas not covered in eczema are his face, hands and feet. We've tried prescription steroid creams (which only made things worse every time we tried them), non-prescription creams both purchased over the counter and via the internet, removed gluten, dairy, and GMOs from his diet, saw multiple dermatologists, allergists, acupuncturists, homeopaths, etc, etc, all in an attempt to get to the bottom of it and provide this poor kid some relief from his daily struggles of literally enjoying his life again and not waking up to blood soaked bed sheets every night. My wife and I were awake and on guard all night and all day, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week just trying to protect this brave and tough little boy from temporary bouts of weakness where he would literally attack his skin that was attacking him from the inside out. Our family was in a very bad place.

We literally spent thousands of dollars over the last 6 months between doctors, natural remedies, creams and anything else we could do or find. I noticed that Bria Organics was one of the only products around that claimed to help with the symptoms of eczema that actually HAD before and after photos on their website and social media feeds, so I ordered a few jars to ship to the United States (amazingly fast shipping may I add considering it is being shipped international).

I applied it to him for the first time with very little optimism as so many creams before it failed to bring him any relief. When he woke up the next morning, to my amazement, the majority of his eczema patches already had lightened in color and did not look as "angry." We continued applying it multiple times per day over the next week and the improvement was dramatic! As his skin improved his mood improved. As his skin improved his sleep improved. We've been using these products for over a month now and after nearly one full year of consistently worsening symptoms, my son is finally finding some relief. While we are by no means "out of the woods yet," we are in a significantly better place than we were and we owe it all to Bria Organics.

I literally could not thank you enough. Thank you!


This cream is truly fantastic! After having used all sorts of different prescribed creams and lots of steroid ointment on my sons eczema, I came across Bria Organics balm whilst searching for natural remedies. We are now on our 4th tub!!! It works wonder - stops the itching and heals the skin! I would recommend this to anybody with skin complaints, our whole family is now using it for various complaints �


The only product that has cleared the eczema from my 12 year daughters eyes making her one happy girl. We have tried everything including steroid. She was getting very upset about it as people were making comments about the eczema and this cream has brought back her confidence. She's uses it daily to keep it at bay. Thankyou Bria .


My son has been suffering with his eczema for 3.5 years, he has been on emollients, steroid creams, you name it he has used it. Nothing has cleared it, I then stumbled across this page and ordered a pot of the balm. I have been using it for 36 hours and his skin has nearly cleared, going from bright red, bleeding and extremely itchy to nearly clear in such a short time has utterly surprised me I couldn't be any happier. The best thing is, because it is all natural it doesn't sting his open wounds unlike all of his other creams, I will be buying even more and also recommend to everybody I know, thank you for giving my son the chance at having itch free, clear skin


Miracle cure!! I had battled with my little boy's severe eczema for months. I first tried the Bria balm on his scalp one night before bed. I hadn't much hope as I have tried everything! In the morning there was a vast improvement and after the second night his scalp was clear and has remained so since. The balm leaves his skin so clear and soft. The smell is so pleasant and natural and the texture of it means it spreads easily so not much is required. Thank you so much Bria for what you have done for us and I look forward to trying more products xox


I’ve been using Bria Organics for a while now and they have shown amazing results on both my 2 year olds eczema and my dry skin. As a nurse I have used so many different creams and potions but these really have made a difference and I wouldn’t be without them! X


I've waited 4 weeks of using this balm on my face to make sure it really worked before reviewing. I can honestly say within a very short time (1-2 days), I could see and feel a huge difference. I suffer from eczema and have hyper sensitive skin. I usually stay away from using anything new (having used only diprobase for over 10 years) but after a bad flare up and face so dry, to the point of the slin flaking off constantly, decided I'd try this. So glad I did! My skin has never felt better and not had one bad day since I started using it. 5*'s and more! :-)


I bought this balm after googling for a natural treatment for my 6yr old daughter's eczema. We have tried various prescription creams, other well known brands and 100% natural coconut oil. After less than a week of applying this balm morning and evening, her eczema has almost disappeared. I never write reviews on products, but was so impressed with this one that I looked for the facebook page to leave a review. Worth the money. Amazing results.


I bought some of the balm at the JustV show over a week ago, I had already hurt my arm which had gone really nasty and had been treating it myself with manuka honey. I was beginning to think I would have to go to the doctors when I found the balm yesterday, when I dressed the place on my arm last night, I used the balm and this morning, to my amazement 90% of the large very red area, the pain and all of the puss had gone. Really, really impressed, thanks so much.


Had dermatitis on my face for about 15 months,nothing was working apart from steroid creams but had a knock on effect ,the dermatitis would come back when I stopped using cream also thinning my skin ,used the balm for about 3 days and its just amazing no redness there at all and the itch has completely gone,cannot recommend it enough


Fantastic product I was loosing all hope of finding something to help with my 3month old daughters skin but after only two days of using the snuggly bath oil and the repair balm we can already see a massive difference, and know with a little more time her skin will be clear. We don't no how long the balm we have got will last as it's only a small tub but for the results I'm more then happy to pay the price. Also her skin feels amazing after a bath normally I don't like to use oils but this soaks in amazing can't fault it brilliant job Brian organics


Beautiful products! Completely cleared up our daughter's eczema in a week or so with a nightly application. All natural ingredients and smell lovely! Highly recommended.


Amazing!!! I have reordered the Relief Repair Replenish Skin Cream a few times now. I have developed severe eczema on my hands and between the fingers after being treated with antibiotics that turned out I was allergic to. Nothing would help, doctors subscribed steroid base creams, which helped temporarily but made my skin cracked which was very painful. It looked really bad, kept getting comments and I need it something to fix it for good. Started to search online for organic creams and that’s when I found Bria Organics, read all the reviews and after trying all kinds of creams, emollients I have decided to order it. It helped my eczema clear up completely and my hands look great again. It is a bit oily at first when you apply it and has a scent that might not be for everybody, but it helped me a lot. In 24 hours after the first application I could already see a major difference. I recommend it using it constantly at the beginning especially after baths/ showers and keep applying it before bed afterwards to keep up the smooth skin. The other products the bath oil and body oil are also good. Highly recommend it! Thank you Bria Organics!!!


Amazing product!! I have told anyone who will listen how fab it is!... I used for general dry skin used one night and next day results were amazing! Definitely one to keep in the bathroom cabinet!! Real luxurious feel and being organic is a bonus. Great product!!! x


1 week in and already getting great results . Suffered eczema all my life but over last 12 months it has been awful on ma face . Sore itching burning and red around eyes lips and head . 1 week in using the balm the redness going and feels much more moisturised and not sore at all . Just ordered again the cream and bath oil . Happy lady .


I only received my product today I ordered the relief repaire cream. Product is very small to expectations. I don't know will it work or not need more time to test it out. But phew it smells so bad. It has a sort of fishy kind of smell. Like raw egg yolk or along those line. If company could make their product smell a little bit nicer would be great. ���


I liked Bria and it's ethos - it just didn't work for us (and I gave it 3 weeks of a good go!) I was blown away by the many positive reviews, but not all eczema is alike. Oat based creams seem to be doing the trick now - also awaiting allergy testing. Have an unopened 120ml tub too! Would advise patch testing with a small amount, try for 1 week. It's great to have a go - but I was so disappointed it didn't work for us (4 month old) - we have now found a cream that works - and this may be the one for you. But it wasn't for us...


Sad to say the balm didn’t work for my son’s eczema. His skin becomes really dry and it doesn’t help control the flare up... I was really hoping this will be the last cream/balm I will try. Back to steriod cream and child’s farm moisturiser for now.


WOW ! Not only a miracle cure for my children’s eczema, I’ve recently discovered that it also works on my premature babies cradle cap. Thank you for making a Mum of 3s life easier !


This product has been a life saver. My 6 year old son has been suffering from head-to-toe, angry eczema for the better part of a year. The only areas not covered in eczema are his face, hands and feet. We've tried prescription steroid creams (which only made things worse every time we tried them), non-prescription creams both purchased over the counter and via the internet, removed gluten, dairy, and GMOs from his diet, saw multiple dermatologists, allergists, acupuncturists, homeopaths, etc, etc, all in an attempt to get to the bottom of it and provide this poor kid some relief from his daily struggles of literally enjoying his life again and not waking up to blood soaked bed sheets every night. My wife and I were awake and on guard all night and all day, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week just trying to protect this brave and tough little boy from temporary bouts of weakness where he would literally attack his skin that was attacking him from the inside out. Our family was in a very bad place.

We literally spent thousands of dollars over the last 6 months between doctors, natural remedies, creams and anything else we could do or find. I noticed that Bria Organics was one of the only products around that claimed to help with the symptoms of eczema that actually HAD before and after photos on their website and social media feeds, so I ordered a few jars to ship to the United States (amazingly fast shipping may I add considering it is being shipped international).

I applied it to him for the first time with very little optimism as so many creams before it failed to bring him any relief. When he woke up the next morning, to my amazement, the majority of his eczema patches already had lightened in color and did not look as "angry." We continued applying it multiple times per day over the next week and the improvement was dramatic! As his skin improved his mood improved. As his skin improved his sleep improved. We've been using these products for over a month now and after nearly one full year of consistently worsening symptoms, my son is finally finding some relief. While we are by no means "out of the woods yet," we are in a significantly better place than we were and we owe it all to Bria Organics.

I literally could not thank you enough. Thank you!


This cream is truly fantastic! After having used all sorts of different prescribed creams and lots of steroid ointment on my sons eczema, I came across Bria Organics balm whilst searching for natural remedies. We are now on our 4th tub!!! It works wonder - stops the itching and heals the skin! I would recommend this to anybody with skin complaints, our whole family is now using it for various complaints �


The only product that has cleared the eczema from my 12 year daughters eyes making her one happy girl. We have tried everything including steroid. She was getting very upset about it as people were making comments about the eczema and this cream has brought back her confidence. She's uses it daily to keep it at bay. Thankyou Bria .


My son has been suffering with his eczema for 3.5 years, he has been on emollients, steroid creams, you name it he has used it. Nothing has cleared it, I then stumbled across this page and ordered a pot of the balm. I have been using it for 36 hours and his skin has nearly cleared, going from bright red, bleeding and extremely itchy to nearly clear in such a short time has utterly surprised me I couldn't be any happier. The best thing is, because it is all natural it doesn't sting his open wounds unlike all of his other creams, I will be buying even more and also recommend to everybody I know, thank you for giving my son the chance at having itch free, clear skin


Miracle cure!! I had battled with my little boy's severe eczema for months. I first tried the Bria balm on his scalp one night before bed. I hadn't much hope as I have tried everything! In the morning there was a vast improvement and after the second night his scalp was clear and has remained so since. The balm leaves his skin so clear and soft. The smell is so pleasant and natural and the texture of it means it spreads easily so not much is required. Thank you so much Bria for what you have done for us and I look forward to trying more products xox


I’ve been using Bria Organics for a while now and they have shown amazing results on both my 2 year olds eczema and my dry skin. As a nurse I have used so many different creams and potions but these really have made a difference and I wouldn’t be without them! X


I've waited 4 weeks of using this balm on my face to make sure it really worked before reviewing. I can honestly say within a very short time (1-2 days), I could see and feel a huge difference. I suffer from eczema and have hyper sensitive skin. I usually stay away from using anything new (having used only diprobase for over 10 years) but after a bad flare up and face so dry, to the point of the slin flaking off constantly, decided I'd try this. So glad I did! My skin has never felt better and not had one bad day since I started using it. 5*'s and more! :-)


I bought this balm after googling for a natural treatment for my 6yr old daughter's eczema. We have tried various prescription creams, other well known brands and 100% natural coconut oil. After less than a week of applying this balm morning and evening, her eczema has almost disappeared. I never write reviews on products, but was so impressed with this one that I looked for the facebook page to leave a review. Worth the money. Amazing results.


I bought some of the balm at the JustV show over a week ago, I had already hurt my arm which had gone really nasty and had been treating it myself with manuka honey. I was beginning to think I would have to go to the doctors when I found the balm yesterday, when I dressed the place on my arm last night, I used the balm and this morning, to my amazement 90% of the large very red area, the pain and all of the puss had gone. Really, really impressed, thanks so much.


Had dermatitis on my face for about 15 months,nothing was working apart from steroid creams but had a knock on effect ,the dermatitis would come back when I stopped using cream also thinning my skin ,used the balm for about 3 days and its just amazing no redness there at all and the itch has completely gone,cannot recommend it enough


Fantastic product I was loosing all hope of finding something to help with my 3month old daughters skin but after only two days of using the snuggly bath oil and the repair balm we can already see a massive difference, and know with a little more time her skin will be clear. We don't no how long the balm we have got will last as it's only a small tub but for the results I'm more then happy to pay the price. Also her skin feels amazing after a bath normally I don't like to use oils but this soaks in amazing can't fault it brilliant job Brian organics


Beautiful products! Completely cleared up our daughter's eczema in a week or so with a nightly application. All natural ingredients and smell lovely! Highly recommended.


Amazing!!! I have reordered the Relief Repair Replenish Skin Cream a few times now. I have developed severe eczema on my hands and between the fingers after being treated with antibiotics that turned out I was allergic to. Nothing would help, doctors subscribed steroid base creams, which helped temporarily but made my skin cracked which was very painful. It looked really bad, kept getting comments and I need it something to fix it for good. Started to search online for organic creams and that’s when I found Bria Organics, read all the reviews and after trying all kinds of creams, emollients I have decided to order it. It helped my eczema clear up completely and my hands look great again. It is a bit oily at first when you apply it and has a scent that might not be for everybody, but it helped me a lot. In 24 hours after the first application I could already see a major difference. I recommend it using it constantly at the beginning especially after baths/ showers and keep applying it before bed afterwards to keep up the smooth skin. The other products the bath oil and body oil are also good. Highly recommend it! Thank you Bria Organics!!!


Amazing product!! I have told anyone who will listen how fab it is!... I used for general dry skin used one night and next day results were amazing! Definitely one to keep in the bathroom cabinet!! Real luxurious feel and being organic is a bonus. Great product!!! x


1 week in and already getting great results . Suffered eczema all my life but over last 12 months it has been awful on ma face . Sore itching burning and red around eyes lips and head . 1 week in using the balm the redness going and feels much more moisturised and not sore at all . Just ordered again the cream and bath oil . Happy lady .


I only received my product today I ordered the relief repaire cream. Product is very small to expectations. I don't know will it work or not need more time to test it out. But phew it smells so bad. It has a sort of fishy kind of smell. Like raw egg yolk or along those line. If company could make their product smell a little bit nicer would be great. ���


I liked Bria and it's ethos - it just didn't work for us (and I gave it 3 weeks of a good go!) I was blown away by the many positive reviews, but not all eczema is alike. Oat based creams seem to be doing the trick now - also awaiting allergy testing. Have an unopened 120ml tub too! Would advise patch testing with a small amount, try for 1 week. It's great to have a go - but I was so disappointed it didn't work for us (4 month old) - we have now found a cream that works - and this may be the one for you. But it wasn't for us...


Sad to say the balm didn’t work for my son’s eczema. His skin becomes really dry and it doesn’t help control the flare up... I was really hoping this will be the last cream/balm I will try. Back to steriod cream and child’s farm moisturiser for now.

More about Bria Organics

Bria Organics is located at Studio 3, Carliol Studios, 5th Floor, Sunco House, Carliol Square, NE1 6UF Newcastle upon Tyne
0191 4472121