Bury Park Mosque



Wonder full masjid


The heart of Luton is this Mosque. Friendly elders, youths and lots of Asian diversity.


Lovely place for worship


Best place you could think of


A good place for Asian shopping.


I want to ask... ramadan afteri and namaz space in masjid for ladies???


Alhamdulillah very nice mosque
But Tabiz needs to stop .
Fazayle Amol need to stop.
More authentic hadit study
Meaning of the namaz every single words we say.
In istemaa we want tafsirul Quran more not Fazayle Amol .


Very helpful


No space for ladies for Jumaaah


Part 1
I visited Mufti Abdul Hannan at his home next to the mosque, due to a personal matter. I was referred to him by a family friend who said he would be able to help with my problems.
On arriving at his house I was shown into his office, the front room. There was a sofa where I was told to sit and wait my turn.
There appeared to be various other people at the premises who from their conversations I ascertained had problems relating to family, marital, black magic and evil spirits. I sat and patiently waited my turn.
The lady who was being seen by the Mufti who had a full burka and face veil was explaining in her native tongue that her son had become wayward and started an affair with another lady and that she would like him to put a stop to it.
The Mufti took details of the son; his name, age, fathers name and occupation. He then took the name of the alleged woman he was seeing and her father’s name.
He took what seemed a bottle of oil and unscrewed the top, and then proceeded to mutter into the mouth what I assumed was Arabic words or prayers. He then opened a big book and as I was sitting straight opposite him I could see and from seeing them in the past noticed they were tabeez, i.e. talismans. He proceeded to flick the pages until he found the correct one. He took the page out, and passed it to the lady. He then quietly explained what I assumed were instructions on how to proceed with the tabeez and the ‘holy oil’.
The lady seemed very overwhelmed and continued to profusely thank the Mufti. The Mufti then muttered something and the guy sitting next to him who showed me in asked me to come forward.
At this point I noted the lady handing over cash to the Mufti I only saw it for a glance but the bundle of 20’s must have amounted to at least a £100.
The lady left and I sat in her place. I spoke little of the native language the Mufti spoke as I was born and raised here in the UK but I understood him asking what the issue was.
I hesitated, and then the chap sitting next to him nodded so I proceeded to tell him, that I had recently found out that my best friend who was married with kids had turned gay.
The Mufti did not understand at first, as my vocabulary was limited. The chap sitting next to him hesitated but then explained the situation to the Mufti. I don’t know how he took it as he did not bat an eyelid. He started to write something in a book which he had sprawled on his thigh. He asked me give him the name, age, where he lived and his father’s name. I was reluctant but then gave him the details. He then asked what it was I wanted to happen. I did not understand.
The chap sitting next to me explained that what was the issue? I explained that he was on the brink of deserting his family and that his actions would ruin him and his extended family, especially when his father is a respected member of the Bury Park mosque committee. I noticed this got a reaction from the Mufti. He opened his book, the one with the tabeez and looked through for a good 5 mins. Eventually, he pulled out a sheet and passed it to me. I was given instructions which I did not understand but was also briefed by the chap sitting next to him.
From what I understood I was to dissolve the tabeez in water and make my friend drink the water for 7 days.
I did not know how I was going to do this, but I agreed. I got up and at this point the guy sitting next to him coughed and pulled out his hand, palm open.
I said oh sorry, I took out my wallet and gave him £20. He shook his hand I gave another £20 he shook his head I looked at him in disbelief. I asked how much? He replied in almost a whisper a £100. What!
Eventually I went to the cash point came back and give him the money.
Two months on I have to say this man is a charlatan, a fake and a hoax.
My friend has left his wife and kids and moved in with his male friend, even though I fed him a glass a day for 7 days, which I had to go extreme lengths to attain.
Looking back, I find it difficult how such a man can head a mosque as beautiful and popular as Bury Park mosque?


The leader of this mosque, Abdul Hannan, is a magician, using the ancient Greek magic of numbers and tables, mixed with names of devils.

He takes money by the thousands from the weak hearted, calling themselves muslims, who do not turn to Allah swt in their personal issues.

He specialises in breaking marriages, by casting evil spells on the weak hearted who turn to him, so to keep them coming again and again, in the name of healing them. He usually asks about the name of the person and his parents names, and the same information of the person who the weak hearted wants to harm, or think can be healed by magic.

Women and men who went to him, complained from many mental and physical complications which cannot be medically explained when they seek conventional medical approach. GPs and doctors are puzzled by the conditions of those patients, coupled by seeing nightmares of snakes, spiders and devilish faces, while being strangled or raped, to both men and women.

He has no mercy over women and men in their 60s and 70s. Those in fact are his best victims, abusing their financial resources in the name of healing them and their families.

He practices magic in his personal home, which is located next door to the mosque itself. Anyone can just knock on his door and one of his servents in magic will open the door and lead the visitor to this magician personal room.

Praying behind him after knowing these facts will be unaccepted by Allah swt. How can a prayer behind a magician be accepted?!

This information is well known all over Luton and many are protecting him and try their best to cover him and his devilish dark side.

Check for yourself if you want. His home address is not hard to find.

More about Bury Park Mosque

Bury Park Mosque is located at 21-27 Bury Park Rd, Luton LU1 1HB, UK
+44 1582 725412