Buzzwords - Copywriting, Seo And Pr

About Buzzwords - Copywriting, Seo And Pr

Buzzwords' Copywriting, SEO and PR Services All the support you need to achieve ongoing commercial success with creative copywriting techniques, results-orientated SEO and imaginative PR solutions. www. buzzwords. ltd. uk

Buzzwords - Copywriting, Seo And Pr Description

Buzzwords provides you with a cost-effective freelance copywriting resource that adds value across the full marketing spectrum

Copywriting services that add real value to your marketing activities are priceless. With Buzzwords’ vast freelance copywriting experience, you have never-ending access to a massively valuable marketing resource.

Established by Mike Beeson over 20 years ago, Buzzwords works with companies of every type and size. That includes hundreds of UK advertising and design agencies, blue-chip organisations and small to medium-sized businesses (SMEs). Whether you want copywriting for standalone projects or volume work requiring the services of a UK copywriting agency team, Buzzwords has the freelance resources you need.

The benefits of using a freelance copywriter – and Buzzwords’ freelance copywriting services in particular! - have never been more compelling:

• You’ll find that Buzzwords is far less expensive than big ad agencies – that means the same quality of work at a fraction of the price!
• A flexible approach means you pay only for what you need!
• Buzzwords is quick! Quick response, quick solutions and quick turn-round – and the tightest of deadlines are met every time. . . GUARANTEED!
• Buzzwords means ‘business words’ - a business-focused freelance copywriting service based on many years’ involvement with real-life marketing scenarios
• Buzzwords’ complete service ranges from advertising to print media, to website copywriting and SEO, to PR and direct mail.


Website copywriting

There's no doubt that website copywriting and search engine optimisation (SEO) go hand in hand. Since Google's 2011 'Panda Update' - which changed the criteria for ranking website pages - there's now a greater emphasis on website copy that is fluent, original and relevant to the promises made in its meta tags. On-page SEO success can no longer be guaranteed by keyword manipulation. Buzzwords' website copywriting techniques have always looked to usability and quality content as the twin pillars of winning client approval. Google's Panda Update is a powerful vindication of this copywriting approach.

SEO copywriting

Search engines are continually refining their algorithms to provide website users with the best quality and most relevant search results. Ten years ago, it was possible to manipulate web page rankings by the clever use of keywords. Today, that is less likely. Keywords are still important of course. What has changed is the increased focus on the quality and originality of the content in assessing the 'value' of a page. This doesn't just apply to website pages. SEO copywriting techniques extend across the whole online marketing spectrum from online PR to article marketing, to newsletter and case study copywriting - anywhere in fact where quality content and keyword relevance will enhance the search experience.

Online copywriting

Providing premium quality copy is a priority with all Buzzwords' online copywriting projects - and this is reflected in rates which are sensible, affordable and commercially realistic. So many online content copywriters have 'commoditised' their services by pandering to the mass market with rates which are unsustainable (in the UK at least). The content quality suffers because of this and, with it, the user experience and standing of the website as a whole in the 'eyes' of search engines (which will mark down even the most cleverly optimised page if the content is poor). Take a look at the various online copywriting options available from Buzzwords, and the innovative ways of saving money on services tailored to your needs.

Newsletter copywriting

Buzzwords' vast experience of writing and producing newsletters provides companies of all types and sizes with a unique marketing opportunity. The flexibility of newsletters enables B2B companies to keep in regular contact with staff, clients and suppliers. Newsletters are also an important part of the PR mix for consumer goods companies looking to develop their CRM and scope for 'cross-selling'. In all cases, newsletters provide ongoing opportunities to maximise your investment in case study copywriting by featuring your company's latest success stories. All this is available in packages which include design and print (for traditional newsletters) or design, coding and optional user analysis (for online newsletters). Mike Beeson is a Member of the National Union of Journalists and expert at information gathering and editing, staff and client interviewing.

Case study copywriting

With Buzzwords' huge experience of this copywriting genre, the mechanics of acquiring and assembling your case study information are taken as read. Equally important is making sure you squeeze as much as possible from every success story that has the potential to make a convincing case study. Optimised case studies, for example, make first-class web content. A really strong case study can be used as a lead feature in your company newsletter. And annual reports often benefit from the 'human touch' that a case study can bring. A printed-up collection of your best case studies often makes a persuasive piece of marketing collateral when used as a mailshot or sales aid, for instance. Case studies headline perfectly in a slide presentation and, budget allowing, can blend seamlessly into a short video about your project or product.

Brochure copywriting

Unlike many online copywriting techniques, brochure copywriting has to work within the discipline of a pre-determined number of pages, page sizes and formats. That's certainly the case when the whole process is design-led (for which, read the sub-text: "led by the client's budget"! ). Of course, online brochures and PDFs place similar constraints on copywriters. Brochure copywriting is a 'linear' process - as opposed to the more 'circular' logic associated with website copy. As such, it's important to have a well-defined and logical path for the information being included - a sitemap for the two-dimensional mind! It's also important to work out what facts to include and what to leave out. That may sound simple enough, but the skill required to achieve a free-flowing and creative sales argument within a heavily proscribed format can tax even the weightiest copywriter. Read on to find out how Buzzwords approaches the challenging world of brochure copywriting!

Catalogue copywriting

Whilst the catalogue format may place uncomfortable constraints on a naturally expansive copywriter, the disciplines involved in trying to fit 'a quart into a pint pot' can be an interesting challenge. In my experience, this has often been accompanied by time constraints for the simple reason that catalogues - by definition - contain many items and therefore demand a 'sleeves rolled-up' approach! Where catalogue work does become enjoyable, however, is in devising creative headlines for products and so-called 'policy pages'. Parallels with advertising copywriting can be found here - especially off-the-page ads - where product benefits have to be installed within a short bank of words. With catalogue copywriting, space limitations allow for even less fat on the bone.

Advertising copywriting

Traditional offline advertising copywriting requires a wide range of skills to suit an equally wide range of media. Buzzwords' main focus has always been on press advertising - for both B2B and consumer ads. And whilst the common thread is to provide eye-catching creative concepts and persuasive body copy that cleverly encapsulates the main selling points, there are vast differences in the skills needed for, say, long-copy direct response ads, corporate advertising, and the obvious differences in writing for the trade press or Sunday supplements. Mike Beeson has written for most advertising genres and can call upon the support of creative art directors who can provide the necessary artwork in whatever format the publication needs. Although the skills of an advertising copywriter have to take account of the media where the ad will appear, it's not normally part of their job description to advise on specific media. However, for clients who need a complete advertising package that also includes media buying at attractive discounted rates, Buzzwords can help.

Radio advertising copywriting

Buzzwords can provide you with standalone radio advertising scripts - or handle the studio production and airtime-buying in one complete package on your behalf. Writing memorable radio ads that work is not as easy as it looks. Everything starts with the central idea. This has to be unusual enough to stand out from the mass of other ads and programmes - yet relevant enough to your product or service for listeners to make an immediate emotional connection in their minds' eye. Radio scripts should be memorable and entertaining - without being primarily about entertainment! This is often a fine line to tread and one which only an experienced radio copywriter can handle well. It's important too that the script lends itself to an appealing interpretation by studio technicians. Advice on this crucial aspect of radio advertising - and the best ways to maximise returns on your airtime budget - is available from Mike Beeson.

Sales letter copywriting

The techniques associated with sales letter copywriting are alive and well - and living online for much of their existence. You'll already know that they come in the shape of impressive landing pages that sometimes go on for ever (certainly in their US incarnations! ). Printed UK versions from companies such as Reader's Digest historically relied on length for their effectiveness - or that's the received wisdom. There's something reassuring about a long letter. It's as though the writer is saying: "There's so much that's so absolutely amazing about XYZ, I'm falling over myself with PS's and PPS's, underscores, capitalisation and yellowed text! " In the UK, there probably isn't the same appetite for US-style blockbusters. Nonetheless, there seems to be an increasing number of online marketers who've been touched by the contagion. Sales letters in print can still be found. No less a company than Google uses them (short ones! ) - so that should tell you something. A letter in the post is more of a rarity nowadays, and it's not competing with as much junk mail as in the 'old days'. Even better, what could be more welcome than a letter that contains a fantastic offer instead of the usual bills, statements and tax demands? Sales letter copywriting? It's an opportunity that's come full circle. To find out more, talk to Mike Beeson today!

Copywriting for PR

Companies looking for the direct results that copywriting can achieve in a PR context should consider a freelance copywriter as a useful and cost-effective option. Buzzwords has huge experience of media relations (including the online version over the past few years! ) across many business sectors. A well-written press release with just the right angle can make the difference between a story being accepted or 'spiked'. Giving responsibility for this to an experienced and CIPR-recognised copywriter like Mike Beeson makes plenty of sense. When it comes to distributing press releases, some clients do it themselves or entrust the entire process to Buzzwords who have useful contacts at the major newswires. Other PR-related functions where we have proven expertise include newsletter copywriting, case study copywriting, annual report copywriting and article marketing.

Annual report copywriting

Annual reports are important business documents that have to tread a fine line between legal compliance and accuracy on the one hand, and a clear, attractive presentation on the other. Buzzwords can provide highly readable copy with the air of authority you need. The presentational side is handled by colleagues with quality experience in this field. Their expertise ranges from design and photography to print and online coding, as well as essential knowledge of the financial and legal requirements for annual report content. Buzzwords' copywriting skills lie in providing clear, approachable copy that will appeal to - and be understood by - a wide range of stakeholders. To find out more, talk to Mike Beeson today about your specific copywriting requirements - or how we can work together to co-ordinate all aspects of your next annual report.

Article marketing

If you're not already aware of the link-building power of article marketing - let Buzzwords show you how it's done! Mike Beeson can write your keyword-optimised articles and provide valuable advice on effective distribution via top-rank online directories. A major flaw in the article marketing campaigns of so many companies lies in their disregard for article quality. This is missing out on a big opportunity to position yourself as an expert in your field. High quality, informative articles that link back to to key pages on your website will enhance your company's reputation and provide pre-qualified extra 'traffic' for your website.

More about Buzzwords - Copywriting, Seo And Pr

Buzzwords - Copywriting, Seo And Pr is located at Manchester, United Kingdom
01457 764050