Calm And Confident Birthing Consultancy

About Calm And Confident Birthing Consultancy

Birth Chemistry

Are you pregnant and want to attend an antenatal class but can’t commit to a 4 -6-week program? The Birth Chemistry workshop is the class for you!

Calm And Confident Birthing Consultancy Description

The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme Course.

The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme is a complete 10 hour programme that runs as 2 X 5 hour classes over a Saturday and a Sunday,

The course is also available in the privacy of your own home.

A workbook and 7 x mp3s are provided to support your practice at home.

Class one
• Explaining the relevance of the Hippopotamus
• The Picture of Childbirth today
• The Wise Hippo Birthing Programme materials
• Defining Hypnosis
• Acknowledging Pain
• The Physiology of Birth and the Impact of Fear
• Mind / Body connection
• The Impact of Others
• Taking charge of your thoughts

• Relaxation – the antidote to discomfort
• What is Relaxation?
• Positions for Relaxation
• Remember to Breathe
• Self-Hypnosis
• Eyes Open Hypnosis
• Time Distortion
• Anchoring
• Birth Partners Script
• Establishing a practice routine

Class two

• Prenatal bonding
• Choosing where to have your baby
• Choosing who will be with you when you have your baby
• Alternative options for promoting comfort
• Medical intervention
• Natural nudges of encouragement for your baby
• Interventions explained
• Benefits of a natural birth
• Writing your birth plan and making your birth choices
• Physical preparations for birth
• The mirror mantra
• Fear release session

• Soothing strokes and the power of positive touch
• Positions for birth
• Ligaments and pelvis
• Humming your baby down - birthing your baby
• Birth partner’s role
• Using the techniques during labour
• When baby arrives
• Sea of Serenity – Birth Hypnosis session
• Your practice and preparation diary

The Benefits of Hypnobirthing

* Teaches deep levels of relaxation to break the fear-tension- pain cycle

* Reduces the need for painkillers

* Potentially shortens labour

* Feel calmer and more control of the whole birthing process

* Lessens the need for medical intervention