British Steel



Congratulations to our #WireRod team who‚Äôve won a prestigious RoSPA Gold award in recognition of their hard work and focus on improving safety practices at our #Scunthorpe Rod Mill. The award demonstrates how far our Wire Rod business area has come and how we can achieve excellence by working together. Well done everyone ‚Äď we‚Äôre very #proud of your focus and determination! #BuildingStrongerFutures #RoSPAWinner


Business Secretary Greg Clark praised the ‚Äėcommitment and hard work‚Äô of our ‚Äėhighly skilled and talented workforce‚Äô yesterday as he chaired a support group set up to help secure the long-term future of our business.
The Business Secretary later visited Bridon-Bekaert The Ropes Group to see how our #steel from #Scunthorpe is used to produce specialist #wire ropes for global customers. Find out more at


After an incredibly hard week for all concerned, we’d like to say a huge thank you to our employees, customers, suppliers & many others for your incredible support. We are British Steel! We are open for business! And this is how we do it


Did you know it‚Äôs Mental Health Awareness Week? Hosted by the Mental Health Foundation, this year‚Äôs campaign focuses on Body Image ‚Äď how we think and feel about our bodies.
In March 2019, the Mental Health Foundation ran a survey with YouGov ‚Äď their findings showed that 20% of the adults surveyed have felt shame, 34% felt down or low and 19% felt disgusted because of their body image in the last year. Shockingly, one in eight adults experiences suicidal thoughts or feeling because of body image concerns.
If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t suffer in silence, help is there. Talking is a great first step forwards to better mental health and wellbeing #TimeToTalk #ItsOkayNotToBeOkay #BeBodyKind


Tom is whizzing about on his skates in our #steel fact today. #DidYouKnow the below? Pretty cool huh!?ūüėÄ‚õłÔłŹūüŹí Find out more about the benefits of using #SustainableSteel here: #SteelLife worldsteel


We‚Äôre chuffed to be able to support the farming industry by supplying R.E. Buildings Ltd with our #steel #sections for their agricultural buildings across the #UK. Find out more about how we were able to meet their specialist needs here #BuildingStrongerFutures ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĆĺūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĆĺūüöúūüźģūüź∑ūüĆĺūü• ēūüĆĹūü•Ē


‚ÄúWe all naturally use improvement tools and techniques in our everyday life without even realising it!‚ÄĚ says Chas Goldring, #ContinuousImprovement Manager.
Don’t believe it to be true? Read his #blog today and you may change your mind #WednesdayWisdom #CI


#DidYouKnow more than half the average person’s day is spent being sedentary through sitting, driving, watching TV or working at a computer?
So our #MonthlyHealthTopic for May is focusing on sitting less and moving more! Increasing your activity levels can significantly decrease the risk of you developing health issues like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Evidence has also proven that being physically active can have a powerful effect on your mental wellbeing. Read more about it on Mind 's website here #BuildingHealthierFutures


#DidYouKnow all types of #steel can be recycled? Find out more about sustainability here worldsteel #SustainableSteel #FactOfTheDay ‚ôĽÔłŹ


‚ÄúTrain yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.‚ÄĚ - Yoda
Happy #StarWarsDay! #MayThe4thBeWithYou ūüíę


Fancy a #Spring clean? Then why not start with your desk? Our colleague Lucy is embracing the neat life in her #blog and shares how keeping a tidy desk can help you keep a tidy mind and increase productivity. Read her hints and tips here: #ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayReads ūüĖä‚úāÔłŹūüĖá‚ėéÔłŹūüĖ•‚úćÔłŹ


How proud are we of our technical graduate Federica Lisa! Last night she represented the North East in the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)'s Young Persons' Lecture Competition at the Armourers' Hall in London. Although she was pipped at the post, reaching the national final is a brilliant achievement! Many congratulations to the overall winner Megan McGregor, who represented the South East and delivered a lecture on the world's hottest super glue - very well done!


Anticipation is building as our technical graduate Federica Lisa sets off to #London for the final of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)'s Young Persons' Lecture competition!
She's already won 2 rounds to become the North East finalist, delivering her well-received lecture "Understanding the factors that influence power and graphite electrode consumption at the ladle arc furnaces and how these can be reduced". With the potential to save ¬£1m annually, it's an impressive piece of work! The overall winner of the 6 regional finalists will be crowned tomorrow and advance to the Young Persons' World Lecture Competition. Good luck Federica! #proud #LISI ūüćÄ


Today we were honoured to join a special ceremony in Scunthorpe to mark Workers' Memorial Day 2019. A service at The Baptist Church was followed by the laying of wreaths and a minute’s silence at the memorial stone in Central Park #WorkersMemorialDay


Today, 28 April, marks the 6th global Steel Safety Day. It’s an industry-wide initiative created by worldsteel to raise awareness of the 5 most common causes of safety incidents. This year’s theme is Process Safety Management, which involves identifying potential process safety hazards that could cause significant events such as fires or gas releases. Having procedures, controls and precautions in place to keep our employees, contractors and communities safe is something we take very seriously #steelsafetyday


We can't believe it's been a whole year since we launched our new film British Steel | the movie ūüėÄ The cinematic style showcases the exciting industry we're #proud to work in. Have you seen it? Think you know us? #ThinkAgain #FlashbackFriday


Our colleagues on #Teesside have raised more than £500 for Macmillan in the North East since it was selected as their Community Partner earlier this year. They've organised everything from dress down Fridays and cake sales, to raffles and sweepstakes.
Well done and keep up the great work team Teesside! ūüćįūüĎŹūüí∑#BuildingStrongerCommunities< br>


What an interesting #fact below from our friends worldsteel! #DidYouKnow we are able to produce 1,450 different #steel grades for our customers? This means we can provide them with a high-quality product whatever their requirements ūüöóūüöÜūüöúūüĆĀ Find out more about our steelmaking process here #FactOfTheDay #WednesdayWisdom

More about British Steel

British Steel is located at Brigg Road, DN16 1XA Scunthorpe