Campfire Communications

About Campfire Communications

I help small businesses figure out their story, write their story and share their story.

Campfire Communications Description

I am a communications expert. I help small businesses figure out their story (what their 'wow' is to make them stand out and their marketing strategy), write their story (effective copywriting) and share their story (giving them the tools and training to do their own PR). I also help small business owners connect in The Campfire Club. I welcome you to my campfire - a warm, friendly place where you'll get expert advice and rediscover your sense of adventure.



Here I go to my new job tomorrow. Tiny bit terrified.


I have been overwhelmed by all of your lovely supportive messages about Campfire closing. I have written a final blog post that captures my 15 years of self-employment with my learnings along the way. I've done this more as a way of closing this chapter of my life but you are welcome to have a read.Ō Ć”/the-campfire-is-gŌĆ”


Dear Campers
Four years ago I started up Campfire Communications. I knew from the outset that I wanted to help small business owners tell their stories better. And I feel hugely privileged to have worked with so many brilliant, talented people who are building a business they love. I've watched as you've grown and feel immensely proud to have played a part in that.
But it is time for me to let the campfire go out.
... In September this year, my marriage ended. It wasn't expected and frankly, the last few months have been something of a blur. My new life means I need to have consistent, steady income I can rely on - something we all know isn't always a guarantee when you work for yourself. But it's more than that. I need to feel part of a team again, to learn from others and to allow the flow of a workplace carry me forward instead of having to dig into my currently depleted self-motivation reserves.
So it is with a very heavy heart that Campfire Communications will cease trading on 14 December 2018.
I begin a new job (a proper grown up one in a big, global company) in early January. Frankly, I'm terrified. I've been self-employed for almost 15 years. I've loved my freedom and the creativity it has allowed me. But I'm also excited about this new start. It's going to challenge me in new ways and that's always good.
It is still heart-wrenching though to shut the doors on something that you have poured your soul into for four years. Some of you have been on my mailing list/Facebook page for most of those four years. Some I have helped once or twice only. Others have been clients of mine on and off for a long time. And some have been part of my supporter network for far longer, ever since I first became self-employed.
To all of you, I want to say thank you so much for your support. I hope that your business continues to thrive and grow. And if I could leave you with some parting wisdom:
Believe in yourself. Like - REALLY - believe in yourself. Try to know what you want and then focus on making that happen. The more you believe in it, the more likely it is to become a reality.
You are doing a great job. You are good at what you do. You are enough.
Please do stay in touch and tell me how you're getting on. @melissatalago on Twitter is a good place to start. And if you're a woman who likes walking, Glamoraks will continue so please do join if you haven't done so yet http://www.glamoraks.comŌĆŗ
Thank you for being part of my story. Melissa Talago - signing out from Campfire Communications for the last time.
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Happy Thanksgiving to all the US peeps.
For those of us who aren't American and won't be eating turkey and pumpkin pie, it's still a good opportunity to take a moment and think about what you are grateful for.
My 2018 was somewhat derailed due to my marriage ending. (It's why you may have seen less of me with fewer blog posts and less activity in the Campfire Club.)
... In fact, you could say it has been a seriously sucky year and my 2019 - and entire future - is going to look very different. But here's what it has actually taught me and what I am immensely thankful for:
- I have incredible friends. - I have lovely supportive clients and contacts. - I have reserves of resiliency that I didn't know I had. - Anyone can re-programme their mind using meditation. - You can't choose what happens to you. But you can choose how you respond to it. - I have an opportunity for a new beginning.
Remember, life isn't a linear story. It has plot twists. Those twists are what make the story interesting.
So what are you thankful for in 2018?
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Did you get my newsletter last week? If not, you will have missed this. (If you want to get my newsletter, sign up on my home page):
I have just 17 remaining work days left before I head off to my home country of South Africa for Christmas, returning in 2019. There's a lot you can achieve for your business in those 17 days. And I want to help you. It's simple. Here's the plan:
1. Decide which of the scenarios below sounds most like you and what you need.
...Continue Reading


And in other clever marketing, this quick thinking come back from Lidl


In other news, what do we all think of the John Lewis Christmas ad? I personally love it and think the copywriter who wrote the sentence at the end is a legend.


Do you need some ideas to kickstart your 2019 marketing? Want to start the year as you mean to go on by creating a content calendar that keeps your marketing consistent and on brand? Do you need to reshape your business messages and web copy as you move into the new year? Want to get prepared with ready prepared marketing collateral - from online opt ins to newsletters to blog posts or social media campaigns?
... I am available to help you with these - or any other marketing challenges between now and 16 December. (Then I'm off to sunny SA to spend time with my family).
So if you want help, please get in touch ASAP and make 2019 the year your business really catches fire. Just email me:
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Just in case you didn't make it to a bonfire last night and feel a bit left out, can I recommend this Campfire inspired cake recipe....(do not look at the calories).


This week I have mostly been selling my house, finding a new house and doing life organising. But I'm looking forward to working with Lara Heppell of Allwoman next week to create new messages and web copy for her. Have a fabulous weekend everyone!


Reviews after the Expo this weekend. Thank you ladies.


All set up! Ignore the snow. Come sit at my campfire. There are so many brilliant stalls at the YWMB Expo. And itŌĆÖs warm inside


How to turn a mistake into a marketing opportunity. Because we all make mistakes. It's how you respond to it that will affect the outcome. PS - here's the link again to book your free marketing consultation at the YWMB Expo this weekend. https://campfirecommunications.simplybook .it/v2/#book


Five slots gone! Would you like to get a free marketing consultation this weekend? If so, book a slot now using the link below and head over to the York Women Mean Business Expo on 27 Oct at the Park Inn by Radisson, York from 10 till 4. Entry is free. My consultation is free. You have a fab day out, you support small business owners and some insight into how improve your marketing. What the heck are you waiting for? https://campfirecommunications.simplybook .it/v2/#book


Don't forget to book your FREE marketing consultation with me at the YWMB Expo next Saturday (27/10) anytime between 10 and 4. The Expo is free. My advice is free. There are loads of other freebies to be had including a free glass of fizz and goody bag for the first 100 guests. To pre-book your slot with me (and I urge you to do so), click here and take one of the remaining slots. https://campfirecommunications.simplybook .it/v2/#book


FRIDAY IDEA: My lovely client Meredy (The Cancer Dietitian) has a really good way to repurpose her social media content. She creates a series of posts around a specific topic in a given month, which she shares to Facebook and encourages conversation on it.
She then collates all the posts and turns them into an ebook which she offers as a freebie on her website to grow her mailing list.
I've worked with her on previous ebooks and post series - like 'Alcohol & Cancer', 'Tast...e Changes in Cancer', 'Sugar Cravings' and 'Appetite Tips'. I've just finished turning a series of Facebook posts into another ebook 'Smoothies - the fast & easy way to boost nutrition'.
Meredy's comment: 'Thank you - this is incredible - as always. '
So why not try this idea for your business. And if you need help crafting either the posts or collating them into an ebook, give me a shout.
Oh - and if you know someone with cancer who could do with nutrition advice, you need to put them in touch with Meredy.
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This is the expo I'll be at next weekend, where I'll be offering free 30 minute marketing consultations. Please help spread the word so that there are as many visitors as possible on the day.
PS - if you want to book a marketing consultation, the link is https://campfirecommunications.simplybook .it/v2/#bookŌĆ”/16989071. women-mean-business-ŌĆ”

More about Campfire Communications

Campfire Communications is located at 5 Portland Street, YO31 7EH York