Brixham ‘Me’ Beside The Sea

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About Brixham ‘Me’ Beside The Sea

New home, new life - New blog coming soon . . .

Brixham ‘Me’ Beside The Sea Description

We were inspired to open because we are passionate about coffee and to ensure quality and consistency we are all trained baristas. All our cakes and pies are home made and the paninis and sandwiches freshly prepared. We use local suppliers wherever possible. In a market place flooded with coffee chains we are proud to be an ‘Indie’ Coffee Shop!

Millie and Me are also experienced party planners and caterers! Whether you are planning a small family get together or the celebration of a lifetime, you will want it to be special and memorable. Millie and Me can organise and host your whole day or simply provide that one ‘special touch’ which your guests will remember and talk about for years.

We will ensure that your planning process is stress free and enjoyable, we won’t take over but we will listen to your ideas, get to know you and ensure that your celebration or event truly represents your character and personality. If you’re on a tight budget we can help make your money stretch as far as possible. We can make sure you have the best quality supplier’s at the most competitive price.

We also offer a catering service with a range of mouth-watering menus and are able to arrange a licensed bar to ensure your event really ‘goes with a swing’.



Happy Saturday! I’ve gotten over it now but I was devastated this morning when, as I sat waiting expectantly for the post lady’s yellow van, Mr. B shattered my dreams by telling me it was the weekend. Here, in our lockdown, that means no more post or parcels until next Wednesday! I can’t really complain, yesterday we received a lovely surprise package from our Cheltenham family, my beautiful sister in law always chooses the most thoughtful gifts which this time included chosen magazines for each of us - Vegan Life, Amateur Gardener ( James did not appreciate the ‘amateur’ bit 😂 & a History Magazine about Cold War spied for Daddy Cool, also included were 3 little felt bees & a beautifully decorated Easter Card by the kids. Very sweet! We all went for a walk to see Dillon after breakfast who recognised my voice & came pelting across the field as you’ll see. Even Daddy C had a moment of bonding with him ♥️ It’s taken over a month but now my body finally seems to be behaving itself and Im not veering violently from one fibro symptom to another 🤞I’ve decided to take daily exercise more seriously & make sure I do a decent minimum of steps. I began this morning and walked to the next village. There and back is 5000 steps and takes about an hour so there’s my bench line! Me & James are doing well with our Dualingo 🇫🇷but the problem is we don’t have anyone to practice on apart from our poor neighbour Phillipe who must be getting very fed up with the same conversation every day ... Me or James: Bonjour Phillipe Phillipe: Bonjour Ca Va? Me or James: oui tres bien et toi? Phillipe: Then proceeds to tell us how he is, what he’s doing, where he’s going - could be anything but we don’t have a clue 🤷🏻‍♀️ We’ll get there tho!
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Absolutely awesome short film made by CutLeaf Digital of Brixham through the years!


We’re an hour ahead of The UK but just like many of you, we’re listening intently to The Daily Briefing where as expected, the lockdown continues for 3 more weeks. We similarly sat listening to President Macron tell us on Monday night that ours here in France will extend until May 11th. Of course we have to do whatever it takes & those of us sat at home owe everything to the doctors, nurses, police officers, delivery drivers, supermarket workers & everyone else who is out feeding us & keeping us safe ♥️. It isn’t easy though, not having the social contact we are used to, or being able to see & hug loved ones. I think we have to acknowledge that & process it but do our best to carry on & find joy, entertainment & contact with friends & family where we can! For me, Mr. B and Daddy Cool who is self isolating out here with us in rural France. Making the most of the situation means throwing ourselves into country living & taking things very much back to basics. We have dried and planted our own seeds from tomatoes, peppers & squash which are propogating in the spare room along with courgettes and lettuces 🥕🥬🍅. James & Daddy Cool have tamed the garden & discovered we inherited some fabulous fruit trees & bushes & shrubs. Life on Lockdown began over a month ago & felt surreal, now this is ‘normal’ - James & me have literally turned from Margot & Jerry into Tom & Barbara in 4 weeks! (For anyone under 45 - google - Good Life sitcom) Today I got up & had a shower, left my hair to dry naturally, didn’t put on a scrap of makeup, made flapjacks then did my hours dualingo French in the garden. Then me & dad potted seeds and sat in the sunshine watching James now the grass & weed the borders. This evening, I lit the fire while James made dinner. Tonight we’ll be doing The Manor Pub sing along quiz with TomBeattie where we’ll feel connected to everyone back in Brixham. We miss you all & we miss the sea 🌊 I usually write this on my own page & it’s usually ALOT funnier, well I think it is! I am OK, just feeling more reflective than frivolous! Tomorrow, I’m off to visit Dillon The Donkey & I’ll sneak some video footage 😉 so normal service & hilarity will be resumed. I posted on this page as quite a few people have liked it over the past few days so Thankyou & Welcome! I’m loving the fact that we are all following & supporting local business pages! ♥️ Stay Home ♥️ Stay Safe
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An amazing video from the fabulous RE4orm who are doing such great work feeding children & families in Torbay - please support them if you can!


Don’t usually share to this page but I know there are quite a few of you who don’t follow my personal page. I’m not currently updating my blog as our travels have paused while we quarantine in France. So here’s what we’re getting up to, life’s getting more surreal by the day. We’re blessed to be safe though & our thoughts & love are with all of you, wherever you are locked down ♥️


Stay home! Do not be responsible for these local hero’s to have to come out of isolation to save you for being stupid & selfish or to be an additional burden to our NHS! We are in this together!


Really proud of my friends at Deck Chair Gin but also of amazing people like Nina & the team at Eat That Frog who despite having to close their doors - are still supporting their learners online as well as delivering hundreds of meals within the community. Please support them if you can!


Don’t usually share posts this way round but since I recorded this, I’ve been seeing pictures all over FB of people at home out in the streets! The excel Centre in London is opening as a 4000 bed emergency hospital next week & if that doesn’t put the fear of God into people, what will? I’m sure within days the police will start issuing fines but as a local & online community lets make it completely socially unacceptable for people to break the rules! Zero Tolerance! Stay home Save lives!


Sit wherever you are, stop what you’re doing & listen to this! Colin Bache ♥️


~ Day 7 ~ An early post today as our second log delivery arrived very early this morning! It’s not even midday here & Mr. B has stacked it in the garage & we’ve all tucked in to a fab fry up cooked by moi. Daddy Cool has just started work in the garden, it’s gonna be another lovely day. The only downer is a tightening of restrictions here & only one family member to travel at a time so no supermarket trips for me & dad for a while. We have a supply of forms, printed by Diane,... our lovely neighbour which have to be filled in & carried with us whenever we’re out of the house, even if it’s just for a walk. Of course, this is a massive curb on the freedoms we’ve all come to expect but when I see images from hospitals in Italy where we enjoyed such a wonderful time at the beginning of the year, I’m reminded that it’s a small price to pay for doing what we can to prevent that from happening here in France, The UK or anywhere else. Stay safe & keep your distance from each other ♥️
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Days 5/6 Lockdown in Limousin ... Needed a day off social media yesterday, it all got a bit much & if there’s one thing we’re all going to have to do over the next few months, it’s being kind & looking after ourselves as well as others! Anyhow, we’ve been busy here in Gourdon Murat. Daddy Cool & me have been tackling the garden & discovering some amazing trees & plants including a magnolia tree, rhododendron, fruit bushes, herbs & much more! Mr. B is embarking on the interio...r, the new sander has arrived so soon there’ll be dust everywhere! It’s been warm this week, over 18 degrees most days but cold in the evenings so we gather round the woodburner for a glass of wine or 2! We’ve met a lot of our neighbours, only one English couple which suits us, they’re very nice especially as they have chickens & deliver us fresh laid eggs! Most of the French don’t speak English & our French is still basic but they’re all so friendly, even the tractor drivers wave manically at us as they drive past the house. We’ve been back to the local supermarket, still fully stocked & have managed to get mine & dads medication at the local pharmacy. That was interesting; I had to ring the bell before they donned masks and gloves and let me in but despite the language barrier, the staff were warm & helpful! We watch the English news & Covid19 Press Conference each evening & I have to say I’m personally relieved that more restrictions are being introduced at home. I realise that there must be lots of anxiety for business owners & locals but having experienced it here, I can promise you will adapt to new rules & routines ♥️ Something that really makes a difference to us is phone calls or post from home & today we received a little package from my Brother, sister in law, nieces & nephews with individual cards & a gift. It totally made our day!
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This was a no brainer! I’m lucky to be in lockdown here in rural France but everyone I care about is still in Torbay & The UK so I intend using my time to support businesses & the community in South Devon!


This was the toughest decision for the committee to take, I was only involved from afar this year but I’m beyond proud of Brixham, the community & local businesses. How everyone is pulling together to support each other is not surprising because it’s what we do! But it is inspirational!


Lockdown in Limousin Day 4 ... When the sun really shined! 🌞
... We are beginning to settle into a daily rhythm which is far removed from anything we’ve experienced before. When it’s cold, we do a bit to the inside of the house, when it’s warm we work on the garden. Whichever it is, our work output varies from not a lot from me & Daddy Cool to a lot from Mr. B but every little helps as they say. I’m turning into a Domestic Goddess: making stews & soups, hanging out the washing & placing elaborate greenery displays all over the house from the hedge cuttings. Conversely James is living his best life as handy man of the house & the logpile! The lockdown here is strict & respected by all so we say hello to neighbours but everyone keeps their distance. Tomorrow we’re off to the supermarket again & have to carry a handwritten letter with us saying who we are & where we are going in case we’re stopped by the Police. One of our daily chores is taking the recycling to the communal bins on the edge of the commune, except, it’s not a chore at all, today we walked a bit further & discovered the most beautiful & magical woodland walk!
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Day 3 of our Lockdown in Limousin
Today I invite you to read my blog. In this post I explain why we are locked down & self isolating in France instead of back home in Brixham. I also share my thoughts about what we are all facing!…/li fe-on-hold-in-limous…


Lockdown in Limousin ... Day 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Before I post this, let me say, we’ve just watched the press conference with Boris Johnson, Macron is making one later at 8pm our time. I’ve thought a lot about what is happening & the restrictions - after all, I’ve had the time to ponder, on my hands! Social isolation is going to be difficult for everyone, much harder for our friends & family in The UK than for us! ... However, I will keep updating from here, mostly, I’ll make light although I’ll be serious at times. If we are going to get through this, we’ll need humour but most of all we have to follow the advice for the good of everyone! ~ Now here is today’s update ...
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Day 1 of Lockdown in Limousin ... As of last night, me, Mr. B & Daddy Cool are locked down & confined pretty much to our French house in Limousin. We are allowed out for food & grocery shopping, to visit the pharmacy or for light exercise. Luckily for us we are in deepest, darkest rural France so light exercise can mean a daily walk in the stunning French countryside where there is little chance of encountering anybody at all let alone keeping a couple of metres between us! ...I have to admit, my first reaction to these restrictions was a selfish one. Our travelling has been curtailed, perhaps for the rest of the year. However these are unprecedented times & we can’t be self centred! To get through the next few months, we have to look outwards and consider the whole of the community we belong to. Only by acting to protect everyone around us will we come through this crisis. Anyway that was Day 1, a little bit more cleaning, a fabulous walk in the sunshine (16 degrees) followed by an afternoon watching films in front of the woodburner. We were kindly given some genuine free range eggs, laid by our neighbours chickens just down the lane. A rare treat for me & Mr. B so I made my first ever frittata & it was blooming lovely 😉🐔🥚oh I almost forgot ... I hung out the washing, a big deal for us as we haven’t had a garden to do that in for a good few years & on our walk, literally just down the road, we found a donkey who honked at us & game over to be petted, I’m in love & im calling him Dillon!
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More about Brixham ‘Me’ Beside The Sea