Carole Druyoga

About Carole Druyoga

Classes, workshops and retreats to enhance energy and wellbeing with a caring teacher. Carole's Dru yoga classes are for every. . . . body.



Long long ago in what now seems like a past life, I was a Cell Biologist. I love to learn the science behind how yoga works. Inflammation (sometimes brought on through stress) can cause body aches, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, arthritis and depression. Many of our Dru Yoga practices stimulate the vagus nerve to increase our ‘rest and digest’ response . Not only do you feel more calm, but symptoms of dis ease can be eased. posts/2170091996380112?s=1322694113& sfns=mo


How to forgive? ........The answer is to practice gratitude, every walk, every meeting or chat with a loved one, everytime you eat, every smile, every day. /10214318111249648…


Great news! 😀✨👌Who doesn’t want improved strength, flexibility, mental health and sleep? My classes are suitable for all, with mindful, flowing movement, breathing techniques and a 15 min guided deep relaxation. 10156014634601793…


Hopefully if all goes well the horses should leave the Yorkshire Dales and arrive in Suffolk later on today. All arranged with huge difficulty and some unnecessary nastiness through the solicitors managing my late ex husbands estate. It cut so deeply that people I lived with for 15 years felt unable to talk directly to me about the horses or so much as text ‘okay’ back to me. I still don’t know if their new headcollars and lead ropes arrived, if there is haylage for them for ...the journey as hay will kill Peta (the little one) as she’s allergic, if any of my equipment will be sent on or even if they will be stabled or tied up ready for the driver to pick them up. Luckily Douglas Horse Transport have been amazing, even managing to communicate with the executors of my ex husbands will so at least I know that they know the lorry is coming. It’s never been in the slightest disputed that I would take them after my ex died, but the solicitor wrote aggressive nasty emails. I suppose if they can create a dispute where there is non, it earns them more money. My life was ripped apart when I had to leave my ex (even though I still worshipped every bone in his body), my home and my horses. When I left the farm 4 years ago I was so sick with a stress reaction, I could barely think straight. I’d been off work for 5 months, when I got back to work all I could do was work and sleep and look after me and Tom and Claire. I was so broke and soon to lose my job, I needed to provide for my human family. I stupidly accepted that my ex would provide no maintenance, but would provide grazing for the horses (not vets, not farrier, not insurance). Again stupidly I’d sold my smallholding and invested in doing up the farm house. This meant I had to lose them or visit my ex frequently. So I lost them and cut myself off from a huge part of what brought me so much joy throughout my entire life. In the meantime I have got myself so well (mainly through Dru Yoga and meditation), I now have excess energy, I’ve moved and created a life surrounded only by people who are kind to me and have retrained and started my own yoga business. I still don’t think I could teach in schools again, but health and happiness is everything. I know I have the vitality and vision to keep building my income so I can keep these big babies (age 20 and 23) until their dying day.
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Beach day at Walberswick. Mostly just chillin’, but some meditation too. Awareness: far outward, far and wide, noticing space, between you and the ground, between you and the people you see, around you, above you, outward, outward, outward. Thought: ‘Oneness’. You are never alone. You are one with all the people, not just those close to you, not just the people you are with at each moment, but all peoples, beyond the horizon, all over the planet Earth. You are connected. 💕💕💕


Daily practice, prayer and meditation is not always easy. It became easier when 5 years ago (although I’d practiced yoga for 18 years already), I began again to really seek out teachers who would mentor me. A good teacher builds confidence and motivates you to be a better you. When I say my prayer of thanks for my teachers each morning, it stops just after Professor Rumsby at York uni (he was the first person who made me realise I was bright and had a gift for scientific rese...arch - I thought I was just a cute blonde till then), then Mr Coles (my first headteacher who told me I was Queen if my science lab in his huge secondary school and proceeded to treat me as such, paying huge respect to me in all matters - I was only 23). Then after a gap of 24 years (big mistake) I found my yoga teacher, then the team of Dru Yoga tutors for my teacher training (noting that it’s nice to have female mentors too for a change). I continue to learn and I continue to seek out teachers. 10155982001031793…
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Still a few places left on our summer workshop.


All the Mummy ducks thought Outdoor Yoga would reduce stress for the baby ducks during SATS week so brought them along to the mushrooms at Needham Lake.

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Would you like to try YOGA in STOWMARKET? Thurs 1:45-3pm Rookery Bowls Club IP14 1PN Thurs 7-8:15pm St Mary’s Community Centre IP14 1LS Dru Yoga is a gentle flowing yoga for all bodies. Everybody is welcome and it is fun! 😀✨ Please phone or text 07976119081, email or PM me or just come along to try. £8 or £35 for 5 lessons. Take a look at too to find out more. Classes also held in NEEDHAM MARKET Mon eve and Weds morning.... This is EBR4! This is what we need. Here I am ‘plugging in’ to my highest intention with the pose of Sita, swooping into fearless flight (taking action), then letting all those good intentions settle deep in my heart with the Pose of Tranquility. I like how the pause after the out breath becomes longer as I settle with arms across the heart. This is what we call a ‘still point’ in the sequence and is a big part of Dru. The ability to take dynamic and determined actions whilst remaining calm is a powerful gift. This is just the start of a gentle yet potent sequence. EBR stands for Energy Block Release. These sequences are unique to Dru yoga. The do exactly that....removed that blocked feeling that can make you feel so weary. They let you shine again. ✨✨✨ We’re just starting EBR4 this week so please come along to a class, try it and see if it works for you.
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Classes, workshops and retreats to enhance energy and wellbeing with a caring teacher. Dru yoga is a gentle but potent form of yoga. Dru yoga classes are for EVERY......BODY. Classes held in STOWMARKET, IPSWICH and NEEDHAM MARKET. For more information, take a look at


Images like this are commonly shared as inspirational! They make me angry. It was tough enough having to be young skinny and beautiful. Now we’re expected to be old, skinny and beautiful. I could most definitely accept my body if it looked like this. I actually adore my body with its short sturdy legs, contented Buddha belly, strong arms with wobbly bits underneath. I love how most of the skin is wrinkly, but secret parts that haven’t seen so much sun are soft and smooth. I ...especially love my heart beat and my breath, my vitality after suffering chronic fatigue some years ago. Images like the one above continue to put pressure on old women....’you must still work hard and starve to be slim and fit. You must never put on curves, your hair should be long a girly, beauty is prized, your achievements (even if it’s just surviving) count for nothing.’ I’m absolutely sick of it. Is it men doing this or are women doing it to each other. it! I’m going to stay fit, eat well and move lots, but put on a little weight now because it’s taking up my precious energy trying not to. I have more important things to do. I’m on a mission don’t you know? You’ll know I’ve really stopped listening to the media and stopped looking at these photos when I cut my long ‘pretty’ gold locks off and have short brown, not the glossy kind, but the dull mousy kind of hair with grey bits, not the gorgeous totally grey hair that others are instantly blessed with and is currently fashionable. Why don’t they post a photo of Theresa May....she has power? Oh... because she’s not pretty... and girls must be pretty. OMG and she dances badly (that’s apparently only a requirement for female leaders). I’m lucky I am pretty and can dance, but why is that so valued? What a pile of shit for women still in this day and age.
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Don’t forget to book your place.


‘It’s just a perfect day’ down at Needham Lake for Outdoor yoga. Nice surprise when my girl showed up after her run around the lake. Come along and join us 10-11 Fridays £5. Meet at the mushrooms sculpture at the Station Field end of the Lake. (No outdoor yoga 3rd May)


Beautiful fishy swimming in the sea (Matsyasana), be careful what you say after. This one really opens up the throat area and will help you ‘find your voice’.

More about Carole Druyoga