Calin Juravle

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 17:00
Friday: 07:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Calin Juravle

Aici, in acest spatiu, in acest fel, toate proiectele, ideile mele, toate cuvintele scrise sau spuse sper sa devina o lista pentru crearea unor exeperiente neprevazute, o experienta ce te va inspira, o inspiratie pentru creierul si sufletul tau.



#platestecupoezie #juliusmeinl


If you think they're just women, you'll be wrong.
Because they are crazy and smart, because they are quiet and genious.๐ŸŒธ
Whatever you are, today is about you. ๐Ÿ’“


Cum ziua buna se cunoaste de dimineata, asa si o saptamana buna se cunoaste avand o zi de luni productiva. ๐ŸŒค Astazi am inceput filmarile pentru un nou video pe youtube, cu mai multa energie si cu un vibe bun. Multumim pentru feedback-ul pozitiv & stay tunned!
... As the good day is known in the morning, so a good week is known by a productive Monday. ๐ŸŒค
Today we started filming for a new video on youtube, with more energy and a good vibe. Thanks for your positive feedback & stay tunned!
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Sper ca acest canal de Youtube sa fie mai mult decat o pagina de Youtube.
Am incercat in primul meu episod sa transmit cat mai mult din personalitatea mea de zi cu zi. Da, este plin de stangacii, dar am ales sa fiu realist, sa empatizez cu cei care incearca sa se autodepaseasca, dar si cu cei care au incercat si au esuat.
Primul meu episod nu este despre cum sa te exprimi coerent, despre idei explicate logic si schematic, prin acest episode am incercat sa arat cat este de e...motionant sa faci ceva nou, sa iti doresti ca tu sa devii cea mai buna versiune a ta.
Check it right here ๐Ÿ‘‡ _w
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"Modestia nu รฎnseamnฤƒ sฤƒ รฎศ›i negi atuurile, ci sฤƒ fii sincer รฎn legฤƒturฤƒ cu punctele tale slabe." - Rick Warren


A venit ziua in care zicem oficial: START! ๐ŸŽ‰ Acum doua saptamani am facut o promisiune si anume ca ne vom deschide un canal de Youtube, un canal educativ construit in jurul sumei a tuturor experientelor pe care le-am avut ca antreprenor la inceput de drum. Vom vorbi despre cum vrem sa crestem, sa ne perfectionam, despre greselile pe care le-am facut, dar si ce am invatat dar mai ales cum privim cu optimism spre viitor lansand 5 afaceri pe canalalul nostru de Youtube. โณ
Sunte...m CRAZY, vom esua sau vom invinge toate prejudecatile? Cert este ca o sa fie un canal plin de provocari, despre cum suntem noi in backstage si unde vom ajunge. ๐Ÿ” Daca voi ati vrea sa lansati cinci proiecte online care ar fi primul pas?
The day has come to say officially: START! ๐ŸŽ‰ Two weeks ago, we made a promise, that we will open a Youtube channel, an educational channel built around the sum of all our experiences I had as an entrepreneur at the beginning of the road.
We will talk about how we want to grow, improve, make mistakes, and learn, but especially how to look optimistically towards the future by launching 5 projects on our YouTube channel.โณ
Are we CRAZY, will we fail or we will overcome all the prejudices? To be fair, this chanel is going to be a challenger one, it is about how we truly are behind the scenes and where we will be at the end. ๐Ÿ” If you would want to launch five online projects that would it be the first step?
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Tot ce ai nevoie ca sa devii cea mai buna versiune a ta.๐Ÿ“–
Pasiune, creativitate si work out intelectual.
Ce te inspira, motiveaza sau reprezinta dintre obiectele de pe biroul tau? ๐Ÿ“š
... __________๐Ÿ–ฅ__________
All you need to become your best version. ๐Ÿ“– Passion, creativity and intellectual work out.
What inspires, motivates or represents you from the objects on your desk?๐Ÿ“š
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Dance your style


Who is God is my last art work!


Bohemian Rhapsody Poster Art


The story so far: Everything is permitted IN PROGRESS


Sometimes people love me Another time not so much! #Workinginprogress


Scenariul meu: ''Un diavol in chip de inger canta in clopotnita unei manastiri mai frumos decat toti ingerii de pe pamant si din cer! .... Si Dumnzeu vazand asta, l-a pus sa traga clopotele iar atunci a simtit linistea dinaintea Cuvantului...'' #digitalart in lucru


When you feel hungry like a wolf 5w&t=20s


When you feel motivated 100% 1E


When you feel like an entrepreneur rA

More about Calin Juravle

Calin Juravle is located at 12 Crawford Street, BL21JG Bolton
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 17:00
Friday: 07:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -