Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant

About Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant

Cambridge Weight Plan Consultant - have lost 4 stones and love helping others to do the same.

Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant Description

Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant Covering Maidstone (Kent) and the surrounding areas.



Routine is a funny thing. Yesterday I had a very productive day (even with jet lag!) and I wonder if it's because after 18 years of thinking that the new year officially started on the first day of school, I'm naturally hard-wired to have a spurt of energy in the first week of September.
Hardwired or not, I may be feeling productive but I also find this time of year exhausting. There is so much to organise, four months to get my head down so that I can switch off entirely fo...r the festive season (yes Im thinking about Christmas already, again, ingrained to think that the beginning of September also signals the beginning of the festive season).
So I thought I'd share my top tips on preventing exhaustion and making sure you take the next few months in your stride before the true madness of December hits!
1. Think about your diet - is it fuelling energy or exhaustion? It's a cruel cycle once you get into fuelling tiredness with sugar and caffeine. Instead try reducing your morning coffee to a single shot and maybe even think about decaff?
2. Down time is key. Make time for total switch off from social media, emails and Whatsapp. Just an hour a day of quiet time can make a big difference to your mood and stress levels. Take time to read, have a bath or meditate, whatever makes you feel relaxed. And remember you can do anything but you cant do everything!
3. Drink water. I mention this a LOT but we so often forget. If you don't already have a refillable bottle, go and get one and fill it up three or four times throughout the day. Being hydrated allows your body to function better on many levels.
Happy new year ;)
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Need some motivation? Lucy shares her success story. She completed her entire weightloss journey on Step 2 - three products a day and one small healthy meal - as she has endometriosis, a painful womb condition that can make losing weight difficult. And she still lost 10lb in her first week giving her the boost she needed to carry on!


Reminder: Getting on track with dieting can be discouraging, but it doesn’t need to be, if you have the right mindset. If you were learning to play the piano and hit a wrong key, you would never take that as a sign to give up completely. Mistakes happen in ALL areas of life but keep practicing and you’ll continue improving.


Do you want to lose weight well? You can with Cambridge Weight Plan and my one-to-one support to help you reach your weight loss goal! Message me now and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Looking for some delicious inspiration this Sunday but still want to stay firmly on track? Try this yummy chicken dish (steps 3 and 4)


If you eat out this weekend and stay in control, give yourself a lot of credit. When you get home make sure you don‚Äôt say to yourself, ‚ÄúI was so good, now I deserve to treat myself,‚ÄĚ because you will undo all your hard work. Losing weight is the best treat!


Don't let this be you! If you start to get off track this weekend, remember that there is no such thing as ‚Äúblowing it for the day,‚ÄĚ or, ‚Äúblowing it for the weekend.‚ÄĚ There is such a thing, however, as making a mistake on Saturday and continuing to make mistakes on Sunday. But there is also the possibility of making a mistake on Saturday, getting right back on track, and having a GREAT rest of the weekend.


Busy weekend ahead - some of these may come in handy? Plan ahead, stick to your plan and you can still have a great time and get slimmer too.


If you think, ‚ÄúNothing I do will make a difference,‚ÄĚ remind yourself, ‚ÄúThat‚Äôs not true! EVERYTHING I do makes a difference. Every time I overcome a craving, make a plan and stick to it, resist the urge to eat for emotional reasons, etc., I make it easier and more likely I‚Äôll be able to do it again the next time. I need to remember that losing weight is not one big change I make, rather it‚Äôs the sum total of all the small changes.‚ÄĚ


Another great success story with #cwp #cambridgeweightplan


Let's do it!


Have you brought a little excess baggage back from holiday? We can soon sort that. Get in touch


QUESTION: What is your favourite way to use vegetables as a healthy swap? ‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚† Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä‚†Ä An easy and healthy swap is to look for a rice alternative such as brown rice, cauliflower rice, or zucchini noodles.
See above how many calories you can save by making the changes.


‚ėēÔłŹ STARBUCKS SWAP! - ūüíÉūüŹĽ The food and drink choices you make (or don‚Äôt make) will have quite an impact on your fitness progress - like changes in bodyweight, how your clothes fit (or don‚Äôt fit) and how you FEEL! ‚†Ä‚†Ä ūü§™ And while it may seem like an obvious swap, saving 385 calories from a beverage at Starbucks can REALLY add up!... ‚†Ä‚†Ä ūü§ĒThink about it‚Ķ if you make this swap twice a month for a year‚Ķ 24 times‚Ķ you‚Äôd save 9,240 calories and that would be almost equal to losing an extra 2.65 POUNDS OF FAT! That is insane! (Plus, you‚Äôll save some ¬£ too). ‚†Ä‚†Ä ūüėĆ So while the choice is ultimately yours - and yes, you can drink either option and make progress - keep in mind that calories (in vs out) are the primary factor on changes in bodyweight and losing fat.
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Picking at food - Grazing at granola, cereal flakes, spoonfuls of nut butters and bites between meals could be the reason behind your plateaued results or lack of shifting on the scales IT ADDS UP‚ÄľÔłŹ
Whether it‚Äôs a handful of cereal, a spoonful of peanut butter, nibbling during food preparations, some crackers and dip between meals, a couple of pieces of chocolate or a handful of nuts or chips if this is something you do regularly you may very well be a ‚Äėpicker‚Äô and it could affecting your results.
So what do you do if you’re a picker? If this is you, here’s some tips to help combat this habit:
Keep busy Have a structured meal plan Pre plan and prep your food Buy less trigger foods Opt for lower calorie snacks Choose volume foods to keep you feeling fuller for longer Track your picks to see the numeric damage
‚ěĖThe bottom line‚ěĖ
‚ö†ÔłŹExtra food, extra calories.
There are many factors underlying why someone may pick. The issue can be aided through professional assistance by strategy implementations, accountability, support and using a method of dieting in which meets your requirements sustainably.
If you’re sick of not seeing results, feel restricted or deprived and feel as though your picking habit is relative to this, feel free to reach out and we can construct a plan which will achieve your results and facilitate a method of dieting that will promote adherence and longevity.
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Is #alcohol your downfall!? Could it be your choice in alcohol and quantity letting you down?
For A LOT of people alcohol can be the primary reason as to why results are optimal or achieved when it comes to a body transformation. Their Monday to Friday could be perfect and the weekends a train wreck after a few calorie dense beverages or two. In the dieting world a restricted Monday-Friday and blow out Saturday-Sunday pattern is a common vicious cycle with ALCOHOL ūüć∑ ūüćļ bein...g the crux of the issue.
For the ladies calories are usually clocked by #cocktails which can be upwards of 200 calories a serve, if you down just a few of these you can easily clock up the equivalent of a whole meal or two!
What this comparison aims to demonstrate is not to optimize maximum amount of drinks possible but rather that there are less costly choices that can be made. Our body recognises your intake on a periodic basis which is why no matter whether or not it‚Äôs the weekend or how ‚Äėclean‚Äô you ate during the week - your weekend drinking counts.
Your alcohol fuelled weekends or binges can counteract your weeks worth of hard work so and could be the reason you are maintaining/not losing weight.
Vodka/diet sodas will be the lowest at 60-70 calories per tumbler but guess what is even better - NOT HAVING A DRINK AT ALL!!
Do you want to get it right? Sick of chasing your tail and not seeing result? Do you smash your diet Monday - Friday and battle demons and binges on the weekends - think about it!!
For those on sole source - NO ALCOHOL IS THE ONLY OPTION!
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Who are you surrounding yourself with today? Find your tribe of people who lift you up and make you feel great. Stay away from Debbie Downers and Negative Nellies and see how if affects your life. Surround yourself with sunshine and also try to be the sunshine for someone else today.

More about Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant

Cambridge Weight Plan Independent Consultant is located at ME15 6 Maidstone, Kent
07984 453903