C Carters Estate Agents

Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 16:30
Sunday: 11:00 - 15:00

About C Carters Estate Agents

Helping people get moved and achieve their goals - we are experts in the local property market.



We have now signed up to list our properties on this new portal - dont forget to check it out
https://www.facebook.com/residentialpeopl e/?__tn__=kC-R&eid=ARBSGNB4MWLsuheRc 3nS1xiNkJL_YfQLEUXuCDcew09-R22aooHIIhsmF ltzPqh7yf6dMV6Tl4062IY12dBr6RRJEzrYdE73T j55QEr1sgTaSW8NdOdWUXa5-J2THlfp-D0KxFZf5 aq9Ycx2wNJXet481axQdCFlDWv4eKeOMUjdJ4l6Y w&hc_ref=ARRtbBBg4PexRCjILv6CojELDHJ -mZOXeI0Jw03Yo41fWNYBpI5t16gPdibSGWKI0J0 &fref=nf&__xts__[0]=68.ARDWro7OL c0fbsn0LyEdw7OLAQsdxcVwBqXXss00hldzj-NhW ...UvYdMQdl0AFhHkGO4Wx60dFgobng6w5hANdZy 3t1-XzWBeIURM0JhLXcdvaRPGGgHvU3HNPExZZXP 2PaWTpAYjhTUQP-Y4IVJ-XRhgU5WITsKKPsmEPGE F6spKA7-m8tAMlG6cOsf23Juq9iSs-AJ9N6Gknda RPp7DBSGi0aFHW3sjhC2kC8yd1Kd6NpDGkYMtefx HERgjdeyAEKDBvGIn5IqQOioJOb4uasJIvNC8N6G B4wBS-&ft[tn]=kC-R-R&ft[adid]=23 844507945030599&ft[qid]=681178298627 0786982&ft[mf_story_key]=-7141475488 623177429&ft[is_sponsored]=1&ft[ ei]=AI%40AQLv0cdirXkoyEKBcXHOPBUElS7tXHF eHoADrqXeqLwTNizDmacMdBIUI9ylKKU8KFvTXXY 8RvNJirItTpF18LlS&ft[top_level_post_ id]=2333742816926369&ft[content_owne r_id_new]=1785290185104971&ft[call_t o_action_type]=SIGN_UP&ft[page_id]=1 785290185104971&ft[src]=10&ft[st ory_location]=5&ft[story_attachment_ style]=share&ft[view_time]=158599181 7&ft[filter]=h_nor&ft[tds_flgs]= 3&ft[page_insights][1785290185104971 ][page_id]=1785290185104971&ft[page_ insights][1785290185104971][actor_id]=17 85290185104971&ft[page_insights][178 5290185104971][dm][isShare]=1&ft[pag e_insights][1785290185104971][dm][origin alPostOwnerID]=0&ft[page_insights][1 785290185104971][psn]=EntStatusCreationS tory&ft[page_insights][1785290185104 971][post_context][object_fbtype]=266&am p;ft[page_insights][1785290185104971][po st_context][publish_time]=1585752723& ;ft[page_insights][1785290185104971][pos t_context][story_name]=EntStatusCreation Story&ft[page_insights][178529018510 4971][post_context][story_fbid][0]=23337 42816926369&ft[page_insights][178529 0185104971][role]=1&ft[page_insights ][1785290185104971][sl]=5&ft[page_in sights][1785290185104971][targets][0][ac tor_id]=1785290185104971&ft[page_ins ights][1785290185104971][targets][0][pag e_id]=1785290185104971&ft[page_insig hts][1785290185104971][targets][0][post_ id]=2333742816926369&ft[page_insight s][1785290185104971][targets][0][role]=1 &ft[page_insights][1785290185104971] [targets][0][share_id]=0&ft[fbfeed_l ocation]=1&ft[insertion_position]=6& amp;ft[ordinal_position]=7%3A5&__md_ _=1
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Just saying x Have a good weekend and enjoy the predicted sunshine but remember to stay at home x


This is a really good idea from asda - volunteer card- have a look https://cards.asda.com/volunteer…


Just trying out a new portal so have shared a couple of listings to test out. Please have a look at https://www.residentialpeople.com/gb/


For residents in Lincolnshire
There are some fabulous community groups working hard to support volunteers in the area- and thank you for doing what you are doing.
It is absolutely crucial that each and every group or person registers by ringing this number- 01522 782189 or by completing an online form to register. https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/ 433
... Registering will help you in regards to insurance to make sure everyone is covered, will support you with governance, will ensure those who need help will get the help they need, it may also be able to offer some groups support financially too where possible.
It may also be the case that residents are relying on you right now, but you may also need to isolate yourself, so by residents who need help, and the groups who need help please registered it will really help.
There are also a number of scammers out there- so by the more people using the county number and email- then it will ensure those scammers can't filter through to cause damage to our most vulnerable residents.
Please do register- 01522 782189 or https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/xfp/form/ 433
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https://mcusercontent.com/…/3f3e2456-42 dc-4bbc-a38a-b07a12e…


We have updated our office window cards to say thank you to the nhs


I forgot to do our tune of the week on Sunday, so here is a very applicable one for right now! Hope you are all keeping safe #proudguildmember


I know many of you are finding lockdown quite difficult right now, so make sure you get online and join some live chats, zoom calls etc. One live chat I have been listening to is "I am Holly Matthews". Holly was an actress who then lost her husband and reinvented herself into a self development coach. She is a really cheery, happy lady but pulls no punches.She is very honest about her own trials and tribulations and how she is coping being at home on her own with her children She is doing lockdown lives every weekday at 10am - pop across at 10am tomorrow and have a listen
https://www.facebook.com/iamhollymatthews /


See you on the other side!
So, I have found today a really difficult one to be honest. Since March 16th, it has been full steam ahead to adapt working practises, to get as many sales through as possible before lockdown kicked in, to update clients, to deliver things out to people before I had to go into lockdown, to make my own business plan of action, and to try and work things out about how to make the best of this very tricky situation. I have spoken to some old employee...s, some old colleagues, some competitors and in a strange kind of way, it has been a wonderful opportunity to speak to people who I would not normally speak to. I have also spoken to agents across the country via various facebook groups - the support we have been showing each other has been truly humbling and beautiful - coming together in a time of fear and uncertainty to pick each other up. However, today I have spoken to so many people who are now being furloughed, and as such, we are saying our goodbyes. These are people who are all excellent at their jobs and have employers who have had to make very difficult decisions. It all feels a bit surreal and a bit empty - losing communication with a lot of people who have been part of an amazing support network. I guess the reality of the situation has really hit home and I have never been any good at goodbyes! So today, I have been saying to a lot of people "see you on the other side" and it seems to have stuck. There will be casualties of many different formats coming out of this current crisis, however, I am hopeful that all of the people I have had to say goodbye to today will be back at work soon, and we will be able to work together in one way or another again in much happier times. To all of my suppliers who have furloughed staff, thank you for your support so far and ........."SEE YOU ON THE OTHER SIDE". Sharon x #proudguildmember #kickcoronasbutt #seeyouontheotherside
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If you’ve been thinking about selling your property in Wisbech, it’s likely that you may wish to delay putting it on the market in the short term.
Here at C Carters we totally understand that, but you can use the extra time you have right now to get your property market-ready so that when the time comes, your property can go straight to market and achieve a quick sale.
Like many people, you may have unfortunately found yourself being forced into self-isolation during this dre...
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More about C Carters Estate Agents

C Carters Estate Agents is located at 5 Bridge Street, PE13 1AF Wisbech
01945588111 or 01406 490429
Monday: 09:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:00
Friday: 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday: 09:30 - 16:30
Sunday: 11:00 - 15:00