Bush Dog Social Media

About Bush Dog Social Media

Bush Dog Social Media is here to help you grow your business using the power of Social Media and the Internet.



Check out these 10 tips


What you need to survive on Facebook from the man himself! http://bit.ly/2KFLedR


Often we hear of small businesses that set up their website and register with some of the social media sites. They eagerly write their first few posts or tweets and either get little response or life simply gets in the way and the accounts fall silent. Many can relate to the fact that when you run a business, time is often very short. If you are lucky enough to have someone find your rather quiet social media account and they find the last tweet was wishing customers a happy... new year for 2012 then they will move on. Think about it - If a shop had the same window display for 10 years then you would probably not be too keen to go in. With social media, the trick is to keep the content coming. This may sound like an insurmountable task but with the right tools in can be done surprisingly quickly.
Want to know more? Check out our website at http://bit.ly/2Kj6TML
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Don't leave it until it is too late. Check out our guide to avoiding common social media mistakes in your business. http://bit.ly/2JOQbnI


When you realize that a meeting starting in 15 minutes is video but your hair was counting on audio only. via @MarketingProfs


Discover the three main roadblocks that cause entrepreneurs to get stuck in inaction. My guest on today’s show will give you specific ways to take massive action, get more done, and get those big results you desire. ...Check it out: http://bit.ly/2JpqbuG via @AmyPorterfield


Great article on why small businesses do not always see the ROI they are expecting when using Facebook Ads. http://bit.ly/2KtUvtt


What is the biggest question you have about technology and social media? Please comment below.


Still not convinced about Social Media in your business? Here is a quick list of reasons which you MUST be on Social Media no matter how big or small, new or established, local or global your company is. - Increase brand awareness. Instagram is great for this as 60% of Instagram users say they have found new products and brands using the platform.
- Let your audience get to know you.... People buy from people they know and trust. Social media allows you to build relationships with customers and make them loyal fans. Now who does not want that for their business!
- Keep your customers up to date with information. Updates, new products, special offers, competitions etc. If you have a new product that has just arrived, how will your customers find out? Visiting your business or website? Going to phone them all? Put out an advert? Hope it spreads by word of mouth? Or you could announce it on your Facebook Page and Twitter. With over 50% of Facebook users visiting the platform multiple times every day then your message will soon start to get out there.
- Drive traffic to your website. A new website tends to get very little traffic and so having a social media presence means you can signpost your website and drive traffic to it to help customers find what they need.
- Increase sales. Some business owners do not always realise that selling your products through social media can be very powerful and profitable. Social selling can generate warm leads and carefully crafted sales funnels can make it very hard for your customers to resist buying your products and services. Of course if you are lucky enough to create content which goes viral then this can send your business and your sales stratospheric.
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I've forgotten all my boomerang jokes, but I'm sure they'll come back to me. #dadjokes #jokeoftheday via Bad Dad Jokes


Kids' book publisher Usborne eyes toy market move with That's Not My Unicorn http://bit.ly/2KtPOPH


HOW TO START | A Gary Vaynerchuk Original


There are still a large number of businesses who are ignoring the online world all together. In fact it is estimated that 2 million small businesses in the United Kingdom and in the United States over 35% of businesses are thought to be without a website. In this internet age this still surprises me. Even a one page static website (which only cost a few £ or $ a year) gives your customers a chance to connect with your business. If you have not got a website then this should... be your first priority. Start looking into it today. This does not have to be an all singing or all dancing site and can be set up easily within a couple of hours and for a very small amount of money. The benefit is clear – your customers can find basic information about you (such as opening hours) and how they can contact you (by email for instance). However, most business’s want more than this and rightly so. In 2017 in the UK alone £133 BILLION was spent online (US was over $400 Billion). If you want some of this money to flow into your business then you need to make sure your business has website. Whether you are just starting out with a new business or project or whether you are an established company this really should be the minimum of your online presence. So if you have not yet done this then add it to your to do list and please make sure it is done in the next seven days. With social media, the picture of course becomes more complicated. Not only do businesses not know which platforms are best to use but also some mistakenly believe that it will not help their business. Make no mistake, if you get it wrong, social media can be time consuming and costly. However, do it right and it can make a difference to a business surviving and a business flourishing. Again the statistics are a little surprising - In 2018 only 60% of businesses are using social media. So why should you use social media in your business? Well for many companies the more customers they can find the better they do. So do you want your business to be sitting silently in the corner of the internet or do you want it to be active and engaging existing customers and attracting new ones? There are now over 4 Billion internet users globally and 3 billion of these are ACTIVE social media users. That is a lot of potential customers. What is more, over 90% will engage with social media on their mobile device. That means your customers can engage with your business wherever they are – but only if they can find you! Want to know more? Check out our website http://bit.ly/2Km2eca
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Be kind to unkind people.. via @QuoteBeauties

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