Camellia House

About Camellia House

Our team is dedicated to provide a high standard of ca
re for your loved ones´┐¢



­ƒÆÉ­ƒî╣­ƒÅÁ­ƒî©­ƒî║­ƒìâ We introduced flower arrangement as an activity today. The residents enjoyed it and did very well too. One resident was just too pleased to help with the washing...­ƒñ® All still talking about the pancakes we had for tea­ƒÿï


Any day could be pancake day!!!­ƒñù­ƒñù Yummy pancakes prepared while waiting... ­ƒÿï­ƒÿï­ƒÿï


­ƒÄê­ƒÄü­ƒÄê Here's wishing our lovely Chiropodist all the very best. Her baby is due next month and today was the last visit before going on maternity leave. She was very touched by the gesture of our residents who made a handmade baby album and a card. One resident knitted a coat, hat and blanket.­ƒæú­ƒæú ­ƒÿì­ƒÿì­ƒÿì


Any excuse for a Party!!!­ƒñù­ƒÿì Pyjama Party for residents who are watching England football team playing. Good luck boys ­ƒæì


Beautiful day and residents had plenty to do in the last couple of days. Very hot weather so plenty of cold drink and lollies to keep cool and hydrated.­ƒÿù


­ƒÄéResidents sang Happy Birthday to our Chef Jackie.­ƒÆâ­ƒÿì ­ƒÄë­ƒÄü­ƒÄè­ƒÄê All set to watch football this afternoon.ÔÜ¢´©Å Good luck England football team. ÔÜ¢´©Å­ƒÅâÔÇìÔÖé´©Å­ƒÖîÔØñ


Lovely card made by our residents during their art and craft session. ÔØñ­ƒæúÔØñ Everyone is really happy with new layout of the dining room. ­ƒÿì­ƒñù


Celebrated a resident's birthday. ­ƒÄé­ƒÆâ­ƒÑé­ƒÄ뭃쥭ƒìÀ We all had fun. Lovely cake and Yummy food prepared by Chef. ­ƒÿï­ƒÿï­ƒÿï


GDPR­ƒÿå­ƒÿÅ Residents are helping to remove label from cassettes before disposing. They want to know how much they are getting paid for this job!!­ƒñú­ƒñú­ƒñú After a long thought and discussion we have come to a compromise! An extra piece of chicken on our next BBQ­ƒñö­ƒÿë­ƒÿé­ƒñú


#Lovelyday# #Yummyfood# We had a BBQ at lunch time. Enjoyed by all. Followed by a game of Bingo outdoors­ƒñù­ƒÿì


Residents enjoyed Art And Craft this morning. Couple of residents attended Holy Cross Primary school for cream tea. We are all looking forward to a yummy BBQ tomorrow.­ƒÿï


Plenty of cold drinks and lollies today.­ƒì뭃쪭ƒÑñ Residents spent most of the day out in the garden.Enjoyed all meals outdoor as well.Ôÿ║­ƒñ®


Residents got talent.­ƒñú­ƒñù All enjoyed morning entertainment by Des Wild.­ƒÄ­ƒÄ╣­ƒÄñ Our Chef Jackie was over the moon to start cooking in our new kitchen­ƒÿÄ­ƒÿì


#Beautiful day.# #Lovely sunshine# Enjoying this lovely weather whilst it lasts . Residents were happy to pick the colour for the new flooring in the dining room. Thank you Velichka for turning old lampshades and unused cds into an amazing #suncatcher#... ­ƒî╗­ƒÿì­ƒÿÄ­ƒÿì­ƒî╗
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England vs Panama ÔÜ¢´©ÅÔÜ¢´©ÅÔÜ¢´©Å­ƒÄë­ƒÄê We swapped meal time upon request of residents to watch England play. Light meal for lunch and roast beef for tea. Enjoyable day for residents and staff­ƒñù


Residents had a lovely day out today. We enjoyed a long ride followed by lunch at Beefeater Marsh Mills. Yummy and delicious food­ƒÿø Huge thank you to all members of staff who helped to make this a success.­ƒñù ­ƒÿì


Happy Father's Day.­ƒÿì We had a lovely day here at Camellia House.Lovely hand made cards by residents.


Residents are taking a keen interest in World Cup. Ôø╣´©ÅÔÇìÔÖé´©ÅÔÜ¢´©ÅÔø╣´©ÅÔÇìÔÖé´©ÅÔÜ¢´© Å One gentleman was esctatic when he received his Father's Day card. ­ƒÆÜ­ƒæ¿ÔÇ쭃溭ƒÆÜ He could not wait until tomorrow...... ­ƒÿÄ­ƒÖé­ƒñù
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Happy Birthday Lovely Lady­ƒÄ魃쥭ƒÄë­ƒÑé­ƒÆÉ She was so happy to receive flowers from her daughter who lives in America­ƒÿÿ­ƒñù Today our Birthday Girl requested cooked breakfast­ƒì│­ƒÑô,had egg­ƒÑÜ and ham salad­ƒÑù for lunch and for tea it was cream tea with fresh strawberries. ­ƒìô­ƒìô­ƒìô Yum yum ­ƒÿï

More about Camellia House

Camellia House is located at Camellia House Residential Home, 5 Belmont Place, PL3 4DN Plymouth