Brian Palfreyman Microlightflyer

About Brian Palfreyman Microlightflyer

Flying for over 30 years. Qualified and registered Flying Instructor. Three axis and flexwing microlight and ultralight instruction to NPPL standard possible in as little as 15 hours flying time.

Brian Palfreyman Microlightflyer Description

Licenced to carry out check flights, inspections, licence re-validations, General skills tests, refresher training. An experienced aircraft maintenance and repair technician able to source new or pre-used parts for most flying machines.

Take off and climb up into the blue skies with our highly experienced instructor - soak up the fantastic views, take the best pictures of your life and if you like, try the controls and have a go at commanding the flying machine before your instructor guides the aircraft back onto the airstrip. Breathtaking but be warned, for many, the trial flight is the start of a whole new hobby which can take over your life!

Specialist Instructor for new trainees of all ages and at all levels, please see our "new to flying" section.

Trial Lessons £50 and Gift Vouchers - A unique fun experience . . . . . . . .

Microlight and Ultralight NPPL Training, Licence re-validation, general skills tests, Aircraft certification, Aviation maintenance and repairs, Check flights, Hangarage and a bunch of active flyers to learn from

If you would like to know more - please contact us or book a trial flight

More about Brian Palfreyman Microlightflyer