Canine Interpreter

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Canine Interpreter

Dog training / behavioural modification
100% positive training techniques
In home consultations / training programmes. Based on individual needs of dog and owner.
Over 40 years experience
Group classes
Specialist with problem dogs.



First video of Wilf 5 weeks ago
This family were totally misguided by a breeder : gun dog trainer. This is the result of harsh , ignorant trainers.
... My previous post is Wilf 5 weeks into his new training programme. Thankfully I was able to get to this family before lockdown. I fully support all my clients , when I’m unable to be there during lockdown.
If you need help with your dog. You can contact me now. As I’m taking clients details that need my help for when lockdown is lifted.
www. Canine interpreter Professional Dog Trainer Behaviour Specialist
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A few weeks ago. I posted a video of Wilf. He could not walk from his front door and was shutting down on walks. Through no fault of his owner They had been totally mislead and this dog had been incorrectly handled by the Breeder / Trainer. Though I won’t mention names. Here he is a few weeks later. This family are following my new training programme and handling techniques effectively , to help Wilf,s confidence and ability to follow the handler without being worri...ed. I’m so proud of Helen and Meg for committing to my training programme. I’m looking forward to posting him when he comes to class when lockdown is lifted.
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This lovely young German Shepherd has just come in for training she is super nice but is very leash aggressive with other dogs. She came in with a pinch collar which I have immediately discontinued as this has a lot to do with her problem On initial approach with a new leash this dog showed a scared demeanour telling me she has a negative association with the previous device used. She is walking happily for me The first session with me is all about building trust and a positive association with the handler.
This is an old post from 2014. When I lived in Canada.


I think Tia is tired after our walk this morning. Spot the sleeping dog 🐕❤️


In this challenging time of lockdown , this is an opportunity to do some training with your dog. Puppies have a short attention span like a human toddler. So you should only be doing very short , fun training exercises. around walks and playtimes. It’s important that puppy “gets it right “! to develop the bond with the handler and nurture your puppies willingness to learn. ... If you are finding puppy training challenging. Contact me and I can help you with this important developmental learning stage of your dogs life. Training should be relaxed and fun www.canineinterpreter
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I’m so very proud of Leslie and Bruce I’ve been working with Leslie as Bruce began to lunge and become vocal when vehicles would pass by to the point of Leslie being very restricted as to where she could walk Bruce which caused increasing handler and dog anxiety I worked with Bruce myself to start impulse control training with him. Then introduced Leslie , Bruce was using displacement activity as a coping mechanism when he would hear traffic approaching, once Leslie learned and recognised this form of stress relief, which is a natural canine behaviour , her walks started to improve , she has now turned a corner with Bruce and she now is able to walk him In moderately busy traffic conditions. I’m so very proud of both of you. I’m looking forward to helping progress these walks further once we are out of lockdown.


This is Tara , she was adopted in December with little known history which is often the case when rescuing a dog. She is such a lovely sweet girl , however she suffers from extreme separation anxiety when her canine mum leaves her in the home It’s important to get professional help for a dog that suffers with this ( that has a proven successful track record in this field of behaviour modification) I’ve introduced my home training programme for Tara , to begin a process that entails calming a dog in a situation it feels overwhelmed with fear , agitation,and anxiety which has created destructive behaviour. It is a complex process ,of minute changes in routine to introduce and shape a new set of behaviours where a dog feels safe ,


Here is Milo and his family working on Recall response training , target training is introduced to introduce the foundation of an effective recall response , if this is introduced correctly. It teaches your puppy to respond immediately in all environments and with distractions present.


Puppy pictures to brighten up your day. My new client Milo , a first puppy for this family He is doing great with the home training programme I introduced a week ago.


Training your puppy can be challenging , correct training is important to help shape the correct behaviour. John has never trained a dog before this is his first puppy. It’s important to be patient with your puppy and yourself. Always praise and reward and encourage. There are many forms of “ positive “ reinforcement incentives. This is my first training walk with John and Annie. after introducing Johns puppy to the foundation home training in house programme I offer.


Puppy training with Annie. I was asked to help with this pup as she was proving challenging for her owner. I introduced my home puppy training package. Here I am introducing Annie to the down. Correct mutual communication is important to connect with your dog. Which builds the bond and trust between dog and handler. Which encourages maximum learning
... I’m blessed to have had a lifetime of being a trainer. Competitively , socially and professionally 🐶❤️
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I’ve been asked to help this family with their Red Labrador Wilf. They bought Wilf from A gundog breeder / trainer. This so called “trainer “. Uses punishment and correctional training
... This is the result of that. Thankfully this family who love their dog found me. I have started them on a new training programme to start behaviour modification. As Wilf has extreme anxiety in association with coming to the handler. This behaviour is also associated with a short leash. Due to his association with that piece of equipment. I have gone back to basics. I will be posting Wilfs progress. This behaviour is extreme. As the experiences he was exposed to were carried out in the early months of his life. The crucial imprinting stage. Do not go to a correctional trainer. They do not educate. They abuse
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This family have called me out to help with their lovely Red Labrador This family in all good faith went to a “so called trainer “. This is the result of correctional training This kind of training went against this owners instincts I feel it’s important to post this video. ... I will be helping this family modify this behavioural response. So that Wilf becomes less anxious, I have to go back to basics. I’m so Thankful This family came to me. To help with their lovely Wilf. Whom they love dearly. Stay away from any trainer that tells you that correction and admonishment is training. It’s not. It’s abuse. I’ll be posting Wilfs progress
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This lovely sight hound was adopted from a rescue organisation that found her as a stay. She may have been used for coarsing as she carries several scars She is showing mild displacement activity so I’m introducing a training programme for her to help her trust in the handler. , using contact conditioning to start to reduce her anxiety in heavy traffic conditions, handler positioning on the walk is also significant when starting behaviour modification in this area of reha...bilitation training. I’ve introduced this families home training programme. I will also be working with their older existing dog Complex behaviour modification takes time and the correct training programme based on the dogs individual needs. www.canineinterpreter
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This lovely sighthound is a new client of mine this is my first assessment walk with her and her family


I’m excited to announce after searching for a suitable venue to run my Dog Training Classes I will be holding them at Yappy Dogs Daycare. /Dog Walking. Just outside Ingleby Barwick Owner Jess has very kindly offered me the use of her facility I’m very much looking forward to starting this new venture with her.


To my clients who are waiting for my classes to start. I’m still in the process of finding a venue. That will take dogs. Thankyou for you patience. 👍


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To all my SMALL BUSINESS OWNER friends: Post one picture that represents your business (an item you sell, or a service you provide) ♥️
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1.) You must re post this on your timeline immediately after posting your photo
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More about Canine Interpreter

Canine Interpreter is located at Stockton-on-Tees, United Kingdom
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -