Cardinal Hume Sixth Form

About Cardinal Hume Sixth Form

Welcome to Cardinal Hume's official Sixth Form page. Here you can find information about our Outstanding Sixth Form.

Cardinal Hume Sixth Form Description

Our brand new £1. 5 million Sixth Form extension is equipped with the latest technology. The classrooms, specialist areas and other learning environments in and around the new school are designed in order to maximise students' learning opportunities and also to provide teachers with facilities and provision that are second to none. We have a wide range of facilities, including a four court sports hall, dance studio, music recording studio, film and AV studio and much more.

Our common room is a great place to socialise and relax with friends. Students make outstanding progress. Everyone who applied for university last year got a place, "I felt really confident about applications and interviews because I’ve had the help I needed". Students are well prepared for life with our nurturing ethos.

Students like the fact that classes are small and that they do get a lot of personal help with their academic studies "you learn how to work independently – they treat you like an adult". Subject teachers monitor all their students on a weekly basis, making a return to the Head of Sixth Form. This ensures that we spot issues immediately and support students to be successful at all times.

Sixth Form students are ambassadors for the school and are given more responsibility as we prepare them for more independence at University or in Employment.