Camtara Therapies

Massage Service
51.5072, -0.1275
4 star rating

About Camtara Therapies

Specialising in holistic therapies for your animals.

Camtara Therapies Description

Welcome to Camtara Therapies where I offer a holistic approach to the needs of your animal to help them with whatever they may require.

I use a mixture of physical therapies and energy work, whether for healing or just an overall feeling of well-being and relaxation. All animals (and their humans! ) catered for - but horses, a speciality.

Therapies on offer:
+ Animal /Human Reiki (Master level)
+ Animal Acupressure
+ Equine Sports Massage
+ Equine Myofascial Release

As well as incorporating many other modalities such as sound, crystal and red light therapy, I take continuous CPDs which also enhance the therapy work. These include:

---Saddle Fitting for the Therapist
enabling me to analyse and assess your saddle and any related physical issues

---Equine Mobilisation & Stretching
lots of rehabilitation ideas and further physical issues addressed

---Applied Equine Bodywork
More energy and physical ideas

---Muscle testing
Pinpointing areas of imbalance

---Healing Tools
Such as sound, crystals, red light

---Advanced Communication for Trauma Release & ESR

Further qualifications in 2015 to include:
+ Touch for Health Kinesiology (Humans - Mid-2015, but looking for volunteers until then! Free sessions- get in touch! )
+ Animal Herbal Choices & Self Selection (zoopharmacognosy)
+ Equine Kinesiology Taping
+ Advanced Massage & Myofascial Release (Cranio-Sacral)
+ Animal Photo-therapy (infra-red therapy)

All sessions are carried out at your yard /home, or distance sessions at a time to suit you.

Get in touch to see how I might be able to help:

07971 470237

Areas covered: Surrey, London, West Sussex, West Hampshire, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and frequent visits to East Devon.

All work is insured by Balens and accredited by the Rose Association of Animal and Human Therapists (RAAHT).

Please note vet permission should be sought before commencement of any therapy work.



Horse and Cat clients- my Herby Essential Oil kit is primed and ready for action! Some of you may know I'm currently studying for my Herbal Choices for Animals qualification and am looking for willing volunteers!!
Herbal Choices means offering oils and herbs to animals on a self-selection basis-i.e. they choose the oils/herbs they need for that current moment in time-just like they would in the wild. It is an absolutely fascinating process and no two sessions are the same.
S...o I am looking for case studies!! Horses and Cat owners please get in touch and I can tell you more. It would be a free session with just a small contribution to my petrol depending where you're based and some pennies towards herbs/oils if I leave some with you to self offer (I will be educating you throughout the session so this is not a "treatment" -but something for you to be involved with as well).
If you want to know more-get in touch :)

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Got a New Years resolution to diet? Why not find out what foods are working for or against you with a Kinesiology Food Testing session and really maximise that diet! Personal sessions including a full body balance start from just £25 or why not get a few people together for a fun food testing evening -from £10 each- where you'll get a good insight into just how powerful Touch for Health Kinesiology can be. Simply message or email me at for more details. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!


To all friends and clients, new and old, 2-legged or 4-legged..I wish you lots of happiness for the new year :)


So beautiful and moving. We are so connected to the ones we hold dearest. Rest in peace dear Rebar xx


It never ceases to amaze me how sensitive animals are to the needs of their owners...yesterday I was suddenly very poorly. I put myself to bed and woke later to find this little lady standing on me gently pacing to wake me up. It didn't matter how much I rolled around she kept on top. Eventually I got up and realised it was because I needed some medication. She followed me then herded me back to bed and would not leave me alone until my boyfriend got home many hours later. W...hen he arrived she climbed on him, said hello and did a kind of "you got this,right?" And abruptly left. She's been to check I'm ok today (I am much better now) but is spending the day sleeping off her duties in another room. She truly is our little Nurse Angel and I love her so very much. It just goes to show if you look after and listen to your animals-they will look after and listen to you too x
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Such an exciting day yesterday on my Herbal Choices for Animals course..we did an Autumn Forage &found lots of goodies to bring back and make into all sorts of wonderful concoctions.
So pictured here are : *Hawthorn berry leather (front) *Horseradish honey... *Lavender gel *Yarrow infusion *Garlic honey *Lavender infusion *Thyme infusion *Lavender honey
These are mainly for topical applications if the animal indicates, however I couldn't resist trying the honeys on some gluten free toast and WOW!! Serious taste sensation!!! so these I'm afraid will be for my consumption and I'll have to make some new ones for animal use!!
Great day and can't wait to put all this in to practise
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Horses are such great teachers & none more so than the super handsome WB -current Hickstead Derby Champion. Today was supposed to be an acupressure session, yet he made sure he got reiki, craniosacral and even crystal work before we were allowed to get started! He then indicated very clearly a particular acupressure point by biting his side many times. I stood and held the point (with the crystal as he'd asked for it), & when it was done & he'd released he then reversed away from me, turned round and then reversed back to where I hadn't moved my hand or body so the crystal ended up back on the exact same acupoint but on the opposite side of the body. It was incredible and such a special moment. Love this boy :)


Really good day learning some very effective TTouch techniques back at the SJ stud which I'll be adding to my tool box for the next time I'm out treating your ponies! This guy especially benefited- on a previous physical therapy course we couldn't get near his upper neck and even trying a bit of reiki, he only let me in so far. However some simple TTouch hand techniques and he instantly lowered his head, relaxed & allowed us all over. In fact he loved it!
Shown some uses of loose, stretchy bandages too to improve proprioception of the front and back end of the horse over poles. Horses are large animals and so sometimes the signals from the brain to the backend don't always connect, so getting them to be more "aware" of where their body parts are can hugely increase things like learning, relaxation, coordination, rehabilitation...really interesting-can't wait to get out and try it!
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It's official! Passed my Touch for Health Kinesiology assessment a few weeks back but now the certificate has arrived to make it official! So pleased-now I can get going and start treating all you riders ;) stay tuned for some introductory offers!


I had some absolutely wonderful news this week- a rider who was having problems with their horse in competitions this season, had me out to see them. Something was not quite right for the horse which was causing behaviour blips-all physical aspects had been investigated but no one could pin point the triggers. After a combined reiki/acupressure (&communication) session-which revealed some interesting outcomes-the pair went out the next day and came 1st and 3rd in their classes! So proud of them both and so pleased for their success as there is a lot of love and trust between them so it's great to hear such a happy result :)


Accompanying me with my revision ahead of my TFH Kinesiology assessment on Saturday is a lovely fresh bunch of Rosemary sprigs.. Why? Well there are compounds in rosemary oil which have been shown to boost memory performance by stimulating the production of acetylcholine in the brain - a neurotransmitter responsible for attention!
So why not just eat it?... Inhalation is the best way of getting those compounds directly to your brain. When you inhale, airborne molecules (so the “smell” of rosemary containing the compounds) interact directly with the olfactory organs, absorb into the bloodstream & travel immediately to the brain. That’s why you can smell something and immediately identify it - the messages telling you what it is have already made it to your brain.
Molecules inhaled are also carried to the lungs and so interact with the respiratory system and therefore can affect the body through various systems in the body.
When you eat rosemary, or any other herb, the compounds may be broken down by the liver which processes everything absorbed by the gut. Therefore the pathway of compound-to-brain may take much longer, be more diluted and possibly have a different effect from the one you are aiming for.
Because of how herbs/essential oils interact with different systems of the body in different ways - this is why some animals will choose inhalation over eating them.
Anyway back to my studying - I also have some rosemary drying in the over to make some teas/ macerates and other exciting things. I will report back if I find the rosemary on my desk has helped :)
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Absolutely gorgeous morning spent on the Summer Forage part of my Herbal Choices for Animals course seeing what's out and about in our hedgerows ready to be picked. Then the afternoon we made flower essences (pictured here is Cornflower - great for "opening up" of emotions/issues) poultices and compresses from mallow, comfrey, calendula and so on (freshly picked!) and took the opportunity to try them out on Itchy Pony 1 & Sore Pony 2 (photos to follow)...great day but now some sleep before I put my other work head on and photograph a local horse show ;)


Six months of hard work and my TFH kinesiology homework/case studies are finally being posted ahead of my assessment a week on Saturday. I remember thinking in Januray how I would ever fill that inch thick book but now it just feels like second's SUCH a powerful resource for us humans and I've had some pretty amazing case study results (will post soon). In the post office I go!


Awesome day with the fabulous Lisa Walker learning how to further incorporate crystals into therapy for physical traumas. This is the super handsome OB who really benefited from some combined crystal/myofascial work. When the Myofascial work got too much, the crystals got right in and allowed everything to open up-he was far more receptive to the crystals. He could not stop yawning after our work-lovely big releases from a guy who jumps up to 1.40m tracks- he was very clear where he wanted work and it was fascinating seeing just how much he changed after treatment-he grew taller, his stance widened and he really elongated his back. He was really lovely to work on. Great day and some exciting new ideas and techniques now in my tool box for future work :)


Would anyone like a FREE kinesiology treatment? I can do anything from food testing/postural analysis (great for any sporting issues)/emotional stress release (ESR) from any past traumas/fears etc and so so much more-it is a fantastic gentle, non-invasive therapy which uses muscle testing to balance the body(and by testing there is no pain involved!!)
I'm looking for case studies over the next couple of weeks before my assessment and especially anyone in the age groups of 1-...11, 12-17 and 66+ So please let anyone you know in these age ranges!
Under-18s would need to be done with a parent present and will be carried out through a surrogate (so no direct testing) but again any of the above can be done-food testing etc So if you have a particular food you think you have an issue with, why not have a treatment to see if it is indeed affecting you...
Added bonus-if you have a free treatment, I will also offer you a future treatment (once qualified) for 1/2 price :)
Email: for more info or message me here
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This guy is just awesome - if ever you want to experience just how clear with their signals a horse can be, he’s the one to show you. He tells you exactly what he wants, where, how and when he’s had enough - it is just beautiful to be a part of. And it’s all thanks to an owner who truly listens to him, hears him and responds. Every movement, gesture, eye contact therefore has a purpose and you know exactly what he’s trying to tell you.
This weeks session was in the field at l...iberty. He sent some beautiful releases through me and when done I asked him from within to connect to his owner (who was sat on the grass some distance away)..without a moments hesitation he walked away from me, over to her..I had not spoken a word or moved a muscle. It sent lovely shivers down my spine.
After a while he then returned to where I was sat on the grass, put his head in my lap and gave a long clear “thank you”, before very gently manoeuvring around my legs and wandering off away down the field - session over.
Absolutely stunning...
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