Callan Method English Express School

Monday: 08:00 - 22:45
Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:45
Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:45
Thursday: 08:00 - 22:45
Friday: 08:00 - 22:45
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Callan Method English Express School

English Express (Callan Method)
Classes: (www. english-express. co. uk)

***** English in a Quarter of the Time! *****

Callan Method English Express School Description

Speak English WELL. Learn English QUICKLY. (And cheaply! )

You can do all this at our English Express (Callan Method) classes. Come to our friendly Learning Store in Mozart Street.

You´ll soon be having conversations and discussions with whoever you like!



Practise the rhythm of the sentence to speak fluently.
Don't just repeat the words in order like a machine, but try to speak smoothly and rhythmically. You will be amazed by how much of an improvement you can make by doing this.
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod


#GrammarTips #CommonMistakes
Usando "since" em vez de "for": "I have lived in Tokyo since three months."
Os alunos sempre parecem escolher "since" por padrão. Na prática, "since" é usado quando se fala sobre pontos específicos no tempo:
... Since:
01:00 June my birthday
E para é usado quando se fala de períodos de tempo:
one day two weeks ten years
Em outras palavras:
"I have lived in Tokyo for three months."
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Some other ways to say 'wait' in conversation.
"Hang on a moment." "Just give me a minute." "Be with you in just a tick."
... #EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod
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Pare de olhar para o seu livro!
Se você estiver estudando seu livro na sala de aula, não estará se concentrando no professor. Qual é o sentido de vir para a aula apenas ler o seu livro? Leia o seu livro em casa e pratique falar em sala de aula. É por isso que você vem!
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod
Stop looking at your book!

If you are studying your book in the classroom, you will not be focusing on the teacher. What is the sense of coming to class just read your book? Read your book at home and practice speaking in classroom. That's why you come!

#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethodTranslated


Stop looking at your book!
If you study your book in class, you will not be able to focus on the teacher. What's the point of coming to class just to read your book? Read your book at home and practice speaking in the classroom. That's why you're here!
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod


Não seja preguiçoso! Fale sem ajuda!
Se você já praticou uma pergunta muitas vezes antes, então você deve saber bem a resposta. Não espere que o professor lhe dê a resposta, mas tente responder rapidamente por conta própria.
Se isso é difícil, então você precisa de mais prática. Pratique até que seja uma ação reflexa, para que você não precise pensar na resposta.
... #CallanMethod #LearnEnglish #EnglishExpress
See MoreDon't be lazy! Talk without help!

If you have ever practiced a question many times before, then you must know the answer. Don't wait for the teacher to give you the answer, but try to answer quickly on your

If this is hard then you need more practice Practice until it's a reflex action, so you don't need to think about the answer

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A cool tip to practise mastering the present perfect and past simple!
1. Think of a past action, e.g. breakfast.
... 2. Now think of a time that's finished, e.g. this morning.
3. Now think of a time that's still going on, e.g. today.
4. Now practise switching between past simple and present perfect: "I ate breakfast this morning. I've eaten breakfast today. I ate breakfast this morning. I've eaten breakfast today..."
5. Repeat until it becomes natural to you.
6. Think of another past action and go through the stages again.
Do you find this helpful? If so, like the post or comment below!
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Quick tip on how to speak more rhythmically in order to improve your English.


Concentre-se nos verbos auxiliares!
A maioria dos erros ocorre quando o aluno esquece ou faz mau uso de um verbo auxiliares. Mas estes também são os erros mais fáceis de corrigir pela repetição. Mas talvez por serem palavras tão pequenas, os alunos não as consideram importantes. Isso é um grande erro! Concentre-se em praticar auxiliares até que eles se tornem uma segunda natureza. Seu inglês provavelmente melhorará drasticamente!
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod
Focus on auxiliary verbs!

Most mistakes occur when the student forgets or makes bad use of an auxiliary verb. But these are also the easiest mistakes to correct by repetition. But maybe because they are such small words, students don't consider them important. That's a big mistake! Focus on practicing helpers until they become a second nature. Your English will probably improve dramatically!

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English Express now has 3000 likes!
A big thank you to everyone who made this possible.
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod


Focus on auxiliaries!
Most mistakes occur when the student forgets or misuses an auxiliary. But these are also the mistakes that are easiest to correct by repetition. But perhaps because they're such small words students don't consider them important. This is a big mistake! Focus on practising auxiliaries until they become second nature. Chances are your English will drastically improve!
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90% of fluency is in memorising the auxiliaries and verb form. Therefore it makes sense to concentrate on this part of the sentence above all else.
But when I ask a question like, "Where will you be living in ten years time?" many students immediately start thinking about the information in the sentence (the country or city they'll be living in) instead of focusing on the opening, and most important part of the sentence (I'll be living in...). Then when they sta...rt speaking they've already got stuck and make mistakes as a result.
So many mistakes can be avoided if you just concentrate on the opening portion of the sentence instead of the informtion (which isn't even that important in class. Honestly, no one will care where you're living in ten years time so long as the sentence makes grammatical sense!) By doing this you'll force your mind into answering correctly every time.
Get your mind into good habits in class and you won't make mistakes in the real world.
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Ain't Nothin' But... Blues Bar, Soho
Rated one of the best blues bars in all of London, Ain't Nothin' But is a blues experience like no other! Listen to live bands and blues singers from all over the world, all completely free before 8.30pm! The bar gets full very quickly, so make sure you arrive with plenty of time to spare, or you might find yourself out in the cold!
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Aprenda a memorizar verbos auxiliares como um único cluster. Isso torna as estruturas gramaticais complexas muito mais fáceis de usar.
Por exemplo, o presente contínuo perfeito, I've been doing/living/studying etc, é mais lembrado por memorizar a parte de abertura como uma única sentença: "I've been".
... Então, é simplesmente uma questão de adicionar o verbo de sua escolha no formulário -ing (o particípio presente). Pratique com outras pessoas (you've been, she's been, we've been etc.) para completar.
Não se preocupe com o resto da frase agora porque 90% dos erros cometidos pelos alunos (na minha experiência) usaram os verbos auxiliares incorretamente.
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod
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Learn how to memorize auxiliary verbs as a single cluster. This makes complex grammatical structures much easier to use.

For example, the perfect continuous gift, I've been doing / living / studying etc, is more remembered for memorizing the opening part as a single sentence: "I've been".

So, it's simply a matter of adding the verb of your choice in the form-ing (the present participle) Practice with other people (you've been, she's been, we've been etc. ) to complete.

Don't worry about the rest of the sentence now because 90 % of the mistakes made by the students (in my experience) used the auxiliary verbs

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#EnglishTips #AdvancedEnglish
Learn to memorise subjects and auxiliaries as a single 'phrase'. This makes complex grammatical structures much easier to use.
For instance, the present perfect continuous, I've been doing/living/studying etc, is better remembered by memorising the opening part as one single phrase: "I've been."
... Then it's simply a matter of adding the verb of your choice in the -ing form (the present participle). Practise with the other persons (you've been, she's been, we've been etc) for completeness.
Don't worry about the rest of the sentence for now, as 90% of the mistakes students make (in my experience) come in using the auxiliaries and their subjects incorrectly.
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Você está cometendo esse erro comum quando fala?
É muito comum que estudantes de idiomas derivados do latim digam algo como o seguinte:
"My friend he said to me..."
... Embora isso esteja correto em espanhol, português, italiano, etc., não está correto em inglês. Em vez disso, nós simplesmente diríamos:
"My friend said to me..."
Embora seja muito fácil consertar o erro, pode ser difícil eliminá-lo na prática. Tente ouvi-lo na próxima vez que falar, como pode acontecer quando você não está prestando atenção.
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod
See MoreAre you making this common mistake when you speak?

It is very common for Latin language students to say something like the following:

"My friend he said to me..."

Although this is correct in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, etc., it is not correct in English. Instead, we would simply say:

"My friend said to me..."

Although it is very easy to fix the mistake, it can be difficult to eliminate it in Try to hear it the next time you talk, how can it happen when you're not paying attention.

#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethodTranslated


Are you making this common mistake when speaking?
It is very common for students of Latin-derived languages to say something like the following:
"My friend, he said to me..."
... While this is fine in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian etc, it is not correct in English. Instead we would simply say:
"My friend said to me..."
While this is a very easy mistake to correct, it can be difficult to eliminate in practice. Try listening out for it the next time you speak, as it can slip in when you're not paying attention.
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The Wallace Collection, Manchester Square
The Wallace Collection is one of the premier art galleries in London, with paintings by Old Masters such as Rembrandt, Titian (Tiziano Vecelli), and Diego Velasquez. And it's totally FREE to view!
... Get some culture in your life, and head down there straight away!
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Não cometer esse erro!
Quando usamos 'deve', imediatamente seguimos a palavra com o infinitivo, não 'para'. Este é um erro comum que pode ser corrigido com a prática. Tente repetir essas frases simples.
... I must study a lot I must work hard I must sleep more I must eat well I must practice this word!
#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethod
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Don't make that mistake!

When we use ' MUST ', immediately we follow the word with the infinitive, not ' for ' This is a common mistake that can be fixed with practice. Try to repeat these simple phrases.

I must study a lot
I must work hard
I must sleep more
I must eat well
I must practice this word!

#EnglishExpress #LearnEnglish #CallanMethodTranslated


É um lugar maravilhoso e aconchegante que desperta diariamente o meu interesse por estar lá. Isto ocorre porque, muito além da necessidade de aprender inglês, somos sempre muito bem acolhidos pelas doces meninas da recepção, temos excelentes e divertidos professores, além de colegas de todas as nações.

Já estou ficando com saudades!�

Levarei vocês comigo para sempre: na memória e no coração!�



very good method for quick learning


Very kind staff and excellent teachers, the lessons always make us improve our knowledge of English...I do recommend this institution!

Funcionários muito simpáticos e professores excelentes, as aulas nos estimulam sempre a melhorar...recomendo muito essa instituição!


Trata-se de uma instituição séria que se dedica diariamente ao aprendizado de forma simples e amigável.


This is by far the best English school in London, excellent teachers and very friendly stuff. But you should learn grammar and writing by yourself if you want a high level of English.


Nice School !


Incredible Teachers! Very friendly Staff and willing to help! The method used is best for training English and conversation. Super recommend it!


Good school for learning English, cheaper and high quality callan method is the best for leasing and speaking


Amazona scholl


Além de ótimos professores os quais nos auxiliam em todas as dúvidas, temos a simpatia das meninas da administração.. recomendo demais !

More about Callan Method English Express School

Callan Method English Express School is located at The Learning Store, 3 Mozart Street,, W10 4LA London, United Kingdom
0208 960 3282
Monday: 08:00 - 22:45
Tuesday: 08:00 - 22:45
Wednesday: 08:00 - 22:45
Thursday: 08:00 - 22:45
Friday: 08:00 - 22:45
Saturday: -
Sunday: -