Buying Businesses For A Living

About Buying Businesses For A Living

Mr. Sebastian Amieva is offering one on one Business Mentoring Program to entrepreneurs, leaders, CEO’s and owners who would like to learn about business acquisitions.

Buying Businesses For A Living Description

Mr. Sebastian Amieva is offering one on one Business Mentoring Program to entrepreneurs, leaders, CEO’s and owners who would like to take their lifestyle to a whole new level.



Today I’m Going to Share with You The 12 Steps You Need To Buy Your First Business Without Your Own Capital!
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👨‍💼 Start Your Entrepreneurial Journey Buying a Businesses With little to No Money Down!
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How to Become a People's Reader?
Negotiation is an emotional intelligence (EQ) skill and you can continue to build your EQ up through your mid 80’s! It’s not like IQ which is pretty much fixed (like you height). No matter how much milk you drink (trying to build strong bones) you’ll only get but so tall.
No matter how much chess you play or IQ building games you play, your IQ is pretty much fixed. Good EQ based negotiation is something you can build and build.
... Small amounts of practice reading between the lines and reading people in general will pay off quickly. Start by taking educated questions with people about what they’re thinking and what’s driving them. Do it with people and in support of them and they will be happy to tolerate your errors and even guide you into more accurate reads.
A great negotiator is a great reader of people. If you seen someone who looks a little distressed say “Long day?” You’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much they appreciate it and it will immediately begin to build your EQ negotiation capacity.
Even Donald Trump, a highly assertive negotiator who may not “seem’ to many to be particularly focused on EQ, talks a great deal about his ability to read people. The better your read the better able you are to predict what kinds of deals they will not only make, but what they will honor.
Start your interactions with people by telling them what EQ state you read on them or hear in their voice. “You look happy today”. You’ll love how quickly you get good at this. You’ll also need to get over your initial discomfort at doing this. The real barrier to learning this skill in not the complexity of the skill but how awkward you feel doing it.
A great negotiator doesn’t take themselves hostage. Practice politely declining a deal. Practice politely declining an aspect of the deal and still continuing to talk. Envision keeping your cool when the other side is getting a little accusatory.
“I’m sorry but I’m afraid that doesn’t work for me” is a polite way to decline a term or even a whole deal.
Anytime you envision calm under pressure, even a feeling of satisfaction of remaining calm while others don’t, you’ve prepared yourself to perform under pressure. Under pressure, people don’t rise to the occasion, they fall to their highest level of preparation.
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You do not need to have a million dollars in your bank account in order to buy a million dollar business....
Owners often get frustrated with the businesses they’re in. After spending an entire career building something, it’s easy to find yourself disillusioned by the business, and simply feel trapped. Businesses like this are prime opportunities for you to come in and take over with a low little as just one dollar.
... Learn what you can do to to buy low and sell high in “Buying Business for a Living” Mentoring Program.
Some sellers just want out, and if you listen for their pain points, they’ll be able to push the right buttons to help them make a decision. You might be surprised what happens when you help facilitate them making a decision that works out well for both of you.
Learn how in “Buying Business for a Living”
Sebastian Amieva
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Start or Buy a Business?
It’s usually a mistake to believe in the fallacy of: “Find a need and fill it.” That’s too risky. It suggests starting a business.
Clever people find a profitable business and buy it.
... Remember what happened to the pioneers and settlers. The pioneers had a great idea, and while they were trying to prove it, they got arrows in their back. Later, the settlers moved in and built this country.
Starting a franchise can be faster than starting an independent, but purchasing an existing business bypasses the startup phase, which means you make money beginning the day you buy the established company.
Remember: Unless you buy an existing franchise location, you’re starting a business; you’re adding to the competition and the market share (pie slices) become smaller for most if not all the competitors!
Buy, don’t start, a business. Buying a business is usually cheaper, faster, safer and more profitable than starting one. By purchasing a business, you don’t add to the competition. You get a business’ profit—from day one. When you start a business, however, the cash flow is from your pocket out the door. Think about it.
If you do a startup, you go into competition with everyone else in the industry. If you can buy cheaper, why start? There’s another reason not to start a business. Most of them fail!
Buy an existing winner if you want to win.
But . . . You can’t BUY the right business if you can’t FIND it!
Follow me to learn more.
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How We Bought Shares from an International Company with No money Down? Visiting the Tea field in Taiwan.


Kill the Indecisiveness and Increase Your Confidence with the Right Mentor. Network with doers and Not just talkers, Sebastian Amieva has real-life expertise in scaling startups and buying Business for a living.
Are you ready for an extraordinary partnership together? *Start the Mentoring Program This Month.
... Book a Complementary 30 minutes Call Today *Attention: Very Limited Space.
Photo: Sebastian Amieva in China. #Mentor #Mentoring #Entrepreneurs
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11 Steps to Buy a Business.
1. Contact the business owner.
The first step is to make a phone call and discuss your target’s interest. That discussion allows you to gauge the target’s interest level and whether proceeding makes sense. Knowing how to make a pitch is an art, and believe it or not, being a Buyer is far more difficult than being a Seller!
... 2. Send/receive a Teaser. The teaser (sometimes called an executive summary) is the document Seller sends to Buyer to give Buyer just enough information (the product, the customers, the problem the company solves, and some high-level financials) to make Buyer want to learn more. The teaser is usually anonymous; that is, Buyer doesn’t know which specific company is sending the document.
3. Sign a NDA (Non Disclosure Agreement) Both sides agree to keep the deal discussions and materials confidential.
4. Send/review the confidential information memorandum (CIM). The CIM or deal book is the Seller’s bible and provides all the information (including company history, product descriptions, financials, customer info, and more) Buyer needs to determine whether to make an offer.
5. Submit/solicit an indication of interest (IOI). Buyer expresses interest in doing a deal by submitting this simple written offer, most often with a valuation range rather than a specific price.
6. Conduct management meetings. Buyer and Seller get a chance to meet face to face. In these meetings, Seller provides Buyer with an update of the business and guidance for future performance. Additionally, both sides gauge how compatible they are.
7. Ask for or submit a letter of intent (LOI). Based on the material in the CIM and on the updates from the management meetings, Buyer submits this detailed offer with a firm price.
8. Conduct due diligence. In the due diligence phase, Buyer examines Seller’s books and records to confirm everything Seller has claimed.
9. Write the purchase agreement. Buyer and Seller memorialize the deal in this legally binding contract.
10. Close the deal. Closing is rather anticlimactic: Both sides sign lots of papers, Buyer gives Seller the money, and Seller gives Buyer the company.
11. Handle any post-closing adjustments and integration. Closing isn’t the end of the deal. Buyer and Seller usually have some post-closing financial adjustments, and Buyer has to integrate the acquired company into the parent company or make sure it can continue to operate as a standalone business.

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10 traits of an Expert Negotiator
Sebastian Amieva studied negotiation at Harvard and in one of the workshops he learned about the famous book: Getting to Yes by Patrick Kennedy.
... The 10 traits of a Great Negotiator
1 Always be prepared. You need to know as much as you can about the other party-topic-project.
2 Find a common Ground: start negotiating finding a common ground and finding common interest.
3 Talk less listen more.. Silence makes some people feels awkward, and less talk means less mistakes.
4 Plan your flow of proposals it will give you more room to negotiate.
5 Show respect for people. Give respect and you will get respect.
6 Do not take your negotiations personally and try to don’t show your emotions.
7 Seek for alternative options, try to find secondary options. Create different sceneries.
8 Be aware of what you are willing to accept. No all negotiations are planned ahead.
9 Accept the fact that negotiating is essential. Keep in mind that without negotiating you won’t be able to create a positive outcome in your decisions.
10 Finally dress smart and print all emails-conversations, bring extra information to the table showing you studied everything.
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