Carly Yue: Fitfam Training And Nutrition

About Carly Yue: Fitfam Training And Nutrition

Online personal trainer, nutritionist, clinical weight loss practitioner & pre and post natal trainer.



Completely agree that celebs endorsing harmful and ineffective diets needs to stop. I still have females young and old approach me and ask my advice about quick fix diets, shakes and pills. For reference; My answer will always be learn to love yourself, exercise effectively and eat healthy, wholesome food most of the time.
As an informed, educated and experienced fitness professional I will wholeheartedly tell you that there is nothing more dangerous than promoting products ...that claim to suppress appetites, give us the ‘perfect ‘ body or offer dramatic weight loss miracles.
I’ve suffered from a range of eating disorders, anorexia, bulimia, laxative abuse. As a teenager, I would have taken any pill or tried any diet that was offered to me. I was vulnerable, uneducated and didn’t understand the effects of dieting. I wrongly believed that eating less was good, a weight loss strategy free of consequences. I didn’t understand that bodies and brains need enough food.
The human body is designed to eat for survival. Anyone who claims that suppressing your appetite, eating next to nothing or popping pills is a good idea, is in my opinion immoral, ignorant and needs to keep their shit opinions to themselves.
Bodies come in all shapes and sizes. They are all to be celebrated. Eating real food is a basic survival requirement. As well as a sociable and pleasurable experience. Your brain needs food as much as your body. Carbohydrates fuel your brain too...
We all have an obligation to educate our youngsters, celebrities more so than the average person. Diets do not work. Eating lots of tasty, healthy food, exercise, some treats and learning to accept the body we were given and recognise that we, as individuals are more than our weight, our dress size, our body fat is the message that needs to be spread.
Yes looking good, being healthy and feeling confident is important in our society today. As a personal trainer, I empathise with that entirely. But it must never be at the expense of our physical or mental health.
Food keeps us alive. Feeling guilty for eating is as daft as feeling bad for breathing. It’s a basic human need.…/celebrity- diet-aids-spon-posts…
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If you’re thinking about personal training & haven’t read through my reviews... check them out.
Most of us are nervous when we think about asking someone for help 🤯
Be reassured that I’ll make training fun, interesting and put you at ease 💯 %


This is so true.
Let’s apply this solely to fitness & health...
Whether your goal is to feel confident on the beach or reduce your lower back pain from being over weight.
... You can make the required changes. It just takes TIME. It takes COMMITMENT. It takes acknowledging that you need and want to change.
With small, daily changes and consistency you can make HUGE life transforming, sustainable differences to the way that you feel and look.
There’s no miracle or quick fix. Change takes TIME and time passes regardless of how we choose to use it.
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This... ❤️




Great work from Alex this morning !! 💪🏻💦😍


Let’s talk portion size.
Are you eating well but not seeing the results you expect? Have you been sticking to portion sizes or kidding yourself?
Let’s take peanut butter as an example. This is a tasty, healthy fat (good fat is needed by our bodies to be healthy and feel good, also helps us feel full and keeps our skin and hair lovely!) we need it, in moderation.
... A teaspoon of Peanut butter has around 100 calories. A teaspoon serving being, a flat spoon full. If you heap the peanut butter on your spoon you can easily increase those calories to 200-300 and if you’re having a couple of servings a day... hmmm, well you do the math.
To put that in to perspective, imagine you have 2 x teaspoon peanut butter each day which should be 200 calories BUT you unintentionally over eat, potentially you’re adding up to 400 EXTRA calories to your daily intake, not to mention around 24 extra grams of fat.
400 calories is the equivalent of:
‼️ 4 slices of bread
‼️ 2 chocolate bars
‼️ 3/4 bottle of wine
‼️ 3 bags of crisps
The moral of this story is that, over eating can easily be done. For low calorie foods like veggies or chicken this may not matter TOO much now and again, but for calorie dense fats, over eating could mean the difference between weight loss and unintended weight gain.
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Damn tasty!! 😍😍


Holiday by TUI 😎
Glasses by Tiffany 💍
Derrière by moi! 🤣
... Those squats have defo paid off Fiona! 😊
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Top marks to Claire!! Here’s an array of her meals from this week!
Claire’s just started a new fancy job, she’s renovating her house, she travels from Harrogate to Barnsley to see me every week!!
She’s busy. She has every reason to make excuses but guess what?!
... She’s told all her excuses to do one! 🖕🏼
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A new 🏠 exercise performed by Jasmine using a balloon 🎈🤣


Making changes to your lifestyle is not easy. It requires you to change your routine, make time & effort for exercise, food preparation & can initially be a daily struggle to "give up" the ease & apparent comfort of your old ways.
Rather than think "I can't have that chocolate" or "I feel I'm missing out" concentrate on the amazing things your new lifestyle will open you up to...
Clearer skin ... More energy Happier New friends Less aches & pains Health Deceased depression & anxiety Self control Increased self confidence Increased strength Looking amazing on your wedding day Feeling confident in a bikini Wearing tight jeans
Focus on what you CAN have, forget about what you CAN'T!! 💜💜
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Lil squat sesh by Jasmine!! 😍
Squats are arguably the king (or queen) of all exercises! 👑
They don't just help you achieve wonderful, toned legs but promote all over muscle building by creating an anabolic (muscle building) environment in the body.
... They work your quads, hamstrings, calves, ab muscles, lower back and your butt too.
They can inadvertently help you to achieve fat loss around your tummy area too!! 💪🏻
Go Jas!! 💜💜💜
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Lovely recommendation from Claire!
I’ve worked with Claire on and off for almost 5 years.
She’s moved around the country and now landed in Harrogate and takes a 2.5 hour journey twice a week to train with me... 🤦🏻‍♀️
... If that’s not a massive compliment, I dunno what is!! 🤷🏻‍♀️💪🏻😘
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Go on lad!! Get in there!! 🐶🤣


Eating breakfast is my number 1 fitness rule.
Eating the right types of foods is a must.
What you eat in the morning sets up your entire day. From how you feel, your energy levels, likelihood to snack or have cravings later in the day and even regulates your emotions and ability to handle stress.
... Here are some Balanced breakfast ideas!! Healthy & tasty!!
Porridge made with 50g of oats, almond milk, square 85 per cent chocolate and handful of berries
Omelette made with 2 eggs and 2 sliced mushrooms, 50g lean ham.
Eggs Florentine made with 2 poached eggs, a handful of spinach and 25g grated low fat cheese.
2 slices wholemeal toast topped with 10 grilled vine tomatoes, 1/3 avocado and 50g lean ham.
Frittata made with 2 eggs, 25g feta cheese and a small handful of fresh mint.
2 eggs scrambled and served with 3 baked tomatoes and 1 whole meal bagel.
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I receive SO many enquiries about my food plans I thought an info post would help...
💜 12 weeks for £125 😍
💛 Tailor made to suit you 🙏🏼
... 💜 Cheat meal or day EVERY week 😳
💛 Alcohol permitted 🤭
💜 Weekly check ins 🙌🏻
💛 Bi weekly progress checks 😊
💜 Clean eating guide 😀
💛 Food prep guide 👌🏼
💜 Text/Email support 📱
💛 Exclusive client FB group access 👭
I currently have 5 new openings available.
Read my reviews and contact me for more info or to join the team!
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Training with Carly was great - varied training sessions and clearly keeps a note on what you did last time / strengths/ areas to development. My strength improved quite quickly and Carly minimised my reoccurring knee problem by training the lazy muscles to get working (not causing my stronger ones to take over like they have been for years). That has been a massive improvement in my general day to day life and training ! Carly’s approach to training/encouragement is spot on (I don’t respond well to being shouted) and is very personable. You also don’t see her regurgitating the same work outs all day like some other trainers do. I highly recommend Carly to anyone, particularly anyone who has doubts about approaching a personal trainer.


Training with Carly is about more than just getting fit or losing weight. Over the past 4 years, she’s helped me overcome demons with food, improve my health, happiness and self-confidence. Not to mention getting me into the best shape of my life! When you train with Carly you become part of her team - we support and motivate each other, share ideas for recipes, do group sessions together and just generally have fun! She’s a PT like you’ll never have experienced before - and she’s awesome! Down to earth, fun, understanding and approachable but with more knowledge and know-how than you’d think possible. Plus, have you seen her?? #Goals ��


Training with Carly has been one of the best things I've ever done - she takes a full on and caring approach to training that is so infectious and positive. From day 1 She spoke to me and listened to my needs and my goals and guided me through a tailored training and neutrician plan. I can't believe the results so far- mentally and physically. I am stronger, leaner, more kind to myself and healthier in all areas of my life. Training with Carly is so much more than turning up to the gym for an hour - it is an investment in improving yourself and your health. I could go on and on about this amazing woman and the ways in which knowing her and training with her has helped me - but instead I will just tell you to book a session or speak to her and see the progress begin!


The most amazing PT I've ever had. Carly is down to earth and incredibly friendly. She made me feel at ease as soon as we started talking.

At 30st when I first started training with Carly she helped not only my fitness but my state of mind and outlook on life. My journey has by no means been the easiest or smoothest. I needed To start loosing weight to pass for gastric surgery once that happened I spent 3 months in hospital as I had a inch and half hole in my stomach and was aloud any thing to eat or drink. And through it all Carly was there to help and support where she could.

She is an amazing person everyone needs in there life I'm 12stone down and still going. None of this wow have been possible without Carly and her knowledge to help every step of the way.


I've worked with Carly for over a year now and it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. She is so knowledgeable and supportive and she works you hard!! I've achieved more than I knew I was capable of and my confidence is soaring. She's a bloody legend and has become a great friend. I'd recommend Carly to anybody!


I can not recommend this lady enough!!! She helped me get into shape for my wedding and is still at it keeping me on track not just with training but with food too!!


Carly absolutely awesome! When I’m back up north next I with be booking another session with you!


Best thing I did was start training with Carly I never imagined being able to go in a gym let alone stand in front of a mirror and do hiit training. She has helped me with my mental health as well as my physical health. I’ve finally met someone who understands what I need to do and what parts I need to work she’s amazing xx


Training with Carly was great - varied training sessions and clearly keeps a note on what you did last time / strengths/ areas to development. My strength improved quite quickly and Carly minimised my reoccurring knee problem by training the lazy muscles to get working (not causing my stronger ones to take over like they have been for years). That has been a massive improvement in my general day to day life and training ! Carly’s approach to training/encouragement is spot on (I don’t respond well to being shouted) and is very personable. You also don’t see her regurgitating the same work outs all day like some other trainers do. I highly recommend Carly to anyone, particularly anyone who has doubts about approaching a personal trainer.


Training with Carly is about more than just getting fit or losing weight. Over the past 4 years, she’s helped me overcome demons with food, improve my health, happiness and self-confidence. Not to mention getting me into the best shape of my life! When you train with Carly you become part of her team - we support and motivate each other, share ideas for recipes, do group sessions together and just generally have fun! She’s a PT like you’ll never have experienced before - and she’s awesome! Down to earth, fun, understanding and approachable but with more knowledge and know-how than you’d think possible. Plus, have you seen her?? #Goals ��


Training with Carly has been one of the best things I've ever done - she takes a full on and caring approach to training that is so infectious and positive. From day 1 She spoke to me and listened to my needs and my goals and guided me through a tailored training and neutrician plan. I can't believe the results so far- mentally and physically. I am stronger, leaner, more kind to myself and healthier in all areas of my life. Training with Carly is so much more than turning up to the gym for an hour - it is an investment in improving yourself and your health. I could go on and on about this amazing woman and the ways in which knowing her and training with her has helped me - but instead I will just tell you to book a session or speak to her and see the progress begin!


The most amazing PT I've ever had. Carly is down to earth and incredibly friendly. She made me feel at ease as soon as we started talking.

At 30st when I first started training with Carly she helped not only my fitness but my state of mind and outlook on life. My journey has by no means been the easiest or smoothest. I needed To start loosing weight to pass for gastric surgery once that happened I spent 3 months in hospital as I had a inch and half hole in my stomach and was aloud any thing to eat or drink. And through it all Carly was there to help and support where she could.

She is an amazing person everyone needs in there life I'm 12stone down and still going. None of this wow have been possible without Carly and her knowledge to help every step of the way.


I've worked with Carly for over a year now and it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. She is so knowledgeable and supportive and she works you hard!! I've achieved more than I knew I was capable of and my confidence is soaring. She's a bloody legend and has become a great friend. I'd recommend Carly to anybody!


I can not recommend this lady enough!!! She helped me get into shape for my wedding and is still at it keeping me on track not just with training but with food too!!


Carly absolutely awesome! When I’m back up north next I with be booking another session with you!


Best thing I did was start training with Carly I never imagined being able to go in a gym let alone stand in front of a mirror and do hiit training. She has helped me with my mental health as well as my physical health. I’ve finally met someone who understands what I need to do and what parts I need to work she’s amazing xx


Training with Carly was great - varied training sessions and clearly keeps a note on what you did last time / strengths/ areas to development. My strength improved quite quickly and Carly minimised my reoccurring knee problem by training the lazy muscles to get working (not causing my stronger ones to take over like they have been for years). That has been a massive improvement in my general day to day life and training ! Carly’s approach to training/encouragement is spot on (I don’t respond well to being shouted) and is very personable. You also don’t see her regurgitating the same work outs all day like some other trainers do. I highly recommend Carly to anyone, particularly anyone who has doubts about approaching a personal trainer.


Training with Carly is about more than just getting fit or losing weight. Over the past 4 years, she’s helped me overcome demons with food, improve my health, happiness and self-confidence. Not to mention getting me into the best shape of my life! When you train with Carly you become part of her team - we support and motivate each other, share ideas for recipes, do group sessions together and just generally have fun! She’s a PT like you’ll never have experienced before - and she’s awesome! Down to earth, fun, understanding and approachable but with more knowledge and know-how than you’d think possible. Plus, have you seen her?? #Goals ��


Training with Carly has been one of the best things I've ever done - she takes a full on and caring approach to training that is so infectious and positive. From day 1 She spoke to me and listened to my needs and my goals and guided me through a tailored training and neutrician plan. I can't believe the results so far- mentally and physically. I am stronger, leaner, more kind to myself and healthier in all areas of my life. Training with Carly is so much more than turning up to the gym for an hour - it is an investment in improving yourself and your health. I could go on and on about this amazing woman and the ways in which knowing her and training with her has helped me - but instead I will just tell you to book a session or speak to her and see the progress begin!


The most amazing PT I've ever had. Carly is down to earth and incredibly friendly. She made me feel at ease as soon as we started talking.

At 30st when I first started training with Carly she helped not only my fitness but my state of mind and outlook on life. My journey has by no means been the easiest or smoothest. I needed To start loosing weight to pass for gastric surgery once that happened I spent 3 months in hospital as I had a inch and half hole in my stomach and was aloud any thing to eat or drink. And through it all Carly was there to help and support where she could.

She is an amazing person everyone needs in there life I'm 12stone down and still going. None of this wow have been possible without Carly and her knowledge to help every step of the way.


I've worked with Carly for over a year now and it's one of the best things I've ever done for myself. She is so knowledgeable and supportive and she works you hard!! I've achieved more than I knew I was capable of and my confidence is soaring. She's a bloody legend and has become a great friend. I'd recommend Carly to anybody!


I can not recommend this lady enough!!! She helped me get into shape for my wedding and is still at it keeping me on track not just with training but with food too!!


Carly absolutely awesome! When I’m back up north next I with be booking another session with you!


Best thing I did was start training with Carly I never imagined being able to go in a gym let alone stand in front of a mirror and do hiit training. She has helped me with my mental health as well as my physical health. I’ve finally met someone who understands what I need to do and what parts I need to work she’s amazing xx

More about Carly Yue: Fitfam Training And Nutrition

Carly Yue: Fitfam Training And Nutrition is located at Barnsley
+44 7834 996469