Cambridge Tutors College

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Cambridge Tutors College

Independent sixth form college offering a World Class education

Cambridge Tutors College Description

Cambridge Tutors College (CTC London) is in Independent International Sixth Form awarded “Excellent” in ALL Categories by the Independent School Inspectorate (May 2017).

We have consistently high exam results

2016 A-Level Results

42. 9% = A* or A
72. 4% = A* to B
85. 1% = A* to C

65% of our students go on to Russell Group Universities.



Well done to our students for another excellent set of A-Level results. Congratulations also go to Chenming (Kevin) Wang from China who attained four A* grades in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Further Maths and he will now study Natural Sciences at Cambridge.


CTC Principal Dr Drew has been made a Founding Fellow (FCCT) of the Chartered College of Teaching. This is an accolade held by some of the most committed teachers and leaders, who have shown a significant and sustained contribution to the teaching profession and their own professional development. The Chartered College of Teaching aims to support all teachers to work in the most effective, informed way to provide the best possible education for children and young people now,... and in the future.
Being a Founding Fellow is the highest and most prestigious category of membership at the Chartered College of Teaching, and is a mark of Dr Drew’s achievements, skills and expertise as a teaching professional. Additionally, it is a formal recognition and celebration of his ongoing contribution to the profession.
As a Founding Fellow, Dr Drew has made a significant contribution to the teaching profession and has demonstrated critical evaluation and reflection of his own practice. He has committed to engaging in relevant, career-long professional learning, has expressed collegiality by supporting, and learning from, others and has adhered to high standards of professionalism. Dr Drew has engaged critically with research and evidence through the Chartered College of Teaching’s large database of research articles and journals.
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Artwork of the week - this is Yaxuan Huang's interpretation of a painting by Eian Uglow.


Artwork of the week - this is from Lin Chi's exam project on political events. She looked at Brexit in terms of the use of symbols, especially the Union Flag.


This week's 'Artwork of the Week' is by Xinyu Xu from her examination project based on the theme of 'light and dark'.


This painting is by Alex Popa Florea for his exam project on the theme of ‘light and dark’. Alex took inspiration from the Italian painter Caravaggio when arranging this composition, and he chose the theme of card games from his own interest in magic and card tricks.


The British Physics Olympiad is a prestigious annual competition run by Oxford University, aimed at the most able students. It is an excellent preparation for those applying to the top universities for Physics or Engineering.
CTC has frequently taken part in this competition and has achieved considerable successes, including the coveted gold award, obtained by Zhisheng Mao, now studying Physics with Theoretical Physics at Imperial College, London. Another former student, Yuan Yuan Sun (Sarah) is now at Oxford University studying Physics.
The photograph shows the two Gold Award winners with their book prizes: Chenming (Kevin) Wang and Zhetao (Thomas) Xu. Chenming has been offered a place at Robinson College, Cambridge to read Natural Sciences and Zhetao has been offered a place at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge to read Engineering.


CIFE Inter College Quiz champions
On the warmest early Bank Holiday in the UK since records began, CTC set off to participate in the CIFE Inter College Quiz Challenge 2018.
CIFE is a group of 23 Independent UK Colleges and this Challenge is a very sought after prestigious award and prize. Next door to the National History Museum, which looked stunning against the bright blue sky, the new venue was Baden Powell House.
... This is the headquarters of the Scouting movement, an organisation itself steeped in history and tradition. In all these wonderful surroundings, CTC settled down and the Quiz began.
The rounds were complex and challenging, Maths, Geography, General Knowledge, History, Science, the questions just kept coming. The quiz is varied and electronic in style, team questions and individual questions with no conferring. First finger first rounds, press quickly and correctly for extra bonus points, press wrong for deductions of severe penalties – up to 400 points can be removed!!!
The first two teams answering correctly in some rounds excluded teams from the next two questions. The rounds needed sharp attention to detail, speed of reaction as well as the correct answer and even some luck!
CTC stormed ahead in the first three rounds, being 1st place each time. Mrs Brown was on the CIFE Staff team, although not allowed in the quiz, their score was on display after each round and reached the highest position of 2nd at one point in the competition.
The rounds also included some fun questions, betting on horse races using probability and assessing risk and guess the unidentified food object using smell and sight only. The answers included fenugreek, pesto and mussels – all in 28 degrees heat!
After a delicious lunch, CTC had varied luck – some successful rounds and some low scores, but never giving up. At 3.30 pm all the rounds had been completed, CTC had just had an outstanding round on sport.
The result? FIRST PLACE TO CTC!!!
Well done to our amazing team:
CONDE Jan Michael Gwen KUKA Armedin LA Anh Duy WEIN Zhong Han WUISAN Tiemothy Richard David
Escorted on the day by Mrs Brown – who is still smiling, CTC is so proud of our wonderful students!!
The prize? You could not buy it!
The winning team will be taken to the House of Lords for tea, hosted by Lord Lexden in the Lords Tearoom, followed by a tour of the Lords and observing the House of Lords in session with prime public gallery viewing seats.
An amazing day and an amazing experience to come. Our congratulations and thanks go to our wonderful five CTC students! Well done team!
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The British Biology Olympiad (BBO) is a national competition run by the Royal Society of Biology. This year 7800 students participated in the competition nationwide.
Out of our 15 Year 12 and Year 13 students who entered, they achieved 4 silver medals, 6 bronze medals and 2 commendations.
Silver medalists:... Chyu Laing Yan Naing Mahta Vaez Alavi May Soe Soe Swe Thu Kha Moe
Bronze medalists: Sameel Ahmed Cindy Naw Olivia Exarchou Emirah Arjunaidi Jamaludin Zhen Hao Heng Xiang Tai Tan
Commended: Xinyue Hu Ophelia Chan
Congratulations to our outstanding Biologists for their achievements in this year’s competition.
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From an educational journey starting with long days and nights of study from an early age, Xiang Tai Tan has now received an offer to read Medicine at the University of Glasgow.
Xiang Tai was born in Malaysia and, since his parents were keen for their son to have a good education, they enrolled him in primary school in Singapore from the age of six. This involved a long and tiring commute so Tai would get up at 4.30am every morning to go to school alongside hundreds of other...
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For CTC student Chyu Lai Yan Naing, a childhood dream is getting closer after receiving an offer to read Medicine at university.
Chyu grew up in Myanmar and aspired to become a doctor because this career would enable her to combine her love of science with her desire to work with people and help them to achieve a better quality of life. To learn more about the profession, she organised work placements in a variety of hospital settings, and, through this, she could appreciate ...the demands her chosen career would make of her.
Knowing that she would need to demonstrate that she possessed the necessary skills herself, she worked with elderly people, communicating and empathizing with them, which gave her a tremendous sense of satisfaction. During her period of volunteering at a diabetes family camp, Chyu gained experience of working with children too so she knew she was comfortable relating to all ages.
Chyu was in no doubt that she had chosen the right profession so, after matriculating from High School in Myanmar, she entered the University of Medicine in Yangon. However, it had always been her dream to study in the UK so, when she was interviewed by CTC’s Senior Adviser, Mr David Wilson, and offered a scholarship to study at CTC, her dreams started to come true! Chu says, “I just couldn’t say no to an opportunity to study at a college with a strong history of academic excellence and to have an experience of living in London.”
Soon after arriving here, Chyu began to realise the hard truth of just how competitive it was to gain a place at medical school in the UK. Not only would she have to achieve the required grades but also she would have to demonstrate to her chosen universities that she had the skills and knowledge they were looking for. Added to this, she would have to sit the UKCAT but she was determined to succeed so she practised over and over until she was ready to sit this test; her hard work certainly paid off!
The final step was the interview but Chyu prepared herself well and kept up to date with medical issues in the media so she thoroughly deserved to receive her offer to read Medicine at the University of Central Lancashire. Chu says, “Thanks to the tutors from CTC, I did not have to worry much about the grades. Also, multiple mock interviews and detailed feedbacks of how I performed helped me a lot in preparing for interview”.
We wish Chyu the best of luck in her A-level exams this summer and hope to see her going off to medical school in the autumn!
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On 18 April, this year’s CIFE Academic Awards ceremony was held at the House of Lords. Lord Lexden OBE, who became CIFE President in 2013, presented the awards. It was a very special and important occasion for the students, their proud families and dedicated teachers. This year’s CTC award went to Darrell Lee!
Darrell joined CTC from Malaysia to join our 24-month A-Level course. He studied Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry and attained A* grades in all f...our subjects. A keen mathematician, Darrell has had a string of academic successes whilst at CTC including a Gold award in the 2015 and 2016 Senior Maths challenges, and Silver in the Chemistry Olympiad.
During Maths Masterclasses, he enjoyed applying his mathematical skills to the solution of real world problems. He also derived great pleasure from a talk at Imperial College on ‘How maths drives computing’ and he developed this theme further in his EPQ. He is now studying Civil Engineering at Imperial College, London.
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Congratulations to Ali Kayyale who has an unconditional offer to study Medicine at Barts and the London.
Growing up in war-torn Aleppo, Ali saw the devastating impact of a lack of medical care. He tells his story in his own words.
“I had always wanted to pursue a career where I could help people but growing up in Syria during the crisis strengthened my desire to study medicine. Getting into medical school isn’t easy however, no matter where you are in the world.
... I still remember the first day I arrived in the UK; almost immediately I was faced with deciding where I would spend the most definitive two years of my life. On visiting CTC, the staff immediately made apparent the supportive environment they provide for students. After I had seen the schedules, which ensured an effective balance between classroom learning and personal time, I knew that it was the one!
I entered CTC determined to reach my goal and prepared for the challenges that came with it. The challenges began with getting the grades required of me in an education system and language that were new to me. I still remember my first practical lessons, where I was not getting the expected results, until my teachers sat with me one-to-one and went through each step.
Finding myself in a new culture, away from my home, family, and friends, was also difficult, particularly as I went on to face other challenges, such as preparing for the UKCAT and admissions interviews. However, I soon found a home in CTC. Students were friendly, staff were supportive, and everyone cared about each other’s goals. Teachers always had individual plans to help each student get onto their chosen course, encompassing mock interviews, one-to-one sessions, and personal tutors who monitored every student’s progress.
Getting the grades did not mean getting the offer. Medical schools also assess non-academic criteria, which was well-supported by the College in the form of sports, debating, Biology club, and many more. I also undertook work experience and volunteering to strengthen my application. All of this contributed to me finally securing an offer to read Medicine at Barts and the London.
I am so grateful to have spent these two life-determining years at CTC, competing in sports, going on trips, and, most importantly, making friendships and memories that will last forever.”
Ali has an unconditional offer to read Medicine and will be going off to medical school in September. We wish him well!
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On Monday 16 April, CTC were represented at the Conservative Party Commonwealth Dinner at The Dorchester Hotel, London.
Dr Drew, CTC Principal, and Patricia Brown, Director of Welfare were guests at the dinner where Chancellor of the Exchequer, Phillip Hammond delivered a keynote speech.


CTC student Kiyana Hashemzadeh has been offered a place on the highly prestigious Photo Journalism degree course at the London College of Communication (UAL).
Her achievement is all the more remarkable considering the majority of students apply from Art Foundation courses.
Kiyana’s work explores photographic narratives of people from her home country of Iran and the U.K, and you will be able to see a selection of her captivating and highly engaging images in the CTC Art Exh...ibition later in the year.
Congratulations Kiyana!
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British Physics Olympiad: AS Physics Challenge 2018
The AS Physics Challenge is one of the British Physics Olympiad competitions run by Oxford University. It consists of a very demanding one-hour paper comprising questions that stretch lateral thinking skills and require candidates to apply fundamental physical principles to novel situations.
This year Tiemothy Wuisan, who started his studies here in January this year, asked to take part in the competition and obtained a Bro...nze 2 award. Congratulations Tiemothy!
He is pictured with Dr. Drew, the Principal, and Mr. Andrew Cook, his Physics tutor.
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Congratulations to two outstanding Chemistry students, Chenming (Kevin) Wang and Pongpanot (Thame) Sawakit who both achieved a Gold Award in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge, a competition open to students from all over the world. Both students are continuing their Chemistry studies at university: Chenming (Kevin) has an offer to read Natural Sciences at Cambridge and Pongpanot (Thame) has an offer to read Chemistry at Oxford.


On Tuesday, 6 February 2018, Ms Julia Plaistowe, Senior Advisor, together with Miss Thanida Techachokvivat, the Minister (for Education) and Miss Jaruwan Inpan, Education Officer, were amongst the visitors from the Office of Educational Affairs, The Royal Thai Embassy.
This was their annual visit to CTC and they met with our Thai student, Pongpanot Sawakit, who has been offered a place in Oxford to study Chemistry.
The visit gave our visitors a strong insight on how the students are prepared for university and the progress that is achieved whilst at CTC.


Why study at Cambridge Tutors College? Here are some "Excellent" reasons!…/excellent-isi-i nspection-march-2017/




It is an excellent teaching, prudent and understanding every subjects to revise the quality of good education. Carry on Cambridge. Thanks God always.


I love it


A wonderful place. Nice people, nice food, excellent teaching.




It is an excellent teaching, prudent and understanding every subjects to revise the quality of good education. Carry on Cambridge. Thanks God always.


I love it


A wonderful place. Nice people, nice food, excellent teaching.

More about Cambridge Tutors College

Cambridge Tutors College is located at Water Tower Hill, Croydon, Surrey CR0 5SX, CR0 5SX Croydon, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -