Bristol Royal Hospital For Children

About Bristol Royal Hospital For Children

Welcome to the Facebook page for the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children. Please share your stories, news and events. This page is reviewed Monday to Friday 9-5pm.



This week is Organ Donation week and we thought we would take the opportunity to tell you about one of our patients, Archie.
Archie was born with end stage renal failure in addition to other complex medical problems. Archie has been in and out of hospital his whole life and receives treatment from lots of speciality teams within the hospital. Due to his kidneys not working properly, Archie commenced dialysis in March 2007 and had his first kidney transplant back in May 2008 w...hen he was just 2 years old.
Over time that kidney unfortunately began to fail which meant Archie needed to recommence dialysis treatment in July 2016 and he needed a second transplant that he was lucky enough to receive back in March 2017. Getting a new kidney means Archie no longer needs dialysis every night and he can go back to attending school every day and doing everything that his friends would such as swimming and going on holiday.
Archie took part in the transplant games in August this year along with 723 other transplant recipients. Whilst they were there the Bristol Children’s Renal team broke a Guinness world record where the most number of people that had received an organ transplant were altogether in one room at the same time.
Archie said talking part in the transplant games was good because I was able to meet other children who have been through similar things to me. It was good to watch and cheer on other people during the events and I enjoyed taking part. My favourite bit was wearing our specially designed kit.
Thank you to the Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal who funded the specially designed kits for Archie and other Bristol Renal team patients alongside travel, tickets and accommodation for all the team and their carers. This meant they could celebrate their achievements together! We think everyone looked great and did a fantastic job!
You can find out more about organ donation here and do remember to talk to your friends and family about making a decision to donate your organs. Live life, give life!
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The start of the school year is a bit different for Isabelle this year. While her friends have been getting ready for the first day of school, Isabelle has been getting ready for surgery on her knees. Isabelle has been coming to to the hospital since she was very little as she has Osteogenesis Imperfecta, which is a condition that causes weak bones. This means that Isabelle is smaller than many other young people her age and sometimes needs crutches or a wheelchair for suppor...t. The surgery that Isabelle is having this week is the first of 2-3 this year. While the team try to plan these to happen in a school holiday this isn't always possible.
This year Isabelle is going into Year 8 at school. She may be missing the first week of school but this doesn't mean she is getting out of schoolwork - her teachers will still be in contact by Skype and sending her work. At times when she has been in hospital for longer she has also had support from the teachers in the hospital school who link with her school.
Isabelle told us that that she enjoys sport, she swims and enjoys cycling and has recently taken up wheelchair football. Another passion is drama, and she has even performed in the West End!
Having Osteogenesis Imperfecta hasn't stopped Isabelle from doing lots but just means that she needs to be more careful. The Osteogenesis Imperfecta team are there to support patients such as Isabelle and even go into schools to help educate teachers. We will meet the team and catch up with Isabelle in a few weeks when she is back at school!
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You may remember hearing about our Palliative Care and Bereavement team as one of the services supported by Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal and which we recently profiled as part of the charity's Gromit Unleashed2 sculpture trail.
The team play an important role in providing support to patients and their families following a diagnosis of a life-limiting or life-threatening illness, or the sudden loss of a child; giving emotional and practical support during these difficult ...times. The team is committed to working in partnership with families on how the service should develop, and by doing so they are looking to start an involvement group.
The group is open to all families and carers who have been affected by the team, with the opportunity input their suggestions and feedback about the services to enable them to create new resources that will benefit families in the future.
The team would like to hear from anyone with experience of the service who would be interested in being part of this valuable work to enable us to provide the best service we can. More details can be found on their webpage, through the link below, along with details of how to register.…/paediatri c-palliative-care-a…/
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The start of September is back to school for many of the children and young people who are patients here and we though that this week we would introduce you to a few of them! Today we want to introduce you to one of our patients whose summer was a bit different to normal and involved a stay with us. Enzo is 7 years old and spent a night on penguin ward recently for planned surgery. Enzo was born with a cleft lip and gum and had surgery first when he was only 5 months old to r...epair his cleft lip. Now he is a bit older he came back to have his cleft gum repaired. This has involved a bone graft being taken from the shin bone in his leg meaning that he can't take part in football, which he loves, for a few weeks. We are glad to hear from his mum Liz that he is doing better and should be back to school on time (or only a day or two late). We hope you enjoy the new term and are back to planning football again soon Enzo!
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Today we were very pleased to welcome Cleona Grady from the Picker Institute who came to interview patients on behalf of the Care Quality Commission, testing out the next national patient questionniare.
Her first interviews were on Bluebell Ward with Tiana and her mum Vikki. The interviews explored what it’s like to stay in hospital, from Xboxes and hospital food to patient privacy and involvement.
Listening to our patients and families is really important to us at Bristol R...oyal Hospital for Children, so we were delighted that Cleona could come and carry out her interviews here.
Big thanks to all those patients and parents who took part in today’s interviews.
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Many of our patients attend the hospital for planned appointments or procedures but ever day there are lots that need to come to hospital unexpectedly. Our Emergency Department, and the team based there are often the first people that you meet if you have an unplanned visit. This week they are the focus of the Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal and Gromit Unleashed trail.
Have a watch of the video below to find out more!


No, we're not going to start nagging you about PPI but we do want to remind you that the closing dates for nominations for our Conversations Divisional Staff Award Scheme and the Trust Wide Recognising Success Patients Star Award are looming!
The Divisional award scheme closes on 30th August. Complete a nomination card, available from your ward or department, or send us a personal message with your nomination.
... The Trustwide Patients Star award closes on Sunday 2nd September. Pick up a gold nomination form at the hospital or nominate online: ccess/
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The team on Penguin Ward have been flat out in our main reception today for their bake sale as part of their Gromit Unleashed 2 fundraising for Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal. With such fantastic goodies available, it’s hardly surprising that they’ve been selling like the proverbial hot cakes!
Housekeeper Ruth has been at the helm all day, and made this amazing celebration cake to show the grisly goings on in theatre. Staff and families have been paying £1 to guess the weight – the winner takes the cake! You can see from Ruth’s face it’s as light as a feather… or is it?
Just for fun, can you guess what the winning weight might be? We’ll post the answer in the comments at 6pm tonight!


Last week, we had the privilege of meeting an extraordinary young man who has been receiving hospital care in Bristol throughout his life, together with his wonderful family. As a campaigner for educational equality for those with complex disabilities, he’s already making quite a name for himself so we invited him to introduce himself to all our Facebook friends.
‘My name is Jonathan Bryan, I am 12 years old. I have severe cerebral palsy and I use an alphabet board to spel...l out everything I want to write and say with my eyes.
I think you may be interested to know that in July I launched my book, Eye Can Write, at Waterstones Piccadilly, with a prayer from the Archbishop of Canterbury and extracts read by Sir Michael Morpurgo, who also wrote a foreword for the book. My book is a memoir of becoming unlocked and since being published has 78 reviews on Amazon, all of which are 5 star.
I decided to write my memoir as a voice for the voiceless, to show people that you can’t make assumptions based on outward appearances, and to make a difference for children like me in education, so that all children are taught to read and write regardless of their label. I am donating all of my proceeds to Teach Us Too, a charity I set up this year as a result of my online campaign, to make a difference for children like me in education (’
What Jonathan is too modest to mention is that he was the recipient of one of the first Diana Memorial Legacy awards, and has met with the minister in charge of special education as part of his campaign.
We are delighted to have been part of Jonathan’s journey and can’t wait to see what is next for this remarkable young man.
We’d like to leave you with one of his poems, Song of Voice:
As adept fingers point My silent soul emerges, Like the dawn blackbird’s song Suddenly breaking the black.
Music buried in the mind Sings melodies divine, Of ancient tales yet untold Unfurled to men astound.
Whose beauty hears my voice? What depths saddened my pathway? Soaring eagles spread wings I fly to my destiny.
#proudtocare #recognisingsuccess #patientstory
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Children and young people from across the South West come to Bristol Children's Hospital for surgery. This can be planned but sometimes might be in an emergency. You can find out a bit more about what this looks like through watching the film that Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal have created. This week they are focusing on our surgery and theatres service as part of Gromit Unleashed 2!


Only a month to go until #conversations is back here at the children’s hospital. Our staff awards scheme is already receiving lots of interest, but just to update you on what else is happening, here’s our latest newsletter.
If you’re a staff member or hospital volunteer and want to help us facilitate any of the events or activities, please contact us by PM or email


Congratulations to our amazing Deputy Head of Nursing, Rachel Hughes, who is celebrating a particular milestone birthday next week. Rachel is key to providing leadership to our nursing teams as well as ensuring the day to day operational running of the hospital is as smooth as possible. Her focus is always to provide support to all members of the ward teams to enable this to be achieved.
As Rachel has far more interesting things to do on her birthday than be at work, the Operational Group meeting decided to surprise her with an early celebration on Wednesday morning and brought this lovely cake!
We’d like to wish Rachel a very happy birthday and thank her for all she does, and hope that she has a fantastic day next week.


Back in May, we told you about a very special young man, Ben, who came to us for bilateral calf release to try to help with his tip toe walking. We were delighted to receive an update this week from Mum and Dad, Eve and Matt, and to hear that Ben is doing brilliantly. In fact, so well, he’s been able to take part in the Gromit Unleashed 2 trail and has done a cracking job of tracking down the different sculptures! He still wears splints, but here he is having a bit of a b...reak from them while visiting Wallace at ‘ A Grand Tribute’, which is based at Millennium Square and was designed by Nick Park himself. You can see from the photo that Ben thinks Wallace is pretty special.
They told us:
‘We just wanted to get in touch again to repeat our thanks to the hospital, including the doctors, nurses and surgeons who have all helped him with their amazing work. We are so grateful to them for everything - as Wallace would say, they do a cracking job too.
But we really wanted to celebrate Ben and how far he has come – he’s been so brave through everything and we’re really proud of how he has coped.’
We’d like to wish Ben and his family all the very best with his continued recovery and thank them for sharing their story - our teams get a real boost from seeing how well our patients progress after they leave us.
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Play is important for all of our patients, both the younger and the older ones! We try to provide lots of different activities that give our patients an opportunity to try out new skills.
Today our activity centre was visited by Ben Lawrence with his drums who taught some of our patients and siblings some drumming techniques. He comes every month to the hospital every month as part of our ongoing Arts programme.
Vicky, Seren and Roman all had a great time taking part!


This week Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal are focusing on the work of our Major Trauma team. You can find out more about what this team does and meet some of the children and young people they have treated over on their Facebook page.


It’s the school holidays, and that means Wilf the Storyteller is here! With a trolley full of brand new books and an imagination packed with poems, award-winning storyteller Wilf is proud to represent children’s charity Read for Good.
Read for Good understand the healing power of stories: “For children in hospital, books and stories are particularly important – they comfort, distract, reassure and entertain. Children unable to leave their beds can choose brand new books from our specially designed mobile bookcase which wheels right up to their bedside.”…/ou r-hospital-programme/


Do you know a member of staff who's a real star? 💫
Our Trustwide 'Recognising Success' awards are looking for nominations for staff who go the extra mile and really live our Trust values:
🌟Respecting Everyone... 🌟Embracing Change 🌟Recognising Success 🌟Working Together
We'd love to receive your nominations for the Patients' Star Award which is specially for patients and families to recognise staff who’ve had a real impact on their care. To make a nomination, please visit the following page: ccess
There are other categories for staff to nominate their colleagues so if you're a staff member, look out for our ‘Recognising Success’ pages on Connect.
#RecognisingSuccess #ProudToCare
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Some of our cardiac patients had a howling good time today.
The event was planned by the cardiac team in conjunction with Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal as part of their Behind the Scenes week during Gromit Unleashed 2. Cardiac patients and their families were invited to a special event at the Royal West of England Academy, hosted by their special sculpture 'The Howl'!
There were photo opportunities with funky frames, as well as lots of cake - obviously- and chance to hear of our very talented clinical nurse specialists singing with her choir!
Families had access to the whole of the gallery with a lovely upstairs balcony to watch the world go by!
We hope everyone who attended had a fantastic time - please share your cracking pictures with the appeal page so we can all see what you got up to!
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Jo Latham is one of our clinical psychologists working in the field of cardiology. This month she spent a week volunteering in Uganda working with the mental health organisation Sharing Stories. Jo was joined by other professionals from around the country at Butabika Hospital, Uganda’s only mental health hospital, to deliver workshops for mental health nurses, peer support workers and service users of mental health.
“We have spent the last three years fundraising and planning... the trip to Uganda and it was truly as rewarding as I had hoped. Our aim was to explore the stigma attached to mental health and help to challenge widely held views such as mental health is contagious and those suffering should be hidden. If you experience a mental health difficulty in Uganda you may see a traditional healer or ‘witch doctor’.The alternative is to access medication which is limited as there are few pharmacies in Uganda. Additionally, poor water sanitisation has a direct impact on recovery as they would not be able to take their medication without fresh water and food.
In the face of these difficulties peer support has become an invaluable way for help to be given to those in need. People are motivated to reduce stigma, people are not afraid to connect, and people readily offer themselves and their experiences to others. One of the participants asked me how to make depression go away and after talking to him for some time, I asked him if he thought these western ways of managing hard times would be helpful? He replied, “Depression is the same everywhere, doesn’t matter if it’s in here or where you are”.
It has been a joy to work in Uganda with Sharing Stories. There are many things I have brought back to the UK, the most important aspects being to be more thoughtful in my work with people from different backgrounds, and to continue facilitating peer support groups in paediatric cardiology.”
Sharing Stories strongly hold equality in the centre of their projects, bringing people to both Uganda and to the UK for ongoing workshops.
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Words can't describe how amazing I feel knowing that my child was seen and got answers to what was wrong with her they treated her which was a long stressful week but I'm so glad of all the doctors nurses care people etc who looked after my daughter and was there for me .all the questions I had which were answered it will be a long road for my child with the treatment but what amazing team at Bristol children's hospital ward 30 u were amazing and I'm so grateful here is to my child avin the best care from u guys which will help my daughter full fill her life so grateful words cnt describe xxx


Words can not explain what this hospital and all there fantastic staff have given my family, I would like to thank each and every person there who have been amazing in helping get my niece the life she deserves � almost a year ago my niece was born with a heart condition and we had times where things were at rock bottom and we thought we may loose her, but thanks to everyone in Bristol hospital and after several operations and procedures my niece is well on her way to recovery and has been given a full heart repair. No one ever should have to see their child so poorly but honestly the support here is amazing from the help of staff ,and the Ronald mc Donald house where my sister and her boyfriend stayed to be close to their little girl to the fab surgeons and theatre team I would like to thank you all. Keep doing your hard work guys and thanks so so much for giving your everything and making this all possible x


Words can not explain what this hospital and all there fantastic staff and volunteers have done for me and my family, I would like to thank each and every person there, who have been amazing in helping.8 months ago my son was born with a heart condition and had his first operation at 4 days old and we had times where things were at rock bottom, but thanks to everyone in Bristol hospital and after his 2nd operation and my son is well on his way to recovery.No one ever should have to see their child so poorly but honestly the support here is amazing from the help of staff and volunteers and not forgetting the fab surgeons and theatre team I would like to thank you all. Keep doing your hard work guys and thanks so so much for giving your everything and making this all possible


When you’re facing the worst situation for any parent, the illness or injury of your precious child, this wonderful establishment showers your kid with the best possible treatment, respect, compassion & care.

The exceptional support, consideration & reassurance they give to parents and loved ones, is invaluable and second to none .

My eternal gratitude to everyone involved at BCH from the volunteers to the service staff, the amazing nurses to the exceptional surgeons and consultants x x x


Well what a EVENTFUL night! From 111, to Cossham to Children's Hospital, to projectile vomiting, to 40 mins of trying to fit a cannula and him breaking his heart and mine.. and with all of that going on the most AMAZING SUPPORT & CARE from Bristol Children's hospital.

We always here bad reviews and feedback about things and very rarely here positive feedback, well I wanted to share my feedback, I am amazed by this place and the care and commitment from the staff. Kept me informed throughout, kept us fed and watered, even got me a bed. Quick turn around as well! Even down to the cleaners cleaning things thoroughly with help from even the nurses. Nurses and doctors having cuddles to give me 10 mins of sleep here and there! Everyone pitching in to make it a comfortable bareable experience .

I can't thank them enough. You made a horrible experience a lot more bearable!


We have just spent almost 10 weeks in PICU and it's impossible to say how grateful we are to the fantastic team there. They saved our daughter's life and looked after all of us amazingly well. The NHS at its very best ❤️


The doctors, nurses, receptionists and play staff, from the moment we arrived till discharge looked after my son so well. Although there were other children on the ward he was still treated like he was the only one. Full of genuine care for his well-being. So attentive, kind, patient and friendly. Absolute epitome of how it should be. Thank you so much for getting my boy better and a big thanks to the girls and guys of ward 31


Thank you so much to all the staff in a and e yesterday evening 19/03/18. And to the fab team on 39 who took amazing care of my son cobie and fabulous support to me. Hey again outstanding care and support from the amazing teams at Bristol children’s we cannot thank you enough and could not be more grateful. From the supportive girls on reception to the countless cups of tea over night from the girls on 39. Thank you all so much xxxx


Saved my daughters life after she was diagnosed with severe congenital heart disease at 36 hours old. She spent 4 weeks on Cardiac HDU and the team on that ward are INCREDIBLE. They do what they do foe the love of the children and it shows every day. Massimo Caputo and his team operated on Elspeth for 5.5 hours, 144 minutes of which were on heart bypass, and within 5 days she was off PICU and on a ward. 8 days post surgery she was home. Follow up is every 3 months and I have regular contact with Cardiac Nurses if I need advice. They go above and beyond so regularly. Best place in the South West for children with heart conditions.


Our 5 year old boy had an emergency operation for a twisted testicle in the early hours of Tues morning (13/2). All the medical staff at Bristol Royal were amazing, so through, caring and kind to all of us! Although shocking and traumatic for us all, they put our mind at ease and kept us informed every step of the way!

Thanks to ward 31, A&E and the surgeons / theatre staff. ��

Ps. Our boy is on the mend!


On the day the NHS turns 70, myself and my family would like to say a most heartfelt thank-you for the fantastic care given to our son back in April this year at Bristol Children's Hospital. Throughout his assessment, diagnosis, treatment and recovery, all the staff (whatever their role) were amazing. We are very lucky to have these services so close to home.


On the 15th April 2008 my 2 week old baby was rushed into our local hospital then blue lighted to Cardiff University Hospital and finally blue lighted to Bristol Children’s Hospital. We were told that he had a serious heart condition called coarctation of the aorta and up until that point we had no idea that he had a heart defect. He went straight to Ward 32 and was put on monitors and drips and scanned and x rayed numerous times over the next few hours, continuing into the next day when he was taken to theatre and operated on by Professor Massimo Caputo and his team. Then he went to PICU for 24 hours and back on Ward 32 for 3 more nights before we went home.

Exactly a decade on, my son is a healthy and active 10 year old who has annual cardiac check ups to keep an eye on his bicuspid aortic valve and make sure everything is still working well. The care that my baby received at Bristol was amazing and I will forever be grateful to your wonderful staff for saving my son’s life.


I have never experienced such an fantastic hospital. The staff in intensive care are amazing!!! They really are! They deserve so much seeing how amazing they are with the babies and children made me very emotional. Jess was amazing with Poppy and all the other staff. The staff on dolphin ward are brill to!! Thanks so so much for giving 100% all day and night to my little Neice xxxxx


I had my twin boys at derriford hospital.

When Noah twin 2 was three weeks old that’s when he started going back and forth to different hospitals.

Not one single hospital compared to Bristol. We went to different wards and experienced all different kind of kindness.

In Noah’s final days we was on picu.

The staff went above and beyond to make sure that I got to spend the last days I had with Noah doing everything I wanted to with them both. We got to have our days together as a family because they made it possible.

They made the most horrible thing possible just that little bit easier. Listened to everything.

Still now 3months on I’m still in contact with the consultants and palliative care team.

When I tell Noah’s story and the journey he had on his short life everyone always says they can see how much Bristol meant to us and sees why.

Thankyou isn’t enough �


Had to visit the accident and emergency department for children on Saturday night with my niece. From the minute we arrived we were looked after so well. All staff were professional, friendly and helpful. We saw a fantastic emergency care practitioner called Sally Melson who, despite being at the very end of a 12.5 hour shift, stayed late to see us and plaster my niece’s arm. We were in and out with a follow up appointment and a balloon/colouring pens for my niece within 2 hours of arriving. The NHS at its best! Thank you so much for looking after us.


Brilliant staff who were all so kind, smiley and helpful with our son over the last two days. Thank you all, especially Laura on Meadow Ward and the staff on Starlight Ward.


Awesome surgeons, doctors and nurses. Very caring, helpful and supportive staff, They understand what parents are going through. They not only took care of our son but they understood our feelings also. My son zoraiz had a heart surgery recently n I m very thankful to the surgeon, doctors and nurses specially. It was a very hard time for us bt with their effort they make it easy for us thank you so much :-)


As the incredible nurses are pushed to request patients to fill in feedback forms when leaving (as if they don’t have enough to do already), i thought i would try to do them a favour and leave feedback on here.....hopefully it will go towards another percentage/target.

Every single member of staff on ward 36 were fantastic, from arrival to discharge. Their hard work and dedication shines. Thank you!


1st time i have ever been here with my child . And the 1st thing we all said was "wow its so clean" and the staff on meadow ward are FANTASTIC and made my daughter very relaxed and really give time to know here and respect her questions and concerns. And the play room really took time off her worrying thank you

1000% recommended.


Words can't describe how amazing I feel knowing that my child was seen and got answers to what was wrong with her they treated her which was a long stressful week but I'm so glad of all the doctors nurses care people etc who looked after my daughter and was there for me .all the questions I had which were answered it will be a long road for my child with the treatment but what amazing team at Bristol children's hospital ward 30 u were amazing and I'm so grateful here is to my child avin the best care from u guys which will help my daughter full fill her life so grateful words cnt describe xxx


Words can not explain what this hospital and all there fantastic staff have given my family, I would like to thank each and every person there who have been amazing in helping get my niece the life she deserves � almost a year ago my niece was born with a heart condition and we had times where things were at rock bottom and we thought we may loose her, but thanks to everyone in Bristol hospital and after several operations and procedures my niece is well on her way to recovery and has been given a full heart repair. No one ever should have to see their child so poorly but honestly the support here is amazing from the help of staff ,and the Ronald mc Donald house where my sister and her boyfriend stayed to be close to their little girl to the fab surgeons and theatre team I would like to thank you all. Keep doing your hard work guys and thanks so so much for giving your everything and making this all possible x


Words can not explain what this hospital and all there fantastic staff and volunteers have done for me and my family, I would like to thank each and every person there, who have been amazing in helping.8 months ago my son was born with a heart condition and had his first operation at 4 days old and we had times where things were at rock bottom, but thanks to everyone in Bristol hospital and after his 2nd operation and my son is well on his way to recovery.No one ever should have to see their child so poorly but honestly the support here is amazing from the help of staff and volunteers and not forgetting the fab surgeons and theatre team I would like to thank you all. Keep doing your hard work guys and thanks so so much for giving your everything and making this all possible


When you’re facing the worst situation for any parent, the illness or injury of your precious child, this wonderful establishment showers your kid with the best possible treatment, respect, compassion & care.

The exceptional support, consideration & reassurance they give to parents and loved ones, is invaluable and second to none .

My eternal gratitude to everyone involved at BCH from the volunteers to the service staff, the amazing nurses to the exceptional surgeons and consultants x x x


Well what a EVENTFUL night! From 111, to Cossham to Children's Hospital, to projectile vomiting, to 40 mins of trying to fit a cannula and him breaking his heart and mine.. and with all of that going on the most AMAZING SUPPORT & CARE from Bristol Children's hospital.

We always here bad reviews and feedback about things and very rarely here positive feedback, well I wanted to share my feedback, I am amazed by this place and the care and commitment from the staff. Kept me informed throughout, kept us fed and watered, even got me a bed. Quick turn around as well! Even down to the cleaners cleaning things thoroughly with help from even the nurses. Nurses and doctors having cuddles to give me 10 mins of sleep here and there! Everyone pitching in to make it a comfortable bareable experience .

I can't thank them enough. You made a horrible experience a lot more bearable!


We have just spent almost 10 weeks in PICU and it's impossible to say how grateful we are to the fantastic team there. They saved our daughter's life and looked after all of us amazingly well. The NHS at its very best ❤️


The doctors, nurses, receptionists and play staff, from the moment we arrived till discharge looked after my son so well. Although there were other children on the ward he was still treated like he was the only one. Full of genuine care for his well-being. So attentive, kind, patient and friendly. Absolute epitome of how it should be. Thank you so much for getting my boy better and a big thanks to the girls and guys of ward 31


Thank you so much to all the staff in a and e yesterday evening 19/03/18. And to the fab team on 39 who took amazing care of my son cobie and fabulous support to me. Hey again outstanding care and support from the amazing teams at Bristol children’s we cannot thank you enough and could not be more grateful. From the supportive girls on reception to the countless cups of tea over night from the girls on 39. Thank you all so much xxxx


Saved my daughters life after she was diagnosed with severe congenital heart disease at 36 hours old. She spent 4 weeks on Cardiac HDU and the team on that ward are INCREDIBLE. They do what they do foe the love of the children and it shows every day. Massimo Caputo and his team operated on Elspeth for 5.5 hours, 144 minutes of which were on heart bypass, and within 5 days she was off PICU and on a ward. 8 days post surgery she was home. Follow up is every 3 months and I have regular contact with Cardiac Nurses if I need advice. They go above and beyond so regularly. Best place in the South West for children with heart conditions.


Our 5 year old boy had an emergency operation for a twisted testicle in the early hours of Tues morning (13/2). All the medical staff at Bristol Royal were amazing, so through, caring and kind to all of us! Although shocking and traumatic for us all, they put our mind at ease and kept us informed every step of the way!

Thanks to ward 31, A&E and the surgeons / theatre staff. ��

Ps. Our boy is on the mend!


On the day the NHS turns 70, myself and my family would like to say a most heartfelt thank-you for the fantastic care given to our son back in April this year at Bristol Children's Hospital. Throughout his assessment, diagnosis, treatment and recovery, all the staff (whatever their role) were amazing. We are very lucky to have these services so close to home.


On the 15th April 2008 my 2 week old baby was rushed into our local hospital then blue lighted to Cardiff University Hospital and finally blue lighted to Bristol Children’s Hospital. We were told that he had a serious heart condition called coarctation of the aorta and up until that point we had no idea that he had a heart defect. He went straight to Ward 32 and was put on monitors and drips and scanned and x rayed numerous times over the next few hours, continuing into the next day when he was taken to theatre and operated on by Professor Massimo Caputo and his team. Then he went to PICU for 24 hours and back on Ward 32 for 3 more nights before we went home.

Exactly a decade on, my son is a healthy and active 10 year old who has annual cardiac check ups to keep an eye on his bicuspid aortic valve and make sure everything is still working well. The care that my baby received at Bristol was amazing and I will forever be grateful to your wonderful staff for saving my son’s life.


I have never experienced such an fantastic hospital. The staff in intensive care are amazing!!! They really are! They deserve so much seeing how amazing they are with the babies and children made me very emotional. Jess was amazing with Poppy and all the other staff. The staff on dolphin ward are brill to!! Thanks so so much for giving 100% all day and night to my little Neice xxxxx


I had my twin boys at derriford hospital.

When Noah twin 2 was three weeks old that’s when he started going back and forth to different hospitals.

Not one single hospital compared to Bristol. We went to different wards and experienced all different kind of kindness.

In Noah’s final days we was on picu.

The staff went above and beyond to make sure that I got to spend the last days I had with Noah doing everything I wanted to with them both. We got to have our days together as a family because they made it possible.

They made the most horrible thing possible just that little bit easier. Listened to everything.

Still now 3months on I’m still in contact with the consultants and palliative care team.

When I tell Noah’s story and the journey he had on his short life everyone always says they can see how much Bristol meant to us and sees why.

Thankyou isn’t enough �


Had to visit the accident and emergency department for children on Saturday night with my niece. From the minute we arrived we were looked after so well. All staff were professional, friendly and helpful. We saw a fantastic emergency care practitioner called Sally Melson who, despite being at the very end of a 12.5 hour shift, stayed late to see us and plaster my niece’s arm. We were in and out with a follow up appointment and a balloon/colouring pens for my niece within 2 hours of arriving. The NHS at its best! Thank you so much for looking after us.


Brilliant staff who were all so kind, smiley and helpful with our son over the last two days. Thank you all, especially Laura on Meadow Ward and the staff on Starlight Ward.


Awesome surgeons, doctors and nurses. Very caring, helpful and supportive staff, They understand what parents are going through. They not only took care of our son but they understood our feelings also. My son zoraiz had a heart surgery recently n I m very thankful to the surgeon, doctors and nurses specially. It was a very hard time for us bt with their effort they make it easy for us thank you so much :-)


As the incredible nurses are pushed to request patients to fill in feedback forms when leaving (as if they don’t have enough to do already), i thought i would try to do them a favour and leave feedback on here.....hopefully it will go towards another percentage/target.

Every single member of staff on ward 36 were fantastic, from arrival to discharge. Their hard work and dedication shines. Thank you!


1st time i have ever been here with my child . And the 1st thing we all said was "wow its so clean" and the staff on meadow ward are FANTASTIC and made my daughter very relaxed and really give time to know here and respect her questions and concerns. And the play room really took time off her worrying thank you

1000% recommended.

More about Bristol Royal Hospital For Children

Bristol Royal Hospital For Children is located at Paul O'Gorman Building, Upper Maudlin Street, BS2 8BJ Bristol, United Kingdom
0117 9230000