
About Bumps2Baby

Bumps2Baby offer a service to ease you through pregnancy, childbirth and beyond.

Bumps2Baby Description

What is Hypnobirthing

Hypnobirthing is a well-established and well recognised, logical complete antenatal education programme with a focus on natural birth. It uses the power of positive language to combine easy to learn methods of deep relaxation, breathing techniques, visualisation and affirmative positive thinking to reduce anxiety, stress, fatigue and fear, and, as a result, also reduce pain.
Hypnobirthing gives you the tools to be able to make informed choices and the confidence to enact those choices. It helps you to trust your body, your baby and your instinct, which are designed for birth, so that you can enjoy pregnancy and birth without fear and the ‘expected’ pain. Hypnobirthing mothers often have fewer interventions and fewer drugs.

As part of learning hypnobirthing techniques, you become informed about what happens to your body during labour and birth, giving you the tools to make the best decisions for you in consultation with your medical advisors. This is combined with the important work of releasing your fear and building your confidence.

The result is that you are given back the opportunity and confidence to be in control of your own birthing experience. Hypnobirthing does not promise a perfect outcome or to completely eliminate discomfort, but it does empower you to remain calm and enjoy a positive birthing experience.

Hypnobirthing gives you the confidence and the simplicity of a natural and calm birth. Your body is designed to give birth efficiently and comfortably so that birth can be the most wonderful and empowering experience of your life.

At your Hypnobirthing class you will be given The Hypnobirthing Book by Katharine Graves, the Colour and Calmness relaxation CD, and a folder of very practical handouts for you to use at home.

Hypnobirthing cannot promise the perfect natural birth, but it teaches you how to have the best birth for you, whatever the circumstances. Often a mother describes a hypnobirthing as the most wonderful and empowering experience of her life.