Brighton Sunshine Yoga

About Brighton Sunshine Yoga

Empowering yoga for children aged 3 - 11 years old.

Brighton Sunshine Yoga Description

I trained in the Yoga Bananas Technique™, an established method of teaching yoga and physical theatre to children in a fun, inspiring and structured way. The Technique helps children nurture a positive image of themselves and others, and teaches children that yoga is a practice of both body and mind.

The classes aim to maintain a child's natural flexibility. There are over 170 techniques (postures) that the children can explore, all of which increase their physical and mental strength, stamina and poise. Many of the techniques can improve the immune system function and stimulate the nervous system by directly targeting the lymphatic drainage points in the body. This can result in reducing susceptibility to colds and other childhood ailments.

The emphasis on the breath in each technique increases the level of oxygen in the blood resulting in optimum brain function. This type of children's yoga supports children's learning as it persuades the mind to focus on the present moment, giving children the opportunity to experience a less fractured and more fulfilling approach to learning and play. A child may not be aware that this is happening as their cognitive development is immature in the early years but results will show themselves in subtle ways. You may find a normally overactive child can sit and listen for longer periods.

Best of all, the Yoga Bananas Technique™ enables a child to explore their creativity and imagination. Games such as 'Making a Cake', 'Colouring The Butterfly' and 'Bookshelf' encourage children to remember a whole range of things in a certain order. These techniques also arouse children's interest in the characteristics and traits of others, while encouraging feeling and practicing respect.