British Orthodontic Society

020 7353 8680
2.1 star rating

About British Orthodontic Society

The BOS is dedicated to promoting the study and practice of orthodontics, improving professional standards and encouraging research in the specialty.



At the age of 12, Claire Nightingale decided she would become an orthodontist. As her career pathway unfolded, she was unsure if she wanted to become a Consultant Orthodontist or run a specialist orthodontic practice. So she did both, and had three children along the way, (as many others have done too). However, it took 19 years from the start of her specialist training in 1993 before all those aspirations came together, culminating with the purchase of her own private orthod...ontic practice in 2012.
However, this simply proved to be the start of the next marathon. In her presentation, “The key elements of private practice: personal chemistry, not rocket science”, Claire shares her professional journey and tips for successful private practice. Unsurprisingly, resilience is one.
A graduate of Newcastle and Bristol Universities, Claire is a Consultant Orthodontist at Watford General Hospital two days a week, and spends the remaining three days a week in her private orthodontic practice in South Kensington, London, where she is a sole practitioner, working with a team of two orthodontic therapists, dental nurse, dental hygienist, receptionist, and cleaner. On weekends, she does the laundry, whilst trying to stop her daughter from studying and encouraging her sons to start.
To book your place at this year's conference and to take advantage of our early booking discount, visit and book before 30th June.
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With the early booking discount ending on 30th June, make sure you book your ticket to our conference soon. Visit


Hear what Jay Bowman is looking forward to at this year's amazing conference.


The curious collection of masks made by an orthodontic pioneer - by Sophie Riches
George Northcroft (b.1869) was a notable dentist who had an interest in the growth and development of the face.
He decided to take casts of all three of his children to help him measure this. Sadly we’ve only got William’s in the collection – we don’t know what happened to the others, they may have been lost in the Blitz, but his masks are quite striking – when you first see them all lined up th...
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On Saturday 15th June, we will be hosting a workshop delivered by Jamie Morley on successfully leading your team and practice through change. Supporting Jamie will be Richard Jones, John Costello and Peter Ilori who will share their experiences of managing change in their own practices.
With change inevitable, the workshop will equip you with the skills and confidence necessary to develop the required leadership skills to manage the change process in your practice.
To book a ticket, visit…/Fitting-Leader ship-for-Orthodontis…


How will you be celebrating #Dentistry24 and all the incredible teams working in orthodontics?


Join us at our conference in Glasgow on 19th - 21st September to gain valuable CPD


We are delighted to announce that acclaimed IVF pioneer Professor Robert Winston is opening and speaking at this year's British Orthodontic Conference in Glasgow.
Lord Winston is Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies at Imperial College London. He came to prominence in the 1970s as he developed gynaecological surgical techniques that improved fertility treatments. He later pioneered new treatments to improve in vitro fertilisation (IVF) ...and developed pre-implantation diagnosis. This allowed embryos to be screened for genetic diseases and has allowed parents carrying faulty genes to have children free of illnesses such as cystic fibrosis.
He now runs a research programme at the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology at Imperial College that aims to improve human transplantation. Robert Winston has over 300 scientific publications about human reproduction and the early stages of pregnancy. Robert Winston is also Chairman of the Genesis Research Trust – a charity which raised over £13 million to establish the Institute of Reproductive and Developmental Biology and which now funds high quality research into women’s health and babies.
David Waring, Chair of the British Orthodontic Conference Committee said, “In my first year as Chair I am delighted to welcome a host of renowned international and UK speakers including Professor Winston. To have such an inspiring speaker to open our conference is a real coup.
The conference is packed full of content that included a pre- conference course on the Psychology of Orthodontics and Decision Making, two parallel sessions, a DCP programme and excellent social events for which the BOC has become famous. We feel that we have something for everyone at this year’s conference and we look forward to welcoming you all.”
2019 sees the 25th anniversary of the British Orthodontic Society and there will be much celebration at the conference as well as a line-up of speakers sure to appeal to any clinician with an interest in orthodontics. Registration is now open for the 2019 British Orthodontic Conference – to find out more and to book, please visit…/Ev ents/BOC-Glasgow-2019
An early bird discount is available for all bookings made before 30th June and a combined team rate is on offer too so that the whole team can come along, learn a lot and have fun.
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With a full conference programme over three days that will interest every member of your team, visit our website to book your place today.


Hear what Natasha Wright is looking forward to at this year's conference. To book a place for you and your team and to take advantage of our early booking discount, visit


To learn more about what to expect at this year's conference and to book a place for you and your team, visit our website


Tatiana Williams from South Kensington in London, has won the British Orthodontic Society’s Against the Odds Award for her brave and inspirational story.
When she was just four years old, Tatiana was brutally attacked by a dog. She was rushed to hospital for four and a half hours emergency surgery followed by a further two surgeries and 127 stitches to her face – she was scarred for life.
This was her earliest memory and over time she grew to accept it. However, Tatiana con...
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We look forward to welcoming you to our conference in Glasgow on 19th - 21st September. You can find out more about what to expect and book a place at this year's event from our website


Registration is now open for the 2019 British Orthodontic Conference.
This year, on our 25th anniversary, the conference is being held at the SEC in Glasgow between the 19th and 21st September.
There is large line-up of hugely respected speakers from the UK and around the world including Jay Bowman, Magali Mujagic, Sue Cunningham, David Birnie and Michael Millwaters.
... Professor Greg Huang from Washington State University will be delivering the prestigious Northcroft memorial lecture.
2019 sees a diverse programme with parallel sessions on driving private practice and for those considering a career in orthodontics. We will also have a comprehensive programme for DCPs.
The BOC social programme always proves popular and the 2019 Gala is being held at the Glasgow Science Centre with the Crowne Plaza hosting the exclusive banquet on the Friday night. And for those wishing to see the sights and heritage of Scotland’s largest city, bike hire and tours have even been arranged.
David Waring, chair of the British Orthodontic Conference Committee added, ‘In my first year as chair I am delighted to welcome a host of renowned international and UK speakers.
‘We have a pre-conference course on the psychology of orthodontics and decision making, two parallel sessions, a DCP programme and excellent social events for which the BOC has become famous.
We feel that we have something for everyone at this year’s conference and we look forward to welcoming you all.’
To book, visit our website
An early bird discount is available for all bookings made before 30th June and a combined team rate is on offer so that the whole team can attend.
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Call for Posters for the British Orthodontic Conference - Glasgow, 19th -21st September 2019
The British Orthodontic Society would like to invite members of the Society to submit an application for the poster display at this year's BOC in Glasgow.
The poster display at the annual conference is a popular event attracting many applications. Three poster prizes will be awarded for the following categories:
... Aspiring orthodontist poster prize (£400 sponsored by TOC) (This is a new poster prize for 2019. Please refer to guidance notes for eligibility and criteria for abstract submission)
Research poster prize (£400 sponsored by British Orthodontic Society)
Audit poster prize (£400 sponsored by British Orthodontic Society)
You are invited to apply for the opportunity of presenting a poster by submission of a structured abstract. Guidance notes and the abstract registration form are available on our website. all-for-Poster-Dis…
The closing date for submissions is Friday 24th May.
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Clifford Ballard is recognised at the COG symposium in two ways; the key note lecture which opens the symposium and with a medal, and which is given only on merit. This year the medal was awarded to Steve Rudge.
Steve Rudge is a consultant in Liverpool who has made an immense contribution over the last 35 years to the training of many postgraduates in Merseyside. He also supports the work of the BOS and the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. He is described by colleagues a...s very understated and we have perhaps missed all the things done by him as he prefers to stay in the background and prefers to work away from the limelight.
Steve qualified from King’s in 1972 after which he worked in practice for a few years before moving into the hospital services. He undertook his orthodontic training in Liverpool as an SHO, Chester as a Registrar, taking DOrth in 1978 then moved to Guy’s, where he met Nigel Hunt, as a Senior Registrar. He was appointed to a consultant post in Halton, Chester and Liverpool in 1984.
From this time, Steve led and developed the training programme in Mersey and was Training Programme Director for nearly 20 years until 2003 during which time he saw 5 trainees gain the Gold Medal from RCS Edinburgh. He continues to play a major role in the delivery of teaching, clinical training and exam preparation of trainees and postgraduates on the Mersey programme.
Steve was one of the first cohort of consultants to gain the then newly introduced MOrth exam in Edinburgh (1988) and has been an examiner at MOrth RCS Ed since 1989. He has examined at virtually every summer diet since then and has enjoyed examining at overseas diets in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, India, Egypt, and Holland. He was also an examiner at ISFE (2010-2014).
Steve was awarded an Honorary FDS from RCS England in 2000, the TGG Best Trainer award in 2009 and Life Membership of BOS in 2018.
Steve served on the COG Committee for several years as SAC Rep, Governance Rep and Chair of Ethics and then as Honorary Secretary for BOS from 2013-17. During his time on the SAC, he was involved with the development of the original MOrth curriculum and its 2010 rewrite.
Over the years Steve has worked tirelessly for the speciality, passed on an enormous amount of knowledge and instilled his exacting standards, to more trainees than we can count, in his 35 years as a consultant and trainer.
A very worthy recipient of the Clifford Ballard medal.
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More about British Orthodontic Society

020 7353 8680