Butler College Chamber Choir

4.5 star rating

About Butler College Chamber Choir

Butler College Chamber Choir is a social choir from Durham University who performs across Durham with monthly services at St. Cuthbert's Church, North Road



Butler Chamber are running another open rehearsal on the first Tuesday back from term.
If you are interested in singing with a relaxed but high quality choir, come along to the Butler Music Room at 7.30 on Tuesday 15th January.
Whether you are a seasoned choral singer or a first-timer, this choir caters for all.
... No auditions. No stress.
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Josephine Butler College Chamber Choir are performing their first concert of the year!
We are giving you a Christmas treat selection of varied and exciting choral music, including church classics, Gilbert and Sullivan, modern bangers, and a healthy dose of Christmas carols to get you in the mood for the festive season.
... Tickets are £5 to be bought on the door. We hope you are as excited as we are!
Saturday 8th December 3-4pm at Durham Community Association, Shakespeare Hall, North Road, DH1 4SQ.
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If you're interested in joining Butler Chamber Choir for a relaxed but focused musical experience, come along to our taster session in Freshers' Week, taking place at 1.30pm in the music room at the back of the Howlands Building.


The final member of this year's exec is Hamish Garland.
Hamish is a 2nd year French and Spanish student who sings Tenor with Butler Chamber Choir, and as this year's Publicity Officer, is the one who will be annoying the hell out of you with all his posts! Outside the choir, he enjoys playing mixed lacrosse for the college, and taking part in Durham Student Theatre, most recently the Opera Ensemble's production this summer of HMS Pinafore. He is very much looking forward to seeing how his close friend Nathan develops and improves the choir this year, and he is particularly excited about seeing all the members of the choir again after such a long time apart!
Keep on following our updates on Facebook and Instagram @butlerchamber


Coming up, the one and only Tessa Bailey!!!
Tessa is a 4th year music student who is very excited to be this year's Social Secretary for Butler Chamber Choir. She has been a member of jazz band and wind group at Butler, and has been the President of the choir for the past two years. She is now super excited to pass on the reigns to Nathan and see how he develops the group. Outside of music, she is also a key member of STAB, and was social secretary for them last year. She is keen to use those organisational skills again to get club wristbands for the choir! She is most looking forward to seeing everyone at the lively and friendly socials she has planned for the coming year!
Keep on following our updates on our Facebook page and on Instagram @butlerchamber


Next up we've got Le Grand Fromage, Nathan Smith!
Nathan is a second year music student, who is Butler Chamber Choir's President for this year. In his own words, "music is my life", and he is a strong baritone as well as being a fantastic pianist and conductor. His real passion is Gilbert and Sullivan, and he also enjoys Opera. He is Musical Director for the Durham Opera Ensemble's production this term, and has also acted in their performance of the Magic Flute, and been Assistant Musical Director and Repititeur in last year's HMS Pinafore. He is hugely enthusiastic about Chamber Choir's potential this year, and is most excited about getting to work with some great singers who he can call his uni family!
Keep on following out updates on Facebook and Instagram @butlerchamber


Next up on the exec for 2018/19 is Olivia "Sort-it-out" Nagle!
Olivia is a Geography second year who sings soprano for Butler Chamber Choir, and will be keeping us all in check this year as our Secretary. Music is her passion, and she sings with Butler Jazz Band, as well as the University Choral Society. Outside university she enjoys volunteering and travelling abroad, working in exotic locations like Sri Lanka and Fiji. This year she is most excited about welcoming all the new members to the choir and singing some new and varied music!
You can now also follow us on Instagram @butlerchamber for more exciting posts and stories from our rehearsals!


GREETINGS BUTLER CHAMBER CHOIR FRIENDS AND FANS! Now we know you're all as excited as we are about the new term so we thought we'd take this opportunity to introduce you to our exec for 2018/19! First up is our very own Treasurer, Sassy Dave!
David Evans (aka Sassy Dave) is a PhD Maths student who sings Bass/Tenor in the Butler Choir and is this year's Treasurer. He is one of Butler's old guard first joining in 2009. He has been the founding treasurer of 4 Butler societies, a...s well as being the former JCR Treasurer and MCR President. He currently works full-time as the Students' Union Postgraduate Academic Officer, with the pleasure of being paid to shout at the university with the hope of improving it! Aside from belting out bass in the choir (or tenor if we're a bit light), Dave enjoys looking disappointed while cycling across the Northeast, strategy games, and 'appreciating' fine scotch whisky. This year he's looking forward to the Christmas concerts - a few carols with the prospect of a mince pie after!
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