
About Canning

Canning: Communication Training for International Business

Canning Description

You work in international business. Your organisation, your team, your clients, your suppliers: they originate or operate across national or linguistic borders. You recognise that this adds an additional challenge to your day-to-day life, which is already tough enough. You probably use at least two languages on a daily basis. One of them is almost certainly English. If it’s not your native language, you are terrified that it impedes your performance. If it is your native language, you’re aware that half the people you talk to don’t quite understand you. The tricks and flourishes you use when negotiating with, or presenting or writing to, a local audience, don’t seem to work with an international one. Quite simply, you need to be better at this.

This is why you need Canning. Since 1965 we have helped people like you to communicate more effectively while doing business across borders. The worldwide web is full of companies offering to do these things for you. What makes us different? Explore our website and have a look. Or, even better, contact us and talk to one of our team about what we could do for you and your organisation. Our existing clients know we are the best. You need to discover that for yourself.



For so long, when German participants on our courses have said “same procedure as last year,” and expected some kind of hilarious response, we have looked at them blankly, entirely unaware of how the joke works. Now, finally, we are going to see Dinner For One in the UK. We are beyond excited. It’s never ever been shown here before.


High-Context Communication, or What It’s Like To Be a Brit.


London. Where Canning is.


Since 1985, the Canning Trust has been funding small start-ups in the developing world. We look for concrete projects contributing to sustainable development: Poverty (SDG 1), health and well-being (SDG 3), clean water and sanitation (SDG 6), and, of course, quality education (SDG 4). This month over £6k in total was donated to a health clinic in northern Kenya and a new educational hub in Nepal. We meet in the spring and autumn to hear from organisations who are looking for support. New initiatives are always welcome so get in touch! #sustainabledevelopment #SDGs


This is a great thing. Canning, of course, is 100% employee-owned.


Most of these are within a fifteen minute walk from Canning. Yet another incentive to come on one of our open courses and join our evening social programme.


Anyone who’s ever been asked to “Convince us of a Passion” on a Canning Presentation/Pitching course will recognise this project. Except now it’s become the kind of thing people build a party around! Remember: we can train you to thrive in this environment....


Happy Birthday Finland. Any of you need any training?


“Clearly, our own individual efforts are not enough. Putting management-speak in its place is going to require a collective effort. What we need is an anti-bullshit movement. It would be made up of people from all walks of life who are dedicated to rooting out empty language. It would question management twaddle in government, in popular culture, in the private sector, in education and in our private lives.
The aim would not just be bullshit-spotting. It would also be a way o...f reminding people that each of our institutions has its own language and rich set of traditions which are being undermined by the spread of the empty management-speak. It would try to remind people of the power which speech and ideas can have when they are not suffocated with bullshit. By cleaning out the bullshit, it might become possible to have much better functioning organisations and institutions and richer and fulfilling lives.”
See More


Great to see the British Council publishing this.


“People in the more diverse countries also smiled for a different reason than the people in the more homogeneous nations. In the countries with more immigrants, people smiled in order to bond socially. Compared to the less-diverse nations, they were more likely to say smiles were a sign someone “wants to be a close friend of yours.” But in the countries that are more uniform, people were more likely to smile to show they were superior to one another. That might be, the authors speculate, because countries without significant influxes of outsiders tend to be more hierarchical, and nonverbal communication helps maintain these delicate power structures.”


Still haven't seen our new training centre? Take advantage of our special offers (see post below) and come and be trained by us! Here's a video of us getting it ready


Special offers for 2018! Contact us for more info or to book places: #beclearchangemindsmakedeals 🔎🌀✍🏽


The world's smallest car dealership seems to have opened up just behind our training centre.

More about Canning

Canning is located at Canning Training, 42 Bloomsbury Street, WC1B 3QJ London, United Kingdom
+44 207 381 7410