Cancer Research Uk

About Cancer Research Uk

We are the world’s largest charity dedicated to saving lives through research. Our vision is to bring forward the day when all cancers are cured. http://po. st /Cancer_Research_UK



As the heatwave continues, the sun is really strong across the UK. It’s important to protect your skin, and your family’s skin too! Whether you’re packing for a holiday, a fun day out, or a trip to the beach, make sure you include hats, sunglasses, cover-ups and sunscreen (SPF15+ and 4 or more stars). And when you’re out and about during the day, be sure to cool off and spend plenty of time in the shade! For more tips on enjoying the sun safely, visit


“There’s nothing more empowering than being comfortable in your own skin.” #OwnYourTone and feel empowered all summer! 💖 🌞 Find out more:


“It was 2012 when I got the all clear. But unfortunately at the beginning of this year I had another scan, which showed that the tumour had come back. The second time, the surgery was much harder for me, but I was still back in work after about two weeks. I’m not the kind of person who sits around feeling sorry for myself. Having been sick the first time and now having to go through it again, I’ve realised that life is way too short and you should just have fun.” Brain tumours are hard to treat and survival remains stubbornly low. That’s why brain tumour research is one of our top priorities. In the second of our new three-part series, Parminder shares her journey through treatment:


Good luck to all those taking part in the Great Golf Challenge! Give it your best shot this August as you do 72 holes in one day to help beat cancer. Head to our website for top tips and inspiration,, or if you want to sign up - it’s not too late! 🏌


“I lead the Cancer Screening and Prevention Research Group at Imperial College London. Our main focus of research is to understand the risk factors for gastrointestinal cancers, so we can find better ways to detect these diseases early. Our work has directly led to changes in the national bowel cancer screening programme, and we’ve seen real achievement in cancers that affect women. We rely solely on grants from charities, so I’m honoured to be racing in the Magnolia Cup at G...oodwood to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Racing isn’t something I have any experience in, but I’m committed to trying to make it as a jockey - all to do my bit to support Cancer Research UK’s goal of seeing 3 in 4 people survive cancer.” Dr Amanda Cross is taking part in the Magnolia Cup at Goodwood Racecourse tomorrow. Thanks so much for your support and good luck in the race, Amanda!
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Scientists are slowly piecing together how brain tumours develop and grow, but the puzzle still isn’t complete. The third post in our series on brain tumour research looks at how we can use our knowledge of brain tumour biology to develop new and better treatments:


“I was first diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. I had the all clear after five years of medication, yearly mammograms and regular check-ups. Unfortunately, in 2015 I found out it had come back and spread to my bones. I’ve been told it’s not curable, but with medication it can be kept stable. My dear friend Lesley has been there for me throughout. I’d like to thank her for being there for me all the time - hospital visits and everything.” Thank you, Jan (pictured on the right) and Lesley, for sharing your story with us on International Friendship Day.


“The headaches began about six months before I was diagnosed, when I was 30. I don’t know what I thought, but I never thought in a million years that it was a brain tumour. One morning I woke up and the headache was worse than it had ever been. I called my sister and she pushed me to go to A&E. I’m so glad she did, or it could have been a different story.” Brain tumours are hard to treat and survival remains stubbornly low. That’s why brain tumour research is one of our top priorities. In our new blog series, three people share their experience of the diseases, starting with Mary and her diagnosis:


“Having products available that are natural but smell nice is something that would be really beneficial to a cancer patient.” Amy, who went through treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma when she was just 11 years old, is supporting our new range of hand-picked care products, chosen with cancer patients in mind. Visit our online shop to browse all the helpful little things that might make someone’s day:


Bikes at the ready! 🚴🚵 Sign up to take on Cycle 300 this September and raise money for our life-saving research. Challenge yourself to cycle 300 miles over the month, and whether you complete the distance all in one go, over a weekend, or throughout the month, the money you raise will help beat cancer. Find out more 👉


“In September 2015, I had qualified for two golfing competitions in one weekend, but I was in so much pain in my leg that I couldn’t play at all in the week running up to the competitions. In the end I managed to play, and win, both finals. That was the last time I played golf with two legs. I was diagnosed with osteosarcoma a couple of months later. I began chemotherapy, which wasn’t as effective as my doctors originally hoped, so at the end of March 2016 I had my left leg a...mputated above the knee. I then had more chemo alongside an immunotherapy drug. Unfortunately, just several months after finishing treatment, I found out the cancer had spread to my lungs, and I had to have a third of my lung removed. The cancer has since returned for a third time, but things are heading in the right direction at the moment. My latest scans have shown that my cancer is stable, and my doctors are hopeful I can beat it – and get back on the golf course for good.” If, like 21-year-old Chris, you’re a keen golfer, you could take on an epic 72 holes in one day to help fund life-saving research. Sign up to the Great Golf Challenge today:
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Seven-year-old Emily is one of our newest and youngest fundraisers, having signed up to join Relay for Life Ascot a few weeks ago. Since joining, Emily has personally raised over £150 by collecting ‘coins for cancer’. Huge thanks to Emily and all Relayers fundraising this summer!


Don’t let sunburn ruin the school holidays. This summer, together with NIVEA, we’re asking you to take C.A.R.E. out there – cover up, aim for the shade, rub in sunscreen and enjoy the sun safely. Visit for tips on enjoying the sun safely.


Finding out you have cancer can come as a great shock, bringing with it lots of questions. This is why it’s important patients are offered the best treatment advice, based on accurate information. Digging online can throw up all sorts of complementary treatments, such as herbal medicines and aromatherapy, which can come with claims that they boost survival. But a new US study suggests that people who had complementary therapy for treatable cancers were more likely to opt out of at least one part of their conventional cancer treatment, and were more likely to die as a result of missing this part of their treatment. Our blog post explains in more detail:


"It was the one day I didn't have cancer - I wasn't ill, it didn't even come into my head. What normally would have been a really horrible year has been the best year of my life." Thanks to research, people like Rebecca are enjoying more special moments.


An expert committee has recommended that the HPV jab should be given to boys as well as girls. Here’s everything you need to know:


Cancer is often described as a disease of ageing, but there’s a lot we still don’t know about how best to treat cancer in older patients. Our blog post looks at how research could personalise treatment and care for older people in the future:


“I'm forever an optimist, and I want to use this journey to help others. I’m getting married in December 2018 and I plan to be there!” Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2017, and she’s currently going through her third round of chemotherapy. She’s supporting our new range of care products, which we’ve hand-picked with cancer patients in mind. Take a look at our online shop to browse hundreds of helpful little things:


We challenged Jack and Sophie to ditch tanning for six weeks and embrace their natural skin tone – take a look at how they got on! Love your skin and #OwnYourTone this summer 😎


“It should have been the happiest day of my life – holding my baby boy, Elijah, for the first time. But instead, I was rushed straight to the operating table to have a mastectomy, as I had been diagnosed with breast cancer and had to give birth at 34 weeks. I couldn’t breastfeed Elijah for longer than two weeks, as I needed to start chemotherapy – I felt cheated that everything I wanted had been taken away from me. I couldn’t feed Elijah, couldn’t hold him and couldn’t take out. Some days I was so weak I couldn’t even cuddle him. That was six months ago. Now, I’ve just finished treatment and took part in Cancer Research UK Race for Life in Southsea last weekend with a group of friends!” Lynette thanks advances in research for her life. The money raised through Race for Life funds research into over 200 different types of cancer. Join thousands of women and sign up to an event near you today:
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Thank you for being honest with the public about obesity. It is killing us in America, and other countries need to do all they can to not become like us. The facts are there, like it or not. It's science.

"The truth shall set you free, but first it's gonna piss you off."


So many of us have been touched by Cancer in our lives somewhere. Cancer Research is driving towards such an amazing goal to stop this heartache for people, lets give them our support.

The stories shared on this page make you cry, smile and give you hope. I just love it.


Nobody should be pressurised into donating, and if they are they should note the person's name on their official badge and report them to CRUK headquarters. (By the way, no badge = not a bone fide collector). To counter some of the negative comments, if it wasn't for research survival rates wouldn't have improved over recent decades form 1 in 4 to 2 in 4. And who do you think would fund the research if not the charities? - certainly not the government!


If I have the ability to finance, I will rewrite the book talk about the PP was written in the years 1980 and attach a VCD Guide, a brilliant invention not recognized in Japan, my mother was cured of thyroid cancer last period and without signs of side effects. a rare book that not everyone owns, It has the ability to heal all the cancer, It's not too hard to implement. but the difficulty is in your faith, so I think what I said here is also nonsense . Hope the chemotherapy and radiation therapy will heal you, wise men should not use chemotherapy and radiotherapy to treat the disease.


As a student healthcare professional I get tired of people being offended by findings because it doesnt suit their preference. I unfortunately do not know a lot about your institution, but I do want to support that you do not need to apologize for publishing your findings or for trying to raise awareness in the general public.

We should never stop raising awareness despite how unlikable the information may be.


A lot of unfair and biased reviews here from people who don’t have all the information. I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on 26th September 2018, and am currently following a trial pioneered by cancer research UK. I am proud to say that not only am I fully in remission since January, but also I will not need a stem cell transplant; only 3 years of chemotherapy.


Your a bunch of bullys i did so much hard work and raised thousands for you and got no thanks or f##k all told head office that some management from the shops are bullying volatility workers and they did nothing. All that hard work i did and they spend it on there selves with big bonuses in the pay packet yet volatility workers get nothing not even a card a Christmas shocking


You should be ashamed of your workers at Northampton Services. I was absolutely disgusted as I was walking out with the sickening tactic your charity workers were trying. If it hadn't been for my dad with me and 2 of my children I'd probably have got arrested for what I'd have done to that bloke. 'Do you have a mum, is she well, what would you do if she had cancer?' disgusting heartless arsehole he was and he needs sacking


Yesterday my daughter and myself went to the Peterborough branch to donate £210 that she worked hard to raise for race for life pretty muddy.The lady at the till was so rude when my daughter said she would like to donate the money , the lady. banged her hand on the till and said oh well I don’t know how to do this. Then she passed us to another lady who didn’t really know what she was doing. They took the money with an ok thanks . My daughters face when she walked out of that shop looked so shocked and disappointed. I myself am very angry with there whole approach.


We were trading at an event that Cancer Research were raising money at. We noticed we had had a £30 item stolen. Luckily their was cctv in the room which caught identified the thief as a Cancer Research worker. She attempted to talk her way out, including saying how half her family have cancer.

I realise people will unfortunately try and use charity as a cover to steal, but Cancer Research should have a policy of background checking workers. If she stole from us, how much did she steal from the money she raised?

This has guaranteed I will never donate to Cancer Research again.


The biggest con on the planet. Taking millions upon millions of public donations and doing nothing with it other than line the fat cats pockets. Genuinly the biggest scum on earth. Wolf in Sheeps clothing.

Just a big pharma company that pretends to be a charity.


Still no reply to what I asked about secondary breast cancer?? All your good news stories are great but what about us that are forgotten with secondary breast cancer??? Are our stories too real for your page? Brease cancer care don't think so but I have so often failed to see what you're doing to help with secondary breast cancer. Even my pm was not answered fully... and when I asked further questions I was ignored!! I'm just glad breast cancer care and McMillan are on hand for my questions. Oh and the main answers are that women with secondary breast cancer are second rate....


Rather than donate to any Cancer charity, how about tackling your MP and bring the following up, The Cancer Act 1939, of which states...

4 Prohibition of certain advertisements.

(1)No person shall take any part in the publication of any advertisement—

(a)containing an offer to treat any person for cancer, or to prescribe any remedy therefor, or to give any advice in connection with the treatment thereof; or

(b). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F3

(2)If any person contravenes any of the provisions of the foregoing subsection, he shall be liable on summary conviction, in the case of a first conviction, to a fine not exceeding [F4fifty pounds][F4level 3 on the standard scale], and, in the case of a subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding [F4one hundred pounds][F4level 3 on the standard scale] or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such a fine and such imprisonment.

I'll leave you to decypher that. That to me indicates one thing.....that there possibly is a cure for cancer, yet due to the billions of cash made to charities and pharma companies gaining financially, no government would change such an act due to the money being made.


Incredibly disappointed in Cancer Research UK. Taking the word 'woman' away from the cervical cancer literature and replacing it with 'people with a cervix' is just shameful. This is not going to help the uptake of smear tests which is already at a 20 year low. This charity has lost the support of my family and I hope that enough women will stand up and get this changed back. You've mistaken inclusivity for exclusivity and sidelined women.


I find the advert about parents potentially loosing their children to cancer distasteful as it doesn't consider the feelings of parents who actually have lost their children. They are putting salt in the wounds of mourning parents. I know it is trying to provoke an emotional reaction but it is hurtful and cruel to the people who do not need to be reminded every ad break!


Every commercial break this morning has been a TV add for Cancer Research UK, gets to the point where you turn the TV off. I’ve got to ask the question, how much of the money you raise goes on fundraising adverts and salaries ?


Do not like your hard selling at motorway service areas. I know doubt the work you do is fantastic. But your fundraisers need to stop this hard selling. When a no thank you is said it should be left at that..


Disgusting behaviour at the New Malden shop today. Mangeress turned away perfectly good donations of bedlinen someone with her accused us of dumping and being reported to the police!!!!! We were waiting for the shop to open and started unloading our car about 2 mins before opening .I thought by the time I unload the shop will open and I could go and speak to someone in the shop and let them know about my bags I was donating. I have donated to that shop many times before and always let the staff know I am leaving bags at the back. Never had a problem before. Horrible response was shouted at for dumping. She kept saying I don’t want toys (which I didn’t have) or bedlinen. Never again will I donate to CR!!! Get yourself staff that know how to speak to people!!!! Absolutely Disgusted by the way I was treated. And my son volunteered at one of your shops for 3 months last year.


Cures for cancer are well know yet you have nothing, you ceo is getting payed for nothing while you request more money from honest people. Its time you demanded that the real cures are used instead of letting chemo and cancer kill more people

More about Cancer Research Uk

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