Bristol Refugee Festival

About Bristol Refugee Festival

A Festival of music, arts, cultural & educational events, celebrating the contribution of refugees and asylum seekers to Bristol. We aim to create understanding as to why people seek sanctuary and promote integration and community cohesion.

Bristol Refugee Festival Description

Bristol Refugee Festival is a month long programme of events that brings together local and refugee communities to celebrate the contribution refugees make to Bristol, promote better understanding as to why people seek sanctuary and support successful integration.

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Organised and supported by:

Refugee Action Bristol (http://www. uk /bristol /)

Bristol Refugee Rights (http://www.

Platforma South West ( uk /hub /south-west)

Refugee Women of Bristol (www. uk)

Bristol City of Sanctuary (http://www.

Tribe of Doris (http://www. tribeofdoris. co. uk /)

b. friend (http://www. uk /)

Bristol Hospitality Network (http://bristolhospitalitynetwork.

Migrant Rights Centre Bristol (http://www. uk)

SARI (Support Against Racist Incidents) (http://www. uk)

Bristol City Council (http://www. bristol. gov. uk /)

B. C. C Sport and Health Development Team

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'. . . a celebration of the diverse contribution of refugees to our society, and a week with an important role to play in fostering greater understanding between all of our communities. . . '

'. . . Refugee Week is important because it reminds us that refugees are not just statistics to be used an abused, they are living, breathing people. . . '

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More about Bristol Refugee Festival