Burnage Slimming World Group

About Burnage Slimming World Group

If you'd love to lose weight - without ever feeling hungry - welcome Slimming World. Every week we help thousands of members achieve their dreams,

Burnage Slimming World Group Description

If you'd love to lose weight - without ever feeling hungry - welcome Slimming World. Every week we help thousands of members achieve their dreams,



https://www.mirror.co.uk/…/slimming-wor lds-greatest-loser-2…


So, here‚Äôs the thing. You‚Äôve decided that you want to lose weight and you are looking at all the options. ūü§∑‚Äć‚ôÄ There are lots of diets out there and you know what? They all work! If you stick to them, they will help you to lose weight. But really think. ūüí≠ Do you want to be buying special powders, bars and meals and basically feeling starving? This is on top of your weekly shop for the rest of the family! Or, would you like a healthy eating plan that is all normal tasty food...? Food that you can serve to the whole family and that they can enjoy too! But more importantly where you are eating to satisfy your appetite and not going hungry ūüėč We also offer you a weekly meeting where there are a bunch of like minded people who are all the same place as you and you can help and support each other. Why not come and see what Slimming World can do for you? Xxx
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https://www.slimmingworld.co.uk/…/jons- looking-for-love-aft…


Here is a thought for you !!! How much better could you feel by the end of may ?? Answer ?? A MILLION TIMES ūüíē what could cause you to feel better ?? FOOD OPTIMISING , isn‚Äôt amazing that we have the total ability to change how we feel physically and mentally SO QUICKLY ūüíÉūüíÉūüíÉ so what you waiting for ?? Here is to MAY ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüFREE MEMBERSHIP OUT NOW IN WOMENS OWN Save ¬£10 ūüĎĆūüŹĽūüĎĆūüŹĽūüĎĆūüŹĽūüĎĆūüŹĽ


Back to school! Yippee I say ūü§≠Now who‚Äôs coming back to Slimming World? There are free membership Vouchers .. give me a ūüĎčfor infoBack to school! Yippee I say ūü§≠Now who‚Äôs coming back to Slimming World? There are free membership Vouchers .. give me a ūüĎčfor info


We caught him the Easter bunny has been banged to rights and won’t be due for parole until next April If you’ve been one of his victims and would like to lose the Easter pounds then please come along and join us at BURNAGE SLIMMING WORLD WESTCROFT COMMUNITY CENTRE BURNAGE ... M20 6EF
Thursday 10,12,5&7 Saturday 8&10
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This is the story of Wanda Loseweight Please pay attention, it could be anyone’s fate. She’d booked a holiday for the end of July, 2 stone off was her aim - seemed easy as pie
... Easter had gone but with kids still on scene She put it off til next week ‚Äúwhen I‚Äôm back in routine‚ÄĚ The following week, torrential rain fell quite bad ‚ÄúGo out in this weather?? I‚Äôd have to be mad!‚ÄĚ
Another week later she was invited for drinks ‚ÄúI‚Äôll join in May, plenty of time‚ÄĚ she thinks But she‚Äôs busy all month with no time to care About that one hour a week, which is all she needs spare
June arrives but Wanda does not get upset ‚ÄúStill 6 weeks to go, why worry and fret? If I‚Äôm really good, I‚Äôll lose 3 lbs a week It‚Äôs not quite what I wanted but I‚Äôll still look quite sleek!‚ÄĚ
But June comes and goes and Wanda didn’t commit Her new shorts are too tight and her dresses don’t fit She’s sat on the beach with her friend thin Lizzie Who feels sad for her pal when she gets in a tizzy
‚ÄúOh why‚ÄĚ Wanda wails ‚Äúdidn‚Äôt I take your advice? And join with you back in April - you‚Äôre looking so nice! You‚Äôve lost 3 stone at a nice steady pace And you‚Äôve got nothing but size 12‚Äôs packed in your case!‚ÄĚ
But Wanda Loseweight was not long feeling blue With a new goal in mind, she knew what to do ‚ÄúLizzie‚ÄĚ she said ‚ÄúI‚Äôve got it all planned I‚Äôm joining a group, the minute we land!‚ÄĚ
True to her word, Wanda did what she said And got to her Target, by Christmas instead And one year later, once more with her mate They were BOTH in bikinis and content with their weight.
Just a reminder about the fab Slimming World FREE membership offer in Woman's Weekly magazine, only in the shops until Tuesday - grab yours quick and pay only £4.95 at your first group.
Your local group is At westcroft community centre Thursday 10, 12, 5 & 7 Saturday 8 & 10 Come and lose your weight with a lovely bunch of friendly people together.
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Flashback Friday....
Let's share how AMAZING Slimming World is. No matter where you are as a member ūüėć
... Show me your before & after pics. Go, go, go.... ‚̧
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ūüíĖI‚Äôll go after Easter ūüź£ ūüíĖI‚Äôll go when the kids go back ūüĎ©‚ÄćūüĎß‚Äćūü϶ūüĎ®‚ÄćūüĎß‚Äćūü϶ ūüíĖI‚Äôll go when I‚Äôve eaten all the Easter eggsūü•ö
WHY WAIT?? Come this week and we can guide you through Easter and the rest of the school holidays and tell you how you can still eat Easter eggs and lose weight... ūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćū üĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎćūüĎć And this week you can JOIN FOR FREEūüėÉ
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Who wants FREE membership to join Slimming World this week? Give me a wave ūüĎčūüĎčūüĎčWho wants FREE membership to join Slimming World this week? Give me a wave ūüĎčūüĎčūüĎč


Who loves a lovely Sunday lunch?? Eat delicious food and still lose weight? YES you can ūüėä Come and find out more At westcroft community centre, westcroft rd, Burnage, M20 6EF
... Thursday 10,12,5 & 7 Saturday 8 & 10 X
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I mean ! What you waiting for ?!!!!! Come on you won‚Äôt regret it ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ Come find out how we make the magic happen , no hunger , no deprivation just FOOD ūüĎĆūüŹĽūüĎĆūüŹĽūüĎĆūüŹĽ Come and joins us Thursdays 10,12,5&7 ... Saturdays 8&10
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DEAR RETURNING MEMBER I‚Äôm getting a few messages from people wanting to come back to Slimming World, let me put your minds at rest...... This post is for you members who are thinking of returning to one of our SW groups over the next couple of weeks And in 'thinking' I mean youre saying to yourself ‚Äė‚Äôoh my goodness, I havn't been in ages‚Äô‚Äô, OR ‚Äė‚ÄôI have put all the weight I lost, back on‚Äô‚Äô, OR, ... ‚Äė‚ÄôI have joined so many times now, I'm terrified that they will think I am pathetic‚Äô‚Äô. These feelings are what keep us down and away from group BUT be reassured that in our Slimming World Groups, you will be welcomed back with a hug and a smile ūüėä MOST importantly there is no shame, blame or humiliation. Returning member, pick yourself up, dust yourself off and prove to yourself (as nobody else really matters) what you're truly made of ............. 2019 will be the year that you succeed ūüĆľūüĆľ
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Imagine ENJOYING food while losing weight! These are some of the meals my own members have filled up on this week. Find out how at my group. Forget starvation, fad foods, counting and weighing everything and imagine filling up freely on unlimited, tasty Free Foods. Make your summer weight loss a reality with Slimming World. - - ‚ú®‚ú®‚ú®‚ú® ‚̧ԳŹJoin my Slimming World Group - ... ūüėÉWestcroft community centre ūüŹô Westcroft rd, Burnage, M20 5EF ‚ŹįThursday 10am, 12noon, 5pm & 7pm Saturday 8am & 10am ūüď≤ Message for more info *** ūüĎáūüŹĽFollow me on- ūüďłInstagram @swamandaslimmingforthegown ūüíôFacebook - amanda fitzgerald ‚̧ԳŹFacebook -burnage slimming world group *** #slimmingworld #sw #swuk #slimmingworlduk #swinstagram #freefood #foodoptimising #swinspiration #weightloss #foodie #swmafia #healthy #healthyeating #slimming #healthyfood #timperley #manchester
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Are you feeling more unhappy with your current weight than you have before? Do your clothes feel a bit tighter than you might like them to? Are you avoiding your reflection in the mirror a little more than you used to? Do you feel more out of control than is really comfortable?
And are you pretending not to care about those things?
If so, you're not alone. Whether you've never come to see us before, whether you are one of the members I can think of who have missed a couple ...of groups recently or maybe you're one of those who has missed several and you may not be really sure if you're still one of our members right now....whoever you are....you are more than welcome to come and see us because if you are feeling those feelings even a little bit then I know that you do care deep down. I know how much it really hurts and I also know that you would love to start feeling better about yourself...and I can absolutely help you to do that.
Because if it's hurting you then I care too! ________________________________________< br> Cockermouth
United Reformed Church Tuesdays 8am,10am & 12pm
Cockermouth Rugby Club Wednesdays 5pm & 7pm & Saturday’s 8am & 10am
Everyone Welcome x
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ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüCOMPETITION TIME ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆü
Burnage Slimming World is giving away 6 WEEKS OF SLIMMING FREE ūüíÉūüíÉūüíÉūüíÉūüíÉ worth ¬£29.75 at one of our groups. In 6 weeks you could lose a stone, even more if you wanted... This competition is open to new, returning and existing members ūüĆüūüĆüūüĆüūüĆü
... All you have to do is:
Winner will be announced and contacted 22nd April 2019 , GOOD LUCK ūüćÄ
Looking to join? Get in touch! AMANDA 07482334777
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‚̧ԳŹWant to lose weight? ‚̧ԳŹSick of the fads and people saying they know how to do it? ‚̧ԳŹCome to Slimming World we have been in this industry for 50 years. When you come to us you get the backing and expertise of a nutrition team who are constantly reviewing and keeping up with the latest informations. As well as a consultant that is a slimmer themselves fully trained with seven diplomas and goes on training every month to make sure you get the absolute best service. Want to find out more your welcome to any of the 6 sessions we run in Burnage at Westcroft community centre Feel free to drop me an inbox ,call or pop along to find out more x


im the bad penny that keeps turning up then dissapearing, and turning up again all i want to say is amandas group is one of the warmest friendliest and welcoming groups iv ever been to everyone is lovely and helpfull and amanda is great teacher


Took me 24 weeks to lose 2st 9lb and still at target 9 months later, still go to weigh in to keep on track. Best thing I have ever done.


Thursday 10am. Amanda is an amazing support. She is very knowledgeable and informative as well as being totally realistic and practical. Her spirit and enthusiasm are contagious as is her will for you to succeed. The group is supportive and friendly and although I have not been going for long, it already feels like a comfort to know it is there. This is the best diet experience I have had, and I have tried many. I cannot recommend Amanda or Slimming World highly enough.


The best group ever. Come over and see what all the hype is about x


Sat 8am, Amanda is an amazing consultant, the best group I have been to by far, I now have some fantastic new friends, everyone is so supportive, and I have learned so much about healthy eating, so glad I came to this group ‚̧ԳŹ


Really fun filled packed group who make all feel welcome, would definitely recommend Amanda's groups.


Re-joined after being away for a few years was very nervous walking back into the group

Wow I was made to feel really welcome it was like I had never been away walked out after the meeting feeling positive and part of a very special group X


Just fabulous Love Slimming World come & see for yourself xxxx


If it wasn't for the support of a fan consultant and the group i would be a lot bigger. Come and join us you won't regret it xx


I love coming to group every week and hearing all the amazing recipe ideas. Amanda is amazing, My favourite slimming world consultant so far and I've been to quite a few groups. She's so helpful and explains everything to us all :) I would highly recommend you come to this group if you feel you would like to get rid of a few pounds ūüíč I've lost 20 pounds and still counting ūüí™


I could not be where I am now without the support of this amazing group. I have managed to lose 7.5 stone in just 12 months. Best thing I did joining & I have not looked back since. The kettle is always on if you fancy joining us for a brew, a giggle & the added bonus of losing weight.


Fantastic groups all soooo friendly and Amanda and her staff are absolutely wonderful - always there for you and so much support ÔŅĹ


Amanda is the best coach and very honest but very positive towards you and gives lots of encouragement too and thats so important x


Amanda is such a supportive and great adviser, the group on Saturday morning is so friendly. Come along and join in the fun.


Already lost over a stone in less than 2 months with this group, it is amazing I recommend it to everyone! x


A fantastic support network. Always offering advice and a smiling gave when you feel at your lowest and ready to give up. Thanks xx


im the bad penny that keeps turning up then dissapearing, and turning up again all i want to say is amandas group is one of the warmest friendliest and welcoming groups iv ever been to everyone is lovely and helpfull and amanda is great teacher


Took me 24 weeks to lose 2st 9lb and still at target 9 months later, still go to weigh in to keep on track. Best thing I have ever done.


Thursday 10am. Amanda is an amazing support. She is very knowledgeable and informative as well as being totally realistic and practical. Her spirit and enthusiasm are contagious as is her will for you to succeed. The group is supportive and friendly and although I have not been going for long, it already feels like a comfort to know it is there. This is the best diet experience I have had, and I have tried many. I cannot recommend Amanda or Slimming World highly enough.


The best group ever. Come over and see what all the hype is about x


Sat 8am, Amanda is an amazing consultant, the best group I have been to by far, I now have some fantastic new friends, everyone is so supportive, and I have learned so much about healthy eating, so glad I came to this group ‚̧ԳŹ


Really fun filled packed group who make all feel welcome, would definitely recommend Amanda's groups.


Re-joined after being away for a few years was very nervous walking back into the group

Wow I was made to feel really welcome it was like I had never been away walked out after the meeting feeling positive and part of a very special group X


Just fabulous Love Slimming World come & see for yourself xxxx


If it wasn't for the support of a fan consultant and the group i would be a lot bigger. Come and join us you won't regret it xx


I love coming to group every week and hearing all the amazing recipe ideas. Amanda is amazing, My favourite slimming world consultant so far and I've been to quite a few groups. She's so helpful and explains everything to us all :) I would highly recommend you come to this group if you feel you would like to get rid of a few pounds ūüíč I've lost 20 pounds and still counting ūüí™


I could not be where I am now without the support of this amazing group. I have managed to lose 7.5 stone in just 12 months. Best thing I did joining & I have not looked back since. The kettle is always on if you fancy joining us for a brew, a giggle & the added bonus of losing weight.


Fantastic groups all soooo friendly and Amanda and her staff are absolutely wonderful - always there for you and so much support ÔŅĹ


Amanda is the best coach and very honest but very positive towards you and gives lots of encouragement too and thats so important x


Amanda is such a supportive and great adviser, the group on Saturday morning is so friendly. Come along and join in the fun.


Already lost over a stone in less than 2 months with this group, it is amazing I recommend it to everyone! x


A fantastic support network. Always offering advice and a smiling gave when you feel at your lowest and ready to give up. Thanks xx

More about Burnage Slimming World Group

Burnage Slimming World Group is located at 26 westcroft rd, m20 6ef Manchester, United Kingdom