Build A Body

About Build A Body

Private Personal Training and Fitness Studio in Milton Keynes
1-2-1 Personal Training
Small Group Training
Mums Only Sessions
Bootcamp Circuits
Online Coaching
Nutritional Advice

Build A Body Description

Here at Build a Body, we are passionate about health, nutrition, fitness and wellbeing, and understand that time is important to our clients. We are a personal health and fitness training service offering a variety of 121, group, and corporate fitness training tailored towards your individual needs. We also offer an online personal training service allowing you to train as and when you like without having to commit to a specific time or date.
Our Build a Body boot camps are a great way to exercise and improve fitness, strength and lose weight with friendly like minded people.
Whether you are looking to lose weight, tone up those stubborn areas, gain muscle, pre or post natal or recovering from an injury, we have the expertise to assist you to achieve your goals.
With over 10 years of industry experience, all our fitness programs and nutritional plans are designed personally for our clients for that truly unique fitness experience. We choose not to use generic computer software packages so every communication and contact will be with your own fitness expert.
Contact us today for you FREE consultation to see how you can transform your body.



❗️Why Switching Up and Changing Your Workout is Important❗️
Switching up your workout, shocks your body and keeps your body guessing. Your fitness results come down to one simple fact: the more you do something the easier it becomes.
During your workouts your putting stress on the body, and during your recovery your body is improving its ability to handle the stress.
... Switching up your workout will help your body to continually get stronger and fitter. Now whilst the amount of time it takes for your body to fully adapt varies from person to person, it is recommended to change it up every 4-6 weeks.
Here’s a sample of one of our upper body workouts in the next training phase of our own personal program.
Why not give this a go.....
Barbell chest press 5x5 Cable Row 5x5 Incline Dumbbell Press 3x8 Kneeling High Pulldown 3x8 Barbell Shoulder Press 4 x8
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❗️Massive Shout Out❗️
Awesome achievement by one of our clients at Build a Body over the weekend. Kevin’s recovery after his accident has been amazing and most of this has been down to his drive, determination and commitment. I have personally been working with Kevin since July 2018 where we have literally had to start his training from scratch. Building the foundations with a structured strength and conditioning program working on stabilisation and mobility then a periodis...ed strength phase. His results are amazing in such a short time. Very well done and we are all extremely proud at Build a Body. 💪👌
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This week we have been filming Plyometric exercises to add to our library on our App, required for one of our online ‘Swimmer’ clients.
This client is extremely strong and powerful already, and totally smashed the intro I set her for plyometrics 👌🤗 so we needed to advance on what we had...
The 3 exercises shown here are- ... 1/ TRX SQUAT JUMP 2/ TRX LUNGE JUMP 3/ TRX SUSPENDED SINGLE LEG JUMP
One of the best ways to train for power is Plyometrics. This combines strength and cardiovascular training together. Plyometrics involves a process called the Stretch- Shortening- Cycle. This means a muscle is stretched briefly before it contracts giving it more speed and force.
For those of you ‘not’ swimmers, you can still benefit from this kind of training if you are looking to take your training to the next level building strength and creating a good calorie burn...
To start off safely, if you already have squats and lunges in your workout routine then incorporate a small jump into these. Perfect your technique and gradually work to increase your height range. You can then move to TRX or box plyometrics!
The benefits of plyometrics include- 🔼 Burns calories and aids weight loss 🔼Increases strength in tendons and ligaments around joints, reducing risk of injury. 🔼Improves function of Brain-body signals, your neuromuscular system 🔼Develops ability across other exercises and sports.
The benefits of plyometrics for swimmers 🏊‍♀️ 🏊‍♂️ include-
🏊‍♂️ improved velocity and acceleration on turns 🏊‍♀️ enables greater and further push off from the block 🏊‍♂️sprinters depend on strength and power for their 50m, but even distance swimmers can get an advantage over their competitors by gaining more distance off the wall!

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❓Are You Still Sticking To Your Fitness Resolutions❓
So we are nearing the end of a long January and New Year seems like a long time ago. Were you one of the many who set yourself some New Years Resolutions? Many of us set ourselves Fitness Resolutions to get fitter, lose weight and feel healthier in ourselves.... So after your first month working towards these new 'habits' and 'goals' how has it been going for you?
Now shockingly many New Years Resolutions don't get past Fe...
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Wednesday morning workout.. or trying to!
Grab yourself a sandbag if at the gym- in this case the nearest thing I could find was a Pikachu 🤷‍♀️ and try these pullover ab crunches 💫
🐕make sure you keep about a fist space between your chin and chest... 🐕concentrate on drawing your belly button towards the bottom of your spine 🐕breathe out as you crunch up 🐕try 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps 👍
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Remember, it is only you that makes the decisions on what you eat (unless you’re like 5)
More often than not it is extra calories like this that aren’t counted or forgotten but it is still part of your daily total..
There are a number of reasons why you do this-
... 🍕you are starving 🍕you don’t even know you are 🍕you don’t like to waste 🍕it’s habit 🍕you make amazing food 😋
If you find the temptation too much then perhaps try having a cup of tea, or protein shake, or cut up some veggies, or have a handful of nuts to pick at. You could also start keeping a food and mood log so you know exactly what you are eating and when! Try to remove the temptation straight away, put left overs in containers straight into the fridge which will double up as a healthy snack when the kids next complain they are starving...
Which would you pick? 😉
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Interval swim training is a great way to boost your fitness. This 1500m workout session has a number of short high intensity bursts..
🐟intervals offer variety, reducing boredom 🐟better for weight loss goals as burn more calories during and after 🐟studies suggest it helps lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels... 🐟the energy system used encourages muscle growth
#stronger #fitter #faster
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Has anyone decided this is the year to get in the pool?
Swimming has so many great benefits including 🏊‍♀️great for cardio fitness, strengthening heart and lungs 🏊‍♂️builds muscular strength and endurance, toning your body up... 🏊‍♀️helps you maintain a healthy weight 🏊‍♂️low impact on your joints
Try this 1800m set, which allows you to do a timed 100m! This can set a great bench mark as you will have a time to beat and stay motivated!
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‼️Top Tips for A Successful January Fitness Routine‼️
As Promised throughout January we are going to be posting workouts and helpful tips to keep you focused on your health and fitness goals and keep you motivated to make January the best yet.
As its 2nd January many of you will embark on your new fitness program and 'new' diets to get the best body ever.... Well here are some of my secrets to a successful January and beyond....
... 1️⃣ Keep things simple - with both your diet and with your exercise routine. You don't need to over complicate these. There is alot of rubbish out there about the 'best' workout and diet.... The best workout and diet is the one that will work for you. Keep exercise simple working big muscle groups. 2️⃣Track your calories. To lose weight or more importantly fat we need to be in a calorie defect. Log and track all food and drink intake - download my fitness pal or sign up to our online coaching app and enter everything you consume. Its quick and simple to do and gives you a good indication of what your putting in your month. 3️⃣Get moving more. It doesn't matter what you do, Just move - walk, run, cycle, swim - just get up and get moving. 4️⃣Add Resistance 'Weight' Training into your routine. Yes cardio will get you some results but lifting weights will help you tone up as well as increasing lean muscle muscle - resulting in a more toned, trim you. 5️⃣Be realistic - Focus on long term goals....If you start today you will look fab for the summer. 6 week programs work but its all about being consistent. Most people fail in January because they want too much too quickly. Set yourself small goals like 1-2 lb per week. Im not going to lie there are products out there that will help you 'lose weight' but this 'weight' will be predominantly water weight and muscle... and isn't a long term solution. Aim for 6 months time and I promise you small steps get big results. 6️⃣Plan your week - when can you commit to training? Aim for getting a 'gym' workout in 2-4 times per week. You don't need to get to the gym every day, thats just going to set you up for failure. Commit to a couple of workouts a week and it will fit into your lifestyle, which will make this become a habit long term.
Keep these tips in mind and I promise you that this will set you up for the most success in 2019, and most importantly start today. 🤟💪
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Be that person who decided to go for it!!
You have the great opportunity to use the beginning of the New Year to do something you’ve always dreamed of doing!
... Set your goals/ challenges, make a plan and go after what you want to achieve... it doesn’t happen overnight and it’s not going to be easy but it is worth it and you have the power to do it!!
Once you believe you will, you will!
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Looking To Kick Start Your New Year Fitness Plan?💥
Don't like the thought of the hustle and bustle of a commercial gym?
... Maybe you need the right kind of help and support to help you achieve your health and fitness goals?
Build a Body Fitness is a Private Personal Training and Fitness Studio. Our team of experts are here to support, coach and educate you to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
We offer a variety of 1-2-1, Small Group, Bootcamp Circuits, Mums Specific Courses and Online Coaching here at our Studio.
Contact Us Today for your FREE Consultation and Taster Session.
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🎄We Wish You ALL A Merry Christmas 🎄
2018 has been an amazing year for us at Build a Body Fitness and we are so proud of all our clients for achieving some amazing results throughout this year.
Carla and I would personally like to thank everyone for supporting us through our first year, we couldn’t have achieved what we have this year without you all.
... We are super excited for 2019 and have some amazing things to look forward too.
Launching January 2019 we are increasing our Classes Timetable so we will have even more Bootcamp Circuits (morning and daytime classes), Moms Squads and other exciting classes and courses coming your way.
We are also launching our EXPRESS PT packages for those of you that have limited time but want to get in an ‘express’ 30 minute PT session.
Also we will be fully launching our Online Coaching Platform and with this some exciting new products and services.
We look forward to supporting and coaching all our current clients in 2019 to achieve even more amazing and life changing results, as well as welcoming new clients and members to our friendly studio in 2019 to help you reach your fitness goals. 💪💪
We would like to take this opportunity to wish you and all your family A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year.x
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Need to burn a few extra calories with all the festivities this month?
This sprint swim session will do that!! The intervals will help you to burn more calories long after you’ve got out the pool!
Don’t be tricked into thinking 30 seconds rest sounds easy- it gets tougher, keep going as fast as you can! 🏊‍♂️🌲🏊‍♀️


❗Fitness Over the Festive Season❗
The festive season can be such a busy time with work deadlines, parties, shopping, travel and kids being off school, and that can make it challenging to fit your fitness routine into your schedule. From now until the New Year your schedule will more than likely be filled with family obligations, travel, outings and tempting treats. Remember that health and fitness is part of your everyday life. It’s not something that can or should be turned... on and off. Do everything in moderation.
Click the link below for Our Top Tips to keep your fitness on track of the festive season😀💪…/Fitnes s-over-the-Holiday-S…
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❗Personal Training Vouchers & Packages Available❗
Tailor your package to suit you and create the perfect gift for a friend or loved one.
... Single and Multipack Options Available.
Message us for more information.
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‘Resistance band workout’
Includes 4 upper body exercises to help you get lean toned arms!
▶️ shoulder press 12-15 reps each side... ▶️ bicep curl 12-15 reps ▶️ lateral side raise 12-15 reps each side ▶️ tricep extension 12-15 reps each side
▶️rest & repeat 3-5 X
Resistance bands are very simple, easy to use and effective at working your muscles. Resistance bands are like a bungee cord and enable you to train with resistance as an alternative to weights.
Some of the benefits of resistance bands include.. 1️⃣ can give you a ‘total’ body workout 2️⃣ inexpensive option 3️⃣ can take your workout anywhere 4️⃣ various resistances for range of fitness 5️⃣ improve flexibility 6️⃣ easy to store
So if you are looking for an effective workout to tone up your arms, from the comfort of your home- grab yourself a resistance band (link in bio) and get started 💪
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💥My Protein Black Friday Sale💥
40% off the marked price of everything💪
Use discount code BLACK
... Check out our affiliate link below.
Happy shopping😁
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Wednesday wake up workout!
If you want to get fit at home then try this 4 min workout!
Start by warming up a little, marching on the spot, squats...
... Then perform 20s each exercise and take 20 seconds rest - repeat 3 times!
How many times can you fit this into your day for a sneaky cardio blast?
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‼️Do Carbohydrates cause Weight Gain?‼️
With all the bad press about carbohydrates , Im going to shed some light on this question.
The simple answer is NO!
... Eating carbohydrates in moderation and providing it fits in with your recommended calorie intake then they will not cause weight gain. However eating TOO MUCH carbohydrates or any other macronutrient (fats and protein) can lead to weight gain.
Weight gain is caused by an excess of calories to energy expenditure. Weight gain can be due to too many calories from any food in excess of energy expended through exercise.
One gram of carbohydrate provides your body with 4 calories. Eating more calories than what your body needs of any macronutrient - carbohydrates, protein or fat - will cause you to gain weight. In order to maintain a healthy body weight, regular exercise is recommended and carbohydrates are the preferred source of energy used during physical activity.
Be wise when choosing ALL foods, and in particular, consume high quality carbohydrates such as those contained in plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. Also make room for the carbohydrates contained in dairy, as they bring a good amount of nutrients to your diet. Combine those foods with appropriately portioned lean protein foods and healthy fats.
Minimise your intake of high carbohydrate foods that provide little to no nutrition like high sugar or highly refined grains, breads, cereals and baked goods (cakes, pastries etc). Also be aware of the your portion sizes as too often we are unaware of the portion size of the foods that we are consuming.
Calories from drinks also need to be taken into consideration. Fizzy drinks, alcohol and many hot beverages are high in calories, carbs, and fats and need to be taken into account when analysing our calorie intake.
The take home message here is that Carbs are not the enemy!! The fact of the matter is that as a society we eat to much carbohydrates and the wrong types of carbs and fats, and many of us are unaware of portion size. Live by the 80-20 rule, if you are good 80% of the time we are allowed a treat, everything in moderation.
Following these recommendations will help balance your diet and help in maintaining a healthy body weight.💪💪
For more information please feel free to contact us for a FREE consultation.
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What can I say...this guy not only helps you build your body but listens, cares, is passionate about what he does and wants you to achieve your goals just as much as you do...always there for my questions and works me to the bone. If your serious about change then this is your man!! ����� #welovestu


Went along to the bootcamp yesterday and loved it! Amazing coaches and awesome exercises! Definitely going back ��


We all find training and eating healthy a challenge me more than most but can honestly say that Stuart has gone above and beyond in trying to help educate me to chose wisely with my food, not to beat myself up for not exercising every day and has given me huge amounts of support. I have completely changed my mind set and am feeling healthier, happier and already 9lb lighter. Thank you Stuart for all your encouragement and support no matter what time of day it has been you have always been there. If you want to make that change your have always wanted to make take the tiny step forward like I did and give Build a Body a go contact them today you will feel amazing and the boot camp sessions are so much fun you don't feel like your training. ��.


Fantastic trainers Carla & Stuart. After 5 weeks of Momsquad I lost body fat, gained muscle and increased my swim and run time , thanks guys

More about Build A Body

Build A Body is located at 50 Tilers Road, Kiln Farm, MK11 3EA Milton Keynes